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This study investigates the occurrence of irregular frequencies in a seakeeping analysis of a ship moving with forward speed. This is achieved by formulating the interior virtual flow Dirichlet or Neumann eigenvalue problem. A theoretical analysis of a rectangular box travelling and oscillating in waves reveals that in the forward speed case, apart from the singular irregular frequency at zero encounter frequency, no irregular frequencies exist whilst at zero forward speed multiple irregular frequencies are observed confirming previous findings. These theoretical predictions are further verified by numerical calculations involving the rectangular box and a Series 60, CB=0.70, hull.  相似文献   
刘阳宣  张民力 《中国沙漠》1997,17(3):280-285
清绿线K170段铁路地处极端干旱区,植物固沙难度大,铁路沙害的治理宜采用机械措施综合防治体系。2年的防护效益观测证实,用草方格沙障固沙,20cm高度风速可比流沙区降低76.3%,层内输沙率仅为流沙区的0.28%;用砾石覆盖措施固沙,相应防护效果依次为19.09%和0.91%;各防护措施下的风沙流特征值Q6~20/Q0~6,都达到了>1的有效防护指标。  相似文献   
GPS has become an essential tool for the precise determination of point positions. Since GPS campaigns for geodynamic purposes – such as the monitoring of recent crustal movements – require major financial efforts, it is essential to ensure already in the planning phase a good network quality and the attainment of the scientific goals in a reasonable time. The paper outlines an operationally oriented procedure for these purposes based on the simulation and processing of GPS carrier-phase observations. Sensitivity analysis techniques are applied to describe both the network strain as it may be induced by gross errors and the detectability of point movements between two sessions or two campaigns. In addition, the eigenvalue decomposition of the variance-covariance matrix of the GPS coordinates will be used to identify weakly determined network components. The design of the SCAR Epoch 95 Campaign GPS network is discussed throughout the paper. It was realized in the Antarctic summer 1994/1995 on the Antarctic peninsula. Received: 30 November 1995 / Accepted: 1 July 1997  相似文献   
采用1948-2005年NCEP/NCAR全球气温和随机序列分别构建气温关联矩阵和随机关联矩阵并进行比较,发现气温关联矩阵既存在关联"噪声",又存在真实关联;格点气温序列之间既存在临近格点间的短程关联,又存在如厄尔尼诺、三大洋暖池等区域格点间的远程关联.不同时间尺度,这两种关联的表现各有差异,1-10天等小尺度情况下,格点间的关联以短程关联为主;15天及以上尺度短程关联比例显著下降,长程关联有所上升.对关联矩阵和随机关联矩阵求解本征值和本征矢量发现,格点气温序列之间的关联信息主要包含在几个较大本征值所对应的本征矢量中,且格点气温序列在这些本征矢量上的投影能够在一定程度上体现全球气温变化的整体特征.此外,格点气温序列的关联性在时间和空间上均存在显著的变异性,主要表现为1950-1956年、1972-1977年和1996-2000年3个时段相对较高,而1978-1982年和1991-1996年则均值相对较低,存在显著的准10-20年周期振荡;关联系数的空间分布在上述两类尺度下均表现为沿纬向呈准带状分布,但1天尺度的纬向平均具有较好的对称性,由于海陆差异的原因,15天尺度的纬向对称性相对较差,而15天尺度的经向平均具有一定的准对称性.  相似文献   
作为一种刻画行星尺度大气波动基本结构的函数,Hough函数为开展有关大气潮汐全球结构的分析提供了具有物理基础的手段,它们也被作为一种数值工具应用于大气模式中以提高数值积分的效率.本文介绍了我们以拉普拉斯潮汐方程为基础,在发展求取Hough函数方面取得的进展,包括对有关计算方案和详细步骤的说明.针对39种分别具有三种主要频率,即周日、半日和1/3日,与此同时纬向波数落在[6,6]区间的潮汐成份,通过计算得到了与每一种成份对应的本征值、本征函数(Hough函数)集合.作为计算结果的示例,本文给出了针对迁移性周日潮和迁移性半日潮开展计算取得结果.这些结果说明这些函数具有正确的空间结构,与此同时还说明相关的本征值计算结果都达到了相当准确的水平.所有这些结果显示当前计算结果已经可以满足普通的应用.  相似文献   
By means of Lagrange's equation, the “coupled” equations of motion for a horizontal plate carrying a U-type tuned liquid damper (TLD) are derived. The “uncoupled” equations of motion for the liquid (in the TLD) and the structural system are then obtained by decoupling the “coupled” ones. Unlike the existing literature to indirectly determine the natural frequencies of a damped vibrating system by using the resonant method, the “complex” eigenvalues of the coupled damped system are obtained directly from the associated eigenvalue equations. Besides, the pressure intensities in the two air chambers and the sizes of the two vertical tanks together with the horizontal conduit are arbitrary in the formulation of this paper. The influence of some key parameters of the TLD on the dynamic responses of the structural system is studied.  相似文献   
Two approximate methods for weighted principal components analysis (WPCA) were devised and testedin numerical experiments using either empirical variances (obtained from replicated data) or assumedvariances (derived from unreplicated data). In the first ('spherical') approximation each data vector wasassigned a weight proportional to the geometrical mean of its variances in all dimensions. Thearithmetical mean of variances was used instead in the other approximation. Both the numericalexperiments with artificial data containing random errors of various kinds (constant, proportional,constant plus proportional, Poisson) and the analysis of two sets of Raman spectra clearly indicated thenecessity of introducing statistical weights. The spherical approximation was found to be slightly betterthan the arithmetical one. The application of statistical weighting was found to improve the performanceof PCA in estimation problems.  相似文献   
In this work, a theoretical analysis of the dynamic response of a poro-elastic soil to the action of long water waves is conducted. For some combinations of the physical parameters of the soil and the water waves, the vertical stress tends towards zero at a certain unknown depth in the soil, as measured from the top of that medium. Under this condition, the liquefaction of the soil is imminent, at which time the excess pore pressure is essentially equal to the overburden soil pressure. Physical problems of this type have been widely studied in the specialized literature. However, most major studies have focused on solving the governing equations together with a liquefaction criterion. Here, the maximum momentary liquefaction depth induced by long water waves is considered as part of the problem, which is treated as an eigenvalue problem. To solve this problem, the governing equations are written in dimensionless form. The theoretical results show that for long waves, the horizontal displacements are smaller in magnitude than the vertical displacements, and when the wavelength or wave period increases, the maximum liquefaction also increases. Analytical solutions for the excess pore pressure and the horizontal and vertical displacements are obtained. The analytical results for the pore pressure are found to be very close to the analytical results reported in the specialized literature.  相似文献   
无人机技术作为现如今测量的先进技术,已被逐渐广泛应用,由于DEM数据在实测过程中只能形成点数据,因此对点数据的插值计算一直是测绘专业研究的热点。为找出适用于无人机DEM测点插值计算的最优模型,本文基于GEM模型、RF模型和M5T模型,以降雨、经纬度和海拔为输入参数,对不同模型下的DEM进行了插值计算,结果表明:GEM模型表现的精度最高,该模型RMSE仅为11.72 m,RRMSE为12.7%,R2为0.964,Ens为0.946,MAE为11.28 m,该模型可作为无人机DEM测点插值计算的标准模型使用。  相似文献   
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