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Based on regionalized variable theory, semivariograms of geo-statistics were used to research the spatial variation of soil properties quantitatively. The results showed that the semivariogram of soil organic matter is best described by spherical model, the best model for semivariograms of soil total N and available K is exponential models and that of available P belongs to linear with sill model. Those soil properties have different spatial correlations respectively, the lag of organic matter is the highest and that of available P is the lowest, the spatial correlation of N and available K belongs to moderate degree. Spatial heterogeneities are different too, the degree of organic matter and total N are higher, the degree of available K is in the next place and that of available P is the lowest. Influenced by the shape, topography and soil of the study area, all isotropies of available P are obvious in all directions while anisotropies of others are manifested. According to the analytical results, supported by GIS, Kriging and IDW methods are applied to describe and analyze the spatial distribution of soil properties. The results indicate that soil organic matter, total N and available K are distributed regularly from northeast to southwest, while available P is distributed randomly.  相似文献   
Progresses of atmospheric remote sensing research in China during 1999-2003 are summarily introduced.This research includes: (1) microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere; (2) Lidar remote sensing; (3)remote sensing of aerosol optical properties; and (4) other research related to atmospheric remote sensing,including GPS remote sensing of precipitable water vapor and radiation model development.  相似文献   
We present a new measure for the rotation of Lagrangian trajectories in turbulence that simplifies and generalises that suggested by Wilson and Flesch ( Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 84, 411–426). The new measure is the cross product of the velocity and acceleration and is directly related to the area, rather than the angle, swept out by the velocity vector. It makes it possible to derive a simple but exact kinematic expression for the mean rotation of the velocity vector and to partition this expression into terms that are closed in terms of Eulerian velocity moments up to second order and unclosed terms. The unclosed terms arise from the interaction of the fluctuating part of the velocity and the rate of change of the fluctuating velocity.We examine the mean rotation of a class of Lagrangian stochastic models that are quadratic in velocity for Gaussian inhomogeneous turbulence. For some of these models, including that of Thomson ( J. Fluid Mech. 180, 113–153), the unclosed part of the mean rotation vanishes identically, while for other models it is non-zero. Thus the mean rotation criterion clearly separates the class of models into two sets, but still does not provide a criterion for choosing a single model.We also show that models for which = 0 are independent of whether the model is derived on the assumption that total Lagrangian velocity is Markovian or whether the fluctuating part is Markovian.  相似文献   
苏南典型区土壤基本性质的时空变化--以昆山市为例   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以昆山市为例对苏南典型区土壤基本性质的时空变化进行了研究。结果表明:(1)与第二次土壤普查相比,该区土壤酸化严重,土壤上层pH值的平均值由7.20下降到6.42,土壤上层pH值小于6.0的样点多达36.51%;土壤有机质含量呈下降趋势,土壤上层有机质含量平均值由31.4 g/kg下降到28.3 g/kg,小于20 g/kg的土壤样品由0.56%上升到11.11%;速效磷含量总体上呈现明显的升高趋势,平均值由6.4mg/kg上升到89.1 mg/kg;阳离子交换量(CEC)由19.3 cmol/kg下降为17.8 cmol/kg。(2)不同功能区、不同地貌区及不同剖面层次的土壤基本性质存在较为明显的空间变化。  相似文献   

During the late 1980s some informal settlements were established within or near affluent Cape Town suburbs. Despite objections by suburban residents that these settlements would lead to a rapid escalation in crime and a dramatic fall in the value of properties, the authorities allowed the settlements to remain. Using data on property transfers, which are then mapped using GIS, the paper examines the effects that the informal settlement of Marconi Beam had on house prices and housing turnover within the adjacent suburb of Milnerton. The results show that most of the objections regarding Marconi Beam's effect on property values were groundless as the settlement had only a negligible effect on property values in the adjacent suburb.  相似文献   
"活地"是宗教的传奇,而由于以往知识与技术的限制以及宗教圣地的"不可侵犯性","活地"也成了大自然的千年未解之谜。通过现场考察和资料调研,明晰了"活地"所在地区的地质构造特征。采用高频率表面波监测、分析技术,通过现场试验,研究了"活地"附近地表浅层岩土体分布情况。采用图像分析技术,经室内试验研究得出了"活地"及周围地区出露岩石的矿物组成。最终,对于"活地"的成因提出以下看法:1.否定了地下深层生长性岩脉诱发"活地"现象的观点;2.膨胀岩及膨胀土吸水膨胀对"活地"的隆升有一定作用,但这不是"活地"的主要诱因;3.提出"活地"是岩石风化作用及特殊地理环境综合作用结果的观点:风化作用使岩体疏松、体积增大,地面隆起;两侧山体运动对其交界处岩石产生挤压作用,为"活地"的持续隆升提供动力源。  相似文献   
根据武所屯煤矿煤16井下钻探和物探等资料,通过分析、对比地层岩性和厚度,对武所屯断层存在与否及其性质进行了探讨。结果表明:在武所屯下组煤16101工作面以西至井田边界,所探查范围内未见武所屯逆断层。对此存在三种解释:该断层垂向上自三灰向下逐步尖灭,未切割至煤16;原断层的走向不正确或前人认识有误;武所屯逆断层不存在。通过进一步查阅以往资料,并经过物探对比和剖面分析等手段,综合分析认为,在赵坡井田与武所屯井田之间的武所屯逆断层不存在,原地质资料认识有误。该研究结果对矿井增储、延长服务年限有重要意义。  相似文献   
该矿为钠基膨润土,由硬质矿块与软质胶结物组成。主要矿物为蒙脱石,平均含量72.85%,其次为石英、方英石及少量石盐、赤铁矿。阳离子交换容量75.95mmol/100g胶质价93ml/15g,湿态抗压强度4.41×10~4~5.79×10~4Pa,20%HCl活化土脱色力110.4~332.5,原矿造浆率5.78m~3/t~12.2m~3/t。浇注铸件质量优良,表面光滑。  相似文献   
张家口宣化地区存在大量具有潜在危险的松散矿渣堆积体,文章以该地区具有代表性的响水沟松散矿渣堆积体为研究对象,对矿渣的颗粒组成、矿物成分、力学性质等进行详细的室内试验研究,结果表明:矿渣堆积体属砾质砂土,粘粒含量少,且级配不良,松散易流动。同一干密度下,随含水率增加,矿渣抗剪强度先增大后减小,当含水率为15%时,其粘聚力最低,表明响水沟矿渣堆积体失稳启动下滑的界限含水率可能在15%左右。综合以上分析结果,拟合得到粘聚力与含水率关系公式,初步预测矿渣碎屑流启动下滑的临界含水率。这一认识对该区矿渣堆积体的稳定性评价及碎屑流灾害预警有重要意义。   相似文献   
李松  汤达祯  许浩  陶树 《地学前缘》2016,23(3):10-16
深部煤层气资源潜力巨大,将是非常规天然气勘探开发的一个新领域。美国和加拿大部分地区已经成功实现了深部煤层气开发的商业化水平,而中国由于受当前开发技术和经济条件的限制,至今尚未形成规模性的开采。基于对近年来有代表性的学术论著的研究分析,从煤岩孔裂隙结构、吸附解吸性质、气体在煤层中的扩散渗流过程、煤储层的可改造特征等4个方面总结了深部煤层气储层物性的理论研究进展。研究指出深部煤储层处在高温、高压和高地应力的复杂地质环境中,煤储层储渗演化、煤层气吸附解吸扩散渗流平衡关系、煤岩应力应变行为等趋于复杂,开展特殊地质条件下的深部煤储层物性演化机理的研究,对我国深部煤层气资源的勘探开发具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
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