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利用带通滤波方法,将FSU风应力资料分离成ENSO时间尺度上的分量及其剩余部分,将这两部分分别作用于模式海洋(2层热带太平洋区域模式),研究海洋对不同时间尺度大气变化的响应。结果表明:尺管ENSO时间尺度上的风应力分量只占风应力扰动总方差的30%左右,它却能激发出全部异常风应力强迫海洋时所产生的El Nino/La Nina现象和十分相近的SSTA变化周期与振幅。而其余占总异常风应力方差60%以上的部分强迫海洋仅能产生振幅较小的海表温度异常,在非ENSOENSO时间尺度上的风应力强迫下,海洋中可产生相近振幅的Kelvin波,但SSTA振幅却存在显著差别,表明海洋对大气扰动信号的频率非常敏感,这里从理论上对该现象作了解释和说明。  相似文献   
洪泽湖枯水年比较及与ENSO事件关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1954-1999年洪泽湖水文资料,总结出1999年干旱年汛期湖水入不敷出属历史旱年罕见。同时对湖区的干旱年与ENSO事件关系作了初步研究,得出拉尼娜事件结束的当年和次年洪泽湖都不会出现干旱年。  相似文献   
ENSO对印度洋偶极子与中国秋季降水关系的影响   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
利用1950--1999年Hadley中心全球海温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国气象局整编的160站降水资料,通过讨论印度洋偶极子(IOD)独立发生时及IOD与ENSO联合发生时中国秋季降水的差异,研究了ENSO对IOD与中国秋季降水关系的影响。结果表明:仅有IOD发生时,其正位相年使得中国西南地区和黄河流域的秋季降水出现正异常,而当IOD与ENSO伴随出现时,IOD正位相年和E1Nino使得中国西南地区秋季降水正异常区域维持并向东扩展,还使得黄河流域秋季降水转为负异常。此外分析了ENSO改变IOD与中国秋季降水关系的环流成因。  相似文献   
基于“部分通量订正”同步耦合方案,将中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的九层大气环流格点模式与十四层热带太平洋环流模式耦合并成功积分40年。结果表明,模式没有明显的“气候漂移”现象,同时模式能模拟出与未耦合的海气模式接近的气候平均态及其季节变化,及与观测接近的年际气候变率。这种年际变率在热带太平洋地区表现为类似于ENSO事件的时空分布特征。  相似文献   
清代云南雨季早晚序列的重建与夏季风变迁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据以档案为主的历史文献资料逐年进行考订,复原了云南1711~1911年间的雨季早晚序列,并利用多种资料进行了检验。分析表明,云南雨季开始期年际和年代际的波动都较剧烈,还存在年代际尺度以上的长时间尺度波动。雨季开始期从18世纪初逐步转向偏早,19世纪又转向偏迟,到20世纪又偏早,这在一定程度上反映了夏季风的长期变迁。云南雨季开始期存在明显的准3年和11.3年周期,准3年周期可能和El Nino事件的准3年周期有关,11.3年周期明显和太阳活动的11年周期有关。同时发现,El Nino事件对云南雨季的开始期有重要的影响,在El Nino年云南雨季开始期主要为偏迟或正常,但这种影响存在明显减弱的时期,可能意味着ENSO事件对亚洲夏季风的影响存在某种震荡。  相似文献   
Microlaminated sediment cores from the Kalya slope region of Lake Tanganyika provide a near-annually resolved paleoclimate record between ∼∼2,840 and 1,420 cal. yr B.P. demonstrating strong linkages between climate variability and lacustrine productivity. Laminae couplets comprise dark, terrigenous-dominated half couplets, interpreted as low density underflows deposited from riverine sources during the rainy season, alternating with light, planktonic diatomaceous ooze, with little terrigenous component, interpreted as windy/dry season deposits. Laminated portions of the studied cores consist of conspicuous dark and light colored bundles of laminae couplets. Light and dark bundles alternate at decadal time scales. Within dark bundles, both light and dark half couplets are significantly thinner than within light bundles, implying slower sediment accumulation rates during both seasons over those intervals.Time series analyses of laminae thickness patterns demonstrate significant periodicities at interannual–centennial time scales. Longer time scale periodicities (multidecadal to centennial scale) of light and dark half couplet thicknesses are coherent and in some cases are similar to solar cycle periods on these time scales. Although laminae thickness cycles do not strongly covary with the actual Δ14C record for this same time period, two large Δ14C anomalies are associated with substantial decreases in both light and dark laminae thickness. In contrast to the multidecadal– centennial time scale, significant annual to decadal periodicities, which are broadly consistent with ENSO/PDO forcing and their impact on East African climate, are not coherent between light and dark half couplets. The coherency of light–dark couplets at decadal–centennial time scales, but not at shorter time scales, is consistent with a model of a long-term relationship between precipitation (recorded in wet season dark laminae thickness) and productivity (light laminae thickness), which is not manifest at shorter time scales. We hypothesize that this coupling results from long-term recharging of internal nutrient loading during wet periods (higher erosion of soil P) and reduced loading during drought intervals. The relationship is not expressed on short time scales during which the dominant control on productivity is wind-driven, dry season upwelling, which is uncorrelated with wet-season precipitation. Our record greatly extends the temporal record of this quasi-periodic behavior throughout the late Holocene and provides the first evidence linking decade- to century-scale episodes of enhanced productivity to enhanced precipitation levels and nutrient recharge in a productive tropical lake.  相似文献   
Summary. The ability of the Australian sea-level monitoring network is assessed in the investigation of long-period sea-level signals. Through the character of coastal long waves, seasonal variations in level and inter-annual level anomalies, the importance of the south coast of the Continent is identified as a coherent indicator of large-scale marine and atmospheric teleconnections. The source of the sea-level signal is investigated by the tracing of progressive features, by the numerical modelling of wind stress over the Southern Ocean, by the modelling of the effect of monsoonal rains over the Indian Ocean and the mass transport through the Indonesian Strait. These features are related to the ENSO cycle which for the first time is linked, inter alia , with Southern Ocean mechanisms.  相似文献   
The Takla Makan Desert is one of the supposed sources of eolian deposits in the eastern China and the North Pacific Ocean. Lack of direct measurements hinders the theoretical interpretation of material exchange between the atmosphere and land surface as well as the sediment budget of the region. From 1992 to 1994, four measuring sites were established in the vicinity of 84°E meridian along a 380 km observation traverse from the northern margin to the central desert. Data were collected on quantities of dust fall and sedimentary characteristics of airborne sediments, including grain-size distributions as well as chemical and mineral compositions. The quantities of annual dust fall were 102 to 103 tons km-2 yr-1, increasing from the margin toward the central desert. Monthly concentrations of particles finer than 0.02 mm in diameter ranged from 0.06 to 1.25 mg m-3 over the three-year observation period. The elemental ratio and the element enrichment factor ruled out the Takla Makan Desert as possible sources of the dust in Hawaii and Alaska. The mean geometric diameter of airborne sediments in the 4 to 8 m surface layer from the Luntai oasis was 0.038 mm and from the interior ranged 0.064 to 0.067 mm being moderately to poorly sorted. Weight percent of particles finer than 0.063 mm in diameter were from 83.5% to 47.7%, decreasing toward the central desert. Distributions of the airborne particles were unimodal with peak diameters of 0.06 to 0.07 mm in the central desert and 0.02 to 0.06 mm in the sites toward the edge of the desert. [Key words: dust fall, sedimentary characteristics, Takla Makan Desert.]  相似文献   
刘焕才  许芃  李曼 《地理科学》2021,41(3):544-552
基于1961—2018年降水观测资料,应用经验正交函数分解(EOF)、大气诊断等方法对山西夏季不同等级降水时空演变特征及其影响要素进行分析。结果表明:① 山西夏季降水量主要由大雨贡献(51.9%),但在降水频次上以小雨为主。山西大雨与小雨事件存在显著差异。小雨多年平均雨量由南至北递增,而大雨却由南至北递减。此外,EOF表明全区一致型均是不同等级降水中的主空间模态,但在小雨和大雨中高载荷区存在明显差异。② ENSO在影响山西降水特别是大雨中占据主导,而NAO在小雨中作用更为突出。对大气环流异常结构的诊断分析表明,冷(暖)ENSO位相时,源于热带西太平洋并经由南海北上的季风水汽输送增强(减弱),同时在ENSO和中高纬度大气活动联动调控下,在东亚地区建立的异常反气旋(气旋)可通过其西支南(北)风气流引导(抑制)季风水汽向山西进一步纵深推进,两者共同调配使得山西大雨事件增多(减少);NAO主要通过一条沿西欧?东欧?乌拉尔山?蒙古高原的高纬度路径对降水施加影响,NAO正(负)位相时,在蒙古高原甚至山西建立的深厚异常(反)气旋通过其南支西(东)风一方面阻挡低纬度季风水汽进入山西,另一方面增强(减弱)山西有限的内陆水汽供应,从而引起山西小雨事件的增多(减少)。  相似文献   
Hailstorm Loss Modelling and Risk Assessment in the Sydney Region,Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Leigh  R.  Kuhnel  I. 《Natural Hazards》2001,24(2):171-185
This paper summarises work undertaken at the Natural Hazards ResearchCentre with regard to the compilation, climatological analysis and lossmodelling application of hailstorm data for the greater Sydney region. Itdiscusses the results from two associated research areas: ENSO-relatedclimatological analysis of hailstorm data, and insurance sector orientedrisk assessment of hail losses in the Sydney basin. The two complementaryprojects led to the development of HailAUS, the first hail loss model for amajor urban area in Australia. The hazard occurrence module of the hailloss model is based on a comprehensive, good quality hail data set, whoseinterannual variability has previously been analysed with regard to the ENSOsignal. The paper presents the major results of the local hail data climatology,and outlines the structure of the hail loss model. The important practicalapplications that result from the collection and analysis of good qualityclimatological data are noted.  相似文献   
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