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The meta-basic volcanic rocks in the Tengtiaohe Zone yield zircon U–Pb ages of 258.8±2.5 Ma and 259.2±1.8 Ma, respectively which agree with the ages of flood basalts of ELIP and are similar to the basaltic rocks and komatiites from the Song Da Zone in northern Vietnam. The results suggest that the age of meta-basic volcanic rocks is Late Permian, rather than the Early Permian or Early Carboniferous ages as previously inferred. Most meta-basic volcanic rocks are strongly enriched in LREEs relative to HREEs and display trace element patterns similar to the ELIP high-Ti basalts, and are enriched in LILEs with negative Sr anomalies. Their initial ~(87)Sr/~(86) Sr ratios range from 0.705974 to 0.706188 and εNd(t) from-0.82 to-2.11. Their magmas were derived from an enriched and deep mantle source without significant crustal contamination. These meta-basic volcanic rocks formed in ELIP. Therefore, the Tengtiaohe Zone is not an ophiolite zone and can link to the Song Da Zone in northern Vietnam.  相似文献   
河南嵩县南部熊耳群古火山构造保存完整,喷发旋回清晰,火山岩相及爆发相主要岩石种类齐全.其主要喷发类型为裂隙式喷发,次为中心式喷发,主要受区域基底断裂控制,且沿区域切壳深大断裂带呈串珠状分布.表明基底断裂→火山喷发带→区域断裂带是一个连续发展的过程.区内金及部分有色金属矿产与熊耳群古火山活动密切关联,古火山口爆发角砾岩产出地段是寻找该类型金矿的最佳地段,受古火山构造控制的古火山口及其周边的中性、酸性次火山岩脉(墙),是寻找钼、金、铅锌多金属矿产的有利部位.  相似文献   
Alkaline lavas were erupted as phonolites and trachytes around Karaburhan (Sivrihisar–Eskisehir, NW Anatolia) within the Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan suture zone. These volcanic rocks were emplaced as domes, close and parallel to the ophiolite thrust line. According to 40Ar/39Ar geochronological analyses of sanidine crystals from the phonolites, the age of the alkaline volcanics is 25 Ma (Late Oligocene–Early Miocene).The flow-textured phonolites are porphyritic and consist mainly of sanidine, clinopyroxene, and feldspathoid crystals. The clinopyroxenes show compositional zoning, with aegirine (Na0.82–0.96Fe+30.68–0.83) rims and aegirine–augite cores (containing calcium, magnesium, and Fe+2). Some aegirine–augites are replaced with sodium-, calcium-, and magnesium-rich amphibole (hastingsite). Feldspathoid (hauyne) crystals enriched with elemental Na and Ca have been almost completely altered to zeolite and carbonate minerals. The fine-grained trachytes with a trachytic texture consist of feldspar (oligoclase and sanidine) phenocrystals and clinopyroxene microphenocrystals within a groundmass made up largely of alkali feldspar microlites.Although there are some differences in their element patterns, the phonolites and trachytes exhibit enrichment in LILEs (Sr, K, Rb, Ba, Th) and LREEs (La, Ce, Pr, Nd) and negative anomalies in Nb and Ta. These geochemical characteristics indicate a lithospheric mantle enriched by fluids extracted from the subduction component. In addition, the high 87Sr/86Sr (0.706358–0.708052) and low 143Nd/144Nd (0.512546–0.512646) isotope concentrations of the alkaline lavas reflect a mantle source that has undergone metasomatism by subduction-derived fluids. Petrogenetic modeling indicates that the alkaline lavas generated from the subduction-modified lithospheric mantle have undergone assimilation, fractional crystallization, and crustal contamination, acquiring high Pb, Ba, Rb, and Sr contents and Pb isotopic compositions during their ascent through the thickened crust in an extensional setting.  相似文献   
火山玻璃风化层的透射电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用透射电镜(TEM)和X射线能谱(EDX)研究了长白山天池火山1000年和4000年前两次大喷发产生的火山玻璃风化层特征.TEM分析显示,4000年前大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层平均厚度3.7 mm,1000年前大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层平均厚度为1.0 mm.EDX分析显示,两次大喷发浮岩中的火山玻璃风化层化学组成与火山玻璃相比富Al、Fe,而si减少.火山玻璃风化层富Al发生在Al的浓度较高的中到弱酸溶液中(pH=5~6),火山玻璃表面形成含有少量的非晶质的Al、Si、Fe物质,这些非品质的次生物质是火山玻璃风化早期阶段形成的.天池火山喷发物中火山玻璃的微观特征的差异可能与火山喷发年代和喷发后的环境有关,研究天池火山不同期次喷发物中火山玻璃的微观特征具有一定的理论和实际应用价值.  相似文献   
藏北羌塘火车头山新生代火山岩可区分为钙碱性及碱性两个不同的系列.钙碱性火山岩主要岩石组合为玄武岩-安山岩-英安岩,其SiO2介于49%~70%之间,Al2O3>10%,Na2O/K2O>1;其中玄武岩具平坦型稀土配分型式,LREE/HREE为1.3~1.8,(La/Yb)N为2.87~4.45,无明显铕异常,δEu为0.96~1.09;该套岩石的Mg#与SiO2相关关系以及La/Sm-La等亲岩浆元素与超亲岩浆元素协变关系表明,它们应为幔源岩浆经分离结晶演化的产物,其岩石组合类型以及低的Sm/Yb值(Sm/Yb=1.53~5.35)表明它们的原始岩浆应来源于岩石圈地幔尖晶石二辉橄榄岩的局部熔融.本区碱性火山岩为一套典型的钾质岩石系列,主要岩石组合类型为碱玄岩-碱玄质响岩-响岩,其SiO2介于44%~59%之间,Al2O3>14%,Na2O/K2O介于0.47~1.51之间;岩石轻稀土强烈富集,LREE/HREE为13.20~15.76,(La/Yb)N=50.44~91.99;其岩石组合类型以及Mg^#与SiO2相关关系以及La/Sm-La协变关系同样表明它们为共源岩浆分离结晶演化的产物;然而,其较高的Sm/Yb值(Sm/Yb=2.63~13.98)表明它们并非地幔橄榄岩直接局部熔融的产物,岩石弱的负Eu异常(δEu=0.77~0.85)以及Th、U的强烈富集和Nb、Ta的相对亏损,又反映了原始岩浆中有显著的地壳物质的贡献;该套钾质碱性系列岩石在La/Co-Th/Co同分母协变图上呈直线型分布,而在La/Co-Sc/Th异分母协变图上呈显著的双曲线分布,从而表明其源区为二源混合型,是青藏高原特殊的壳幔混合层局部熔融的产物,这些特征是新生代青藏高原壳幔层圈物质交换的重要岩石学证据.  相似文献   
460铀-钼矿床控矿因素及矿床成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
沈光银 《矿产与地质》2007,21(5):509-514
460矿床是上世纪80年代在冀北沽源中生代火山断陷盆地西部发现的大型铀-钼矿床。在对该矿床野外实地调研的基础上,结合矿床地质详查和矿床专题科研报告的综合分析,对矿床的控矿因素进行了系统总结。研究结果表明,矿床受NE向断裂(F45)和火山构造的联合控制;火山活动晚期沿断裂和中心式火山机构侵入的次流纹斑岩体是矿床定位的决定性因素;铀-钼矿化主要产于次流纹斑岩体产状变异部位或接触带附近;容矿构造为次流纹斑岩体接触带构造、隐爆角砾岩和J3z^3-5川层流纹岩中的层间裂隙带。研究认为,铀矿化受断裂构造、火山机构、岩浆活动、热液蚀变等作用的复合控制,其中火山口-火山通道相的次流纹斑岩体是主要的控矿因素。  相似文献   
Neogene volcanic rocks in the Belog Co area, Qiangtang, northern Tibet, are represented by a typical intermediate-basic and intermediate alkaline rock association, with latite-trachyte as the main rock type. The results of chemical analysis are: SiO2=52%–62%, Al2O3>15%, Na2O/K2O>1 and MgO<3.30%. In addition, the volcanic rocks are LREE-enriched with LREE/HREE=10–13, (La/Yb)N=15–19, and show a weak negative Eu anomaly with δEu=0.71–0.89. The close relationship between Mg# and SiO2 and the co-variation of the magmatophile elements and ultra-magmatophile elements such as La/Sm-La and Cr-Tb indicate that this association of volcanic rocks is the product of comagmatic fractional crystallization. The rock association type and lower Sm/Yb values (Sm/Yb=3.23–3.97) imply that this association of volcanic rocks should have originated from partial melting of spinel lherzolite in the lithospheric mantle. On the other hand, the weak negative Eu anomaly and relative depletion in Nb, Ta and Ti reflect the features of terrigenous magma. So the Neogene Belog Co alkaline volcanic rocks should be the result of partial melting of the special crust-mantle transition zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   
近50年火山喷发和太阳活动对我国气候影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
贾朋群  石广玉 《高原气象》2001,20(3):225-233
利用特征向量分析与时序叠加分析和谱分析相结合的方法,分析了近50a来我国地面气温和降水场中火山喷发和太阳活动的气候信号,强烈的火山喷发导致全国大部分地区降温,喷发1a多以后降温最明显,并能持续约半年。除这个主信号以外,青藏高原、东南沿海和东北地区都可能出现较为复杂的温度变化,温度变化与太阳活动之间的联系更多地反映在二者的振荡关系上。在降水场中的火山信号较弱,表现为火山喷发后的秋冬季节南方地区降水偏多。在青藏高原积雪和深层地温的变化中,没有发现火山和太阳活动信号。  相似文献   
A 600-year integration performed with the Bergen Climate Model and National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data were used to investigate the impact of strong tropical volcanic eruptions on the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and EASM rainfall.Both the simulation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data show a weakening of the EASM in strong eruption years.The model simulation suggests that North and South China experience droughts and the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley experiences floods during eruption years.In response to strong tropical volcanic eruptions,the meridional air temperature gradient in the upper troposphere is enhanced,which leads to a southward shift and an increase of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet stream (EASWJ).At the same time,the land-sea thermal contrast between the Asian land mass and Northwest Pacific Ocean is weakened.The southward shift and increase of the EASWJ and reduction of the land-sea thermal contrast all contribute to a weakening of the EASM and EASM rainfall anomaly.  相似文献   
赣南火山岩型铀矿分布规律及找矿前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赣南地区具有良好的铀成矿地质背景,已成为我国重要的火山岩型铀矿产铀基地。笔者根据在赣南数十年的找铀实践,运用深源成矿和多元成矿理论,深入研究了区内南岭和武夷山两条岩浆岩铀-多金属成矿带中生代3个火山活动旋回的特征及其与铀矿的成生关系,总结了赣南火山岩型铀矿的分布规律、成矿模式及找矿思路,从而提出了4片有望发展成为铀矿大基地的靶区。  相似文献   
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