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根据2007年8月(夏季),11月(秋季),2008年1月(冬季)和2010年4月(春季)在胶州湾海域测得的p H、溶解无机碳(DIC)、总碱度(Alk),以及通过以上参数计算得到的二氧化碳分压(p CO2)的数据,结合现场的化学、水文、生物等参数,探讨和分析了该海域的二氧化碳各参数的分布特征、季节变化和影响因素。结果表明:胶州湾p H、DIC、Alk和p CO2的年变化范围分别为:7.77—8.30,1949.2—2201.8μmol/kg,2033.9—2382.5μmol/kg和89.9—745.3μatm,均呈现明显的时空变化。温度是影响胶州湾碳酸盐体系的主要影响因素之一,同时陆地径流和降水会降低海水碳酸盐体系中各参数的含量,但是人类活动和生物活动也会在一定程度上增加DIC、Alk和p CO2的含量。  相似文献   
1981-2015年西藏全区气候季节的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1981-2015年西藏全区39个气象观测站的观测资料,采用修订气候季节划分方法,分析了39站季节起始日与季节长度,代表站的季节极端日期、极端长度、季节早晚、季节长短等级变化趋势及其对农牧业、旅游业的影响。结果表明:西藏近35年来,春、夏、秋、冬季平均起始日分别为2月25日、5月31日、9月15日和11月28日,平均长度分别为99 d、106 d、73 d和87 d,且区域差异比较明显。波密、加查、尼木、狮泉河、申扎站春季的起始日在提前,分别为-5.8、-1.2、-3.3、-2.5、-2.3 d·(10a)-1;秋冬季的开始日在推迟,分别为1.4(1.5)、2.1(4.2)、1.9(4.4)、1.0(2.5)、1.2(4.0)d·(10a)-1。春(夏、秋)季持续时间在延长,分别为7.0(1.3、0.1)、0.04(3.3、2.1)、1.0(4.6、2.5)、0.1(3.4、1.6)、1.7(1.8、2.8)d·(10a)-1;冬季持续时间在缩短,分别为-8.5、-5.4、-7.8、-5.1、-6.2 d·(10a)-1。春季的提前与季节长度的延长,使作物播种期与牧草返青期提早;秋季的推迟与季节长度的缩短使得作物复种机会大;同时对农作物的种植结构、作物品种熟性布局以及旅游业都有一定的影响。  相似文献   
Phenology is a sensitive and critical feature of vegetation and is a good indicator for climate change studies. The global inventory modelling and mapping studies (GIMMS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) has been the most widely used data source for monitoring of the vegetation dynamics over large geographical areas in the past two decades. With the release of the third version of the NDVI (GIMMS NDVI3g) recently, it is important to compare the NDVI3g data with those of the previous version (NDVIg) to link existing studies with future applications of the NDVI3g in monitoring vegetation phenology. In this study, the three most popular satellite start of vegetation growing season (SOS) extraction methods were used, and the differences between SOSg and SOS3g arising from the methods were explored. The amplitude and the peak values of the NDVI3g are higher than those of the NDVIg curve, which indicated that the SOS derived from the NDVIg (SOSg) was significantly later than that derived from the NDVI3g (SOS3g) based on all the methods, for the whole northern hemisphere. In addition, SOSg and SOS3g both showed an advancing trend during 1982–2006, but that trend was more significant with SOSg than with SOS3g in the results from all three methods. In summary, the difference between SOSg and SOS3g (in the multi-year mean SOS, SOS change slope and the turning point in the time series) varied among the methods and was partly related to latitude. For the multi-year mean SOS, the difference increased with latitude intervals in the low latitudes (0–30°N) and decreased in the mid- and high-latitude intervals. The GIMMS NDVI3g data-sets seemed more sensitive than the GIMMS NDVIg in detecting information about the ground, and the SOS3g data were better correlated both with the in situ observations and the SOS derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer NDVI. For the northern hemisphere, previous satellite measures (SOS derived from GIMMS NDVIg) may have overestimated the advancing trend of the SOS by an average of 0.032 d yr–1.  相似文献   
The diurnal variation of precipitation over the Dabie Mountains(DBM) in eastern China during the 2013 mei-yu season is investigated with forecasts of a regional convection-permitting model. Simulated precipitation is verified against surface rain-gauge observations. The observed morning precipitation peak on the windward(relative to the prevailing synoptic-scale wind) side of the DBM is reproduced with good spatial and temporal accuracy. The interaction between the DBM and a nocturnal boundary layer low-level jet(BLJ) due to the inertial oscillation mechanism is shown to be responsible for this precipitation peak. The BLJ is aligned with the lower-level southwesterly synoptic-scale flow that carries abundant moisture.The BLJ core is established at around 0200 LST upwind of the mountains. It moves towards the DBM and reaches maximum intensity at about 70 km ahead of the mountains. When the BLJ impinges upon the windward side of the DBM in the early morning, mechanical lifting of moist air leads to condensation and subsequent precipitation.  相似文献   
利用1979—2019年CN05.1中国区域高分辨率降水格点数据、英国Hadley中心观测海温数据、ERA5逐月大气再分析资料及大气环流模式,研究了华南后汛期期间(7—9月)IOD Modoki事件与华南后汛期降水异常的关系及可能机理。观测资料结果表明,华南后汛期降水异常与热带印度洋中部(东和西部)海温异常呈显著正(负)相关关系,表现为印度洋IOD Modoki或印度洋三极子事件的空间分布型。滤除ENSO信号影响后,华南后汛期降水异常仍和IOD Modoki存在较为密切的联系。IOD Modoki正异常对华南后汛期降水异常的影响有以下途径,一方面,异常水汽从热带印度洋东部向西输送至热带中印度洋后,在北半球受科氏力作用向东输送至华南地区,为华南地区提供了充足的水汽条件,并且对华南地区降水正异常的主要水汽辐合贡献为平均水汽的水平扰动散度项和扰动引起的平均水汽垂直平流项。另一方面,热带东南印度洋海温负异常,通过Mastuno-Gill响应引起对流层低层自热带东南印度洋至热带中印度洋有东南风异常,增强了70°E附近的越赤道气流,在北半球向东输送至西北太平洋,这引起了华南地区对流层低层气旋式环流异常。另外,热带东印度洋对流层低(高)层异常辐散(辐合),华南地区低(高)层异常辐合(辐散)增强了东亚地区的局地Hadley环流,有利于华南地区降水的产生。再者,IOD Modoki引起南亚季风区受异常下沉运动控制,并通过季风-荒漠机制引起副热带北大西洋东部、北非荒漠区及地中海西部周围正涡度异常,激发了沿急流向下游传播的准静止Rossby波,增强了日本海高压异常和华南及邻近地区对流层低层气旋式环流异常。上述原因均有利于华南地区降水的产生,反之亦然。上述结果在数值模式中亦得到了验证。  相似文献   
为了解西辽河流域归一化植被指数(NDVI)的分布规律、变化趋势及对气候变化的响应,利用2000—2018年西辽河流域11个气象站逐日气象资料和MODIS归一化植被指数数据集,通过线性回归和相关分析,探讨了生长季各月NDVI与气象因子的时滞性,以及气象站周围10 km缓冲区内不同植被类型NDVI与气象因子的相关性.结果表...  相似文献   
东北地区汛期降水异常的大气环流特征分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
贾小龙  王谦谦 《高原气象》2006,25(2):309-318
针对东北地区汛期(7~8月)的情况,分析了造成汛期降水异常的大气环流特征,结果表明:汛期多(少)雨年,低层850 hPa蒙古东南的气旋(反气旋)式距平环流、我国大陆东部的西南风(东北风)距平气流及日本南面的反气旋(气旋)式距平环流的共同作用加强(减弱)了低层西南暖湿气流在东北地区的辐合;多(少)雨年,中层500 hPa中高纬西风带经向运动加强(减弱),从贝加尔湖以北的高纬地区到日本附近的高度场呈 - (- -)的波列分布。8月的环流形势比7月更容易造成严重旱涝,下游鄂霍茨克海和日本海阻塞高压的发展和减弱是造成8月降水异常的重要因子。考虑7月旱涝流型演变时,应着重关注南北向 - 的“波列”;而考虑8月旱涝流型演变时,则更应着重关注东西向- - -的“波列”配置。多、少雨年,高、低层的散度场、垂直速度场及水汽条件等物理量场都有明显的差异。  相似文献   
酉阳河流域典型年汛期的基流分割研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷宇宽 《水文》2021,41(1):35-41
基流分割是水文学研究中的重难点问题之一,目前基流分割也存在许多方法.基于酉阳河典型年汛期实测日平均流量资料,分别采用Chapman-Maxwell改进方程数字滤波法一次滤波(参数N=1)以及二次滤波(参数N=2)、BFI(f)法、HYSEP固定步长法、HYSEP滑动步长法、HYSEP局部最小值法进行基流分割并对其结果进...  相似文献   
分析了高原地面加热场强度距平指数与四川盆地伏旱及主汛期降水的联系。结果表明,高原前期加热强度同四川盆汛期降水和伏旱程度密切相关。把这些关系引入汛期降水预测模型对提高短期气候预测能力有一定积极意义。  相似文献   
为了制作四川盆地主汛期降水预报对相似方法作了改进,首先是根据四川盆地主汛期降水的前3个特征向量分别寻找有物理基础的前期信号作为预报因子,然后充分考虑各因子对总降水量贡献大小定义因子场的相似,确定相似年,最后引入“集成”的思想,由5个相似年的降水场得到预测年降水的定量客观预报。1981~1994共14年的预报结果准确率高于当前业务预报水平。  相似文献   
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