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The Canadian Rocky Mountain headwaters support the water resource systems of the Canadian Prairies. Significant variations in natural headwater contributions have been observed due to warming climate. Projecting future natural headwater flows under climate change effects, however, has large uncertainty. First, there are difficulties in climate modeling and downscaling in alpine regions. Second, streamflow modeling in mountainous areas is extremely challenging. There is therefore a need to understand the effects of uncertainty in the natural inflow regime, and in particular how this translates into uncertainty in representing the state and the outflow of water resource systems. Considering the Oldman River basin in Alberta, Canada, we synthesized different inflow regimes based on site/inter-site properties of the historical inflow regime. The water resources system was then conditioned on the synthesized inflow regimes to identify the mechanisms of error propagation from the headwater streamflows to the water allocations. The results show that the response of the water resource system to the uncertainty in the generated inflow regime depends on the system state, flow condition and the component of interest. Generally, the response of the reservoirs to the uncertainty in the estimated inflow regime is more significant in dry years, in particular during low flow conditions. The response at the system outlet is rather different, as the propagation of the headwater uncertainty is more significant during high flow conditions. Also, similar inflow estimates in terms of error and uncertainty may result in different error and uncertainty estimates in the simulated outflows; therefore, lower bias and uncertainty in estimating the regional inflow regime does not necessarily mean lower bias and uncertainty in simulating the streamflow at the outlet of the system. Our results provide improved understanding of uncertainty propagation through complex water resource systems, but also portray the need for better climate and hydrological modeling in the Rocky Mountains for improved water management in the Canadian Prairies, particularly in the face of uncertain climate futures. This will be crucial if the natural headwater inflows decline and/or the system faces drought conditions.  相似文献   
多旋翼无人机磁通门航磁系统以其安全、稳定、高效等特点可广泛应用于中大比例尺矿产资源探测领域,但由于磁通门传感器存在三轴不严格正交,灵敏度、零偏不一致造成的转向差,且系统作业中存在固定场干扰、感应干扰和涡流干扰,需要进行流程繁琐的标定和补偿测试.本文根据实测数据分析出航磁系统机电干扰主要来自机载设备高频干扰,针对机电干扰高频特性设计相应低通滤波器进行误差处理,并基于Tolles-Lawson模型建立仪器转向误差和飞行平台机动误差补偿模型,根据两者结构相似的特点,建立综合补偿模型,该模型简单,实用性强,可通过野外一次补偿测试求取补偿参数进而对工区航磁数据进行补偿处理.最后,将综合补偿研究应用到辽宁省兴城市夹山地区航磁数据,综合补偿后的处理有效去除了航磁数据中的条带状干扰异常,并与地面磁测数据异常形态具有良好的一致性,验证了该研究方法有效性和实用性.  相似文献   
The present work involves the study of Se(IV) adsorption onto bagasse fly ash. The adsorbents were coated with a ferric chloride solution for the effective removal of selenium. The physico‐chemical characterization of the adsorbent was carried out using standard methods, e. g., proximate analysis, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermo‐gravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis. Batch experiments were carried out to determine the effect of various parameters such as adsorbent dose, initial pH, contact time, and temperature on the adsorption process. Results obtained from these studies were analyzed using various kinetic models and isotherms. Se(IV) adsorption onto adsorbent was high at low pH values, and decreased with an increase in initial pH. A temperature study showed that the uptake of Se(IV) was greatest at 293 K, within the temperature range studied. The parameters of pseudo first order, pseudo second order, and Weber‐Morris intra‐particle kinetic models were determined. Equilibrium isotherms were analyzed using Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherms. Error analyses were also carried out using hybrid fractional error function and Marquardt's percent standard deviation.  相似文献   
单波高精度测距系统的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张学庄  王爱公 《测绘学报》1996,25(3):186-189
本文介绍了测距精度优于10^-6的自动高精度测距系统的构成、原理及春应用。  相似文献   
Given that water resources are scarce and are strained by competing demands, it has become crucial to develop and improve techniques to observe the temporal and spatial variations in the inland water volume. Due to the lack of data and the heterogeneity of water level stations, remote sensing, and especially altimetry from space, appear as complementary techniques for water level monitoring. In addition to spatial resolution and sampling rates in space or time, one of the most relevant criteria for satellite altimetry on inland water is the accuracy of the elevation data. Here, the accuracy of ICESat LIDAR altimetry product is assessed over the Great Lakes in North America. The accuracy assessment method used in this paper emphasizes on autocorrelation in high temporal frequency ICESat measurements. It also considers uncertainties resulting from both in situ lake level reference data. A probabilistic upscaling process was developed. This process is based on several successive ICESat shots averaged in a spatial transect accounting for autocorrelation between successive shots. The method also applies pre-processing of the ICESat data with saturation correction of ICESat waveforms, spatial filtering to avoid measurement disturbance from the land–water transition effects on waveform saturation and data selection to avoid trends in water elevations across space. Initially this paper analyzes 237 collected ICESat transects, consistent with the available hydrometric ground stations for four of the Great Lakes. By adapting a geostatistical framework, a high frequency autocorrelation between successive shot elevation values was observed and then modeled for 45% of the 237 transects. The modeled autocorrelation was therefore used to estimate water elevations at the transect scale and the resulting uncertainty for the 117 transects without trend. This uncertainty was 8 times greater than the usual computed uncertainty, when no temporal correlation is taken into account. This temporal correlation, corresponding to approximately 11 consecutive ICESat shots, could be linked to low transmitted ICESat GLAS energy and to poor weather conditions. Assuming Gaussian uncertainties for both reference data and ICESat data upscaled at the transect scale, we derived GLAS deviations statistics by averaging the results at station and lake scales. An overall bias of −4.6 cm (underestimation) and an overall standard deviation of 11.6 cm were computed for all lakes. Results demonstrated the relevance of taking autocorrelation into account in satellite data uncertainty assesment.  相似文献   
GLONASS与GPS导航定位技术原理相似,GPS/GLONASS组合测量由于可见卫星数目的增加,可以提高测量的精度、可靠性、完备性。着重介绍了GPS/GLONASS组合测量中的主要误差源及其性质并给出相应的影响量级。  相似文献   
林逸  张长厚 《地质科学》2018,(4):1488-1498
古构造应力场是构造动力学研究中的一个重要内容,且断层滑动数据古应力反演已经成为古构造应力场恢复研究中比较常用的重要方法之一。近年来,断层滑动数据古应力反演方法研究和应用取得了一系列重要进展,但有关反演结果的解释仍存歧义,反演结果的影响因素及其误差范围等并未得到深入研究与定量分析。本文总结指出,影响断层滑动数据古应力反演结果的主要因素包括变形体制、剪切破裂面类型、断层面的形态以及地质体内薄弱面的存在等。在此基础上,分别对新生断层和先存薄弱面滑动数据的古应力反演综合误差进行了定量分析。研究指出,在可以大致厘定变形体制或误差在允许范围内的前提下,将断层滑动数据反演结果解释为应力状态是合理可行的。各种因素导致的反演误差定量分析表明,同一期构造应力场形成的破裂面滑动数据的古应力方位反演误差最大不超过35°。换言之,在没有证据表明存在不同期次的应力作用情况下,主应力方位变化小于35° 的应力状态,可以划归同一期应力场。  相似文献   
岩石化学成分统计分析中的定和变量问题及其解决途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周建文 《岩石学报》1991,7(1):36-43
用岩石化学成分数据之类的定和数组计算相关系数或用于多元统计分析时,由于恒定总数约束的影响,致使结果出现很大的畸变。本文通过定和数组及对应的开数组之间的关系确定了开数组的范围,进而导出“误差对应模型”决定了该开数组,使恒定总数约束影响得以消除,最后用云南金顶铅锌矿的岩石化学分析样作了上述处理,取得了良好的实际效果。  相似文献   
尝试利用卫星遥感高分辨率海表温度资料GHRSST (Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature) 与海表温度(sea surface temperature, SST)数值预报产品之间的误差, 建立一种南海SST模式预报订正方法。首先, 利用南海的Argo浮标上层海温数据对GHRSST 海温数据进行验证, 结果表明两者之间均方根误差约为0.3℃, 相关系数为0.98, GHRSST 海温数据可用于南海业务化数值预报SST的订正。预报订正后的SST与Argo浮标海温数据相比, 24h、48h和72h的均方根误差均由0.8℃左右下降到0.5℃以内。与GHRSST 海温数据相比, 南海北部海域(110°E—121°E, 13°N—23°N)订正后的24h、48h和72h的SST预报空间误差均显著减小, 在冷空气影响南海期间或中尺度涡存在的过程中, SST预报订正效果也较为显著。因此, 该方法可考虑在南海业务化SST数值预报系统中应用。  相似文献   
潮滩作为动态变化的后备土地资源,对其研究具有重要意义。文章以江苏省如东县为研究区,使用环境资源卫星(HJ1A/1B)影像为数据源,应用面向对象技术创建分类规则,实现批量半自动提取水边线,随后利用DSAS软件处理水边线集获得潮位点集,基于最外边界法实现高(低)潮位点的提取,进而获得潮滩范围,估算的如东县潮滩面积为55 182hm~2。最后利用误差矩阵进行精度验证(Kappa系数为0.945)。结果表明:该方法对于潮滩面积提取具有适用性,无论在空间域还是时间域都具有一定的推广性。  相似文献   
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