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2008年深圳洪涝灾害的气候背景和环流条件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用NCC/CMA资料分析了2008年6月深圳降水异常事件的成因,结果认为:2007年7月—2008年2月赤道西太平洋海表温度异常偏低、2008年前冬今春青藏高原积雪面积偏大是深圳异常降水事件的前期气候背景;2008年6月东亚阻塞高压的异常强大及乌拉尔山长波槽的异常加深发展,促进了经向环流异常增强;偏强的冷空气以阶梯槽的形式频繁入侵华南,为深圳异常降水事件提供了动力条件。副高西段较常年偏南,西伸脊点偏东;强劲的季风潮为深圳地区输送了巨大的水汽和热量;冷暖空气在华南地区的频繁交汇与维持是深圳异常降水事件的主要成因。上述多种因素的异常共同导致了深圳异常降水事件的发生。  相似文献   
应用太原1996-2015年7个国家气象站、2008-2015年63个区域站6-9月逐时降水资料及相关探空、地面观测资料,对太原短时强降水日环流配置进行天气学分型,分析各流型下关键环境参数分布特征。结果表明,太原发生短时强降水的500 hPa环流形势有四种:冷涡型、高空槽型、高空槽加副高型、西北气流型。太原短时强降水常发生在比较温和的对流有效位能(CAPE)环境下,大部分过程CAPE值≤1500 J·kg^-1,冷涡型则≤1000 J·kg^-1。西北气流型850 hPa与500 hPa温差(ΔT850-500)大,静力不稳定度比其他型更强,且500 hPa有明显的干层存在。高空槽加副高型K指数大,且暖云厚度均值达3576 m,明显大于其他型2471~2608 m的均值。冷涡型全部、高空槽型85%的过程出现在弱0~6 km垂直风切变环境下,而高空槽加副高型、西北气流型0~6 km垂直风切变相对较大,35%以上达到中等强度。冷涡型、西北气流型短时强降水太原上空700 hPa水汽常比850 hPa更充沛。太原超过70 mm·h^-1的极端降水出现在西北气流型下,有中等强度的CAPE值、强层结不稳定、弱0~6 km垂直风切变、3550 m以上暖云厚度,中低空水汽充足,这些环境参量的配合对强降水效率有很好的指示意义。  相似文献   
采用青海省41个国家地面气象站6~8月逐日降水资料和ERA-Interim0.5°×0.5°逐月再分析资料,分析了1981~2018年青海夏季极端降水的时空变化特征及天气学成因。结果表明:8月和夏季极端降水频次均呈显著增加趋势,75%以上站次的最大日降水量、极端降水阈值和极端降水频次均呈增加趋势;极端降水频次与海拔高度之间、最大日降水量与500hPa比湿、500hPa位势高度、近地面温度之间均存在显著的正相关;以极端降水高发年8月的大气环流场为例,200hPa高空急流扩展到70°~100°E,100hPa高度正距平超过3.2hPa,高层冷高压发展异常偏强,500hPa青藏高原温度和高度距平异常偏高,上游区域扰动能量辐合强度达−1×10−6m/s2,高发年水汽异常增强,比湿最大正距平超过0.4g/kg,上升运动异常扰动和正涡度异常扰动强度均明显偏强,其特征有利于极端降水的产生。  相似文献   
2018年1月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
刘超  江琪  桂海林 《气象》2018,44(4):590-596
2018年1月大气环流主要特征为:北半球极涡呈偶极型分布,环流呈四波型,东亚槽略偏强。1月,全国平均降水量19.6 mm,较常年同期(13.2 mm)偏多48.4%。1月冷空气势力明显加强,全国平均气温(-5.3℃)由较常年偏高转为偏低的状态,气温较常年同期(-5.0℃)偏低0.3℃。月内,降水偏多偏强,我国南方地区以及陕西关中等地出现较为少见的冰冻雨雪天气,与2008年出现的南方雪灾情况相似;1月仅有1次雾-霾天气过程,但2018年1月13—22日是2017年入冬以来范围最广、持续时间最长、强度最强的雾-霾天气过程。  相似文献   
华南前汛期降水异常及其环流特征分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
利用国家气候中心整编的中国160站的月平均降水资料和美国NCEP/NCAR的再分析资料,分析华南前汛期降水的异常及其环流特征。文中取“九五”重中之重项目执行组指出的华南地区的16站来代表华南地区,侧重分析了华南前汛期降水异常的年际、年代际变化特征及华南前汛期多、少雨年同期的环流特征。研究发现:华南地区降水的季节分布呈现双峰型,两个峰值分别在6月和8月。华南前汛期近50年的总的降水趋势变化不明显。1950年代前期和1960年代中期—1980年代中为相对多雨期,而1950年代中期—1960年代中期以及1980年代中期—1990年代初为相对少雨期,1990年代为正常波动期。华南前汛期降水存在3 a、5 a、7 a、14 a的周期。在分析华南前汛期多、少雨年大气环流场的特征时发现:华南前汛期多雨年时南亚高压和副高都偏弱,华南地区低层的水汽通量辐合加强,而且低空辐合,高空辐散,气流上升运动加强,容易形成降水;而少雨年的情况恰恰相反。  相似文献   
2002/2003年与2003/2004年冬季爆发性增温期间的动力特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ECMWF提供的60层气象场资料诊断分析了2002/2003和2003/2004年两个冬季的爆发性增温(stratospheric sudden warming,SSW)过程,比较了两次SSW期间高纬温度和纬向风的差异,计算了SSW期间的EP通量和剩余环流.结果表明:2003/2004年增温持续时间长、强度大,而2002/2003年则发生了波动;增温都是从平流层上层开始向下传播,但是2003/2004年高层极涡崩溃后迅速恢复,低层极涡恢复得慢,2002/2003年极涡在高层和低层都是缓慢恢复;SSW期间行星渡活动较多,2003/2004年极地EP通量的辐合引起东风长时间持续从而阻止了行星渡再次上传,而2002/2003年行星波则发生多次上传;2002/2003年SSW发生时高纬地区为下沉气流,没有形成环流圈,增温后形成逆时针的环流圈比2003/2004年偏低.  相似文献   
A bioeconomic model of key fisheries of the Barents Sea is run with scenarios generated by an earth system model of intermediate complexity to assess how the Barents Sea fisheries of cod (Gadus morhua) and capelin (Mallotus villosus) are affected by changes in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) arising from anthropogenic climate change. Changes in hydrographic conditions have an impact on recruitment success and survival rates, which constitute a lasting effect on the stocks. The economic development of the fisheries is determined for the 21st century, considering a purely stock size based and a coupled stock size-hydrography based harvesting strategy. Results show that a substantial weakening of the THC leads to impaired cod stock development, causing the associated fishery to become unprofitable in the long run. Simultaneous improvements in capelin stock development help the capelin fishery, but are insufficient to offset the losses incurred by the cod fishery. A comparison of harvest strategies reveals that in times of high variability in stock development, coupled stock size-hydrography based management leads to more stable economic results of these fisheries than the stock size based fishing strategy.  相似文献   
用NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均风、压场资料得到1958—1997年5—10月月际场的局地型相似系数(LPAC)。多年平均LPAC表明了对流层和平流层低层印度夏季风环流的建立、东亚夏季风环流的北进和南亚高压上高原的过程,这些区域LPAC值较同纬度非季风区明显偏低。在平流层中层,夏季型环流表现出纬向对称性和由高纬向低纬的传播特征。对东亚LPAC气候变率时空剖面及3个涝年LPAC异常的分析反映出环流型季节转变异常及其与东亚月降水异常的关系。  相似文献   
Rainfall amount in mid-summer(July and August)is much greater over eastern than western Sichuan,which are characterized by basin and plateau,respectively.It is shown that the interannual variations of extreme rainfall over these two regions are roughly independent,and they correspond to distinct anomalies of both large-scale circulation and sea surface temperature(SST).The enhanced extreme rainfall over western Sichuan is associated with a southward shift of the Asian westerly jet,while the enhanced extreme rainfall over eastern Sichuan is associated with an anticyclonic anomaly in the upper troposphere over China.At low levels,on the other hand,the enhanced extreme rainfall over western Sichuan is related to two components of wind anomalies,namely southwesterly over southwestern Sichuan and northeasterly over northeastern Sichuan,which favor more rainfall under the effects of the topography.Relatively speaking,the enhanced extreme rainfall over eastern Sichuan corresponds to the low-level southerly anomalies to the east of Sichuan,which curve into northeasterly anomalies over the basin when they encounter the mountains to the north of the basin.Therefore,it can be concluded that the topography in and around Sichuan plays a crucial role in inducing extreme rainfall both over western and eastern Sichuan.Finally,the enhanced extreme rainfall in western and eastern Sichuan is related to warmer SSTs in the Maritime Continent and cooler SSTs in the equatorial central Pacific,respectively.  相似文献   
The midwinter suppression(MWS) of the North Pacific storm track(NPST) has been an active research topic for decades. Based on the daily-mean NCEP/NCAR reanalysis from 1948 to 2018, this study investigates the MWS-related atmospheric circulation characteristics in the Northern Hemisphere by regression analysis with respect to a new MWS index, which may shed more light on this difficult issue. The occurrence frequency of the MWS of the upper-tropospheric NPST is more than 0.8 after the mid-1980 s. The MWS is accompanied by significantly positive sea-level pressure anomalies in Eurasia and negative anomalies over the North Pacific, which correspond to a strengthened East Asian winter monsoon. The intensified East Asian trough and atmospheric blocking in the North Pacific as well as the significantly negative low-level air temperature anomalies, lying upstream of the MNPST, are expected to be distinctly associated with the MWS. However, the relationship between the MWS and low-level atmospheric baroclinicity is somewhat puzzling.From the diagnostics of the eddy energy budget, it is identified that the inefficiency of the barotropic energy conversion related to the barotropic governor mechanism does not favor the occurrence of the MWS. In contrast, weakened baroclinic energy conversion, buoyancy conversion, and generation of eddy available potential energy by diabatic heating are conducive to the occurrence of the MWS. In addition, Ural blocking in the upstream region of the MNPST may be another candidate mechanism associated with the MWS.  相似文献   
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