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根据有关水文气象台、站的观测资料,分析了恩索(ENSO)与祁连山区气温、降水的对应关系,研究了祁连山区出山径流对厄尔尼诺(ElNino)现象响应.结果表明:ElNino现象对祁连山区的气温、降水和径流的影响随着发生时间和地段的不同而不同.ElNino现象发生之年,整个祁连山区均出现气温偏高、降水减少及径流偏枯的现象,尤以东段和中段最为明显.ElNino现象次年,祁连山区东段和中段气温偏高、降水减少及径流偏估的程度不如ElNino现象当年那样显著,而西段的气温、降水及径流与ElNino现象则无明显关系.  相似文献   
鲍颖  兰健  王毅 《地球科学进展》2008,23(10):1027-1036
基于NOAA OISST.V2月平均SST资料和FSU月平均风应力资料对南海的SST和风场异常进行了分析,发现:南海对1997/1998年El Nio事件响应最为强烈,并在1997/1998年冬季和次年的夏季SST存在2个异常高峰值,风速存在2个异常减小的极值。为研究南海环流在1997/1998年的异常变化,利用ECOM水动力模型计算了1995—2000年的南海环流场,分析了1998年1月和8月南海水位和环流的异常分布,二者均存在显著的异常:①1月,整个南海海盆为正的水位异常,流场为反气旋异常环流,冬季控制整个南海海盆的气旋式环流减弱;②8月,南海海盆水位为正异常,特别是越南东部海区出现较强的正水位异常,南海南部的高水位中心扩大北移;异常流场表现为南部为气旋式异常环流,北部为反气旋的异常环流,且在越南东部海区形成非常强的反气旋异常环流中心,使得控制南海南部的反气旋环流和北部的气旋环流均减弱。风应力的分析表明,风应力旋度的异常变化是南海环流年际异常变化的主要因素。  相似文献   
文章提出我国金属矿山“超设计服务年限”,即矿山的“实际服务年限”超过了按照“合理服务年限”原则所确定的“设计服务年限”的那一部分“服务年限”的新概念。我国主要金属矿产25个矿种10 618座矿山的统计资料表明;70.87%的大型矿山超设计服务,“超设计服务年限”平均可达10.75年;中型矿山的79.07%“超设计服务年限”平均可达10.74年;73.41%的小型矿山的“超设计服务年限”平均仅有2.25年。我国25种金属矿产8 107座矿山“超期服役”为国家作出的“直接贡献”总共是;每年多产矿石29.21亿吨,多创产值3060.75亿元,多缴税金306.82亿元,多提供就业岗位606.33万人。“超设计服务年限”的新概念表明,我国大中型矿山所在的矿区,不仅大多具有较好的成矿地质条件和较大的资源潜力,而且还有随着勘查程度和认识水平的提高而进一步扩大资源潜力的可能。  相似文献   
我国厄尔尼诺研究方法概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文在收集已有资料的基础上,对目前我国厄尔尼诺的研究方法作了概括和小结。在此基础上,提出:(1)资料处理方面,应在现有基础上,尽量运用目前先进的非线性方法,如人工神经网络、小波分析等来探讨尔尼诺发生的规律以及它的发生将对我国气候因素所造在的影响;(2)研究厄尔尼诺对某种气候要求(如降水)的影响时,应对某一季节(如夏季)转向为对某一月(如6月)甚至某些天(如暴雨阶段)上来,从而尽量减少因厄尔尼诺事件而造成的损失。  相似文献   
Larger benthic foraminifera Nummulites are common within Eocene, circum-Tethyan limestones. Despite their importance as sediment producers, contradictions in the literature constrain current understanding about the location of the Nummulites‘factory’. The El Garia Fm was deposited on a ramp with localized palaeohighs, and whilst some authors suggested that the locus of Nummulites production was in shallow water across the palaeohighs, others concluded that production was significantly reduced over these palaeohighs, and concentrated in the surrounding deeper (30–60 m) water. There are also marked dissimilarities between recent models in terms of the continuity, correlation and resolution of depositional sequences. To assess these models, we integrate studies of the architecture and geometry of the El Garia Fm with detailed taphonomic, biometric, biofabric and palaeoecological characterization of Nummulites tests. We conclude that the highest rates of sediment production occurred in euphotic water over the palaeohighs and in nearshore environments. Nummulites on the palaeohighs were transported into the surrounding deeper water by oceanic and storm currents that swept the platform top, producing a nummulitic sediment package that thickened and became increasingly fine-grained and fragmented into outer ramp environments. This transport exerted a major control on development of the ramp-like geometries often seen at outcrop. Our findings question the validity of a recent sequence stratigraphic model that identifies decimetre-scale Milankovitch cycles, even in largely allochthonous, ‘bio-retextured’, mid/outer ramp sediments. Our findings also suggest that the thin packages of El Garia Fm on the palaeohighs, which have previously been interpreted as condensed sections that can be correlated with thicker, more distal accumulations, actually represent remnants of the sediment that was produced on the highs and ‘exported’ into the basin.  相似文献   
We present the first near millennium-length, annually resolved stable isotope record from bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva, D.K Bailey). The carbon isotope ratios from the cellulose of seven trees from the White Mountains of California, corrected for anthropogenic changes in atmospheric chemistry, are used to reconstruct growing season (June through August) precipitation back to AD 1085. Extremely negative isotope results are strongly correlated with proposed severest El Niño events over the last 500 yr, and similar values in the first half of the millennium are used to reconstruct a further 13 strong El Niño events, concentrated in the 12th Century and the mid 13th and 14th Centuries. Ring-width chronologies from adjacent sites in the White Mountains demonstrate a high degree of decadal covariance with the δ13C series, although there are several periods of notable divergence.  相似文献   
易芬  邓艳  洪涛  谢运球  吴松  柯静 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062021-2022062021
以石漠化问题突出区域——广西平果县太平镇耶圩火龙果种植园不同岩性背景(白云岩、碎屑岩)和不同种植年限(1、3、5a)土壤为研究对象,采用相关性分析和冗余分析方法探讨了不同岩性背景和火龙果种植年限下土壤碳、氮、磷生态化学计量特征及其影响因素。结果表明:①白云岩区土壤全磷含量显著高于碎屑岩区,而土壤有机碳含量、生态化学计量比(C/N、C/P和N/P)显著低于碎屑岩区;且白云岩和碎屑岩背景下的生态化学计量比(5.96、11.78、1.96和8.71、19.78、2.28)均远低于全国水平。②随着火龙果种植年限的增加,土壤有机碳、全氮含量和C/N、C/P、N/P呈现出逐渐增加的趋势,而土壤有效氮、全磷和有效磷含量无显著变化规律。随着土层深度增加,土壤有机碳、全氮、有效氮含量和C/N、C/P、N/P均增加,而土壤全磷含量无明显变化规律。③土壤C/N和C/P与有机碳、有效氮均呈显著正相关(P<0.01),而与土壤水分、容重呈显著负相关,土壤N/P与全磷呈显著负相关。④冗余分析表明不同岩性背景和火龙果种植年限下土壤有效氮含量是土壤碳、氮、磷及其生态化学计量比的重要影响因子,且呈显著正相关关系(P<0.01)。白云岩背景下火龙果的生长受到氮元素的影响更大,长期火龙果种植有利于碳、氮元素固存,土壤有效氮含量是影响土壤碳、氮、磷及其生态化学计量比的关键因子。  相似文献   
关于厄尔尼诺成因的新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据前人统计,厄尔尼诺出现于地球自转速度急剧变慢的第二年。造成这种现象的主因,是地球间歇性不对称膨胀,引起自转速度几年一次的准周期性急剧变慢。在该时期南北半球岩石圈产生强烈的离开赤道的体力,使赤道地区发生东西向张性断裂活动。位于阻力较小的软流层之上的太平洋岩石圈,不仅规模大、动力强,而且存在着东太平洋海隆薄弱带,并与秘鲁海沟应变空间毗邻,故现今太平洋东部赤道地区的东西向张性断裂最为发育,形成规模宏大的卡内基断裂带和加拉帕戈斯断裂带。它们活动促使海底的岩浆和热水喷溢,导致厄尔尼诺的海水升温多从秘鲁-厄尔多尔沿岸开始。地球自转速度变慢过程中,赤道地区的大气和海水获得较多的向东角动量,造成该地区的信风和向西流动洋流减弱、东太平洋冷水上翻涌升流衰缓,加速赤道东太平流海域温度变暖,助长厄尔尼诺的形成。全球大气角动量的季节性变化,也引起地球自转速度冬季慢夏季快的周年项变化,使厄尔尼诺年增温盛期一般出现于年末前后。  相似文献   
Bathymetry of the seafloor in the area in front of Ras El Bar coast, the characters of the seafloor sediments and the effects of protective structures on seafloor bathymetry were examined. Seafloor depths in front of Ras El Bar seawall ranged between 2 and 4 m. These depths, coupled with wave climate, result in waves breaking directly onto the wall and exerting high, dynamic pressures on the area at the structure’s toe. The sandy seafloor in front of the wall has been scoured. Sea water has undermined the wall causing removal of sediment, destabilization of its slope and the whole face of the wall has slipped. Toe protection in the form of a rocky apron is required to prevent such damage. West of the seawall, the constructed breakwater system has affected the bathymetry of the seafloor in the area. Shoaling and submerged spits have been formed in the shadow of each breakwater unit. The gaps between the breakwater units have attained deep depths and steep slopes. Scours and steep slopes adjacent to the head of the breakwater units have been recorded. Seaward of the breakwater system, deeper depths and gentle slopes characterize the seafloor. Offshore–onshore current and sediment movements toward the northeast is inferred from the configuration of the bottom contour lines.  相似文献   
The taxonomic status of previously misplaced species of an ant-like stone beetle from Spanish amber (Albian) is clarified. Specimens of Kachinus magnificus (originally placed as incertae sedis within Scydmaenitae) were re-examined and their characters were found different from those of the type species of Kachinus from Myanmar amber. Consequently, Archeutheia gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate the Spanish species, resulting in Archeutheia magnifica comb. nov. Moreover, in a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis Archeutheia was placed as a sister group to extant Eutheia, within the tribe Eutheiini of Cephenniitae. A specimen of an undetermined genus from Myanmar amber clearly belonging in Cephenniini is also recorded. Both taxa represent the first definite Cretaceous Cephenniitae, a supertribe whose recent members are distributed on all continents but are especially diverse in the Oriental and East Palaearctic regions. This finding demonstrates a diversification of two presently most species-rich tribes of Cephenniitae already in Early Cretaceous. Archeutheia is strikingly similar to the extant species of Eutheia and Veraphis, showing male dimorphic characters (modified protrochanters) and antennal cavities characteristic of Palaearctic Eutheiini. This fact suggests a long morphological stability in the supertribe. A previously proposed hypothesis of an early presence of the Cephenniitae in the Northern Hemisphere is for the first time supported by the fossil record, and the palaeolocalities (western Europe and Southeast Asia) demonstrate a wide distribution of Cephenniitae in the Cretaceous and an early split of its ancestral lineage.  相似文献   
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