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The radon transport test, which is a widely used test case for atmospheric transport models, is carried out to evaluate the tracer advection schemes in the Grid-Point Atmospheric Model of IAP-LASG (GAMIL). Two of the three available schemes in the model are found to be associated with significant biases in the polar regions and in the upper part of the atmosphere, which implies potentially large errors in the simulation of ozone-like tracers. Theoretical analyses show that inconsistency exists between the advection schemes and the discrete continuity equation in the dynamical core of GAMIL and consequently leads to spurious sources and sinks in the tracer transport equation. The impact of this type of inconsistency is demonstrated by idealized tests and identified as the cause of the aforementioned biases. Other potential effects of this inconsistency are also discussed. Results of this study provide some hints for choosing suitable advection schemes in the GAMIL model. At least for the polax-region-concentrated atmospheric components and the closely correlated chemical species, the Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian advection scheme produces more reasonable simulations of the large-scale transport processes without significantly increasing the computational expense. 相似文献
Validation for a tropical belt version of WRF: sensitivity tests on radiation and cumulus convection parameterizations

对基本气候态和降水日变化的分析是检验模式模拟性能、理解模式误差来源的重要手段。为了评估出对热带气候模拟效果较好的物理参数化方案组合,本文应用WRF带状区域模式,主要比较了四种积云对流参数化方案:NewTiedtke、Kain-Fritsch、newSAS、Tiedtke,和两种辐射参数化方案:RRTMG和CAM,对热带带状区域的气候模拟结果。研究表明:使用NewTiedtke积云对流参数化方案和RRTMG辐射方案的试验,表现出对气温、降水及降水日变化等综合性最好的模拟性能;NewTiedtke积云对流参数化方案能模拟出较好的降水空间分布和降水日变化位相分布特征;与RRTMG辐射方案相比,CAM辐射方案会使温度模拟偏低,特别是陆地上更明显,这种陆地上的冷偏差可能主要来源于Tmin的模拟偏冷。 相似文献
基于中尺度数值模式WRF,选取新疆两次强降水过程,设计3个试验方案,其中试验1为控制试验,试验2提高分辨率,试验3提高分辨率并调整物理参数化方案,初步评估不同分辨率和参数化方案对新疆区域2m温度、10m风速、降水预报的影响。结果表明:(1)提高分辨率对2m温度、10m风速模拟精度均有提高,2m温度预报精度提高约0.5℃,降低了日间温度模拟冷偏差;10m风速预报精度提高约0.5m/s,降低了风速模拟正偏差;但提高分辨率后,模式出现虚假降水预报的情况。(2)提高分辨率并调整物理参数化方案后,2m温度模拟误差略有减小,模拟偏差减小约0.2℃;10m风速模拟误差增大约0.5m/s,模拟偏差增大超过0.5m/s;对降水落区、量级的模拟精度显著提高,减小了降水中心的模拟强度,对虚假降水预报有一定修正。 相似文献
In phase Ⅱ of the Regional Climate Model Inter-comparison Project (RMIP) for Asia, the regional climate has been simulated for July 1988 through December 1998 by five regional climate models and one global variable resolution model. Comparison of the 10-year simulated precipitation with the observations was carried out. The results show that most models have the capacity to reproduce the basic spatial pattern of precipitation for Asia, and the main rainbelt can be reproduced by most models, but there are distinctions in the location and the intensity. Most models overestimate the precipitation over most continental regions. Interannual variability of the precipitation can also be basically simulated, while differences exist between various models and the observations. The biases in the stream field are important reasons behind the simulation errors of the Regional Climate Models (RCMs). The cumulus scheme and land surface process have large influences on the precipitation simulation. Generally, the Grell cumulus scheme produces more precipitation than the Kuo scheme. 相似文献
In the application of the physical iterative method to retrieve millimeter-wave radar liquid water content(LWC) and liquid water path(LWP), particle parameter scheme is the main factor affecting retrieval performance. In this paper, synchronous measurements of an airborne millimeter-wave radar and a hot-wire probe in stratus cloud are used to compare the LWC retrievals of the oceanic and continental particle parameter scheme with diameter less than 50μm and the particle parameter scheme with diameter less than 500μm and 1500μm(scheme 1, scheme 2, scheme 3, and scheme4, respectively). The results show that the particle parameter scheme needs to be selected according to the reflectivity factor when using the physical iterative method to retrieve the LWC and LWP. When the reflectivity factor is less than-30 d BZ, the retrieval error of scheme 1 is the minimum. When the reflectivity factor is greater than-30 d BZ, the retrieval error of scheme 4 is the minimum. Based on the reflectance factor value, the LWP retrievals of scheme 4 are closer to the measurements, the average relative bias is 5.2%, and the minimum relative bias is 4.4 %. Compared with other schemes,scheme 4 seems to be more useful for the LWC and LWP retrieval of stratus cloud in China. 相似文献
针对GRAPES四维变分同化系统的升级, 研究了GRAPES模式垂直扩散方案线性化问题。通过2005年8月7—27日21个个例的批量试验, 发现在GRAPES模式垂直扩散方案源代码的基础上逐句线性化得到的切线性垂直扩散方案即使能通过正确性测试试验, 在少数情况下也会存在很大误差。切线性模式计算的扰动气压场和扰动风场可能出现明显异常, 这种异常与垂直扩散方案中地表动量通量的强非线性有关。如果在切线性垂直扩散方案中忽略地表动量通量扰动, 既可以避免异常的出现, 又不影响其他正常时刻的计算精度。修改后的切线性垂直扩散方案能够在所有变量上一致地提高切线性模式的计算精度。 相似文献