Soil degradation resulted from unreasonable land use and erosion has been a serious problem in the black soil region of northeastern
China. This paper seeks to understand the relationships between topsoil properties and topography and land use for land management
targeting at improving soil quality in this region. A total of 292 soil samples and 81 volumetric rings were taken from a
typical small watershed of the region in June 2005 for examining total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), soil texture (classified
into gravel, sand, silt, and clay), and bulk density (ρb), respectively. Spatial variability of these soil properties was evaluated with classical statistics and geostatistics methods.
The results of classical statistics indicated that TC, TN, sand, silt, clay content, and ρb were moderate variables while gravel had great variability. Soil properties were mainly correlated to slope position, elevation
and land types. Geostatistical analyses showed that the spatial autocorrelation for TC, TN, and silt was weak, strong for
clay and moderate for and ρb sand, respectively. The spatial variations of soil properties are affected comprehensively by topographic factors, land use,
erosion, and erosion control in this watershed. Past erosion, however, is the most important component to induce change of
soil properties. In this small watershed, current soil and water conservation measures play an important role in controlling
soil loss. But the restoration of soil properties was unsatisfactory. Comparing with untilled soil of this region, TC, TN,
silt content are excessively low; whereas ρb, sand and clay content are excessively high; gravel appears at most sampling locations. It is necessary for improving soil
properties to protect forest and grassland and change cultivation system of farmlands. 相似文献
Deep low-permeability clay layers are considered as suitable environments for disposal of high-level radioactive waste. In Belgium, the Boom Clay is the reference host formation and the Ypresian Clay an alternative host formation for research and safety and feasibility assessment of deep disposal of nuclear waste. In this study, two hydrogeological models are built to calculate the radionuclide fluxes that would migrate from a potential repository through these two clay formations. Transport parameter heterogeneity is incorporated in the models using geostatistical co-simulations of hydraulic conductivity, diffusion coefficient and diffusion accessible porosity. The calculated radionuclide fluxes in the two clay formations are compared. The results show that in the Ypresian Clay larger differences between the fluxes through the lower and the upper clay boundary occur, larger total output radionuclide amounts are calculated and a larger effect of parameter heterogeneity on the calculated fluxes is observed, compared to the Boom Clay. 相似文献
An understanding of the effects of guano deposition on arid soil chemistry and the consequences for plant communities is lacking. This study examined patterns of herbaceous species richness and productivity, soil chemistry, soil moisture and soil respiration on 11 islands in the Gulf of California, six of which receive seabird guano deposition. Species richness was significantly lower on islands with guano (“Bird” islands) than islands without guano (“Non-bird” islands), with very little overlap in species composition; however, productivity was significantly greater on Bird than on Non-bird islands. As expected, Bird island soils had higher concentrations of NO3−, NH4+ and total nitrogen (N) than Non-bird island soils; and, measurements of δ15N indicate that the higher concentrations of N were derived from guano. We also found that soil moisture and respiration were significantly higher, but pH was significantly lower, on Bird than Non-bird islands. These results suggest that guano deposition in deserts stimulates productivity—even in dry years—due to elevated N and, indirectly, soil moisture. Guano deposition also results in a decrease in species richness and a change in species composition probably due to elevated N, N toxicity, or low pH. However, we also found that pH varied more on Bird than on Non-bird islands; and that salinity—while not different between island types—was significantly patchier on Bird than on Non-Bird islands. These results suggest that guano deposition affects not only the general chemical composition of soils, but also results in greater spatial variation in soil chemical composition, which may ultimately affect species richness and composition. Therefore, understanding spatial patterning in soil chemistry as a result of guano deposition is critical for understanding guano effects on plant richness and productivity. 相似文献
The LU-matrix approach to conditional simulations allows fast generation of large numbers of realizations for a given stochastic process. Simplicity, flexibility, and quality are its main advantages. Its implementation for cases where dense grids and/or large numbers of conditioning data cause computational problems is discussed. A case study is presented. 相似文献
Data integration is challenging where there are different levels of support between primary and secondary data that need to
be correlated in various ways. A geostatistical method is described, which integrates the hydraulic conductivity (K) measurements and electrical resistivity data to better estimate the K distribution in the Upper Chicot Aquifer of southwestern Louisiana, USA. The K measurements were obtained from pumping tests and represent the primary (hard) data. Borehole electrical resistivity data
from electrical logs were regarded as the secondary (soft) data, and were used to infer K values through Archie’s law and the Kozeny-Carman equation. A pseudo cross-semivariogram was developed to cope with the resistivity
data non-collocation. Uncertainties in the auto-semivariograms and pseudo cross-semivariogram were quantified. The groundwater
flow model responses by the regionalized and coregionalized models of K were compared using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicate that non-collocated secondary data may improve estimates
of K and affect groundwater flow responses of practical interest, including specific capacity and drawdown.
Résumé L’intégration de données entre en jeu lorsque plusieurs niveaux intermédiaires d’assistance sont nécessaires pour corréler
données primaires et secondaires de diverses manières. Le présent article décrit une méthode géostatistique qui intègre les
mesures de conductivité hydraulique (K) et les données de résistivité électrique, afin d’estimer plus efficacement la distribution de K dans l’Aquifère Supérieur de Chicot, au sud-ouest de la Louisiane (Etats-Unis). Les mesures de K sont issues des pompages d’essai et représentent les données primaires (“dures”). Les données des diagraphies de résistivité
électrique ont été considérées comme des données secondaires (“molles”), à partir desquelles les valeurs de K ont été déduites, par la loi d’Archie et l’équation de Kozeny-Carman. Un pseudo semi-variogramme croisé a été développé afin
de pallier à l’absence de colocalisation des données de résistivité. Les incertitudes sur les semi-variogrammes automatiques
et sur les pseudo semi-variogrammes croisés ont été quantifiées. Les réponses du modèle d’écoulement des eaux souterraines
aux modèles régionalisés et co-régionalisés de K ont été comparés, par les analyses de variance (ANOVA). Les résultats montrent que les données secondaires non-colocalisées
peuvent améliorer les estimations de K, et affecter efficacement les réponses des écoulements souterrains, y compris les débits
spécifiques et les rabattements.
Resumen La integración de datos es un gran desafío cuando existen diferentes niveles de apoyo entre datos primarios y secundarios
que es necesario correlacionar de varias maneras. Se describe un método geoestadístico el cual integra mediciones de conductividad
hidráulica (K) y datos de resistividad eléctrica para tener una mejor estimación de la distribución de K en el Acuífero Chicot Superior del suroeste de Luisiana, Estados Unidos de América. Las mediciones de K se obtuvieron de pruebas de bombeo y representan los datos primarios (duros). Los datos de sondeos de resistividad eléctrica
se consideraron como datos secundarios (suaves) y se usaron para inferir valores de K a través de la ley de Archie y la ecuación de Carman-Kozeny. Se desarrolló un pseudo semivariograma cruzado para enfrentar
la falta de colocación de datos de resistividad. Se cuantificaron las incertidumbres en los auto-semivariogramas y en los
semivariogramas cruzados. Las respuestas del modelo de flujo de agua subterránea por los modelos coregionalizados y regionalizados
de K se compararon usando el análisis de varianza (ANOVA). Los resultados indican que los datos secundarios no colocados pueden
mejorar los estimados de K y afectar las respuestas de flujo de agua subterránea de interés práctico, incluyendo capacidad específica y descenso.
In order to characterise the saleable feldspar in a granite deposit, a methodology was developed in accordance with the exploitation process. This consisted of mechanically extracting the surface layer of the batholith and separating the feldspar from the quartz using the granulometric separation method, given that the size of the grains of the feldspar is greater than that of quartz.
Following washing, grinding and magnetic separation of the feldspar in order to eliminate the ferromagnesium minerals, the saleable feldspar was characterised in terms of the factors that determine its market value, namely, its content in Al2O3, SiO2, Na2O and K2O.
Following the opening of prospecting pits in the granite massif, samples were analysed in the laboratory using three different granulometric cuts and by reproducing the treatment process. The values for the quality variables of saleable feldspar were obtained, and the results were interpolated to the entire deposit using the kriging method.
In order to summarise the information from the above-mentioned variables, a quality index was constructed using multivariate statistics and by employing market criteria, and subsequently, the values of the index were interpolated to the entire deposit using bidimensional kriging.
The map of saleable quality feldspar from the deposit permits both affirmation of the treatment process yield for each granulometric cut and the planning of extraction from the deposit to obtain a homogeneous quality in the saleable feldspar. 相似文献
An estimate of the groundwater budget at the catchment scale is extremely important for the sustainable management of available water resources. Water resources are generally subjected to over-exploitation for agricultural and domestic purposes in agrarian economies like India. The double water-table fluctuation method is a reliable method for calculating the water budget in semi-arid crystalline rock areas. Extensive measurements of water levels from a dense network before and after the monsoon rainfall were made in a 53 km2 watershed in southern India and various components of the water balance were then calculated. Later, water level data underwent geostatistical analyses to determine the priority and/or redundancy of each measurement point using a cross-validation method. An optimal network evolved from these analyses. The network was then used in re-calculation of the water-balance components. It was established that such an optimized network provides far fewer measurement points without considerably changing the conclusions regarding groundwater budget. This exercise is helpful in reducing the time and expenditure involved in exhaustive piezometric surveys and also in determining the water budget for large watersheds (watersheds greater than 50 km2). 相似文献