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王淑莉  康红文  谷湘潜  倪允琪 《气象》2015,41(5):544-553
许多业务模式对北京2012年7月21日特大暴雨的预报均是以锋面降水为主。在冷锋过境前,实际北京西南部强降水主要以暖区降水为主。本文利用30个成员的中尺度非静力数值模式(WRF),通过3次集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)同化地面和探空资料,对这次暴雨过程进行了集合数值模拟。通过对比分析模拟降水较好与较差成员发现,好的成员能够模拟出河北中西部及北京西南地区触发出的暖区中尺度对流系统(MCS)以及相对稳定的系统配置,使得MCS在北京上空充分发展,从而较好地模拟了这次特大暴雨过程中的暖区降水;而较差的成员则没能模拟出暖区降水过程,降水以锋面降水过程为主,并且雨带位置偏南、出现时间滞后。集合成员间模拟结果出现的较大差异,和初始场中低值系统位置的较大差异有直接关系,因此通过EnKF提高模式成员初始场的准确率,从而准确模拟后期主要影响系统的移动和发展,是成功模拟暖区对流系统触发和维持的关键所在。  相似文献   
集合卡尔曼滤波 (the Ensemble Kalman Filter,简称EnKF) 中将预报集合的统计协方差作为预报误差协方差,但该估计可能严重偏离真实的预报误差协方差,影响同化精度。基于极大似然估计理论,发展了一种优化预报误差协方差矩阵的实时膨胀方法,即MLE (the Maximum Likelihood Estimation) 方法。利用蒙古国基准站Delgertsgot (简称DGS站) 观测资料,基于EnKF方法和MLE方法,在通用陆面模式 (the Common Land Model,简称CoLM) 中同化了地表温度和10 cm土壤温度观测资料,建立了土壤温度同化系统。结果表明:MLE方法对地表温度和各层土壤温度 (尤其深层土壤温度) 的估计比EnKF方法准确。考虑到浅层和深层土壤温度的差别,在实施MLE方法时对浅层和深层土壤温度采用了不同的膨胀因子。对比膨胀因子为单一标量时的结果,多因子膨胀能缓解深层土壤温度的不合理膨胀,改善同化效果。  相似文献   
Tropical cyclone (TC) rainfall forecast has remained a challenge. To create initial conditions with high quality for simulation, the present study implemented a data assimilation scheme based on the EnKF method to ingest the satellite-retrieved cloud water path ( C w ) and tested it in WRF. The scheme uses the vertical integration of forecasted cloud water content to transform control variables to the observation space, and creates the correlations between C w and control variables in the flow-dependent background error covariance based on all the ensemble members, so that the observed cloud information can affect the background temperature and humidity. For two typhoons in 2018 (Yagi and Rumiba), assimilating C w significantly increases the simulated rainfalls and TC intensities. In terms of the average equitable threat score of daily moderate to heavy rainfall (5?120 mm), the improvements are over 130%, and the dry biases are cut by about 30%. Such improvements are traced down to the fact that C w assimilation increases the moisture content, especially that further away from the TC center, which provides more precipitable water for the rainfall,strengthens the TC and broadens the TC size via latent heat release and internal wind field adjustment.  相似文献   
A regional ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation (DA) and forecast system was recently established based on the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) analysis system. The EnKF DA system was tested with continuous threehourly updated cycles followed by 18-h deterministic forecasts from every three-hourly ensemble mean analysis. Initial tests showed negative to neutral impacts of assimilating satellite radiance data due to the improper bias correction procedure. In this study, two bias correction schemes within the established EnKF DA system are investigated and the impact of assimilating additional polar-orbiting satellite radiance is also investigated. Two group experiments are conducted. The purpose of the first group is to evaluate the bias correction procedure. Two online bias correction methods based on GSI 3DVar and EnKF algorithms are used to assimilate AMSU-A radiance data. Results show that both variational and EnKF-based bias correction procedures effectively reduce the observation and background radiance differences, achieving positive impacts on forecasts. With proper bias correction, we assimilate full radiance observations including AMSU-A, AMSU-B, AIRS, HIRS3/4, and MHS in the second group. The relative percentage improvements(RPIs) for all forecast variables compared to those without radiance data assimilation are mostly positive, with the RPI of upper-air relative humidity being the largest. Additionally, precipitation forecasts on a downscaled 13-km grid from 40-km EnKF analyses are also improved by radiance assimilation for almost all forecast hours.  相似文献   
集合卡尔曼滤波同化探空资料的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
应用集合卡尔曼滤波(Ensemble Kalman Filter;EnKF)方法,同化了2005年7月一次暴雨过程的探空观测资料,并用非静力中尺度模式MM5进行数值模拟试验。结果表明:在理想模式的假设下,即假设真实模拟和所产生的集合用的是同一个模式并有相同的初始误差,EnKF方法同化的分析结果较好。如果不运用EnKF方法同化探空观测资料,则集合预报结果和不加扰动的单个数值预报结果都没有EnKF方法同化过的好。  相似文献   
局域化改进集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)可以克服EnKF方法在使用小集合时,对参数识别精度较低的缺陷,其能同化 地下水位观测数据有效识别渗透系数场。实际工作中,溶质运移数据也较容易获得。崔凯鹏(2013)尝试增加溶质运移 数据以改进只同化水流数据对渗透系数的估计结果,但是精度提高有限。本文在其基础上修改模型,进一步增加溶质注 入井,探究同时同化水头和溶质运移数据,对渗透系数场识别效果,之后对比了局域化EnKF与非局域化EnKF参数识别结 果,并分析了溶质影响范围与参数识别的关系。结果表明:同时同化溶质运移和水头资料,比同化单一种类观测数据识别 的渗透系数精度更高;相同实现数目下,局域化EnKFEnKF对渗透系数场的估计结果与真实场更为接近;仅考虑溶质影 响范围内的渗透系数,同化水头数据在最后时刻参数识别结果好于同化溶质运移数据参数识别结果,但差别不大。  相似文献   
With the combination of three land surface models (LSMs) and the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), a multimodel EnKF is proposed in which the multimodel background superensemble error covariance matrix is estimated by two different algorithms: the Simple Model Average (SMA) and the Weighted Average Method (WAM). The two algorithms are tested and compared in terms of their abilities to retrieve the true soil moisture profile by respectively assimilating both synthetically-generated and actual near-surface soil moisture measurements. The results from the synthetic experiment show that the performances of the SMA and WAM algorithms were quite different. The SMA algorithm did not help to improve the estimates of soil moisture at the deep layers, although its performance was not the worst when compared with the results from the single-model EnKF. On the contrary, the results from the WAM algorithm were better than those from any single-model EnKF. The tested results from assimilating the field measurements show that the performance of the two multimodel EnKF algorithms was very stable compared with the single-model EnKF. Although comparisons could only be made at three shallow layers, on average, the performance of the WAM algorithm was still slightly better than that of the SMA algorithm. As a result, the WAM algorithm should be adopted to approximate the multimodel background superensemble error covariance and hence used to estimate soil moisture states at the relatively deep layers.  相似文献   
利用基于中尺度数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecast)的集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF,Ensemble Kalman Filter)同化系统直接同化广东地区雷达反射率资料,对2017年台风“天鸽”(1713,Hato)近海发展以及降水预报效果进行数值模拟分析研究。结果显示,直接同化雷达反射率资料后,台风的回波强度和范围有了明显改善,可更好地调整水汽场、水凝物和温度场。当台风风场和水汽场调整后,进入台风主体部分的水汽量显著增加,使得台风强度增强,台风中心最低海平面气压降低,与实况更接近。同化雷达反射率资料后,6 h和24 h降水强度和落区预报效果有显著改善,尤其是能提高大暴雨和特大暴雨量级的TS评分,此外地面2 m温度和2 m相对湿度的预报效果也有改进。   相似文献   
周跳的探测一直以来都是GPS载波相位测量数据预处理的一个重点和难点,准确探测周跳有利于整周模糊度的确定,大大地提高了GPS的定位精度.文章利用集合卡尔曼滤波模型对GPS周跳问题进行探测研究,针对静态载波相位数据给出了最佳的参数量,进行周跳探测试验,从理论和实践上证明了该模型对GPS周跳探测的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
耦合遥感观测和元胞自动机的城市扩张模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统元胞自动机(CA)模型中,静态的模型参数和模型误差不能释放是影响城市扩张模拟效果的两个重要原因。文中引入集合卡尔曼滤波方法到CA模型中,提出了基于联合状态矩阵的地理元胞自动机。该模型在模拟过程中可以通过同化遥感观测数据,动态地调整模型参数和纠正模拟结果,使模型参数能够反映转换规则的时空变化,同时也能较好地释放积累的模型误差。将模型应用于东莞市的城市扩张模拟中,实验结果表明,模型能够准确地调整模型参数使之符合城市发展模式,同时也能有效地控制模型误差,其模拟的空间格局与真实情况吻合。  相似文献   
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