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链子崖危岩体T8──T12缝段开裂变形机制的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
文章通过对煤层采空区的分布、地压作用、山体开裂和近20多年来的变形等方面的综合分析,得出链子崖危岩体具有南北强拉裂、东西弱拉裂和平面反时针转动的立体开裂变形机制。据此,作者进行了有针对性的计算,为危岩体综合加固体系的建立提供了依据。  相似文献   
A quantitative model of the trophic network of Northern Adriatic Sea marine ecosystem during the 1990s has been constructed, with the goal of analysing its trophic structure, identifying the key trophic groups and assessing the anthropogenic impacts on the ecosystem using the Ecopath modelling protocol. The Northern Adriatic Sea is an eutrophic, shallow basin, and one of the most heavily fished areas in the Mediterranean Sea. The network aggregation into discrete trophic levels sensu Lindeman shows that low trophic levels dominate biomass and energy flows, with 40% of the total system throughput flowing out from trophic level 2. Instead, upper trophic levels appear bottom-up controlled, highly depleted and not exerting any control on the trophic network, as shown by mixed trophic impact-based analyses. Microbial loop is comparable to grazing with respect to the magnitude of flows involved, as 66% of the trophic network flows originate from detritus, which is mainly consumed by bacteria. Key trophic groups are plankton groups, macro-crustaceans and detritus, and other r-selected organisms like squids and small pelagics, which have a great influence on the ecosystem. In particular, zooplankton acts as a bottleneck for energy flows, limiting the energy from the low trophic levels effectively reaching the upper food web. The high pelagic production caused by eutrophication sustains high fishery landings and impressive discard quantities, as well as the benthic compartment. Overall, the ecosystem appears quite productive and in a stressed and developmental status. Model results and comparisons with few existing historical data suggest that the low maturity and stressed state of the Northern Adriatic Sea are not only due to natural characteristics, but mainly to anthropogenic pressures.  相似文献   
阐述了MAX199的特性和工作原理,介绍了MCS-51系列单片机与MAX199的硬件接口设计以及软件编程方法,最后简述了该模数转换器在差热天平仪改造中的应用。  相似文献   
利用1982-2011年夏季(5-8月)中国气象观测站点逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料、NOAA逐日向外长波辐射和海表温度资料集,通过选取低频降水事件的方法,分析了华南夏季12-30 d持续性强降水事件的基本特征,然后利用位相合成法对持续性强降水期间伴随的低频大气环流型以及低频信号的来源和传播情况进行研究,同时也分析了低频海-气耦合过程对持续性强降水的影响。结果表明:(1)华南夏季降水具有显著的12-30 d低频振荡特征,持续性强降水事件在6月发生次数最多,低频降水期间的雨带自东南向西北传播。(2)在持续性强降水发生期间,华南及邻近海域低层受强大的低频气旋式环流控制,低频上升运动显著,而中国南海-菲律宾海一带则是强的低频反气旋式环流,其西侧向北的低频水汽输送不断将中国南海的水汽送至华南及邻近海域进行辐合上升。低层的低频信号来源于热带西太平洋和中国南海-菲律宾海一带低频振荡的西北向传播,同时伴随着西太平洋副热带高压明显的西伸东退过程。(3)在高层,华南北侧(22°-45°N,95°-130°E)区域强大的低频气旋式环流和孟加拉湾-中国南海一带的低频反气旋式环流相互配合,使华南高层处于强大的辐散环境中,从而加强了华南低层的辐合与低频上升运动,造成持续性强降水的增强。高层的低频信号来源于低频罗斯贝波列的东南向传播。(4)低频大气环流异常通过云辐射和热通量过程改变低频海表温度异常,而由大气强迫的低频海表温度异常通过影响低层大气的稳定性来对大气施加明显的反馈作用,该海-气耦合过程有利于大气低层低频信号向华南地区传播,从而影响了华南持续性强降水的发生、发展与结束。  相似文献   
正2017年11月23日,中国地质学会第十二次全国会员代表大会在北京召开。国土资源部党组成员、副部长凌月明,中国科协党组成员、学会学术部部长、企业办公室主任宋军,民政部社会组织管理局副巡视员赵泳;中国地质学会第39届理事会理事长、国土资源部党组成员、中国地质调查局党组书记、局长、钟自然,常务副理事长孟宪来、秘书长朱立新、中国地质学会第十二次全国会员代表大会代表和国土资源部、中国地质调查局相关部门的负责同志,地勘行业等各有  相似文献   
"5·12"汶川特大地震给北川县造成重大灾害损失,在开展震后地质灾害调查与评价项目的制图和建库过程中,存在大量的遥感图像、矢量与栅格图形数据以及属性数据需要采集、编辑、储存、入库、分析、查询和更新。本文以MAPGIS6.7为基础,在GPS与RS技术辅助支持下,系统地进行震后地质灾害空间数据和属性数据地采集、编辑、建库、分析和成果输出;并在此基础上总结了基于MAPGIS的震后地质灾害多源数据建库方法和实现技巧,从而实现地质灾害调查数据库规范化管理,满足了震后地质灾害区划评价、专题地图制作和灾后重建规划等对地质灾害信息的要求,为政府有关部门的灾后重建决策提供技术支持。  相似文献   
We present a time series of carbon and oxygen stable isotope records of the last 30?000 14C years throughout the last glacial-postglacial cycle from western Qinghai-Xizhang (Tibet) Plateau. A 20-m core drilled in the south basin of Zabuye Salt Lake was analyzed for inorganic and organic carbon and total sulfur contents, δ13C and δ18O values of carbonates. Our results indicate that climatic changes have led to a drastic negative shift of stable isotope ratios at the transition between the Last Full Glacial and the postglacial phase during Later Pleistocene times (∼16.2 kyr BP), and a rapid positive shift at the transition from Pleistocene to Holocene (∼10.6 kyr BP). The first shift is marked by the drop of δ18Ocarb values of about 10‰ (from +2 to −8‰) and δ13Ccarb values of about 3‰ (from 5 to 2‰). The second shift which occurred at the transition from Pleistocene to Holocene was of similar magnitude but in the opposite direction. Isotope data, combined with total organic and inorganic carbon contents and the lithological composition of the core, suggest this lake was an alluvial pre-lake environment prior to ca. 28 14C kyr BP. During ca. 28-16.2 14C kyr BP, Zabuye Lake was likely a moderately deep lake with limited outflow. The cool and arid glacial climate led the lake level to drop drastically. Extended residence time overwhelmed the lower temperature and caused a steady increase of δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb values and total inorganic carbon content in the sediments. During ca. 16.2-10.6 14C kyr BP, this lake probably overflowed and received abundant recharge from melting glaciers when the deglaciation was in its full speed. A spike of markedly enhanced δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb is seen at ∼11.5 kyr BP, probably due to the isotopic effects left behind by the short but severe Younger Dryas (YD) event. After ca. 10.6 14C kyr BP, Zabuye Lake probably closed its surface outflow, due to strong desiccation and drastic climate warming. The Early and Middle Holocene were characterized by unstable climatic conditions with alternating warmer/cooler episodes as indicated by the severe fluctuations of total organic carbon, δ13C and δ18O values. A hypersaline salt lake environment was finally formed at Zabuye after ∼5 14C kyr BP when the mirabilite and halite concentrations steadily increased and became the dominant minerals in the sediments. Severe imbalance of inflow/outflow resulted in the drastic increase of total sulfur, δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb values and dominance of halite in the lake since ca. 3.8 kyr BP to present.  相似文献   
The Production and Release of CFCs from Coal Combustion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The destruction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere caused by industrially synthesized CFCs has aroused greatest concerns from the international society, but the CFCs formed from burning of coal containing fluorine have not been recognized by the world yet. In the present study, we condensed the gas through cold traps and used the GC-MS to measure the gas composition, and found that the content of CFC-12 in the smog from coal combustion was significantly higher than the background value of the local atmosphere. This proves that CFC-12 is formed in the process of coal combustion. This paper discusses a new source of non-synthesized CFCs.  相似文献   
The first supersoft source (SSS) identification with an optical nova in M 31 was based on ROSAT observations. Twenty additional X‐ray counterparts (mostly identified as SSS by their hardness ratios) were detected using archival ROSAT, XMM‐Newton and Chandra observations obtained before July 2002. Based on these results optical novae seem to constitute the major class of SSS in M 31. An analysis of archival Chandra HRC‐I and ACIS‐I observations obtained from July 2004 to February 2005 demonstrated that M 31 nova SSS states lasted from months to about 10 years. Several novae showed short X‐ray outbursts starting within 50 d after the optical outburst and lasting only two to three months. The fraction of novae detected in soft X‐rays within a year after the optical outburst was more than 30%. Ongoing optical nova monitoring programs, optical spectral follow‐up and an up‐to‐date nova catalogue are essential for the X‐ray work. Re‐analysis of archival nova data to improve positions and find additional nova candidates are urgently needed for secure recurrent nova identifications. Dedicated XMM‐Newton/Chandra monitoring programs for X‐ray emission from optical novae covering the centre area of M 31 continue to provide interesting new results (e.g. coherent 1105 s pulsations in the SSS counterpart of nova M31N 2007‐12b). The SSS light curves of novae allow us – together with optical information – to estimate the mass of the white dwarf, of the ejecta and the burned mass in the outburst. Observations of the central area of M 31 allow us – in contrast to observations in the Galaxy – to monitor many novae simultaneously and proved to be prone to find many interesting SSS and nova types (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
通过对汶川地震极重灾区次生山地灾害的实地考察、遥感调查和综合分析,阐述了次生山地灾害类型与特征,分析了次生山地灾害的时空分布规律,并结合灾害活动特性,探讨了次生山地灾害的发育趋势,提出了灾区防灾减灾和恢复重建的对策与建议。研究结果表明:(1)汶川地震在极重灾区诱发次生山地灾害逾万处,其分布具有点多面广、类型多样、成灾迅速、危害严重、监测预报困难等特点;(2)次生山地灾害的分布受地震烈度、地质构造、地形地貌、地层岩性的制约,并具有明显的滞后性和延续性;(3)利用GIS和遥感技术,能够快速有效地进行地震次生山地灾害的动态监测与灾情评估,从而为防灾减灾管理和灾后重建工作提供科学依据和借鉴参考。  相似文献   
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