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乔爱香  江冶  李如燕 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):450-454
采用ICP-AES法对金属硅中的B、P、Al、Mn、Ca、Mg、Fe等28种微量和痕量元素进行分析。根据元素的化学性质制定预处理方法,优化ICP-AES光谱仪测试样品的最佳工作条件。在缺少金属硅标准物质的情况下,选择硅含量较高的国家一级岩石标准物质(GBW07106)进行试验,该标准物质的回收率在95.0%~104.4%之间,相对标准偏差RSD在0.21%~4.01%之间。实际分析工作表明,该方法准确、快速,符合DZ/T 0130—2006的要求。  相似文献   
以膨胀性的粘土为主要研究对象,通过粘土浆体的流变性实验和填砂管渗流实验,并使用一种新研制的微流量测量工具,研究了低渗岩心在较低流速下的渗流特性;利用微尺度流动理论,Einstein粘度定律等进行了理论分析,对引起低渗透油藏低速非线性渗流的影响因素进行了初步的探索.结论认为,粘土的膨胀性以及其水化后形成浆体的流变性是引起低速非线性渗流的主要因素之一.  相似文献   
下击暴流实例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地灾情调查,本文提供了一个证据较为充分、说服力较强的下击暴流实例,加深了人们对下击暴流的感性认识。实践证明,在观测密度(时间和空间上)远不能满足中小尺度分析要求、探测手段受到很大限制的情况下,用实地灾情调查和地面拍照的办法进行下击暴流这类中小尺度系统的分析是可行的。  相似文献   
切变线降水系统微物理特征及隆水机制个例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用机载云粒子探测系统(PMS).对2004年7月1日影响吉林省的一次切变线降水过程进行了探测飞行,利用所获取的宏微观资料对此次降水过程的微物理结构、降水机制进行综合分析.结果表明:此次切变线降水云系主要由高层云、雨层云、碎云构成,高层云和雨层云中间夹有1100m左右的无云区;3类云中平均云滴浓度、平均云滴直径各不相同;云水含量随高度分布不均匀,云的不同部位云水含量起伏较大;冰晶浓度平均为17.3个/L;此次探测的降水云系符合Bergeron提出的催化云一供水云相互作用导致降水的概念.根据云图及其他探测资料综合分析,冰晶主要产生于高层云上部或卷层云的冰晶播撒,供水云为高层云中下部和雨层云.  相似文献   
利用岩心物性分析、压汞曲线和镜下分析等资料,研究榆树林油田东16区块扶杨油层的宏、微观特征及二者关系.结果表明:研究区扶杨油层岩性为岩屑长石砂岩,普遍具有碎裂特征,主要孔隙成因类型包括微裂缝、粒间孔、粒内孔和晶间孔,微裂缝对孔隙度的贡献不大,但对渗透率的影响不容忽视.孔隙度主要受孔喉发育程度影响,孔喉半径越大,孔隙度越高.渗透率受反映连通程度的特征结构参数影响较大,二者呈正相关关系,且孔隙度越大,特征结构系数对渗透率的影响越大.退汞效率受特征结构参数影响较大,储层为中孔时,退汞效率随特征结构参数的增大而增大;储层为低孔或特低孔时,退汞效率随特征结构参数的增大而减小.该研究结果对改造低渗储层、提高采收率具有指导意义.  相似文献   
李连捷院士是杰出的土壤地理学家、我国土壤学的创始人之一 ,也是土壤地质学派的创史人。他有关土壤发生的地学基础背景的正确而鲜明的学术思想引导着土壤地理和土壤资源的研究、土地资源开发和研究生培养工作。他一方面不断学习国际上在这方面的学术发展动向及前沿 ;另一方面紧密结合中国发展的生产实际。他在 2 0世纪 5 0~ 6 0年代以综合考察 ,70年代以后以扎根基点的形式发展土壤科学、培养研究生。他一生刚正不阿、高风亮节 ,实为一代宗师。  相似文献   
A new numerical approach is proposed in this study to model the mechanical behaviors of inherently anisotropic rocks in which the rock matrix is represented as bonded particle model, and the intrinsic anisotropy is imposed by replacing any parallel bonds dipping within a certain angle range with smooth‐joint contacts. A series of numerical models with β = 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, and 90° are constructed and tested (β is defined as the angle between the normal of weak layers and the maximum principal stress direction). The effect of smooth‐joint parameters on the uniaxial compression strength and Young's modulus is investigated systematically. The simulation results reveal that the normal strength of smooth‐joint mainly affects the behaviors at high anisotropy angles (β > 45°), while the shear strength plays an important role at medium anisotropy angles (30°–75°). The normal stiffness controls the mechanical behaviors at low anisotropy angles. The angle range of parallel bonds being replaced plays an important role on defining the degree of anisotropy. Step‐by‐step procedures for the calibration of micro parameters are recommended. The numerical model is calibrated to reproduce the behaviors of different anisotropic rocks. Detailed analyses are conducted to investigate the brittle failure process by looking at stress‐strain behaviors, increment of micro cracks, initiation and propagation of fractures. Most of these responses agree well with previous experimental findings and can provide new insights into the micro mechanisms related to the anisotropic deformation and failure behaviors. The numerical approach is then applied to simulate the stress‐induced borehole breakouts in anisotropic rock formations at reduced scale. The effect of rock anisotropy and stress anisotropy can be captured. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Subduction and exhumation dynamics can be investigated through analysis of metamorphic and deformational evolution of associated high‐grade rocks. The Erzgebirge anticline, which forms at the boundary between the Saxothuringian and Teplá‐Barrandian domains of the Bohemian Massif, provides a useful study area for these processes owing to the occurrence of numerous meta‐basites preserving eclogite facies assemblages, and coesite and diamond bearing quartzofeldspathic lithologies indicating subduction to deep mantle depths. The prograde and retrograde evolution of meta‐basite from the Czech portion of the Erzgebirge anticline has been constrained through a combination of thermodynamic modelling and conventional thermobarometry. Garnet growth zoning indicates that the rocks underwent burial and heating to peak conditions of 2.6 GPa and at least 615 °C. Initial exhumation occurred with concurrent cooling and decompression resulting in the growth of amphibole and zoisite poikiloblasts overgrowing and including the eclogite facies assemblage. The development of clinopyroxene–plagioclase–amphibole symplectites after omphacite and Al‐rich rims on matrix amphibole indicate later heating at the base of the lower crust. Omphacite microstructures, in particular grain size analysis and lattice‐preferred orientations, indicate that the prograde evolution was characterized by a constrictional strain geometry transitioning into plane strain and oblate fabrics during exhumation. The initial constrictional strain pattern is interpreted as being controlled by competing slab pull and crustal buoyancy forces leading to necking of the subducting slab. The transition to plane strain and flattening geometries represents transfer of material from the subducting lithosphere into a subduction channel, break‐off of the dense slab and rebound of the buoyant crustal material.  相似文献   
软土地质条件下建筑物的沉降变形和承载力要求越来越高,对基础施工工艺提出了较高要求。在高压旋喷施工工艺的基础上,提出旋喷式插筋微型桩施工工艺,开展了微型桩工艺试验研究,结果表明该工艺大幅提高了单桩桩基承载性能,为实际工程应用提供了技术数据支持。  相似文献   
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