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对氯甲烷的海洋生物地球化学循环的研究进展进行述评。介绍了氯甲烷在海洋环境中的来源、分布、去除、海-气通量、大气氯甲烷的源、汇估算及海水中氯甲烷的分析方法等方面,并提出在国内海域进行氯甲烷研究的几点设想。  相似文献   
Geochemical characteristics of phosphorus near the Huanghe River estuary   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
INTRODUCTIONPhosphorus (P)isanimportantlimitingelementinglobaloceanicproductivity (Holland ,1 978) ,soknowledgeofPisakeytobetterunderstandingofthecyclingofcarbon ,nitrogen,sulfur,andothernu trientelements.Inasimplemassbalancemodel,thelevelofdissolvedPintheoceanisafunctionoftherateofinputviarivers,andtherateofoutputviadepositioninsediments.Inthepresentstudy,thefocusisontheriverinePinputbytheHuangheRiver (YellowRiver)totheBohaiSea,andespeciallyontheamountofPsolubilizedfromsolidphasesupo…  相似文献   
Using static chamber technique,fluxes of CO2,CH4 and N2O were measured in the alpine grassland area from July 2000 to July 2001,determinations of mean fluxes showed that CO2 and N2O were generally released from the soil,while the alpine grassland accounted for a weak CH4 sink.Fluxes of CO2,CH4 and N2O ranged widely.The highest CO2 emission occurred in August,whereas almost 90?of the whole year emission occurred in the growing season.But the variations of CH4 and N2O fluxes did not show any clear patterns over the one-year-experiment.During a daily variation,the maximum CO2 emission occurred at 16:00,and then decreased to the minimum emission in the early morning.Daily pattern analyses indicated that the variation in CO2 fluxes was positively related to air temperatures(R^2=0.73)and soil temperatures at a depth of 5 cm(R^2=0.86),whereas daily variations in CH4 and N2O fluxes were poorly explained by soil temperatures and climatic variables.CO2 emissions in this area were much lower than other grasslands in plain areas.  相似文献   
本文以z坐标下的三维斜压海洋动力学数值模式为基本模式原型 ,在整理渤海基本数据并诊断计算风生环流和热盐环流作为背景环流场基础上 ,初步建立了渤海海域动力环境数值模式。模式采用了经校正的Bagnold型方程来计算渤海底移质沉积物输运 ,悬移质计算则是取二维深度平均悬移质输运方程和河床变形方程 ,计算含沙量分布以及由悬移物引起的冲淤厚度。利用这种方法建立的沉积物输运模式 ,定量模拟了渤海沿岸和海底的沉积物输运方向和冲淤分布。模拟结果与通过多年实测水深估算获得的渤海海底沉积物的冲淤变化分布相比较 ,两者之间在基本结论上是比较一致的  相似文献   
曹晞雍  谢莉 《中国沙漠》2011,30(3):593-596
 拖曳力系数是计算风沙流中沙粒受空气阻力的重要参数。考虑实际风沙流中沙粒浓度及沙粒形状,利用FLUENT软件首先计算了不同风速下距地表不同高度处两沙粒的拖曳力系数,给出了影响沙粒拖曳力系数的间距范围,然后计算了真实风沙流中不同高度沙粒拖曳力系数。结果表明,给定风速下拖曳力系数随距地面高度的增加先减小后增加,并将沙粒拖曳力系数拟合成距床面高度的函数,该函数与风速有关。  相似文献   
N_2O是大气中最重要的温室气体之一,目前已经有大量的研究对海洋N_2O循环及海洋对N_2O收支的贡献进行追踪报道。然而,极区相关研究仍然十分有限。本研究利用中国第25、26次南极科学考察的机会,对南大洋进行的采样以及实验室分析,结果显示,南大洋表层海水存在亚热带锋附近N_2O过饱和,亚南极锋附近接近饱和,和极锋以南洋面的不饱和的特征。海冰融化后,其融冰水的注入是N2O不饱和特征形成的主要原因。运用正态分布选取站观测风速95%以上的风速范围进行平局估算出极锋以南洋区海气通量,结果显示,极锋区以南表层海水是大气N_2O的汇区,年吸收通量约为3.5×10~(-4)—7.7×10-4Tg·a-1(百万吨氮/年)。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONVitrinitereflectance(R.)canprovideagreatdealinfor-mationonthermalhistoryofabasin.Itisafunctionofmaximumpaleotemperatureandeffectiveheatingtime,inotherwords,afunctionofdepositionalrateandgeothermalgradientwithirreversiblecharacteristics.Butitalsohasacumulativeeffectthroughoutgeothermalevents.Paleotemperaturesaremainlycontro1ledbythebasalheatflowandheatgenerationfromradioactivesourceswithinthecrust.Themodelforde-terminingpaleoheatflowoflinearchangewithtimefr0mvitri-nitereflecta…  相似文献   
利用NCEP1°×1°的再分析资料,用大尺度水汽通量流函数和速度势以及水汽收支对台风“麦莎”在移动过程中水汽输送流函数和速度势进行了分析。结果表明:台风“麦沙”在北上过程中,主要有2支水汽通道,一支是从太平洋开始向西经赤道到达印度洋,在索马里转向,经过孟家加拉湾呈西南气流向西北方向输送;另一支来自副高南侧偏东气流。计算分析还表明,用无辐散风流场来定台风中心要比用总的流场更精确。  相似文献   
本文讨论Bowen数的意义、功能和计算法。同时,依据多年水文气象实测资料作统计,计算出东中国海的Bo值。其结果绘制成1月至12月的月平均分布图,从而对本海域的Bo分布特点作详细分析介绍。  相似文献   
The varved sediments of the dimictic Lake Sihailongwan (Long Gang mountain area, Jilin Province, Northeast China) represent a palaeoclimatic archive which documents the local precipitation frequency during the summer monsoon, and variations in the aeolian flux of dust with their remote sources in the arid and semi-arid regions of inner Asia. Based on a detailed discussion of sediment genesis in Lake SHL, dust flux rates and palaeohydrological conditions were reconstructed on a decadal scale over the past 220 years. The aeolian influx by dry and wet deposition was quantified and characterised in its chemical composition. Photosynthetic production in the lake is positively correlated with the inflow of nutrient-rich groundwater. The groundwater discharge largely reflects the strength of the summer monsoon. Net accumulation rates for biogenic silica were determined for annually laminated sediments from the centre of the U-shaped lake basin based on sediment data. In a Si-balance model of the modern lake, the depositional flux of biogenic silica could be independently quantified on the base of hydrochemical monitoring data. Comparison of the both estimates allowed to asses the focussing of the particle flux in the lake. Though water retention in Lake SHL is rather high (ca. 30 years), changes in the hydrological conditions are sensitively recorded in the sediments because (i) nutrient-rich groundwater discharges into the productive zone of the lake, (ii) a substantial proportion of the total dissolved Si-inventory of the mixed lake (ca. 30%) is annually consumed by diatom growth, and (3) sediment accumulation is substantially focussed towards the flat bottom of the lake basin. The bulk siliciclastic sediment fraction (ca. 75 wt.%) largely originates from influx of dust of remote provenance. In sediment thin-sections, the dry-deposited dust fraction is microscopically identifiable as seasonal silt layer. Aeolian input by wet-deposition shows a distinctly higher variability than the influx of dust by dry-deposition. As diatom production, wet-deposition of dust is positively correlated with the rainfall during the summer monsoon. The inferred positive correlation between rainfall and dust flux during the summer monsoon implies that dust deposition is determined by the out-wash efficiency of mineral particles for a permanent high atmospheric dust concentration over Northeast China in the last 220 years.  相似文献   
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