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强烈雹暴三体散射的多普勒天气雷达分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文从干冰球和水球的散射特征出发, 分析了强烈雹暴三体散射的多普勒天气雷达基本反射率因子的形成机制, 讨论了影响三体散射观测的主要因素; 利用连云港CINRAD/SA天气雷达资料, 对2004年6月26日发生在连云港市境内的一次大冰雹过程的三体散射特征进行了详细分析, 并对三体散射在业务上的应用进行了探讨。结果表明:产生三体散射的反射率因子区强度超过60 dBz, 三体散射的反射率因子值小于18 dBz, 长度通常小于14 km; 径向速度整体上为朝向雷达的低值, 谱宽很大, 可达13 m/s以上; 首次观测到三体散射后, 可立即预报有大冰雹将降落到下游地区, 提前量在20 min以上, 这些结果为利用三体散射预报冰雹提供了新的线索。  相似文献   
全面地比较和总结了当前包括压力式测波、声学式测波、浮标式测波和遥测式测波在内的几种主要的海洋波浪测量方法的技术特点;对相应类型的典型代表型号的仪器主要技术指标进行了对比;对不同类型测量方法及其对应的仪器的具体适用环境给出了分析和建议。实际结合了ADCP,AWAC,Wave Duo测波浮球等几种海洋波浪测量仪器于2014年12月在江苏省南通市近海相近区域的同步实测数据,对这几种仪器的海洋波浪测量的响应和过程特征进行了对比和分析,这对相关的海洋波浪测量技术和对应的测波仪器设备特点也是一个很好的验证。  相似文献   
The use of acoustics to measure sediment transport boundary layer processes has gained increasing acceptance over the past two decades. This has occurred through the development of increasingly sophisticated measuring systems and theoretical developments, which have enabled flow and suspended sediment parameters to be obtained from acoustic data with a high degree of accuracy. Until relatively recently, separate acoustic systems were used to measure flow and suspended sediment concentration. Over the past few years, however, the technology has become sufficiently advanced so that flow and sediment measurements can be integrated into a single system. This integration provides, quasi-instantaneous, non-intrusive, co-located, high temporal-spatial resolution measurements of benthic flow and sediment processes. Here the development of such an instrument, the Acoustic Concentration and Velocity Profiler (ACVP) is described. The theory underpinning its application is outlined, new approaches to velocity de-aliasing and suspended sediment inversion instabilities using multi-frequency capabilities are presented and the application of the system to sediment transport processes over a sandy ripple bed is illustrated. The observations clearly show the value of such instrumentation for studying the dynamical interaction between the bed, the flow and the sediments at and within the bottom boundary layer.  相似文献   
星载SAR海洋表层流场反演综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于星载SAR获取海洋表层流场,已经成为相关海洋科学研究的重要支持。本文分析了星载SAR系统反演海洋表层流场的技术发展,重点介绍了国内外基于顺轨干涉SAR技术和多普勒频移方法估计海洋表层流场的研究进展,并对星载SAR估计海洋表层流场的研究、发展与应用作了展望。  相似文献   
一种适用于水声通信的Doppler估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水下声通信中,收发双方相对运动产生的Doppler效应会导致信号的伸缩,引起信噪比的降级,需要采用Doppler补偿措施。在补偿前需要得到Doppler估计。文中提出了一种利用DFT进行Doppler估计的有效算法,该算法通过估计频率偏移来计算Doppler率。仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   
The study is focused on the retrieval and validation of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate from spectral width measurements made by a UHF wind profiler in the convective atmospheric boundary layer. The possibility to deduce , which is one of the most important parameters for boundary-layer study and monitoring, from Doppler radar spectral width measurements has a firm theoretical basis established by numerous earlier works. However, the major drawback of this approach lies in various meteorological and instrumental sources of non-turbulent spectral width broadening which have to be recognised and accounted for. In the first part of the study, the theoretical background of the retrieval is detailed and all possible causes of spectral broadening are listed and evaluated. In the second part, the method is applied to four days of UHF diurnal boundary-layer observations, collected during the TRAC-98 experiment, for which in situ aircraft measurements were available. Comparison between radar-retrieved and in situ aircraft measurements yields a fairly good agreement with a linear correlation coefficient of about 0.9 and a residual bias less than 2 × 10-4 m2 s-3. The analysis of derived from vertical and off-zenith observation leads to the recommendation, that in the boundary layer, where the wind is usually moderate, data collected by off-zenith beams should be used. Indeed, the measurement of the vertical spectral width, less affected by the large-scale broadening factor, can still be altered by the ground clutter removal.  相似文献   
Z~R关系法和6种雷达雨量计联合法反演的区域降水量与雨量计观测得到的降水场存在较大的误差,将这7种降水估测结果作为信息源,采用统计权重矩阵法对上述7种反演结果进行集成分析,提出了一种改进雷达估测降水的方法。结果表明:在被集成资料中,Z~R关系法估测的降雨场具有明显的偏低现象,精度最差,6种雷达雨量计联合法的估测精度明显优于Z~R关系法。通过统计权重矩阵集成后,精度比集成前所有方法均有明显提高,尤其是降水场分布形势和降水中心的强度都与雨量计场非常吻合。集成得到的降水空间分布场能够较真实地反映地面的降水情况,可以在估测区域降水量中进行业务试用。  相似文献   
利用石河子C波段Doppler雷达资料,对2008年8月26日下午至傍晚发生在天山北坡带中部石河子垦区全区性的一次强对流天气过程进行分析,结果表明:引起这次全区性的强对流天气风暴具有超级单体风暴的特征.这个超级单体南边出现明显的出流边界,并位于弧形回波带的南部.组合反射率因子垂直剖面图上呈现出有界弱回波区、回波悬垂和有界弱回波区左侧的回波墙,最大回波强度出现在沿着回波墙的一个竖直的狭长区域,其值达到65 dBZ、位于回波墙中上部.在中低层径向速度图上,弧形回波带的北部出现辐合区,其东南部呈现出一个中尺度气旋,旋转速度达到20 m/s,风暴顶为强烈辐散,正负速度差值达52m/s,其中3 000~6 000 m之间表现最为典型;与中气旋对应的回波强度和回波顶高以及垂直液态含水量都在暴雨中心附近达到最大.50dBz的回波顶高达9.8 km、宽度约10 km,60 dBz的回波顶高达到8.7 km、宽度约7 km,65 dBz的回波顶高达到8.0 km、宽度约2 km,垂直液态含水量从16:16的8 kg/m跃增到17:34的70 kg/m,该超级单体的移动方向在盛行风向的右侧约30°,属于右移风暴.  相似文献   
多普勒天气雷达径向速度图上的雹云特征   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
不同的强对流天气造成的灾害和社会影响差别很大。通过对北京地区2001年和2002年出现的32次降雹时伴随出现的天气现象分类和对雹云多普勒天气雷达径向速度场图像特征的分析统计, 得出“大风区”、“中气旋”是经常出现降雹的多普勒径向速度图像特征。“大风区”常伴随出现强风冰雹, 而“中气旋”则常伴随出现暴雨冰雹, 这对于判别冰雹云产生什么样的天气现象是有指示意义的。  相似文献   
利用常规观测资料、卫星云图、自动站气象观测资料和多普勒雷达等资料,对2011年6月16日玉林市南部一次中尺度强降水过程进行天气动力学和中尺度分析,结果表明:这次暴雨是在有利的大尺度环流下产生,通过中尺度系统激发而产生的。高空低槽和低空切变辐合是强降水产生的前提条件,中尺度对流云团强烈发展是强降水产生直接原因;分析红外云图的TBB、多普勒雷达反射率和基本速度、地形条件等方面都很好地阐述了本次强降水的暴雨中心。  相似文献   
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