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With the pros and cons of the traditional optimization and probability pairing methods thoroughly considered, an improved optimal pairing window probability technique is developed using a dynamic relationship between the base reflectivity Z observed by radar and real time precipitation I by rain gauge. Then, the Doppler radar observations of base reflectivity for typhoons Haitang and Matsa in Wenzhou are employed to establish various Z-I relationships, which are subsequently used to estimate hourly precipitation of the two typhoons. Such estimations are calibrated by variational techniques. The results show that there exist significant differences in the Z-I relationships for the typhoons, leading to different typhoon precipitation efficiencies. The typhoon precipitation estimated by applying radar base reflectivity is capable of exhibiting clearly the spiral rain belts and mesoscale cells, and well matches the observed rainfall. Error statistical analyses indicate that the estimated typhoon precipitation is better with variational calibration than the one without. The variational calibration technique is able to maintain the characteristics of the distribution of radar-estimated typhoon precipitation, and to significantly reduce the error of the estimated precipitation in comparison with the observed rainfall.  相似文献   
在过去的几十年中,我国气象事业的不断发展,中国风云气象卫星完成了从试验应用型向业务服务性的不断转型,因此对于卫星信号接收天线的可靠性和指向精度要求越来越高。目前用于接收风云系列极轨气象卫星下行信号的天线主要有12m和4.2m天线,其具有动态特性高、波束宽度窄等特点,因此需要在天线安装和运行期间对天线的轴系误差进行精确的标定和校准。本文在传统标校方法的基础上,提出了利用太阳进行的误差标校技术,进一步降低了标校环节的复杂程度,提高了标校精度。  相似文献   
T213 降水预报订正系统的建立与研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李莉  朱跃建 《应用气象学报》2006,17(Z1):130-134
目前T213降水预报存在一定程度上的系统性误差,为了更好地使用T213降水预报产品,减小系统性误差对主观预报的影响,利用一种统计学方法可以对T213降水预报进行订正,减小T213降水预报的系统性误差。通过对2004年6—11月订正前后的T213降水预报进行统计学和天气学检验分析,检验该订正系统的订正效果。结果表明,订正后的降水预报的预报偏差B值有了显著改善,其他统计检验量也有了不同程度的提高;订正后雨带的位置和轮廓更加接近降水实况。  相似文献   
甘肃省河西地区气候对流量影响的初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁玉江  桑修诚 《高原气象》1998,17(2):211-217
利用单相关、典型相关、响应函数、逐步回归方法,从不同角度分析了甘肃河西地区气候对河流年径流总量的影响,主要结果表明;(1)在河西地区,水文年降水量是影响流量变化的主要导因子,其作用是全区性的,它决定流量场的空间分布特征;而5 ̄9月平均温度是辅助性因子,通过影响高山冰雪融化对流量起培加作用,其影响主要表现在西部的疏勒河。(2)河西地区年径流量对当年1,4 ̄5月及7 ̄8月的降水具有显著的影响,其中对4  相似文献   
介绍了模架无线实时变形监测系统的基本构成和主要工作过程,提出了使用绝对激光跟踪仪对其核心部件位移和角度传感器进行监测精度标定,设计了模架无线实时监测传感器工作和标定试验模型,通过试验分析为传感器精度的判定和升级研发提供了有效的数据支撑。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Argo floats are instruments that move freely with the ocean current at fixed parking depths and cycle from a profiling depth to the sea surface at regular time intervals. While rising to the surface, these autonomous floats take profiles of…  相似文献   
Simulation of soil moisture content requires effective soil hydraulic parameters that are valid at the modelling scale. This study investigates how these parameters can be estimated by inverse modelling using soil moisture measurements at 25 locations at three different depths (at the surface, at 30 and 60 cm depth) on an 80 by 20 m hillslope. The study presents two global sensitivity analyses to investigate the sensitivity in simulated soil moisture content of the different hydraulic parameters used in a one‐dimensional unsaturated zone model based on Richards' equation. For estimation of the effective parameters the shuffled complex evolution algorithm is applied. These estimated parameters are compared to their measured laboratory and in situ equivalents. Soil hydraulic functions were estimated in the laboratory on 100 cm3 undisturbed soil cores collected at 115 locations situated in two horizons in three profile pits along the hillslope. Furthermore, in situ field saturated hydraulic conductivity was estimated at 120 locations using single‐ring pressure infiltrometer measurements. The sensitivity analysis of 13 soil physical parameters (saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), saturated moisture content (θs), residual moisture content (θr), inverse of the air‐entry value (α), van Genuchten shape parameter (n), Averjanov shape parameter (N) for both horizons, and depth (d) from surface to B horizon) in a two‐layer single column model showed that the parameter N is the least sensitive parameter. Ks of both horizons, θs of the A horizon and d were found to be the most sensitive parameters. Distributions over all locations of the effective parameters and the distributions of the estimated soil physical parameters from the undisturbed soil samples and the single‐ring pressure infiltrometer estimates were found significantly different at a 5% level for all parameters except for α of the A horizon and Ks and θs of the B horizon. Different reasons are discussed to explain these large differences. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
徐涵秋 《遥感学报》2016,20(2):229-235
Landsat系列卫星上的TIRS热红外传感器数据已被大量应用,针对TIRS数据的地表温度反演也相继开发出一些算法,并有一些研究对TIRS数据的定标及其地表温度反演算法的精度进行了对比。本文主要就TIRS热红外传感器定标参数的变化,结合这些定标参数变化的时间点对有关地表温度反演算法的适用性和有效性进行分析,特别是对劈窗算法是否适合当前的TIRS数据进行了讨论,以使用户能够对Landsat 8 TIRS热红外数据的正确使用有进一步的认识。总的看来,由于视域外杂散光的影响,TIRS数据的定标精度仍达不到设计目标,TIRS第11波段的不确定性仍成倍大于TIRS 10波段。因此,在Landsat团队未彻底解决这一问题之前,同时用TIRS第10、第11这两个差距较大的波段构成的劈窗算法来反演地表温度,其精度存在较大的不确定性,US6-S团队仍在致力于改进第11波段的精度,改进后的波段可以用劈窗策法。目前应以TIRS第10单波段的方式来反演地表温度为宜。  相似文献   
利用美国ASD公司的FieldSpec Pro FR地面波谱仪,选择5°视场角探头和135cm探头距测试地物高度,开展0°、5°、10°、15°、20°等五种不同地形坡度明、暗地物自然定标场地面波谱测试。通过对比研究不同地形坡度具代表性、能真实反映被测试目标平均自然性的各波谱测试点波谱曲线特征,得出0°、5°地形坡度获取的波谱曲线连续、平滑,信噪比高,没有混入大气水气吸收、仪器噪声等因素导致的剧烈波动、跳跃现象或尖锐锯齿状噪声,波谱特征明显,吸收峰最小值位置清晰可辨,各波谱测试点波谱曲线变化幅度小,整体反射率值变化小,Fe~(2+)、Fe~(3+)、Al-OH、Mg-OH、CO_3~(2-)等分子基团与离子波谱的诊断性波谱特征位置清晰可辨。因此0°和5°坡度地形条件获取的地面同步自然场光谱定标波谱曲线,可以满足航空高光谱遥感数据的大气校正、光谱重建和空、地回归分析等所需的地面波谱数据要求。  相似文献   
The instantaneous salt dilution method for water discharge measurements in open channels has been improved by the development of a new instrument measuring conductivity. The salt method consists of two parts: the calibration and the actual measurement in the stream. The calibration aims to calculate the linear relationship between electrical conductivity and salt concentration at various degrees of dilution in a salt solution. The original undiluted solution is injected into the water of a stream and the conductivity is measured downstream from the injection site. When measuring, the new instrument integrates the conductivity over time. From the value obtained on the instrument's display, the water discharge can easily be calculated on a hand-PC in the field. The instrument has eliminated the subsequent calculation work formerly necessary. It has increased the accuracy of the method and also reduced the need for field personnel during measurements.  相似文献   
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