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Honghu Lake, located in the southeast of Hubei Province, China, has suffered a severe disturbance during the past few decades. To restore the ecosystem, the Honghu Lake Wetland Protection and Restoration Demonstration Project (HLWPRDP) has been implemented since 2004. A back propagation (BP) artificial neural network (ANN) approach was applied to evaluatinig the ecosystem health of the Honghu Lake wetland. And the effectiveness of the HLWPRDP was also assessed by comparing the ecosystem health before and after the project. Particularly, 12 ecosystem health indices were used as evaluation parameters to establish a set of three-layer BP ANNs. The output is one layer of ecosystem health index. After training and testing the BP ANNs, an optimal model of BP ANNs was selected to assess the ecosystem health of the Honghu Lake wetland. The result indicates that four stages can be identified based on the change of the ecosystem health from 1990 to 2008 and the ecosystem health index ranges from morbidity before the implementation of HLWPRDP (in 2002) to middle health after the implementation of the HLWPRDP (in 2005). It demonstrates that the HLWPRDP is effective and the BP ANN could be used as a tool for the assessment of ecosystem health.  相似文献   
全球气候恶化,洪涝、风沙、干旱等自然灾害频繁,科学研究预测区域乃至全球环境演变趋势,并采取有效措施加以防治,成为目前全人类面临的一大课题。要科学的掌握环境变化的规律,就必须研究过去的环境变迁,沉积物无疑是最好的研究对象。而湖泊在其发生发展过程中,直接出露于地表,其沉积物则是最好记录环境变化信息的载体。近几年来元素地球化学在研究湖泊演变历史,揭示湖泊环境变迁等方面取得了很大的进展。根据目前的研究现状,今后的工作应着眼于分析研究引起源泊环境变化的原因,环境演变与人类活动的关系及其演变规律,进而对未来环境演变趋势进行预测和对自然灾害进行防治,或许是今后湖泊沉积物元素地球化学研究的主要方向。  相似文献   
浅水湖泊生态系统的多稳态理论及其应用   总被引:37,自引:11,他引:37  
李文朝 《湖泊科学》1997,9(2):97-104
在“八五”期间太湖研究工作的基础上,发展和充实了浅水湖泊多稳态理论,简要介绍了多稳态概念模型,并将这一理论和模型贯穿于太湖富营养化防治研究中;总结了太湖各湖区的状态演化过程,提出保护东太湖生态环境和治理五里湖的策略及技术路线,并付诸于实验;证明了利多稳态理论和多稳态模型指导湖泊富营养化防治的可行性。  相似文献   
锂是战略新兴产业的“关键原料”,已入国家战略新兴产业矿产。当前和可预见的未来,新能源、人工智能、航空航天等都离不开锂原料。有机构预测全球锂需求量将从2017年24万吨增加到2025年的83万吨LCE(碳酸锂当量)。青海柴达木盆地是我国锂资源富集地,为探讨青海盐湖锂资源的合理开发规模,分析了锂盐开发的矿床特性、钾肥规模、开采方式、盐田精制浓缩工艺等影响因素,以察尔汗盐湖为例计算其开发规模,提出“先锂后钾”重点研发低含量卤水提锂技术、全流程工艺优化、构建锂资源产业集群等建议,将有利于科学规划青海盐湖锂资源开发,促进我国盐湖锂产业可持续发展。  相似文献   
In this paper, the relationships between paleo-precipitation and the regional influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in South America are assessed from a high-resolution calendar varve-thickness record. Two short laminated sediment cores (53 and 61 cm length) from Lago Puyehue (40° S) are analysed by continuous varve measurements through the last 600 years. The calendar varve years are determined by the occurrence of graded planktonic-rich layers. The annual sediment accumulation rates are reconstructed by using the standard varve-counting methods on thin sections. The 1980–2000 varve-thickness record is interpreted in terms of climate through correlation with limnological and local monthly instrumental climate databases. The comparison between the standardized varve thickness with the instrumental records reveals a strong correlation (r = 0.75, р = 0.07) between the total varve thickness and the austral autumn/winter precipitation. We argue that strong austral winter winds and precipitation are the forcing factors for the seasonal turn-over and phytoplankton increase in the lake sediments. During strong El Nino events the precipitation and the winds decrease abnormally, hence reducing the thickness of the biogenic sediments deposited after the winter turn-over. Our results show one significant regional maximum peak of winter precipitation (>900 mm) in the mid 20th century and a significant period with lower winter precipitation (<400 mm) before the 15th century, i.e., the late Medieval Warm Period. The first peak in the mid 20th century is confirmed by the regional precipitation database. The influence of ENSO cycles over the last 600 years is assessed by spectral analysis in Fagel et al. (2007). The possible influence of the regional volcanism and/or the seismic activity on the local climate record is also discussed. This is the sixth in a series of eight papers published in this special issue dedicated to the 17,900 year multi-proxy lacustrine record of Lago Puyehue, Chilean Lake District. The papers in this special issue were collected by M. De Batist, N. Fagel, M. -F. Loutre and E. Chapron.  相似文献   
Analysis of subfossil remains of larval Chironomidae in 38 surface-sediment samples from between 53 and 189 meter depth in Lake Tanganyika (East Africa) yielded 77 morphotypes, among which 7 Tanypodinae, 19 Orthocladiinae, and 51 Chironominae. Character-state differences between these morphotypes resemble differences at the species level in the better-known Holarctic fauna, hence we consider most of our Lake Tanganyika morphotypes equivalent to morphological species. Individual morphotypes were identified to species, genus, or tribe level depending on current alpha-taxonomic knowledge on the larvae of the group concerned, and the taxonomic resolution of preserved diagnostic features. This paper presents taxon diagnoses and an illustrated key to the Chironominae (Chironomini and Tanytarsini) in this collection. As the living chironomid fauna of Lake Tanganyika has never been comprehensively studied, we also briefly discuss faunistic aspects, and the ecology of the recovered species and genera in relation to benthic habitat diversity in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   
通过对青海湖流域布哈河和沙柳河50年来的河川径流量分析发现,布哈河和沙柳河年径流量50年来没有显著的变化趋势,这两条河流的河川径流量对青海湖水位下降所起的作用不明显;布哈河月平均流量的年际变化在1月、2月和3月有减少的趋势,沙柳河月平均流量的年际变化在1月、2月、4月和5月亦有减少的趋势;布哈河的径流量大于沙柳河的径流量,在55%-91%频率范围内,布哈河的径流量小于沙柳河的径流量,在其它频率范围内,布哈河的径流量显著大于沙柳河的径流量,在一年中,布哈河和沙柳河的月径流量具有显著的差异;布哈河来水丰沛期是20世纪60年代,贫乏期是90年代,70和80年代为平水期;沙柳河月径流量从20世纪60年代到90年代一直比较稳定,没有发生显著的变化.  相似文献   
为了探明达里诺尔湖流域地表水与地下水的氢(H)、氧(O)同位素的变化特征及相互补给关系,于2013年对达里诺尔湖及其周围的河水、井水、泉水中H、O同位素进行了取样分析,并结合总溶解性固体悬浮物(TDS)和区域水文地质对达里诺尔湖流域的补给关系进行讨论分析.结果表明:1)河水、泉水、井水中H、O同位素的值基本落在全球雨水线上,湖水H、O同位素落在全球雨水线的右下方,说明河水、井水、泉水没有发生蒸发分馏,而湖水则发生较大程度的蒸发分馏;对达里诺尔湖流域地表水与地下水的H、O同位素进行回归模拟,得出该区域的蒸发趋势线方程:δD=4.8753δ18O-20.139(n=32,R2=0.9968).蒸发线表明,这些水样具有相同水源的特征.2)从实地考察发现,泉水补给河水,泉水和河水补给湖水,同时井水、泉水和河水有相似的δD、δ18O和TDS值,且不随季节变化而变化,推断达里诺尔湖附近地下水补给湖水;区域水文地质条件亦证明达里诺尔湖周边地下水补给湖水.  相似文献   
太湖浮游植物中重金属含量的季节变化特征及湖区差异   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
近年来随着社会经济的发展,排入太湖的污水中重金属含量不断增加,为研究太湖浮游植物中重金属的污染状况,分别于2009年春季(4月)、夏季(7月)和冬季(12月)对太湖不同湖区展开调查,通过HCA聚类分析和Pearson相关分析探讨不同湖区浮游植物中重金属含量的季节变化,并与优势藻种进行CCA分析,对浮游植物重金属与各藻种关系进行初步探讨.结果表明:太湖浮游植物中重金属的含量大小为:ZnMnPbCuNiCrAsCdHg,其中Zn、Cu、Mn、Pb、Ni的季节变化明显,Zn和Cu、Pb、Ni、Cr之间的相关系数很高且具有同源性.通过对比不同湖区,发现北部梅梁湾的浮游植物重金属含量较高,东太湖和湖心区含量均低于沿岸湖区.CCA分析表明春季重金属与优势藻种呈正相关,而夏季和冬季二者呈负相关.三季中重金属与蓝藻和绿藻的相关性最高,与隐藻的相关性最低.蓝藻中,重金属与铜绿微囊藻的相关性高于水华微囊藻.  相似文献   
沉水植物作为水生态系统的重要组成成分,在水生态系统物质循环和能量流动中发挥着重要作用,其覆盖度和生物量是评价湖泊等浅水水体系统稳定性的关键参数随着高效和无损伤监测的回声探测仪在沉水植物盖度监测中的应用,其精确度算法也受到了越来越多的关注本研究以成功恢复沉水植物的浅水湖泊杭州西湖为研究对象,利用BioSonics便携型回声探测仪——MX采集沉水植物回声样本同时结合人工样方设置,采集与回声探测对应位点的沉水植物样本,验证回声探测结果的精确性通过建立回归模型分析回声探测得到的沉水植物体积百分比(PVI)与人工样方获得的对应平均鲜重关系,结果表明二者具有较好的相关性分别采用普通克里金法、反距离权重法、径向基函数法3种插值方法对同一季节的不同湖泊和同一湖泊的不同季节未采集区域沉水植物的盖度数据进行插值分析,并对插值结果进行交叉验证,以确定方法的精确度交叉验证结果表明,插值精确度反距离权重法径向基函数法普通克里金法研究结果为回声探测与插值分析方法结合在大尺度浅水水体中沉水植物监测应用提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   
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