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Geologic and geochemical variations across a 4200 km2 area of south-central Wisconsin (USA) were used to examine their relationship to phosphorus concentrations in groundwater from more than four hundred private water supply wells. Surficial geology in the study area ranged from Cambrian sandstones to Ordovician dolomites. Groundwater phosphorus concentrations were higher in aquifers of older Cambrian age compared to the concentrations in aquifers of younger Cambrian and Ordovician age. Because iron concentrations were relatively low in these waters and agricultural land use was similar in all geologic regions, we propose that the differences in bedrock phosphorus and anthropogenic geochemical impacts explain the differences in phosphorus concentrations between aquifers. Within the older Cambrian aquifers, groundwater phosphorus concentrations were elevated in groundwater with higher nitrate-nitrogen concentrations. This finding is consistent with the presence of phosphorus within sediment in these strata and geologic conditions that weakly buffered pH reduction from anthropogenic acidification. In contrast, groundwater phosphorus concentrations in younger Cambrian and Ordovician aquifers were not elevated in samples with higher nitrate. Anthropogenic acidification in these carbonate-rich aquifers was neutralized through increased carbonate weathering, which led to higher groundwater calcium and alkalinity and would limit the dissolution of phosphate-rich minerals, such as apatite, where present. Low iron concentrations observed in most samples suggest that the phosphorus release in the Cambrian strata occurs beyond the zone of secondary mineral retention in the soil. These results have important implications for the eutrophication of inland surface waters in areas with bedrock phosphorus and anthropogenic acidity that is not neutralized before it contacts phosphatic rock.  相似文献   
赵庆 《地质找矿论丛》2013,28(3):493-498
根据地质科学的研究特点,针对地质论文语言文字表达方面存在的一些问题,结合编辑实例,阐述了地质科技论文语言表达的准确性、简练性、平实性、生动性和规范性要求。准确性要求用字用词要得当,语句要符合语法和语言逻辑;简练性要求要用最简洁的语言表达丰富的内容;平实性要求语言表达质朴、自然;生动性要求语言表达富有生气、感染力;规范性要求论文的撰写符合国家标准规范。文章还指出了提升地质论文语言表达能力的途径。  相似文献   
强跃  赵明阶  林军志  何建 《岩土力学》2013,34(7):2099-2103
为了研究岩体局部化现象,基于轴向压杆稳定实例,运用数理和力学知识,根据Drucker-Prager(简称D-P)准则,推导了基于分叉理论的通用表达式。在此基础上,结合有限差分理论得出FLAC3D计算中岩体内发生分叉的判定条件,之后在自带的FISH编译语言的辅助下,在FLAC3D中建立数值分析模型,采用D-P本构关系,研究了岩体局部化现象及其发展过程。研究结果表明:在FLAC3D中以20 000步为间隔所得的不平衡力比率模型系统逐渐趋于稳定,不平衡力比率逐渐降低,局部化现象的规模逐渐扩大至稳定,清晰度逐渐增加,证实了分叉理论能够有效地分析研究岩体局部化现象。给出的岩体局部分叉判定条件和数值验证,较为科学合理地阐述了常用分叉判定条件的由来,为解释岩体局部化现象的机制和过程提供了理论支撑,从而对岩体局部化现象研究起到了一定的推进作用。  相似文献   
针对白石铁路隧道下岩体煤层采空区空间特征、沉陷发展趋势及隧道结构破坏特征,提出了采用全充填注浆的方法消除隧道围岩采空区塌落变形,再对隧道衬砌结构进行加固处理的设计思路。本论文重点对采空沉陷区几种注浆治理方案进行设计和比较,选定了隧道内钻孔注浆治理采空沉陷区的方案。  相似文献   
A consistent finding in the literature on Indigenous peoples is the importance of the sustainability of land, language and culture. All three are related, with the maintenance of one helping to protect the others. This paper uses a nationally representative, cross-sectional survey of the Indigenous Australian population to look at the factors associated with individual measures of sustainability. Geography matters for those in remote areas who are much more likely to have participated in hunting, fishing and gathering than those in non-remote areas and somewhat more likely to be learning an Indigenous language. However, those in remote areas are somewhat less likely to have participated in Indigenous cultural production. Participation in the mainstream economy is not necessarily a barrier to these aspects of wellbeing as those with high levels of formal education were more likely to speak, understand or be learning an Indigenous language. While important in their own right, such aspects of sustainability also have the potential to directly contribute to narrower measures of social and emotional wellbeing. A positive relationship was found between the sustainability of Indigenous land, language and culture and an Indigenous person's subjective emotional wellbeing.  相似文献   
赵文峰 《测绘工程》2006,15(2):64-69
房产测绘中,房产图尺寸标注是一项工作量很大的重复性工作。介绍了一个应用Autolisp语言开发的尺寸标注程序,提高了工作效率,而且能避免错误。  相似文献   
开发控制网平差软件时,需要进行界面、算法优化设计等等。开发人员往往喜欢用图形化编程语言,但图形化编程语言在科学计算方面往往不够突出。测量平差需要进行很多的矩阵运算,如法方程系数阵的求逆计算等。Fortran语言是目前流行较广的适用于科学计算的程序开发语言,但是它的图形界面开发功能较弱。C#是新一代面向对象开发语言,擅长于图形界面系统开发。本文采用C#与Fortran混合开发,发挥两者的优点,实现法方程系数阵的快速求逆。  相似文献   
设计中国对虾Fenneropenaeus chinensis多性状复合育种方案,模拟选择20个世代,预测和评估目标性状(收获体重(BW),存活率(SR)和饲料摄入量(FI))的遗传进展及经济效益。利用选择指数理论,估计目标性状的选择反应和遗传进展;通过三级金字塔传递系统(核心群、扩繁群和生产群)放大遗传进展并计算其经济效益;对影响利润(RP)和效益成本比率(BCR)的生物学参数(遗传力、育种目标是否包括FI),经济学参数(对虾价格、饲料价格、贴现率、初投资、年费用)和运行参数(首次回报年份、扩繁效率)进行敏感性分析。结果表明,在基础参数值下,BW、SR和FI每个世代的选择反应分别为0.81g、1.41%和1.30g;以1 000尾虾为单位计算,BW、SR和FI的经济加权值分别为32元,20元和-8元,育种目标的遗传进展为43.69元,育种方案执行20年产生的RP和BCR分别为8 660.99万元和14.34。敏感性分析显示,生物学参数中,目标性状遗传力变化对RP和BCR影响程度中等,遗传力值越高,RP和BCR越大;将FI经济加权值设为0,育种方案的RP和BCR明显高于基础参数。经济学参数中,对虾价格的变化对RP和BCR影响较大;饲料价格、贴现率和年费用的变化对RP和BCR影响较小,但初投资变化对BCR影响较大。运行参数中,首次回报年份越晚,RP和BCR越低。扩繁效率是影响RP和BCR的最重要因素。高扩繁效率下,生产群规模扩大1 736.15%,RP和BCR分别提高1 866.92%和1 736.75%。  相似文献   
刘建川  李永树  蔡国林 《测绘工程》2006,15(4):58-61,70
在施工测量中,利用常规方法绘制施工区小范围的原始和竣工地形图并进行工程计量工作,不仅效率低,且精度不高,不能满足要求。文中首先讨论怎样在AutoCAD环境下用VLISP语言建立小范围的DEM数字高程模型及自动生成等高线,实现了通过AutoCAD平台编辑DEM和等高线以及进行三维显示;最后讨论DEM在工程中的应用。  相似文献   
航海通告自动改正技术是海图生产和自动化水平更新的一个重要标志.在分析目前航海通告改正技术的基础上,将自然语言技术应用到航海通告改正信息的分析和提取方面,并设计了航海通告模板库和语言词汇库,分析了航海通告语言分析处理的基本方法和步骤,最后对实验环境进行了构建.  相似文献   
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