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The goal of the Project for Intercomparison of Land-surface Parameterization Schemes (PILPS) is to improve the understanding of the interactions between the atmosphere and the continental surface in climate and weather forecast models. In PILPS Phase 4(b), selected schemes are coupled to the Limited Area Prediction System (LAPS) developed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. To facilitate the comparison of PILPS schemes' behavior within LAPS, a single mode of coupling is selected: explicit coupling. This type of coupling is more flexible and avoids most of the problems raised when interchanging the surface schemes. Exploratory tests are conducted. Initially, experiments are run in which the land-surface schemes use the same parameters as in their original host models. Then, in other runs, the most important surface parameters are set constant in an attempt to reduce the scatter amongst the schemes' results. In order to understand the impact of initialisation of soil moisture on the schemes' results some extreme cases (wet and dry) are performed. The partitioning between surface fluxes is studied as well as the soil moisture budget. Both regional and local results are analysed. Sensitivity between LSS is found in the precipitation field with rainfall over the Australian continent altering by about 20%, but no significant change is found in the net radiation. The scatter in the surface energy fluxes amongst the schemes is large (up to 300 W m−2 locally, during the daytime peak) but is seldom affected by the choice of surface parameters. The dynamical range of flux partitioning between extremely dry and wet initialisation varies strongly amongst the schemes. Some major shortcoming with the BUCKET approach are seen in the re-evaporation of convective precipitation over dry land, in the very large evaporation from wet surfaces and the diurnal cycle of surface temperature.  相似文献   
秦皇岛地区雾天气气候特征及预报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着交通线路的快速发展,雾对交通运输的影响越来越大,浓雾天气常常引发交通事故,给人民的生命财产造成严重损失,危害性极大.应用秦皇岛1957-2006年"气表-1"资料,统计分析秦皇岛内陆、沿海地区雾天气时空分布特征,返查1981-2000年历史天气图,得出本地区出现雾的主要天气类型,筛选出影响雾的主要天气要素,建立MOS预报方程,为雾预报及临近预警信号的发布、解除提供有利依据,达到监测、预报之目的.  相似文献   
水库汛期限制水位控制理论与观念的更新探讨   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60       下载免费PDF全文
传统的水库汛限水位的控制,只利用了洪水的统计信息,使水库在汛期要时刻预防设计与校核洪水事件的发生,致使一些水库在汛期不敢蓄水而汛后又无水可蓄,造成洪水资源的浪费。提出水库汛限水位动态控制的新理念及其综合推理模式,适应当前预报技术的发展水平,考虑降雨径流洪水预报与一定时间内的短期降雨预报,排除不可能发生的洪水事件,预报可能发生的洪水,实施水库汛限水位的动态控制。但预报不可避免地存在误差,当小概率预报误差事件发生时,仍可采取弥补措施以确保大坝的防洪安全。  相似文献   
2002年6月13日重庆区域大暴雨分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王中  周毅 《气象》2004,30(5):30-32
通过对重庆西部“6 1 3”区域大暴雨的分析 ,发现此次天气过程是一次典型的高原涡与西南涡耦合 ,结合地面弱冷空气条件下产生的 ,同时对ECMWF和T2 1 3数值预报产品进行了简要的分析 ,发现ECMWF和T2 1 3的形势预报能力都比较好 ,但T2 1 3的部分物理量要素和降水量预报能力还有待提高。  相似文献   
长江中下游旱涝中期预报方法及其业务应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
金荣花  李月安  晁淑懿  任金声 《气象》2004,30(12):47-52
介绍了双层多因子综合相似的长江中下游旱涝中期预报模型。该模型引入了具有明确动力学和热力学意义的地转西风动量经向输送和经向温度梯度诊断量,同时强调了西太平洋副热带高压对长江中下游夏季降水的关键作用,并考虑了对流层中、低层500hPa高度和850hPa温度的大尺度环流背景场。与过去业务应用的单层相似预报模型相比较,不仅物理意义和天气学含义明确,而且更符合对具有复杂动力和热力机制的降水预报的考虑。5年的预报试验和业务应用结果表明,该方法对长江中下游地区旱涝的中期趋势预报有较好的预报能力。  相似文献   
地缘政治风险是影响全球和区域和平、稳定与发展的5大风险之一。如何识别、评估、预测和管理地缘政治风险成为国内外共同关注的问题。国内外学者对地缘政治风险这一术语的定义还不统一。当前地缘政治风险研究,在致险因素分析、风险影响刻画、风险量化与制图等领域都有一些新进展。针对地缘政治风险致险因子的时空差异性和多变性、各致险因子相互影响与反馈机制的复杂性以及地缘政治风险的突发性和不确定性,对致险因素的精准识别,地缘政治风险形成的机理,地缘政治风险监测与模拟等研究成为核心和前沿问题。中国未来地缘政治风险和重要研究方向包括:周边地区地缘政治风险研究;地缘政治风险的定量化与模拟研究;跨学科、大数据、多终端的地缘政治风险集成计算方法与预警服务平台建设;凝炼科学问题,提升对现实地缘政治问题的解释能力。  相似文献   
青岛市大气污染时间序列分析预报方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据青岛市大气污染监测资料 ,采用时间序列分析方法 ,建立多种预报模型 ,有原序列周期外延法、均生函数周期外延法、均生函数逐步回归法以及自回归预报法等 ,最后提出一种综合预报模型。连续预报试验表明 ,综合预报模型优于任何个别预报模型 ,有较好的预报能力。利用马尔可夫概型对污染状态 (轻、中、重 )进行了分级预报试验 ,也获得良好的效果。  相似文献   
Regional deterministic and ensemble surge prediction systems (RDSPS and RESPS respectively) are used to forecast sea levels off the east of Canada and northeast US. The surge models for the RDSPS and RESPS have grid spacings of 1/30° and 1/12° respectively. The models are driven by surface air pressure and 10 m winds generated by operational global deterministic and ensemble prediction systems that are run operationally by the Canadian Meteorological Centre. Surge forecasts are evaluated for the period 1 March, 2013 to 31 March 2014. Based on traditional statistics (e.g., standard deviation of the difference between observations and predictions) both systems are shown to have skill in forecasting surges six days into the future. It is shown however that skill exists beyond six days if allowance is made for errors in the timing of large surges. The usefulness of the RESPS is demonstrated for two positive surges (important for coastal flooding and erosion) and a negative surge (important for safe navigation in shallow water). It is shown that the RESPS can identify events not forecast by the RDSPS, and can also add useful additional information on the timing of the surge, an important consideration in tidally dominated waters. Several new types of display are used to illustrate the sort of information that can be generated by the RESPS to support the issuers of warnings of unusually high and low total water levels.  相似文献   

2020年7月18—19日,江淮地区出现一次特大暴雨过程,欧洲中期天气预报中心全球确定性预报模式(以下简称EC模式)、华东区域数值模式(以下简称华东模式)和国家气象中心Grapes高分辨区域模式(3 km分辨率,以下简称G3模式)预报的暴雨落区均明显偏北,且降水强度偏弱。通过对模式的风场及降水预报进行检验发现:模式天气形势预报的优劣,很多时候与模式的降水预报优劣是直接相关的,尤其是天气形势中的中低层风场,很容易受模式中降水潜热反馈过程的影响,导致错误的预报订正指引;比较而言,模式预报的高层流场,受潜热反馈过程影响较小,是值得在天气分析环节中加以重视的预报着眼点;此外,对于由中小尺度天气系统传播所致的大暴雨或特大暴雨,分辨率更高的区域模式预报结果可能具有更好的预报参考性,也是今后类似暴雨预报过程中应该重视的着眼点之一。


The importance of boundary‐layer convergence of mass and water vapour on the pressure tendency is studied. Mass convergence tends to fill the low while moisture convergence deepens it, owing to the subsequent release of latent heat. It is estimated that at dew points above about 18°C, the moisture convergence effect becomes dominant; that is, the C1SK mechanism is important at high dew points.  相似文献   
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