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Cascade插值方法在GRAPES模式中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于半拉格朗日 (semi-Lagrangian) 方案的数值天气预报模式, 求解半拉格朗日轨迹上游点变量, 通常采用传统直线逐点拉格朗日多项式插值, 由已知模式格点 (欧拉网格点) 的数值插值获得。对于三维空间上游点的插值, N阶精度需要O(N3) 运算量。N增大, 运算量将大幅增加, 特别耗费计算机机时, 而采用Cascade插值法 (降阶插值法) 则只需要O(N) 运算量。它的显著特点是:用曲线代替直线, 通过一系列中间过渡网格点, 在曲线上用一维拉格朗日插值, 使得相邻拉格朗日格点或中间过渡点的插值不再是孤立的, 而且可以重复使用某些中间结果, 达到减少运算量的目的。将这种方法合理应用于GRAPES模式, 并根据模式的特点, 对Cascade插值过程中独立变量的距离分段计算, 从而有利于实现并行计算。计算结果表明Cascade插值法与传统直线逐点插值法相比, 计算效率平均提高约30%, 同时不降低精度。  相似文献   
万晓敏  龚建东  韩威  田伟红 《气象》2019,45(4):458-468
云导风资料具有较高的时空分辨率特性,是数值天气预报中重要的非常规观测资料之一。2016年12月我国第二代静止气象卫星风云四号首颗试验卫星(FY-4A)成功发射。依据国家卫星气象中心提供的2017年8月FY-4A卫星红外和高空、低空水汽通道云导风测试数据,选用美国国家环境预报中心的FNL全球分析资料为参考场,对比分析云导风资料观测分布及偏差特征。评估结果表明,FY-4A云导风测试数据分布稳定,水汽通道云导风资料观测数明显多于红外通道;红外通道云导风资料偏差和均方根误差最小,水汽通道云导风资料在高层偏差较大。基于GRAPES_RAFS系统,选取2017年第13号台风天鸽做24 h预报试验。个例试验结果表明,同化FY-4A云导风资料对模式高度场和风场分析有一定调整作用,特别是同化FY-4A水汽通道云导风资料,对强降水落区和强度预报有所改善。  相似文献   
Sensitivities of parameterization schemes were conducted based on the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (GRAPES) model. Surface observations were used to evaluate the simulations and to improve the model’s ability to simulate the extreme precipitation over southern China on 20 July 2016. The results showed that GRAPES captured the large-scale precipitation over southern China but failed to predict the extreme precipitation over Xinyi. The model showed a systematic cold biases by adopting different parameterization schemes. In particular, the ECMWF analyses data showed a strong cold bias over Guangdong province and Guangxi Region. Observational nudging results showed that the surface temperature could largely help to alleviate the cold bias. The alleviation in the warm sector accounted for main improvement by the nudging scheme, and the RMSE was reduced by 1.56 degree from 3.25 degree to 1.69 degree by 1-h simulation and with 1.3 degree alleviation by 2-h simulation. Sensitivities using different parameterizations and the nudging scheme showed that the model’s underestimation of the precipitation was still present despite improvements in the predictions of surface temperature.  相似文献   
The Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (GRAPES), a limited-area regional model, was used to simulate the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon. In view of the relatively insufficient information about the initial field in simulation predictions, the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B) data from a NOAA satellite were introduced to improve the initial values. By directly using the 3-dimensional variational data assimilation system of GRAPES, two schemes for assimilation tests were designed. In the design, Test 1 (T1) assimilates both sounding and AMSU-B data, and Test 2 (T2) assimilates only the conventional sounding data, before applying the model in simulation forecasts. Comparative experiments showed that the model was very sensitive to initial fields and successful in reproducing the monsoon onset, allocation of high- and low-level wind fields during the pentad of onset, and the northward advancement of the monsoon and monsoon rain bands. The scheme, however, simulated rainfall and the location of the subtropical high with deviations from observations. The simulated location of the subtropical high was more westward and northward and the simulated rainfall for the South China Sea was larger and covered a broader area.  相似文献   
针对青藏高原地区气象观测站点稀少和模式同化分析质量较低的问题,将GRAPES区域集合变分(En-3DVAR)混合同化系统应用于青藏高原地区,进行了单点理想试验和真实观测资料同化分析预报试验,分析评估青藏高原混合同化分析增量及预报误差的水平垂直结构特征及其合理性,并与中国东部平原地区进行比对。单点理想试验表明,En-3DVAR混合同化系统中背景误差协方差具备流依赖属性。真实资料混合同化试验结果表明,基于集合预报估计的分析增量具有流依赖的特征,特别是在高原地区和槽脊系统附近;青藏高原地区分析场的绝对误差总体低于3DVAR系统,其平均绝对误差在中层和高层低于平原地区,说明在青藏高原地区的改进效果略优于平原地区。需要关注的是,青藏高原地区En-3DVAR混合同化分析增量总体大于3DVAR,特别是近地面层u风分量分析增量明显偏大,这可能与青藏高原复杂地形有关。  相似文献   
利用9210卫星广播的T213资料作为初始场,在联想深腾1800机群系统上构建了省级GRAPES中尺度数值预报系统,实现了GRAPES-MESO V2.5的高效运行,一方面可提供日常的业务预报产品,另一方面也可为广大预报员提供一个诊断模拟的平台。  相似文献   
In this paper, we first analyzed cloud drift wind(CDW) data distribution in the vertical direction, and then reassigned the height of every CDW in the research domain in terms of background information, and finally, conducted contrast numerical experiments of assimilating the CDW data before and after reassignment to examine the impacts on the forecast of the track of Typhoon Chanthu(1003) from 00:00(Coordinated Universal Time) 21 July to 00:00 UTC23 July, 2010. The analysis results of the CDW data indicate that the number of CDWs is mainly distributed in the midand upper-troposphere above 500 h Pa, with the maximum number at about 300 h Pa. The height reassigning method mentioned in this work may update the height effectively, and the CDW data are distributed reasonably and no obvious contradiction occurs in the horizontal direction after height reassignment. After assimilating the height-reassigned CDW data, especially the water vapor CDW data, the initial wind field around Typhoon Chanthu(1003) became more reasonable, and then the steering current leading the typhoon to move to the correct location became stronger. As a result, the numerical track predictions are improved.  相似文献   
基于大涡模拟评估GRAPES模式对对流边界层的模拟性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
江川  沈学顺 《气象学报》2013,71(5):879-890
为检验GRAPES半拉格朗日动力框架在大涡尺度上的模拟性能,为未来发展千米及其以下高分辨尺度的数值模式奠定基础,并构造GRAPES大涡模式以检验和发展边界层湍流参数化提供科学工具。通过在GRAPES模式中加入Smagorinsky-Lilly小尺度湍涡参数化,并将模式分辨率提高至50 m,构建GRAPES大涡模式(GRAPES_LES),以便分析GRAPES模式在大涡尺度上的适用性。同时利用广泛应用的已有大涡模式UCLA_LES作为参考,通过对干对流边界层湍流的模拟分析及与UCLA_LES模拟结果的对比,得出如下主要结论:GRAPES半拉格朗日动力框架能够模拟出与已有的大涡模式相似的边界层湍流特征;同时,通过分析也证明GRAPES存在由于采用半拉格朗日平流计算而带来过度耗散的问题:当使用相同的滤波尺度(Smagorinsky 常数)时,GRAPES_LES模拟出的速度场更为平滑,小尺度湍流结构过于光滑,通过对湍流能量的能谱分析更清楚地表明了这一点。进一步,对不同的Smagorinsky常数(对应不同的滤波尺度)进行了敏感性试验,表明可以通过改变滤波尺度,有效地缓解半拉格朗日框架隐含的耗散问题,得到更接近UCLA_LES所模拟的湍流特征。  相似文献   
举世闻名的天津蓟县中新元古界剖面,地层厚度近万米,分布时限为100Ma左右(1800~600Ma)。以岩相及相序为基础,不同级别沉积层序及其有序叠加形式为研究核心,在这套厚度巨大的前寒武纪地层中识别出63个三级层序,可进一步划归为22个二级大层序,4个一级超层序。4个一级超层序,不但代表了1800Ma到600Ma的周期为200Ma至400Ma的沉积旋回,加上显生宙和两个一级旋回,表明了全球系统各圈层的一系列重大变异与银河年旋回存在明显的成因联系。尽管对地层记录中隶属不同级别沉积层序的间断面所代表的间断时限的绝对年限还难以精确估价,而建立在岩相及相序基础之上的旋回性地层记录的研究,是从复杂而不完整的地层记录中寻找出更多规律性的有效途径;特别是对生物地层分辨率不高的前寒武纪地层,尤其显得更加重要。  相似文献   
GRAPES全球三维变分同化业务系统性能   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,GRAPES全球三维变分同化系统分析性能和稳定性有了长足进步。该文简要介绍了近两年GRAPES全球:三维变分同化技术的发展与改进情况,包括同化框架技术、资料同化应用技术与系统稳定性等方面。分析诊断了两年的同化循环试验结果,以探空资料作为参考,对ERA-Interim再分析场、NCEP FNL分析场和GRAPES全球三维变分分析场的统计特征进行了比较;以ERA-Interim再分析场作为参考,对NCEP FNL分析场、T639分析场和GRAPES全球三维变分分析场进行比较。结果表明:GRAPES分析场的质量明显优于T639分析场,性能上达到了业务化的要求,但相比NCEP FNL分析场还有一定差距,特别是对流层内湿度分析场的误差还比较大。  相似文献   
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