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To this day, deterministic physical models capable of explaining the evolution of grain-size distributions in the course of transport are still lacking. For this reason, various attributes of particle frequency distributions, in particular curve shapes and textural parameters, have for many decades been investigated for potential information about transport behaviour and size-sorting processes of sediments in numerous environments. Such approaches are essentially conceptual and hence rely heavily on the validity of the assumptions on which they are based. A factor which has to date been largely ignored in this context, is the fact that different methods of grain-size analysis (e. g. sieving, laser absorption and diffraction, settling velocity measurements), when applied to the same sample material, produce variable curve shapes, and hence incongruous textural data. This is illustrated by selected examples showing the differences between sieving and settling results, conversion of settling velocities into equivalent settling diameters (psi-phi-transformations), and the influences of particle shape, particle density, and water temperature. It is demonstrated that particle-size distributions are not only method-dependent but also dependent on the adopted post-processing procedure. As a result, only frequency curves generated by the same method and subsequently processed by identical computational procedures can be meaningfully compared. Furthermore, the computation of textural parameters from bi- or multimodal size distributions produces spurious results which are unrelated to the processes leading to the mixing of different size populations frequently observed in nature. In such cases, only the decomposition of such distributions into individual populations and the spatial comparison of such populations makes any sense. Because a physical explanation for the generation of size distributions is lacking, a particular curve shape of a grain-size population has no meaning on its own. Only a systematic comparison of progressively changing curve shapes (and associated textural parameters) of sediments collected on a closely spaced grid can yield data suitable for sediment trend analysis.  相似文献   
青藏铁路沿线平均年气温变化趋势预测   总被引:16,自引:12,他引:16  
李栋梁  郭慧  王文  魏丽 《高原气象》2003,22(5):431-439
青藏铁路沿线年平均气温具有很好的互相关性,特别是各站10年滑动平均气温序列互相关系数达到0.92,以此建立了1935-2002年青藏铁路沿线平均年气温序列Trw。研究表明:Trw对太阳黑子周期长度(SCL)和大气中CO2浓度有落后5年和15年的显著响应,其相关系数分别为-0.76(SCL)和0.88(CO2)。利用近1000年SCL的76、93、108、205和275年显著周期及均生函数模型预测了未来太阳活动周期的快慢:21世纪前50年的SCL总体偏长,活动周期放慢;后50年SCL总体偏短,活动周期加快。在考虑大气CO2浓度倍增和气候自然变化情况下,预测2l世纪前50年Trw与20世纪最后10年(1990年代)相比,其升温幅度在0.5℃左右;与20世纪最后30年(1971-2000年)相比,其升温幅度在l.O℃以内。这一升温幅度的概率为0.64~0.73。  相似文献   
The Dipole Mode of the Summer Rainfall over East China during 1958–2001   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By examining the second leading mode(EOF2)of the summer rainfall in China during 1958–2001 and associated circulations,the authors found that this prominent mode was a dipole pattern with rainfall decreasing to the north of the Yangtze River and increasing to the south.This reverse relationship of the rainfalls to the north and to the south of the Yangtze River was related with the meridional circulations within East Asia and the neighboring region,excited by SST in the South China Sea-northwestern Pacific....  相似文献   
A strong precipitation event caused by the southwest vortex(SWV), which affected Sichuan Province and Chongqing municipality in Southwest China on 10–14 July 2012, is investigated. The SWV is examined using satellite observations from AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder), in situ measurements from the SWV intensive observation campaign, and MICAPS(Marine Interactive Computer-Aided Provisioning System) data. Analysis of this precipitation process revealed that:(1)heavy rain occurred during the development phase, and cloud water content increased significantly after the dissipation of the SWV;(2) the area with low outgoing longwave radiation values from AIRS correlated well with the SWV;(3) variation of the temperature of brightness blackbody(TBB) from AIRS reflected the evolution of the SWV, and the values of TBB reduced significantly during the SWV's development; and(4) strong temperature and water vapor inversions were noted during the development of the SWV. The moisture profile displayed large vertical variation during the SWV's puissant phase,with the moisture inversion occurring at low levels. The moisture content during the receding phase was significantly reduced compared with that during the developing and puissant phases. The vertical flux of vapor divergence explained the variation of the moisture profile. These results also indicate the potential for using AIRS products in studying severe weather over the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, where in situ measurements are sparse.  相似文献   
利用1981—2010年30 a贵州省78站逐日日平均气温数据和NCEP/NCAR逐日的再分析资料,采用合成、EOF分解、傅立叶滤波等方法,分析了贵州省秋风的气候特征。结果表明:贵州省秋风天气强度有自西向东部或向东南部、东北部递减的分布规律。贵州省异常秋风过程次数的空间分布表现为全省各站呈同位相变化,进入2000年后,秋风过程次数由全省秋风偏弱偏少型转为全省秋风偏多偏强型。在环流场上,纬向西风在不断东移的过程中不断分裂出短波槽引导冷空气南下影响贵州,形成秋风天气过程,因而造成的秋风过程时间较长,强度较大。对秋风过程的环流场进行滤波表明:1波对于秋风过程有着十分显著的影响,而1波、2波在时间上的配合对于秋风过程也非常重要。  相似文献   
傅新姝  谈建国 《气象》2015,41(12):1531-1537
对温度观测资料进行质量控制时,僵值和突变是常见的疑误类型,针对城市复杂环境中僵值和突变疑误数据进行研究,对降低城市自动站温度资料质量控制的误检率有重要价值。文章针对城市复杂环境(以上海世博园为例)中18个自动气象站一年(2010年5月至2011年4月)逐时温度资料进行质量控制,着重探讨僵值及突变疑误数据的分布特征和可能原因。结果表明:(1)僵值疑误数据集中出现在冬季夜间,局地性强。阴天或多云天气,通风不佳的测站感热项较小,易出现僵值过程,最长持续11 h。(2)温度突变疑误数据可分“突升”和“突降”两类,“突升”集中出现在秋冬季,而“突降”集中在春夏季;“突升”集中出现在日出前后,而“突降”主要出现在午后至夜晚,“突升”局地性强而“突降”各站间趋同性较强。分析发现,城市复杂环境下,日照突然增加或减少以及午后短时强降水是导致温度突变疑误数据的主要原因。因此,这些“疑误”数据是城市复杂环境影响或特定天气条件导致的,为真实有效的观测资料。针对城市复杂环境下的温度观测资料开展质量控制时,需结合观测环境等元数据进一步甄别。  相似文献   
黄威 《气象》2013,39(2):259-264
2012年11月环流特征如下:北半球极涡呈单极性分布,中心位于加拿大北部地区;欧亚中高纬环流经向度较大;南支槽平均位置大致位于90°E附近,且东移频繁;同时,副热带高压较常年同期偏强,位置偏西、偏北.11月,全国平均降水量为31.7 mm,比常年同期(18.8 mm)偏多68.6%.全国平均气温为2.0℃,比常年同期(2.9℃)偏低0.9℃.月内,出现4次全国范围中等强度冷空气过程和3次暴雨过程;华北、东北和内蒙古地区出现大范围强降雪和降温天气,其中华北大部地区出现今年冬半年首场降雪天气,京津地区、河北、内蒙古等地均出现极端降水;江南、华南出现持续阴雨寡照天气.  相似文献   
Using the relative vorticity averaged over a certain area, a new index for measuring the longitudinal position of the subtropical high (SH) in the western Pacific is proposed to avoid the increasing trend of heights in the previous indices based on geopotential height. The years of extreme westward and eastward extension of SH using the new index are in good agreement with those defined by height index. There exists a distinct difference in large-scale circulation between the eastward and westward extension of SH under the new definition, which includes not only the circulation in the middle latitudes but also the flow in the lower latitudes. It seems that when the SH extends far to the east (west), the summer monsoon in the South China Sea is stronger (weaker) and established earlier (later). In addition, there exists a good relationship between the longitudinal position of SH and the summer rainfall in China. A remarkable negative correlation area appears in the Changjiang River valley, indicating that when the SH extends westward (eastward), the precipitation in that region increases (decreases). A positive correlation region is found in South China, showing the decrease of rainfall when the SH extends westward. On the other hand, the rainfall is heavier when the SH retreats eastward. However, the anomalous longitudinal position of SH is not significantly related to the precipitation in North China. The calculation of correlation coefficients between the index of longitudinal position of SH and surface temperature in China shows that a large area of positive values, higher than 0.6 in the center, covers the whole of North China, even extending eastward to the Korean Peninsula and Japan Islands when using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data to do the correlation calculation. This means that when the longitudinal position of the SH withdraws eastward in summer, the temperature over North China is higher. On the other hand, when it moves westward, the temperature there is lower. This could explain the phenomenon of the seriously high temperatures over North China during recent summers, because the longitudinal position of SH in recent summers was located far away from the Asian continent. Another region with large negative correlation coefficients is found in South China.  相似文献   
1951—2005年营口市气温变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对1951—2005年营口市年和逐月平均气温和极端气温变化特征的分析表明:近55 a来营口市年平均气温呈递增趋势,其中平均最低气温的增温趋势最强、平均气温次之、平均最高气温最弱。极端最高气温与年平均气温的变化趋势不同,呈现出前30 a递减、近30 a递增,近20 a气候变暖更为突出;各月极端最高气温变率差异不明显。近55 a营口市年极端最低气温呈递增趋势,近30 a较近55 a显著递增,但近20 a则稳定少动;各月极端最低气温均呈递增趋势,冬季递增趋势最强、夏季最弱;城市化发展及工业化引起的热岛效应是营口市显著增温的重要原因,而全球变暖的大背景则进一步加强了增温趋势。  相似文献   
SRES A2 情景下中国区域性高温热浪事件变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随全球变暖,应对高温热浪事件是未来现代化城市面临的难题之一。本文利用全球模式-HadAM3p提供的3组不同边界场和初始场驱动区域气候模式系统PRECIS的输出结果,模拟未来情景下中国区域性高温热浪事件发生频率、强度及持续时间的变化趋势。结果表明:全球PRECIS对基准时段(1961-1990年)的高温热浪事件的发生的频率、强度和持续时间及对应的大气环流特征具有较强的模拟能力。相对于基准时段,未来情景下未来时段(2071-2100年)中国各地区的高温热浪的强度增加,发生频率增幅超过了100 %,且持续时间增加30 %以上。此外,观测资料和模拟结果均表明武汉和哈尔滨地区的高温热浪与500 hPa高度场的正距平密切相关。而未来情景下,武汉和哈尔滨地区500 hPa高度场的正距平呈增加趋势,表明这些地区未来可能面临危害更严重的高温热浪事件。  相似文献   
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