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土壤铅含量高光谱遥感反演中波段选择方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用高光谱遥感数据进行了南京郊外土壤重金属元素铅的含量反演,由于高光谱数据波段众多,波段选择或变换至关重要。比较了基于次贪婪的前向选择模型的最小角度拟合和基于遗传算法进行波段选择的最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果发现基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘反演结果优于全波段的偏最小二乘,表明波段选择在高光谱反演重金属中是有益的。尽管采取了波段选择后的各方法在反演时均能达到70%以上的训练精度,但因遗传算法搜索的解空间范围更宽广,使得基于遗传算法的偏最小二乘优于前向选择模型的最小角度拟合。最后还比较了基于遗传算法的普通最小二乘和偏最小二乘拟合,结果表明偏最小二乘更优,因此在高光谱反演重金属含量当中,偏最小二乘精度较高,而在波段选择方法中,遗传算法更优。  相似文献   
2009年4月9—12日黄海海域发生了一次受高压系统影响的海雾过程。利用卫星观测与探空数据、WRF模式(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)对此次海雾过程及相伴的大气波导进行了观测分析与数值模拟。海雾与波导发展可分为3个阶段:(1)大气波导先于海雾存在于黄海海面;受高压下沉影响,黄海上空存在逆温层和较强的湿度梯度,表现为较强的贴海表面波导和非贴海表面波导。(2)海雾始于高压西部,并随高压系统逐渐东移减弱,向黄海北部扩展;辐射冷却虽然使雾顶附近逆温增强,但海雾的机械湍流使其顶部湿度梯度减小,雾顶附近对应弱悬空波导或波导消失。(3)高压系统影响使干空气下沉到雾区导致黄海海雾消散;雾顶附近逆温仍存在,同时湿度梯度增大,黄海上空逐渐变为非贴海表面波导。本研究结果表明:高压系统不仅极易为波导的发生提供有利条件,而且有利于海雾的生成,在海雾演变过程中主要是雾顶水汽梯度的变化导致了波导类型及强度的变化。  相似文献   
基于支持向量机的遥感大雾判识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘年庆  蒋建莹  吴晓京 《气象》2007,33(10):73-79
提出了一种基于支持向量机的卫星遥感数据大雾判识方法:首先通过对风云1D卫星大雾区域的各通道辐射值出现频次进行概率统计,利用其阈值来粗判识大雾;然后在粗判识的基础上通过支持向量机的方法进行大雾细判识;最后利用腐蚀和膨胀的图像处理技术对判识后的图像进行优化处理。在对我国2006年9-12月的65条监测到大雾的风云1D轨道的探测数据进行分析之后,发现大雾判识结果与专家标记吻合。检验结果表明,利用1、2、4、6、7、10通道组合进行粗判识的结果最好,5交叉正确率为89.9849%,TS评分为74.04%。利用上述方法对个例的分析检验表明,基于支持向量机的遥感大雾判识方法是切实可行的。  相似文献   
pH influence on sorption characteristics of heavy metal in the vadose zone   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sorption is an important process in the modelling and prediction of the movement of heavy metals in unsaturated clay barriers. This experimental study investigates the effect of pH changes in the acidic range on the sorption characteristics of heavy metals such as: lead, copper and zinc in an unsaturated soil. A series of one-dimensional coupled solute and moisture leaching column tests, using different heavy metal solutions, were conducted on an unsaturated illitic soil at varying pH values. Variations of volumetric water content (VWC) with distance were measured for different time durations, and concentrations of heavy metals in the liquid and solid phases were analysed. Partitioning coefficient profiles of contaminants along the soil column were determined for each individual layer in the soil.

Results from column leaching tests showed that the sorption characteristics of heavy metals are controlled by many factors which should be taken into consideration, i.e. the VWC, time of wetting, soil pH, and the influent heavy metal concentrations. Simplification of Kd as a constant and of the VWC as a linear function cannot be considered a good assumption and may lead to an improper evaluation of the sorption phenomena and also to serious errors in predicting contaminant transport through unsaturated soils.  相似文献   

张恒德  张碧辉  吕梦瑶  安林昌 《气象》2017,43(8):998-1004
静稳天气与大气重污染的发生有紧密联系,为定量描述大气的静稳程度,文章研发了静稳天气综合指数。结合统计和预报经验,挑选发生大气污染的气象要素及其阈值条件,通过权重求和得到初步构建静稳天气指数(SWI)。此后,基于近13年的气象数据,分段统计各气象要素不同区间内雾-霾天气出现概率相对气候态的倍数作为分指数,根据分指数最大值和最小值的比值排序,得到10个对静稳天气具有较强指示意义的气象要素,对这10个要素的分指数求和得到静稳天气指数。改进后的指数和PM_(2.5)浓度有更好的相关性。以2015年1月一次重污染过程为例,分析不同阶段SWI和AQI指数的变化,两者具有较好的一致性,均表现出发展阶段稳定增长,消散阶段迅速降低的特征。应用静稳天气指数评估发现,APEC减排期间京津冀地区大气静稳程度和减排之前相当,但污染持续时间和峰值强度较减排前明显降低。SWI可以在重污染天气预报和重大活动减排措施评估中得到有效应用。  相似文献   
The synoptic analysis of sea fog in western Antarctic sea region is made based on the observation data in the Chinese Antarctic station, Great Wall Station, from December 1994 to November 1995, and the facsimile weather charts issued by Chile. It is found that more than 90% fog in this region is the advection cooling fog. Also, the synoptic mechanism of the fog creation and distinction is discussed by analyzing the pressure field, the temperature field and the upperlevel stratification. Finally, the focus of attention in forecasting fog is pointed out.  相似文献   
茂名地区海雾的微物理结构特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
2007年3月16日至4月29日期间,在广东茂名海洋气象科学实验基地对海雾进行了连续观测,共取得51个雾滴谱样本,在此基础上分析了茂名地区海雾的微物理结构特征。观测分析表明:茂名地区海雾的雾滴谱分布符合Junge分布,平均数密度为57.1个/cm3,平均含水量为0.018 3 g/m3,算术平均直径为4.7μm,算术峰值直径为2.9μm。文中还比较了雾和轻雾情况下雾滴谱分布的不同特征,分析了能见度与含水量之间的关系。  相似文献   
A dual channel difference (DCD) method is applied to detect nighttime sea fog/stratus over the Huanghai Sea using the infrared (IR) data of shortwave (3.5–4.0 μm) and longwave (10.3–11.3 μm) channels from the Multi-functional Transport Satellite (MTSAT)-1R, i.e., shortwave minus longwave brightness temperature difference (SLTD). Twenty-four sea fog events over the Huanghai Sea during March to July of 2006 and 2007 are chosen to determine a suitable value of SLTD for nighttime sea fog/stratus detection, and ...  相似文献   
In 1994, a detailed marine environmental survey was carried out in surface sediments of the northern flank (Antikyra Bay) and the basin floor of the Gulf of Corinth. Metalliferous tailings (red-mud slurry) of a bauxite processing plant are discharged through a pipeline at a water depth of 100 m, in the Antikyra Bay, covering an area of 16 km2. The bauxitic tailings are detached from the main deposit at the outfalls, flow as turbidity currents downslope, and are redeposited on the basin floor of the Gulf of Corinth, where they cover an area of about 277 km2. One hundred sediment samples, that were collected from red-mud deposits and the surrounding natural sediments, were analyzed for Ag, Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Si, Ti, V, and Zn concentrations. Statistical analysis of the heavy metals concentrations using factor analysis allowed (i) an examination of the interrelations among metals and (ii) distinguishing possible sample groups on the basis of metal concentrations in order to study the mechanisms of transport of the red mud and the degree of mixing with natural sediments. Factor 1 (Al, Cr, Ti, Fe, Co, Ni, Pb, Ag, Hg, V, Cd, and Cu) and the positive pole of Factor 2 (Cu, Ag, Cd, and Hg) are red-mud factors, reflecting different metal behaviors, which are related to processes that take place during the transport and redeposition of the red mud. The negative poles of Factors 2 and 3 and the positive pole of Factor 4 are related to natural sediment supply processes. Q-mode factor analysis identifies three distinct sediment groups located in different areas, on the base of the degree of mixing of red mud with natural sediments.  相似文献   
Recent advances in sample preparation techniques and mass spectrometry have fostered more routine oxygen isotope analysis of aquatic cellulose in lake sediment cores, a proxy for lake water oxygen isotope history. These methodological developments have significantly increased the feasibility of incorporating this approach into high-resolution, multi-site, and multi-proxy studies, which are frequently necessary to answer complex hydrological, hydroecological and hydroclimatic questions requiring a paleoenvironmental perspective. Direct translation of lake sediment aquatic cellulose oxygen isotope composition into lake water oxygen isotope composition offers appreciable opportunity for quantitative paleohydrological reconstructions, as evidenced by studies conducted over the past 15 years that span Holocene and pre-historical timescales.  相似文献   
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