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This study uses numerical simulations to examine a case of sea fog that was observed from 20 to 22 March2011 on the southern China coast. The observation dataset includes observatory data, cloud-top temperature from MODIS, GPS sonde, and data from the Integrated Observation Platform for Marine Meteorology(IOPMM). The simulations are based on the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model with four distinct parameter settings.Both the observations and simulations focus on the characteristics of the fog extent, boundary layer structure, and meteorological elements near the air-sea interface. Our main results are as follows:(1) The extent of mesoscale sea fog can be well simulated when the sea surface temperature has at least 0.5 ×0.5 horizontal resolution.(2) To accurately model the vertical structure of the sea fog, particularly the surface-based inversion, vertical levels must be added in the boundary layer.(3) When these model conditions are met, the simulations faithfully reproduce the measured downward shortwave radiation, downward longwave radiation, and surface sensible heat flux during the sea fog period.  相似文献   
西双版纳海拔变化对水湿状况的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对西双版纳三个海拔梯度(570m、1105m、1610m)的水湿状况进行了3a的观测(2002~2004年)。随海拔上升,年平均降雨量增加,年平均相对湿度降低,总雾日数减少,年平均气温和水气压线性递减,降雨日数和蒸发量的变化相对较小。随海拔上升,雨季(5~10月)降雨量显著增加,但干季(11~4月)降雨量变化很小,其中在干热季节(3~4月)还会降低。雨季空气相对湿度随海拔上升而增加,但干季的情况却相反。在海拔570m,雾凉季节(11~2月)的雾日为100d,而海拔1105m和1610m,此时期的雾日都仅为6d。以上结果显示:在印度季风环境下,山地与低海拔的坝子相比,干湿季节交替更加明显,在山地上干季期间不存在雾凉季节,在雨季期间,热带山地雨林的水湿气候条件优于较低海拔的季节雨林,但干季山地雨林的水湿条件更差。  相似文献   
Short-term forecasting of fog is a difficult issue which can have a large societal impact. Fog appears in the surface boundary layer and is driven by the interactions between land surface and the lower layers of the atmosphere. These interactions are still not well parameterized in current operational NWP models, and a new methodology based on local observations, an adaptive assimilation scheme and a local numerical model is tested. The proposed numerical forecast method of foggy conditions has been run during three years at Paris-CdG international airport. This test over a long-time period allows an in-depth evaluation of the forecast quality. This study demonstrates that detailed 1-D models, including detailed physical parameterizations and high vertical resolution, can reasonably represent the major features of the life cycle of fog (onset, development and dissipation) up to +6 h. The error on the forecast onset and burn-off time is typically 1 h. The major weakness of the methodology is related to the evolution of low clouds (stratus lowering). Even if the occurrence of fog is well forecasted, the value of the horizontal visibility is only crudely forecasted. Improvements in the microphysical parameterization and in the translation algorithm converting NWP prognostic variables into a corresponding horizontal visibility seems necessary to accurately forecast the value of the visibility.  相似文献   
An effort is made to examine the properties of rotational (torsional and rocking) ground motions using Chiba dense array data. The Chiba array system, located 30 km east of Tokyo, Japan, is composed of 15 boreholes with separation distances varying from 5 to 320 m. This provides a unique opportunity to examine the characteristics of rotational components. For this purpose, 17 events are considered and rotational ground motions are evaluated using spatial derivatives of translational ones. The effects of seismological parameters and separation distances between stations on properties of rotational motions are examined, showing a sudden increase in rotational motions for the earthquakes with large magnitude or PGA and decrease of these motions with increasing separation distance. While the duration of torsional motion is found to be larger than translational ones, there is no significant difference between durations of rocking and vertical motions. The effects of separation distance and earthquake magnitude on rotational response spectra are also investigated. The normalized rotational response spectra are found to be strongly affected by separation distance. The spectral ratios of rotational and translational motions are not linearly proportional to period as suggested by the previous studies. Finally, the torsional motion is predicted from translation ones for different separation distances at the site. The comparison of the predicted and the calculated torsional motions reveals a weak estimation in close separation distances (<30m) and satisfactory predictions in other cases. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
2018年10月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹越男  高拴柱 《气象》2019,45(1):135-140
2018年10月大气环流主要特征如下:北半球极涡呈偶极型,中高纬地区西风带为4波型分布,西太平洋副热带高压较常年位置偏西。全国平均降水量为28.1 mm,较常年同期(35.8 mm)偏少21.6%。全国平均气温为9.9℃,较常年同期(10.3℃)偏低0.4℃,为近16年来同期最低。10月我国无大范围暴雨天气过程,江南及华南地区雨日较多。冷空气活动频繁,出现5次过程,较常年偏多。京津冀地区出现2次雾 霾天气过程,相对往年秋、冬季雾 霾偏轻。月内没有台风登陆我国。  相似文献   
导致雾霾、地下水和土壤污染的机理复杂,且影响因素较多。不同行业和学科研究的成果各有说法和道理,并且取得了一定的成效。但是,就目前的研究成果和实际情况来看依然存在着许多不攻自破的“漏洞”和片面性。通过2年来的野外调查研究和大量文献资料分析认为:雾霾的产生和土壤、地下水体污染主要由地质作用(构造活动和地球深部气体释放、煤田火区)、人类活动(地表到大气对流层空间)和气候气象(湿度、风力和降雨强度)3大因素造成。其中,地质作用是不可忽略的重要因素,也是难以预测和治理难度最大的。华北平原正好同时满足上述3个条件,处于雾霾严重区域。  相似文献   
海雾卫星遥感监测研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
肖艳芳  张杰  崔廷伟  秦平 《海洋科学》2017,41(12):146-154
海雾导致能见度降低,给海上交通和海上作业造成极大威胁。卫星遥感是海雾监测不可或缺的重要技术手段。本文从海雾遥感监测的原理出发,首先介绍海雾的辐射特征和纹理特征,进而对近年来海雾遥感监测方面的研究进行回顾,包括海雾的识别探测研究和海雾物理特征量的反演研究,最后对海雾遥感监测中存在的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
通过计算对流层延迟和精密单点定位的点位坐标,研究雾霾天气对GPS天顶对流层延迟和精密单点定位精度的影响。结果表明,当空气质量持续良好、没有雾霾发生时,空气质量指数(air quality index, AQI)与对流层延迟的相关性很小;当重度雾霾天气持续发生时,雾霾会对天顶对流层延迟产生40~60 mm的影响。但在精密单点定位中,通过对对流层延迟进行参数估计的方法可以消除绝大部分雾霾对定位精度的影响,因此无论重度雾霾天气是否发生,AQI指数与精密单点定位精度的相关性很小。  相似文献   
利用银川气象站1981-2013年逐时地面气象资料及探空资料,统计分析了不同季节影响大气扩散能力的静小风频率、逆温厚度强度、混合层高度等的差异。结果表明:雾主要出现在傍晚~夜间~第二天上午12:00之前,高峰期出现在07:00~09:00;霾主要出现在08:00~14:00,11:00前后最多,其他时间段相对较少;1981-1995年间,霾日数呈明显的下降趋势,1996年后呈明显的上升趋势,2013年达高峰。秋冬季是一年中浓雾-强浓雾及重度霾的多发季节,特别是夜间出现浓雾和强浓雾时,对应混合层高度均≤150 m,占比达100%;有霾出现时,污染潜在等级以2级为主,混合层高度在150< H≤ 350之间的占比达75%。小风条件下出现轻中度霾的概率比静风大,静风条件下出现重度霾的概率比小风大。雾霾天气时,大气稳定度以中性(D类)为主,其次是较稳定类(E类)。  相似文献   
辐射雾雾滴谱拓宽的微物理过程和宏观条件   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
为研究南京雾的物理化学过程,2006~2007年冬季,在南京信息工程大学(原南京气象学院)院内进行了雾的外场综合观测实验,共获得27次雾过程资料,其中有22次过程进行了全过程不间断的雾滴谱和湍流观测.根据雾滴谱分布特征可以将辐射雾分为宽谱辐射雾(都为强浓雾,最大直径大于40μm)和窄谱辐射雾(多为浓雾,最大直径小于22...  相似文献   
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