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The Chilean Lake District (38–42°S) is strongly influenced by Southern westerlies-driven precipitations. At 40°S Lago Puyehue provides high resolution sedimentation rates (∼1–2 mm/yr) suitable for annual climate reconstruction. Several short and long sediment cores were collected in this lake. Their analysis aim at a better understanding of climate mechanisms related to ENSO in this part of the world. The recognition of ENSO related periodicities and their stability is studied through the analysis of two short varved cores collected from underflow and interflow key sites. According to varve chronology controlled by 137Cs and 210Pb profiles and chronostratigraphical markers, the short core from underflow site (PU-I) spans 294 ± 18 years and the core in the interflow site (PU-II) covers 592 ± 9 years. Several methods of spectral analysis were applied on the total varve thickness to identify potential periodicities in the signal. Blackman–Tuckey, Maximum Entropy, Multi-Taper Methods (MTM) and singular spectrum analysis were applied on the whole record. In addition, evolutive MTM and wavelet analyses allow to identify temporal influence of some periodicities. In the PU-I studied interval (AD 1700–2000), a period at ∼3.0 years appears in a large part of the interval, mostly in the recent part. Periods at ∼5.2 and ∼23 years also show up. PU-II record (AD 1400–2000) displays the most robust periodicities at around 15, 9, 4.4, 3.2 and 2.4 years. These periodicities are in good agreement with the sub-decadal periods identified by Dean and Kemp (2004) and linked to the El Nino Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Differences in the recorded periodicities between PU-I and PU-II sites are consistent with different sedimentation processes in the lake. According to climate instrumental data for the last 20 years, varves in PU-I site are mostly related to fluvial dynamics and regional climate factors, i.e., precipitation, temperature and wind. In PU-II site, varves increment is related to both regional and global climate forcing factors, i.e., El Nino Southern Oscillation. The evolutive MTM analysis and the wavelet analysis suggest a striking break in the periodicities at around AD 1820. Finally relationships between El Nino and longer term climate phase like the Little Ice Age (LIA) are also assessed. This is the seventh in a series of eight papers published in this special issue dedicated to the 17,900 year multi-proxy lacustrine record of Lago Puyehue, Chilean Lake District. The papers in this special issue were collected by M. De Batist, N. Fagel, M.-F. Loutre and E. Chapron.  相似文献   
使用卫星测高、海表温度以及中国沿海台站水位等数据,分析研究了ENSO对中国近海海平面影响的区域特征。结果表明:(1)赤道东太平洋海表温度与我国近海海平面存在显著的遥相关关系。相关系数自北至南呈梯度递增,分为3个影响明显的区域,分别是渤、黄海、东海和南海海域。南海海平面异常与赤道东太平洋区域的海表温度异常相关性最强,大部分区域的相关系数超过了0.6;东海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数弱于南海,强于渤、黄海,大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.4;渤、黄海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数最弱,但是大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.3,通过了显著性检验。(2)中国沿海海平面的季节变化与ENSO有明显的相关关系,且影响范围具有明显的区域特征,以长江口和台湾海峡为分界线分为长江口以北、长江口到台湾海峡以及台湾海峡以南3个区域。海平面的年振幅在厄尔尼诺年均出现偏低的现象,并且年振幅的极小值均出现在厄尔尼诺年。另外,海平面的年振幅对厄尔尼诺事件的响应与其强弱有关,在强厄尔尼诺事件中,响应区域和幅度较大,弱事件中,响应区域和幅度偏小。(3)南海、东海和渤、黄海这3个区域沿海的海平面变化均存在4~7 a的显著振荡周期,说明这3个区域的海平面均受ENSO的影响。其中,南海7 a周期的振荡幅度最大,约为1.5 cm;东海7 a周期的振荡幅度次之,约为1.3 cm;渤、黄海6 a周期的振荡幅度最小,不到1 cm。  相似文献   
Warm and cold phases of El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) exhibit a significant asymmetry in their decay speed. To explore the physical mechanism responsible for this asymmetric decay speed, the asymmetric features of anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric circulation over the tropical Western Pacific (WP) in El Nino and La Nina mature-to-decay phases are analyzed. It is found that the interannual standard deviations of outgoing longwave radiation and 850 hPa zonal wind anomalies over the equatorial WP during El Nino (La Nina) mature-to-decay phases are much stronger (weaker) than the intraseasonal standard deviations. It seems that the weakened (enhanced) intraseasonal oscillation during El Nino (La Nina) tends to favor a stronger (weaker) interannual variation of the atmospheric wind, resulting in asymmetric equatorial WP zonal wind anomalies in El Nino and La Nina decay phases. Numerical experiments demonstrate that such asymmetric zonal wind stress anomalies during El Nino and La Nina decay phases can lead to an asymmetric decay speed of SST anomalies in the central-eastern equatorial Pacific through stimulating di erent equatorial Kelvin waves. The largest negative anomaly over the Nino3 region caused by the zonal wind stress anomalies during El Nino can be threefold greater than the positive Nino3 SSTA anomalies during La Nina, indicating that the stronger zonal wind stress anomalies over the equatorial WP play an important role in the faster decay speed during El Nino.  相似文献   
Based on sea level, air temperature, sea surface temperature(SST), air pressure and wind data during 1980–2014,this paper uses Morlet wavelet transform, Estuarine Coastal Ocean Model(ECOM) and so on to investigate the characteristics and possible causes of seasonal sea level anomalies along the South China Sea(SCS) coast. The research results show that:(1) Seasonal sea level anomalies often occur from January to February and from June to October. The frequency of sea level anomalies is the most in August, showing a growing trend in recent years. In addition, the occurring frequency of negative sea level anomaly accounts for 50% of the total abnormal number.(2) The seasonal sea level anomalies are closely related to ENSO events. The negative anomalies always occurred during the El Ni?o events, while the positive anomalies occurred during the La Ni?a(late El Ni?o) events. In addition, the seasonal sea level oscillation periods of 4–7 a associated with ENSO are the strongest in winter, with the amplitude over 2 cm.(3) Abnormal wind is an important factor to affect the seasonal sea level anomalies in the coastal region of the SCS. Wind-driven sea level height(SSH) is basically consistent with the seasonal sea level anomalies. Moreover, the influence of the tropical cyclone in the coastal region of the SCS is concentrated in summer and autumn, contributing to the seasonal sea level anomalies.(4) Seasonal variations of sea level, SST and air temperature are basically consistent along the coast of the SCS, but the seasonal sea level anomalies have no much correlation with the SST and air temperature.  相似文献   
The Indian and East Asian summer monsoons are two components of the whole Asian summer monsoon system.Previous studies have indicated in-phase and out-of-phase variations between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall.The present study reviews the current understanding of the connection between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall.The review covers the relationship of northern China,southern Japan,and South Korean summer rainfall with Indian summer rainfall;the atmospheric circulation anomalies connecting Indian and East Asian summer rainfall variations; the long-term change in the connection between Indian and northern China rainfall and the plausible reasons for the change; and the influence of ENSO on the relationship between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall and its change.While much progress has been made about the relationship between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall variations,there are several remaining issues that need investigation.These include the processes involved in the connection between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall,the non-stationarity of the connection and the plausible reasons,the influences of ENSO on the relationship,the performance of climate models in simulating the relationship between Indian and East Asian summer rainfall,and the relationship between Indian and East Asian rainfall intraseasonal fluctuations.  相似文献   
本研究分别从初始误差增长和粒子滤波同化的角度识别了 ENSO预测的目标观测敏感区.结果表明:与粒子滤波同化方法确定的敏感区相比,基于初始误差增长确定的敏感区位置稍微偏东,且在东南太平洋也有分布,但整体而言,这两种方法确定的敏感区存在大范围重合区域,是互为印证的.在实际目标观测中,如果考虑使用确定敏感区方法的不确定性,那么选择上述两种方法确定的敏感区的重合区域作为ENSO预测的目标观测敏感区将更为合理.  相似文献   
利用1979—2009年的NECP资料、Hadley海温月平均资料和CMAP降水资料,采用Kao and Yu(2009)的方法定义了夏季EP型ENSO指数EPI,用合成分析的方法分析了东部型ENSO与海洋性大陆降水的关系。结果表明:EPI与MC(Maritime Continent,海洋性大陆)区域降水变化间存在非常弱的负相关。造成这一弱相关的原因是EPI与MC区域降水在某些年份存在同号变化。在剔除Nio4信号后,海洋性大陆区域降水序列与EPI与存在着同号和反号两种关系。反号关系是通常所认为的,当经典的El Nio(La Nia)发生时MC区域降水出现显著地减少(增多)。此时,沿赤道的异常Walker环流建立了EP型ENSO与MC区域气候间的直接联系。而在同号关系时,菲律宾以东异常加热和SPCZ区域异常冷却引起的西北—东南走向的垂直环流圈削弱了MC区域与赤道东太平洋之间的异常Walker环流所建立的直接联系,或者说,赤道东太平洋区域SSTA与MC区域降水异常的形成是通过SPCZ区域SST的反号异常而产生间接联系的。这种机制的揭示为深刻认识ENSO影响海洋性大陆区域甚至东亚地区气候变动的联系提供了新的线索。  相似文献   
利用季节平均Had ISST海温、CMAP降水及NCEP风场数据,分析了2015/2016超级厄尔尼诺衰减期的特征及其对应的西北太平洋大气环流异常。结果表明:2015/2016厄尔尼诺事件除了成熟位相冬季强度大以外,还具有在随后春季衰减快,到夏季就消亡的特征。伴随着厄尔尼诺的迅速衰减,西北太平洋有较强的反气旋环流异常维持。厄尔尼诺衰减位相与西太反气旋异常存在相互作用。一方面,由于此次厄尔尼诺事件强度强,衰减期热带印度洋有显著的暖海温异常从冬季一直维持到夏季,有利于西太反气旋的增强和维持。另一方面,西太反气旋环流异常的维持及其南侧东风异常的发展使得中东太平洋正海温异常减弱,令厄尔尼诺事件快速衰退。此外,通过与1982/1983和1997/1998年比较发现,这三次超强厄尔尼诺事件虽强度相当,但衰减位相及与之相联系的西太反气旋异常都不尽相同。1982/1983事件衰减慢,维持时间长,对应的西太反气旋强度弱。而1997/1998事件衰减快,维持时间短,对应的西太反气旋强度在春季和夏季都强盛维持。2015/2016事件的衰减速度明显快于1982/1983事件,对应的西太反气旋也强于1982/1983事件,由于2015/2016事件增暖中心偏向于中东太平洋,而这里是厄尔尼诺衰减过程中负海温异常最先出现的区域,因此尽管2015/2016事件中西太反气旋异常的强度弱于1997/1998事件,但衰减速度及衰减位相维持时间与1997/1998相当。本文研究结果表明厄尔尼诺衰减与西太反气旋异常之间的关系较为复杂,需进一步研究。  相似文献   
El Nio可通过海—气相互作用遥相关型影响东亚季风,进而影响中国气候,是中国短期气候最重要的预测指标之一。典型的El Nio事件通常在春、夏季开始,在秋、冬季成熟,在下一年的春、夏季消退,考虑到海—气作用的滞后效应,El Nio事件甚至可以在消退时期对东亚大气环流系统造成影响。因此,利用中国160站的逐月降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及美国NOAA提供的全球海温数据,对比分析了2015/2016年和1997/1998年典型El Nio衰减年我国夏季降水和东亚环流特征的差异,并讨论了造成差异的可能原因。结果表明:1)2016年和2008年夏季降水都大范围偏多,2016年夏季降水异常更为集中,但降水强度不及1998年。2)2016年降水的季节推进特征不明显。1998年6—8月的降水逐渐从南向北推进,与传统的季风降水演变进程较为一致。3)2016年和2008年我国夏季降水的差异与副热带高压的变化有直接的关系。1998年6—7月副热带高压较2016年同期偏西偏南,而2016年8月副热带高压更为偏西并明显比气候平均偏北。4)1997/1998年El Nio事件中的赤道西太平洋异常冷海温比较强盛,而2015/2016年基本表现为偏暖,可能是造成1998年6—7月副热带高压较2016年同期偏西偏南的原因。  相似文献   
袁媛  李崇银 《大气科学》2009,33(2):325-336
热带印度洋海温异常两种主要的模态分别是春季最强的全区一致型海温变化和秋季发展成熟的东西反位相偶极型模态, 本文主要分析了这两种海温模态对当年南海夏季风爆发的不同影响机制。对热带印度洋全区一致增暖和变冷年份的合成分析表明: 热带印度洋的增暖 (变冷) 通过海气相互作用激发印度洋-西太平洋异常的Walker环流圈, 加强 (减弱) 西太平洋副热带高压的强度, 进而有利于南海夏季风爆发的推迟 (提早)。由于热带印度洋全区一致型海温变化滞后响应于前冬ENSO事件, 因此, 作者提出热带印度洋的这种海温模态对维持ENSO对第二年南海夏季风爆发的影响起到了重要的传递作用。作者进一步通过1994年个例研究了热带印度洋偶极型海温模态对南海夏季风爆发的可能影响。1994年的热带印度洋偶极子在初夏就表现出很强的强度, 显著削弱了印度洋的夏季风环流, 尤其是索马里急流和赤道印度洋西风气流的强度。南海上游季风气流的减弱以及热带印度洋异常反气旋的发展阻碍了印度洋西南季风向南海的推进, 从而使得这一年南海夏季风爆发偏晚大约2候。  相似文献   
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