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干热岩钻探关键技术探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
干热岩是国际公认的高效低碳清洁能源,近年来,随着国家对清洁能源勘探开发的提倡和支持,国内开展了一些干热岩勘探工作。干热岩钻探是前期获取地质资料进行资源量计算及后期开发利用的关键部分。现阶段国内在干热岩钻探工艺技术方面还没有形成体系,大多借用石油钻井行业及地质钻井行业的一些工艺技术,但干热岩钻探钻遇地层温度普遍较高,且大部分孔段均为坚硬的花岗岩地层,因此如何在高温环境下保持钻井液性能,保证其携带岩屑及维护孔壁稳定的功效,在坚硬的花岗岩层中如何提高钻进效率,实现高效钻进,钻遇破碎地层时如何维护孔壁稳定,实现护壁堵漏等问题,该文结合国内已施工的部分干热岩钻探工程,对国内干热岩钻探所采取的工艺技术进行了探索,研制了抗高温配方的钻井液,使用转盘回转+孔底动力钻具复合钻进,在钻井液中加入抗高温封堵剂,可有效提高干热岩钻探效率,以期促进干热岩钻探工艺技术的研究、应用和推广。  相似文献   
水稻灌区节水灌溉的尺度效应   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
探讨了节水灌溉尺度问题,指出产生节水灌溉尺度现象的原因是由于灌溉过程中回归水的重复利用.结合漳河灌区的实际,讨论了水稻种植区在不同尺度下的水平衡要素及其在节水尺度效应中的作用;说明随尺度的增大,水平衡过程变得复杂化,节水尺度效应现象也更突出.利用漳河灌区田间试验数据和灌区长系列的历史资料,分别从田间、中等、灌溉干渠和灌区共四个尺度,定量地分析了水稻节水灌溉对水分生产率以及水分利用率的影响.结果表明,节水灌溉技术的采用不仅可以提高田间尺度的灌溉水分生产率,也促进了漳河灌区灌溉水分生产率的整体上升.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONIrrigated ricefieldsarecharacterizedbylargespatialandtemporalvariationsin CH4 emissiontotheatmo-sphere.Accordingly,thereisagreatuncertaintyintheestimate ofCH4 emissionsfromricefields.GreateffortshavebeenmadetoestimatetheCH4 emissionsfromricefieldsandseveralapproacheshavebeendeveloped.TherepresentativemethodsincludetheIPCC(Inter-governmentPanelofClimateChange)region-specificemissionfactormethodandthemodelcalculationmethod.Toimprovethecalculationaccuracy,theIPCCmethodreq…  相似文献   
This paper examines the spatial characteristics of farmer/household behaviors in regional rice cropping systems (RCS), and the results provide necessary information for developing strategies that will maintain regional food security. Through field study and statistical analysis based on 402 households questionnaires finished in 2014-2015 in the Poyang Lake Region (PLR) of China, we arrived at two main conclusions. First, single- and double cropping rice were found across the study area, but showed a general distribution trend, with double cropping rice in the southeast part (especially in Jinxian county) and single cropping rice in the northwest (particularly in De’an county). Second, the household decisions concerning RCS varied in different parts of the PLR, but double cropping was the dominant type, with about 63.57% of the respondent households in the PLR cultivating double cropping rice. However, the multiple-cropping index of paddy rice was only 1.55. About 3% of interviewed households had altered their RCS during this period. Based on these findings, the local governments should guide farmers’ paddy field cultivation behaviors by increasing the comparative efficiency of rice production, promoting appropriate scale operations and land conversion, as well as optimizing rice growing conditions to improve the multiple cropping index and enhance food provision. Finally, land-use efficiency and more sustainable use of land resources should be improved.  相似文献   
温度作为重要外界因素,对红黏土的强度特性和裂隙性具有重要影响。为研究干燥温度、含水率和干密度对非饱和红黏土强度特性和裂隙发育的影响,对不同蒸发温度条件下不同初始状态的非饱和红黏土进行直剪试验和干燥试验。分析了不同温度下红黏土的强度特性,结合图像处理技术对裂隙的发育规律进行了阐述,并对抗剪强度指标(黏聚力、内摩擦角)和裂隙形态参数(裂隙率)的关系进行了探讨。试验结果表明:裂隙几何参数(裂隙总长度、节点数和裂隙率)随着温度升高而增大。干密度越低,含水率越大,裂隙指标随温度的变化幅度越大,裂隙也越发育。张拉应力的存在是裂隙产生的主要力学原因。黏聚力随温度升高先增大后减小,衰减的幅度和干密度有关。随着温度升高,内摩擦角先缓慢增长,而后增速加快,含水率越低,变化越明显。随着裂隙率的增加,黏聚力先增多后减小,内摩擦角则不断增长。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONQuality of chemical properties of flooded soils isgenerally determined by salinity and alkalinity,bothof these acts as inhibiting factors of plant growth.Thecorrelation of electrical conductivity and other analysisindex has been reported by …  相似文献   
The impact of modern cold glaciers on arid periglacial landscapes has received little attention compared with other glacial regimes, and there is a widely held assumption that cold glaciers are not effective geomorphological agents, despite recent studies to the contrary. This paper focuses on the processes operating at the margins of a number of glaciers in the Dry Valleys of Victoria Land, notably the Wright Lower Glacier. The glaciers are entraining primarily older drift deposits and highly weathered regolith which texturally are sandy gravels, as well as well‐sorted sands of fluvial origin. Despite basal temperatures of the order of ?16°C, frozen layers and blocks of sand and gravel are being incorporated into the base of the glaciers by folding and thrusting. The sedimentary products are ridges and aprons several metres high within which the principal lithofacies are sand, gravel, foliated glacier ice, lake ice and snow. These facies are glaciotectonized strongly. Draped over these landforms is a veneer of well‐sorted aeolian sand up to half a metre thick. Supraglacial streams flowing off the glaciers incise these landforms and the sediment is redeposited as alluvial fans, lake deltas and lake‐bottomset deposits. Overall the sediment/landform association differs markedly from those of other glacial regimes, with sand and gravel being the dominant facies, while the usual indicators of glacier working (such as facets and striations on clasts) are lacking. The preservation potential for these landforms on a thousand‐year time scale is high, as modification in this arid regime by slope processes and running water is limited. Sublimation of buried ice is so slow that ridge features are likely to remain ice‐cored almost indefinitely, modified only by wind transport and weathering.  相似文献   
2009年6月6日鄂北冰雹天气过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用常规观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,对2009年6月6日鄂北冰雹天气发生前的抬升、水汽及不稳定条件进行了诊断分析。结果表明:地面中尺度辐合线为冰雹天气发生提供了抬升条件,促进强对流天气爆发;垂直水汽分布上,中低层干盖的形成有效地抑制了边界层对流的发展,为不稳定能量的积聚创造了有利条件;地面“干线”的形成,增加了大气的潜在斜压性,促进了次级环流的发展,增加了大气不稳定性。多普勒天气雷达资料以及闪电定位等监测数据分析表明:雷达回波组合反射率强度、回波顶高和垂直液态水含量的迅速跃增,对降雹有较好的指示意义;10 min闪电频次在降雹前出现了20次以上的峰值,可以起到冰雹预警作用。  相似文献   
基于Hyperion影像的水稻冠层生化参量反演   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用小区实验与大田应用相结合的方法, 依据扬州实验小区地面实测拔节期、抽穗期及灌浆期的水稻叶片、冠层光谱及氮和叶绿素含量, 采用光谱吸收特征和植被指数分析方法, 得到估算水稻氮和叶绿素含量的最佳光谱特征参数; 结合覆盖江苏姜堰地区大田的Hyperion高光谱遥感影像, 建立反演水稻冠层氮和叶绿素含量的模型, 对研究区大田水稻冠层氮和叶绿素含量进行了反演及制图。结果表明: 经波深中心归一化方法分析, 发现以670nm为中心的光谱吸收特征面积与水稻氮含量呈显著相关性; 基于反转归一化光谱, 结合560nm和670nm两个波段, 建立的植被指数NDVI560_670能很好地反演水稻叶绿素含量。  相似文献   
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