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Over the last two decades, online communities have become ubiquitous, with millions of people accessing collaborative project websites every day. Among them, the OpenStreetMap project (OSM) has been very successful in collecting/offering volunteered geographic information (VGI). Very different behaviours are observed among OSM participants, which translate into large differences of lifespan, contribution levels (e.g. Nielsen’s 90–9-1 rule) and attitudes towards innovations (e.g. Diffusion of innovation theory or DoIT). So far, the literature has defined phases in the life cycle of contributors only based on the nature of their contributions (e.g. role of participants and edits characteristics). Our study identifies the different phases of their life cycle from a temporal perspective and assesses how these phases relate to the volume and the frequency of the contributions from participants. Survival analyses were performed using both a complementary cumulative distribution function and a Kaplan-Meier estimator to plot survival and hazard curves. The analyses were broken down according to Nielsen and DoIT contributors’ categories to highlight potential explanatory variables. This paper shows that two contribution processes combine with three major participation stages to form six phases in contributors’ life cycle. The volume of edits provided on each active day is driven by the two contribution processes, illustrating the evolution of contributors’ motivation over time. Since contributors’ lifespan is a universal metric, our results may also apply to other collaborative online communities.  相似文献   
粤港澳大湾区发展的理论框架与发展战略探究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
赵晓斌  强卫  黄伟豪  线实 《地理科学进展》2018,37(12):1597-1608
粤港澳大湾区是在“一带一路”倡议下,由珠三角经济圈的强化合作而产生的新地理概念。作为新兴的全球化港湾,粤港澳大湾区如何突破新自由主义框架理论,探索出符合社会主义市场经济体制的发展路径,是当前决策者和规划者需要思考的重要问题。本文简要梳理了现有的城市群、区域增长极理论,新经济地理集群理论,全球产业链网络理论并结合大湾区现状优势,对湾区发展战略定位与发展路径进行探究,认为可通过粤港澳三方通力合作,创造一个内生型的经济与产业本土增长模式为主要方向。具体表现为:首先,要以先进制造业为立足点、实现自我创新的产业升级,形成完善的制造业产业链,并成为全球生产网络的重要节点与区域性枢纽;其次,大湾区还应利用自身的科研与教育、金融与创新资源优势,推进“一国两制三关税区”、尤其是与香港在大湾区建设中的全方位参与联动,完善产权制度,加强合规和规则经济的市场经济体系建设,将大湾区打造为中国的科创中心及全球性金融中心。  相似文献   
对《地形测图》课程教学改革的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前测绘工程专业的发展现状和社会对测绘专业人才的需求,本文分析了地形测图课程教学改革的必要性,着重在课程教学改革的研究与实践、存在的问题等方面进行了深入的探讨。实践证明,通过深入开展地形测图课程教学改革的研究与实践,有效地推动了测绘工程专业的专业建设。  相似文献   
管志炜 《江西地质》2000,14(3):237-240
本文论述了科技创新及其重要性,指出地勘行业目前科技创新存在的一些问题和认识误区。提出加强科技创新工作,进一步提高对科技创新重要性认识;加快创新机构和创新服务机构的建设;为科技创新提供良好的政策和社会环境;依靠科技创新,调整、优化经济结构,逐步形成具特色的支柱产业和主导产业等建议。  相似文献   
地球物理仪器学科发展研究报告   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
地球物理仪器在国防、资源探测、自然灾害监测和工程质量检测等领域中具有不可忽视的作用,近年来技术进步迅速.国际上,地球物理仪器发展趋于多功能化、轻便化、智能化、可视化、网络化和虚拟化.由于历史的原因,一方面我国对地球物理仪器的需求急剧增长,另一方面又形成了对国外仪器的过分依赖,严重冲击了我们对地球物理仪器的自主研发.在这样的逆境中,我国地球物理技术工作者仍然坚持不懈,在重、磁、电、地震、放射性等领域取得了显著成绩,并在某些领域达到了具有国际领先的水平.基于这种现状,我国地球物理仪器发展应该坚持适当引进与自主创新相结合、研产用相结合,形成标准统一、多学科交叉融合的研制体系,提高工艺水平和售后服务质量;重视地球深部探测、航空物探、海洋探测、地质灾害监测和国防工程领域的地球物理仪器开发和研制;发挥学术组织的特殊作用,集中力量组织攻关,争取在关键领域中形成我国具有自主知识产权的先进地球物理技术和仪器.  相似文献   
资源型经济转型是我国经济高质量发展及区域协调发展的重要掣肘和关键突破口,同时先进制造业集群已成为提升全球竞争力和创新能力的区域根基。本文主要结合德国德累斯顿区域和美国阿克伦城市群从锈带到世界级先进制造业集群的发展历程,剖析其资源型经济转型及集群化高质量发展的共性路径特征,总结其经验启示。研究发现,区域发展过程是路径创造与演化的过程,德累斯顿区域和阿克伦城市群均持续专注于一到两项界限分明的科技创新建立区域转型发展的磁极,本地蜂鸣与全球网络以及二者之间的互动是转型发展的主导力量;采用以主体多元化、领域跨界化、结构扁平化、组织开放化为主要特征的网络化创新组织模式,有效推动形成了政产学研用协同创新共同体和创新型产业集群;空间组织形态兼顾本区域的地理空间集聚和跨区域的集群间协作;集群组织等网络化协作组织在促进本地技术创新网络、跨区域协同合作网络以及本地-全球互动网络构建和发展中发挥着非常重要的“织网人”作用。建议我国资源型经济区域全面对接国家创新驱动发展战略及集群策动战略,专注于一到两项界限分明的科技创新,以本地根植性为聚集核,以培育发展创新型产业集群为导向,制定区域经济转型与集群化高质量发展的完整路径,同时加快建立集群组织、联盟组织等网络化协作组织,通过其“织网人”和“粘合剂”作用推动构建本地技术创新网络和全球协同创新网络,推进区域发展路径的演化与转型。  相似文献   
In the analysis of geographical spillovers, a commonly accepted hypothesis is that the different actors of innovation need to be physically closed to one another because the transfer of tacit knowledge implies frequent face-to-face relations. This hypothesis is put under closer examination in this paper. The first section analyses the need for economic agents to be closely located to develop research and innovative activities, starting with the analysis of their need for co-ordination and using some case studies. Based on the example of three French regions, the second section examines the importance given by the local development policies to geographical proximity in order to support the rapid development of local networks favouring innovation. In both sections, nonlocal relations appear as a key factor to develop innovation. As a conclusion, nonlocal relations should be encouraged by local development policies in the same way as local relations.  相似文献   
The Transition Movement is a translocal phenomenon circulated through transnational grassroots networks. This study explores the geographies of the Transition Movement with a theoretical framework that perceives it as both a social movement and a grassroots innovation. Participant-observation of Transition Salt Lake (TSL), located in the suburban metropolis of Salt Lake City, Utah, was conducted, as the United States remains a largely understudied country in regards to this particular movement. In this pursuit, we asked: (i) how and what this transition initiative draws from geographically extensive and intensive relations, (ii) how it combines place-specific elements and generalized models (embeddedness), and (iii) how this impacts the success of the transition initiative and how these impacts (positive or negative) are generated. Place, space, and scale played a large role in defining the nature, dynamics, possibilities, and constraints of this transition initiative. Specifically, geographically intensive and extensive relations were critical for the mobilization of complementary resources. The Transition model was found to be flexible, allowing for the initiative to adopt those elements that worked in place and to focus on locally relevant topics. TSL faced many challenges identified by previous researchers regarding finances, participation, diversity, and intragroup competition. While networking with other similar groups, TSL demonstrated that fertile environments of activism are incubatory pools for grassroots innovations and social movements, and a trade-off was found with competition for resources between local groups.  相似文献   
杭程  郭进 《江苏地质》2013,37(1):142-146
沁水盆地煤层气项目是全国已探明的大型整装煤层气田。由于煤层气低产出的特点,决定了煤层气施工将要围绕低成本、高效率运作方式进行钻井施工作业。对沁水盆地煤层气钻井的影响因素进行了分析,并结合工程实例论述了如何利用直螺杆与PDC钻头的复合钻进,钻铤与扶正器复合稳斜钻进等技术创新措施及煤层钻进时井内不垮塌和井斜不增加等技术手段,解决如何提高煤层气施工的钻井效率等问题,为今后在该地区的煤层气钻井施工提供有效的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
产学合作网络是长三角创新共同体建设的重要方面,而当前经济地理学相关研究集中在“本地/全球”二元尺度讨论上,缺乏多尺度产学合作效应的比较分析。基于IncoPat专利数据,本文从尺度和效应视角探讨了长三角创新产学合作与企业创新绩效的关系,得到以下结论:①长三角创新产学合作的空间格局呈现以省会城市为中心的星芒状结构,核心城市占据的网络优势地位能够助力其在网络中获取创新资源,并且高校资源的不均衡分布特征进一步巩固了省会城市的优势地位,使得长三角创新产学合作格局具有明显的路径依赖特征。②本省与长三角区域尺度创新产学合作对企业创新绩效的影响要显著高于其他尺度。从区域尺度客观看待高校在空间创新进程中的作用尤为重要。③长三角创新产学合作的平均距离与企业创新绩效间呈现显著的倒“U”型关系,并且工科院校产学合作的作用和极值点均要大于综合院校和其他院校。由此,本文提出以下建议:一方面应该加快推进以区域尺度创新产学合作为重点的产学合作体系建设;另一方面应当强化薄弱地区产学合作的多尺度耦合网络建设,着力提升薄弱地区的网络地位。  相似文献   
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