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Thermal noise is a limiting factor of interferometric gravitational wave detectors sensitivity in the low and intermediate frequency range. A concrete possibility for beating this limit, is represented by the development of a cryogenic last stage suspension to be integrated within a complex seismic isolation system. To this purpose a last stage payload prototype has been designed and built. It has been suspended within a dedicated cryostat with the same technique adopted for the VIRGO payload and making use of two thin wires in a cradle configuration to support a mirror made of silicon.The cooling strategy, the thermal behaviour and the system mechanical response have been deeply studied while a measurement characterization campaign has been performed both at room temperature and at cryogenic temperature. In this paper, the preliminary results obtained together with the first cooling down of the 300 kg overall mass payload at about 25 K, are reported. This study will play a driving role in the design of the third generation gravitational wave detector.  相似文献   
Rainfall effect on wind waves and the turbulence beneath air-sea interface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rainfall effects on wind waves and turbulence are investigated through the laboratory experiments in a large wind-wave tank. It is found that the wind waves are damped as a whole at low wind speeds, but are enhanced at high wind speeds. This dual effect of rain on the wind waves increases with the increase of rain rate, while the influence of rainfall-area length is not observable. At the low wind speed, the corresponding turbulence in terms of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate is significantly enhanced by rain- fall as the waves are damped severely. At the high wind speed, the augment of the TKE dissipation rate is suppressed while the wind waves are enhanced simultaneously. In the field, however, rainfall usually hin- ders the development of waves. In order to explain this contradiction of rainfall effect on waves, a possibility about energy transfer from turbulence to waves in case of the spectral peak of waves overlapping the inertial subrange of turbulence is assumed. It can be applied to interpret the damping phenomenon of gas trans- fer velocity in the laboratory experiments, and the variation of the TKE dissipation rates near sea surface compared with the law of wall.  相似文献   
The physical simulation method of wave groups in a wave flume is proposed and verified by the exper- iments. The experimental results demonstrate that random waves with desired wave groupiness, which simultaneously includes the wave group height and length, can be generated satisfactorily at the specified position in a wave flume using the proposed method. Furthermore, the transformation properties of the wave groupiness along the fiat-bottomed wave flume are investigated based on the physically simulated waves. Associated proposals with the physical simulation of wave groups are given.  相似文献   
The processes of ion acceleration and Alfvén wave generation by accelerated particles at the Earth’s bow shock are studied within a quasi-linear approach. Steady-state ion and wave spectra are shown to be established in a time of 0.3–4 h, depending on the background level of Alfvénic turbulence in the solar wind. The Alfvén waves produced by accelerated ions are confined within the frequency range 10?2–1 Hz and their spectral peak with a wave amplitude βBB comparable to the interplanetary magnetic field strength B corresponds to the frequency v = (2–3) × 10?2 Hz. The high-frequency part of the wave spectrum (v > 0.2 Hz) undergoes damping by thermal ions. The calculated spectra of the accelerated ions and the Alfvén waves generated by them reproduce the main features observed in experiments.  相似文献   
速度分析是转换波处理的核心问题之一,采用单平方根方程对具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质进行速度分析,使得转换波的处理不依赖于纵波的数据,既简化了转换波处理流程,又消除了由于纵波处理不精确所带来的传递误差。通过理论分析和数值计算,总结并设计了一套求取VTI介质转换波动校正参数的方法和处理流程,总结出了采用双参数扫描法获得较高分辨率和精度所需满足的必要条件。通过批处理和交互结合的方式对实际资料进行处理,取得了较好的处理效果,证明了该方法及软件的正确性。  相似文献   
在多波地震勘探中,转换点位置的求取精度直接影响共转换点道集的抽取,进而影响转换波速度分析的精度。利用DSR方程,对比了用不同的转换点计算方法进行转换波速度分析,分析其计算精度。  相似文献   
动校正速度的求取是三维转换波数据处理的重要环节,其精度高低对转换波的叠加成像质量影响很大。理论上转换波的速度求取受包括界面倾角在内的多种因素影响,但实际应用时这些因素往往被忽略。为证明倾角对动校速度的影响程度,依据前人的研究成果,模拟倾斜地层计算了不同倾角条件下二维测线CCP道集、三维全方位CCP道集PS波动校正速度,并对由不同倾角引起的计算精度差异进行了研究。研究结果表明,对于二维转换波CCP道集,界面倾角不同,动校拉平的速度会差别较大,即使如此也总能实现很大倾角范围内的CCP道集的同相叠加,获得较好的成像质量;对于三维全方位CCP道集,当界面倾角超过一定范围,无论怎样进行精细扫描,得到的都只能是适合特定方位的速度,无法得到适合任意方位的动校扫描速度,随着界面倾角的减小,利用速度扫描的办法可以在一定的偏移距范围内将来自不同方位的记录较平,界面倾角越小,可以校平的偏移距越大;另外由于道集内的地震记录依赖视倾角的动校正速度,在反射界面倾斜的情况下,方位不同,动校正速度不同,致使二维反射PS波资料往往比三维反射PS波资料容易叠加成像。  相似文献   
基于国内外煤层瓦斯富集的岩石物理及地球物理响应的研究成果,提出了以煤层反射波振幅、频率及衰减等动力学特征变化为主要研究对象的地震纵波预测技术方案;探讨了利用叠后Gamma拟合声波约束反演、频谱分解属性分析和叠前AVO反演、弹性阻抗反演等纵波技术预测煤层瓦斯富集性的理论依据及实现方法。上述技术在沁水盆地进行了预测尝试,其获得的含气性预测成果与探井实测的瓦斯富集情况基本吻合,初步证明了上述纵波预测技术方法在开展煤层瓦斯富集区研究方面的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
为了解决振动水柱式波浪能转换装置收集多向波浪问题,本文设计了半球形多向聚合波道振荡水柱气室结构,以适合远海单点波浪能采集和发电。在规则波正向入射条件下,基于流体仿真分析软件(FLUENT)、流体动力学连续性假设和粘性不可压缩流体动量守恒的运动方程(Navier-Stokes方程)建立半球形振荡气室和三维数值波浪水槽模型。仿真结果表明:增设气室后壁,合理设计波道开口角度实现多向迎波捕获波浪能,优化前壁形状可降低波浪触底反射带来的能量耗散,同时提高了气室内空气压强和出气口速度,有效提升波浪能俘获效率,为后续发电的二次能量转换提供高效的空气动力。  相似文献   
为实现建造、运行和维护等方面的资源共享,将振荡水柱(oscillating water column,简称OWC)波能转换装置与现有海工结构集成耦合,已成为目前海洋波浪能转换利用的热点问题。以集成于方箱防波堤的双气室OWC装置为研究对象,借助开源代码平台OpenFOAM和造/消波工具箱waves2Foam,采用流体体积法(VOF)捕捉自由面和6自由度(6DOF)动网格求解器模拟垂荡运动响应,对在不同规则波作用下,中墙相对宽度、中墙相对吃水对装置波能转换效率及水动力特性的影响进行数值研究。结果表明,较大的中墙相对宽度能够增强装置的波能转换效率(ξtotal(max)=73%)、降低结构物的相对垂荡位移并对装置前后气室内水柱的振荡幅度与压强变化产生影响;增加中墙相对吃水能显著提高气室在中高频波段波能提取效率(ξtotal(max)=78%),并显著拓宽气室的高效频率带宽(0.9≤ω2h/g≤2.2)。  相似文献   
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