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The pseudo-luminosity effect in the metallic line A-type stars found by Abt & Morgan (1976) is confirmed in a random sample of 27 Am stars. From a morphological study of their spectra in the wavelength interval 3850-4400 Å at a reciprocal dispersion of 66 Å/mm, revised spectral types are given on the MK system for their K-line and metallic-line spectra. This shows that: (a) our segregation of weak Am from the Am stars largely agrees with that by Cowleyet al. (1969); (b) all the stars in the sample are dwarfs according to their K-line classification; (c) more than 80 per cent exhibit the pseudo-luminosity effect significantly, with their metallic-line spectra resembling a giant or even a supergiant in the violet (3850-4100 Å), and a giant rather than a dwarf in the blue region (4260-4400 Å); (d) in two-thirds of the stars under (c), the Sr n 4077 Å line is found to have a markedly brighter luminosity class compared to any region, and in more than one-third of the sample it is comparable to that in Ap stars; (e) at least five stars exhibit characteristics which might suggest a spectrum variability: among these, the most striking example is 41 Sex A which was found to show a phase-modulated spectrum variation hitherto unknown in Am stars; (f) the metallic-line spectra of another five stars appear to be similar to A-shell type in differing degrees; (g) less than 20 per cent of the sample comprises stars which do not show any significant differential luminosity effect; these stars might have been misclassified or perhaps they are in a quiescent state. We also confirm the conclusion arrived at by Böhm-Vitense & Johnson (1978) that all Am stars may vary and our observations suggest that groups may exist among them.  相似文献   
1985年9月22日,我们用空间硬X射线望远镜HAPI-2,在我国的高空气球上,对天鹅座X-1进行了观测,望远镜几何面积为140cm~2,观测能区20—200keV,空间定向精度±0.2°。获得的硬X射线能谱陡,总辐射能流LX~1.0×1~(37)erg/sec,低于常规态。本文将介绍望远镜的性能和观测过程,能谱分析的结果,并对当时天鹅座X-1可能的“态”进行讨论。  相似文献   
We present here rigorous analytical solutions for the Boltzmann-Poisson equation concerning the distribution of stars above the galactic plane. The number density of stars is considered to follow a behaviour n(m,0) ∼H(m - m0)m−x, wherem is the mass of a star andx an arbitrary exponent greater than 2 and also the velocity dispersion of the stars is assumed to behave as < v2(m)> ∼ m−θ the exponent θ being arbitrary and positive. It is shown that an analytic expression can be found for the gravitational field Kz, in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions, the limiting trends being Kz∼z for z →0, while Kz constant for z → infinity. We also study the behaviour of < |z(m)|2>,i.e. the dispersion of the distance from the galactic disc for the stars of massm. It is seen that the quantity < |z(m)|2> mt-θ, for m→ t, while it departs significantly from this harmonic oscillator behaviour for stars of lighter masses. It is suggested that observation of < |z(m)|2> can be used as a probe to findx and hence obtain information about the mass spectrum.  相似文献   
基于活动区暗条快速上升后其下方电流片重联过程中产生强电场加速电子这一物理过程,解包括库仑碰撞和离子声湍动散射的Fokker-Planck方程,获得电子分布函数的演化特征.计算结果表明(1)当电场强度为1-10V·cm-1时,在10-5-10-6s可将电子加速到(0.1-1)Mev量级;(2)被加速电子近似呈幂律谱分布,其谱指数与耀斑脉冲相微波和硬X射线推断的电子谱指数基本吻合.  相似文献   
对已知脉冲星大样本的统计和分析表明,绝大多数脉冲星的线偏振大于10%,谱指数低于-1.比较了脉冲星和射电类星体及致密陡谱源的频谱和偏振特性的差别,以高线偏振、高谱指数、高银纬及在低频下较低流量等作为射电脉冲星候选者的判据,从新近释放的VLA巡天和WSRT巡天结果中挑选出一个较粗的候选脉冲星样本.进一步考虑近期在部分天区中已作过高灵敏度的脉冲星巡天,所有落入这些天区内的候选源也都从本样本中排出.以候选源偏振度大小为序,给出了一个共47颗候选源的子样本.  相似文献   
磁共振地下水探测信号的弛豫时间T2和振幅与地下岩石孔隙大小和地下水的含水量直接相关。目前,磁共振地下水探测方法中,信号的衰减特性由平均弛豫时间T*2来描述。然而,对于复杂的多孔介质组成的岩石结构,仅由T*2无法准确描述地下孔隙情况。详细研究了基于不等式约束的多指数分解法,进行了信号T2谱的提取,并重新计算多指数形式下的信号初始振幅。结果表明:对比信号在不同采集时间下的T2谱提取结果,延长信号的采集时间有助于T2谱的准确提取;通过磁共振仿真信号计算并分析不同信噪比下的T2谱提取结果,信噪比大于30 dB时相对误差平均值小于5%;进行算法改进,得到信噪比大于10 dB时相对误差平均值小于5%的结果,且幅值和T2的相对误差平均值降低了约1/3。由此可知:采用多指数分解法能够获得磁共振信号的T2谱,正则化技术和加权修正能够提高T2谱的准确度和抗干扰能力;与单指数方式相比,采用多指数拟合能够更准确地恢复信号初始振幅。  相似文献   
宇宙黎明和再电离时期探测是目前宇宙学最前沿科学研究方向之一.对这一时期的直接探测只能依赖于观测来自这一时期红移后的中性氢21 cm信号,其3种主要探测方式之一是21 cm信号全天总功率测量.在此回顾已有和正在计划中的探测宇宙黎明和再电离时期的低频全天总功率测量实验及其进展,包括地面射电望远镜如BIGHORNS1、EDGES2、LACE3、LEDA4、MIST5、REACH6、SARAS7 3、SCI-HI8、PRIZM9以及空间低频总功率相关实验如DARE10、DAPPER11、FARSIDE12、鸿蒙计划.其中, EDGES实验是目前唯一声称观测到疑似宇宙黎明信号的实验,然而其实验结果与标准宇宙学模型(Λ Cold Dark Matter,ΛCDM)有不符之处.如果该探测结果被证实,那么这将是人类第1次...  相似文献   
在30kbar和900℃条件下,用等化学计量氧化物混合物合成了11个斜方辉石系列的样品,并对合成的样品进行了X射线粉晶分析和红外光谱分析。分析结果表明,晶胞参数和红外光谱随化学成分的改变而产生复杂的变化。不仅晶胞参数b和M而且频率ν_(670cm)-1和M之间存在很好的线性相关关系,通过用最小二乘法所拟合的相关方程可容易地测定斜方辉石的成分,但是α和c与M之间只有较差的线性关系,而ν_(450cm)-1和M以及ν_(380cm)-1和M之间并无简单的线性相关关系,这可归因于Fe~(2+)在M_1和M_2位置的有序分布。  相似文献   
根据昌乐、临朐一带古近-新近纪地层重点勘查成果及发现的孢粉、微体及腹足类化石等资料,认为昌乐五图组中的煤及油页岩地层年代为古近纪中始新世;临朐牛山七贤店山沟中出露的一套粘土岩、泥岩夹含油泥岩,可与五图组上煤段对比,其地层年代为中始新世晚期;临朐山旺村山沟中出露的一套粘土岩夹硅藻岩等,前人认为地层年代为中新世山旺组.本次勘查获得的孢粉谱对其提供了佐证;柳山坪南头村山顶上出露一套厚层花岗质含砾粗砂岩(底部夹泥煤一层),平覆在花岗片麻岩山顶,依孢粉谱与山旺组对比,其地层年代要晚于山旺组,可与尧山花岗片麻岩山顶的尧山组相比。地层年代属于上新世尧山组。  相似文献   
基于近场地震记录频谱分析,结合地震危险性分析得到的基岩场地反应谱,进行了高山峡谷地区大型地下洞室群的人工地震动加速度时程的合成。该方法使用三角级数迭加法,利用攀枝花地震动记录进行傅里叶变换,得到离散点的傅里叶幅值谱,选择两个卓越频率作为控制傅里叶谱的峰值控制点,通过反复迭代生成了初始人工地震波,根据高山峡谷地形进行了深度修正、基线校正和高频滤波,最终生成了可以用于FLAC和ABAQUS等数值分析软件的人工地震动加速度-时程。数值分析表明,此方法拟合的人工地震波可以较好地反映不同频谱对地下洞室群强震响应的影响。  相似文献   
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