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为了增进对南印度洋副热带偶极子(Subtropical Indian Ocean Dipole,SIOD)年代际变化的认识,基于Hadley中心的海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)、美国国家环境预报中心的大气再分析数据集Ⅰ(NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis1,NCEP)的大气再分析数据和欧洲中期天气预报中心的海洋再分析数据(Ocean Reanalysis System 4,ORAS4)等,本文分析了1958~2020年SIOD年代际转变的特征和物理机制。结果显示,2000年之前,SIOD存在2~4 a和4~6 a两个年际主周期,但近20 a(2000~2020年)其年际变化周期以1.5~2.0 a为主。与此同时,SIOD的空间特征及其强度在1987年和2004年左右出现了两次显著的年代际转变:1958~1986年(P1)期间强度最大,1987~2003年(P2)期间最弱,2004~2020年(P3)期间居中;P1期间SIOD的最大正SST异常(sea surface temperature anomalies,SSTA)中心位于(46°~80...  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to arrive at a better understanding of the phenomenon of locking of low‐order compatible displacement type of finite elements in particular for the hour‐glass mode of the plane four‐node element and dilative materials. To this end the properties of finite elements are investigated in an analytical way, where a finite element is considered as a plane boundary value problem with prescribed boundary displacement (Dirichlet problem). In this paper for the sake of simplicity the simplest possible linear comparison solid, namely isotropic linear elasticity, is applied, although recognizing fully that for a dilative material elasto‐plasticity would be more realistic. From the study described in this paper it is concluded that locking of the four‐node element is not due to any particular numerical formulation of this compatible finite element since, even the analytical solution suffers from this problem. The locking of this element is not related to incompressibility of the material either as the analytical solution shows locking to occur at a parameter set which differs significantly from the one in case of incompressibility. It is shown that locking is a consequence of the combination of the dilative material behaviour and the compatible displacement type of boundary conditions, which leads to infinite isotropic stresses in the element. These infinite isotropic stresses occur at the limit of uniqueness of the solution, which for this element is shown to occur outside the parameter range of the sufficiency of uniqueness. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recently, sliding‐mode control (SMC) methods have been investigated for application to seismically excited civil engineering structures and have proved to be effective control strategic methods. On the other hand, although another class of well‐known optimal control laws, the so‐called ‘bang–bang’ control, has been investigated for several decades, their potential in civil engineering structural control has not been fully exploited. The purpose of this paper is to present a new control law for civil engineering structures, which is the sliding‐mode bang–bang control (SMBBC). The SMBBC method is a combination of the SMC and the bang–bang control. In consideration of actuators not suitable for high‐speed switching of control forces in the SMBBC in practice, modified sliding‐mode bang–bang control (MSMBBC) law is proposed and demonstrated to be able to provide the same control effects as the SMBBC case. Condition modified sliding‐mode bang–bang control (CMSMBBC) law is also investigated in this paper. In the CMSMBBC case, actuators act only when response quantities exceed some designated threshold values. The determination method of maximum control‐forces for actuators is investigated through example computation. The performance and robustness of the proposed control methods are all demonstrated by numerical simulation. Simulation results demonstrate that the presented methods are viable and an attractive control strategy for application to seismically excited linear structures. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: The Vanishing Farmland Crisis, Critical Views of the Movement to Preserve Agricultural Land . John Baden Protecting Farmlands . Frederick R. Steiner and John E. Theilacker Ecological Effects of Fire in South African Ecosystems . Peter de V. Booysen and Neil M. Tainton Geography in China . Wu Chuanjun , Wang Nailiang , Lin Chao and Zhao Songqiao Resource Inventory and Baseline Study Methods for Developing Countries . Francis Conant , Peter Rogers , Marion Baumgardner , Cyrus Mc Kell , Raymond Dasmann, and Priscilla Reining Principles of Remote Sensing . Paul J. Curran Famine As A Geographical Phenomenon . Bruce Currey and Graeme Hugo The Suburban Squeeze: Land Conversion and Regulation in the San Francisco Bay Area . David E. Dowall Senses of Place . John Eyles Uneven Development and the Geographical Transfer of Value . D. K. Forbes and P. J. Rimmer Issues in Wilderness Management . Michael Frome Land-use and Prehistory in South-east Spain , The London Research Series in Geography 8. Antonio Gilman and John B. Thornes with Stephen Wise Regions in Question, Space, Development Theory and Regional Policy . Charles Gore The Colorado River: Instability and Basin Management . William L. Graf Hazardous Waste Sites: The Credibility Gap . Michael R. Greenberg and Richard F. Anderson Peasants, Subsistence Ecology, and Development in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea . Lawrence S. Grossman Silver Cities: The Photography of American Urbanization, 1839-1915 Peter B. Hales Silicon Landscapes . Peter Hall and Ann Markusen Remaking Ibieca: Rural Life in Aragon under Franco . Susan F. Harding The European Energy Challenge: East and West . George W. Hoffman The Global Climate . John T. Houghton The Urban Jobless in Eastern Africa . Abel G. M. Ishumi . The Tourist: Travel in Twentieth-Century North America . John A. Jakle City and Society: An Outline for Urban Geography . R. J. Johnston Residential Segregation, The State and Constitutional Conflict in American Urban Areas . R. J. Johnston Accessibility and Utilization: Geographical Perspectives on Health Care Delivery . Alun E. Joseph and David R. Phillips To the Heart of Asia: The Life of Sven Hedin . George Kish North American Culture , Vol 1. Ary J. Lamme III Past and Present in the Americas: A Compendium of Recent Studies . John Lynch Ethnicity in Contemporary America: A Geographical Appraisal . Jesse O. Mc Kee The Shell Countryside Book . Richard Muir and Eric Duffey 1990 Planning Conference Series. Proceedings of the National Geographic Areas Conference . Proceedings of the Regional Geographic Areas Conferences Wood, Brick, and Stone: The North American Settlement Landscape . Vol. 2: Barns and Farm Structures . Allen G. Noble Bangladesh: Biography of a Muslim Nation . Charles Peter O'donnell  相似文献   
简要回顾了全波整流器的新进展。介绍了一种实现全波整流的新方法。应用三个电流传送器(CCⅡ)和两个快速二极管,构成了一种新型电流模全波精密整流器。实验结果证明,这种新型电流模整流器的工作原理是正确的。  相似文献   
我国省市级大地水准面精化的现状及技术模式   总被引:46,自引:5,他引:41  
高精度局部大地水准面将为测绘学、地球物理、地球动力学及海洋学等相关学科的发展和应用提供重要的基础地球空间信息。GPS技术结合高精度大地水准面模型可应用于取代传统的高程测量(如三角高程测量和低等级水准测量),这是当前精化我国省市级大地水准面在测绘领域的主要目的之一。在总结和分析我国目前省市级大地水准面精化的现状、技术模式及特点的基础上,提出了今后精化我国省市级大地水准面的若干建议。  相似文献   
1 Introduction EnoughhasbeensaidabouttheteleconnectionofENSO(ElNi o SouthernOscilla tion)inthetropicalPacificOceanandtheclimateinthesouthernhighlatitudes(Fletcher etal.1982;SmithandStearns1993;SimmodsandJacka1995;Liuetal.2002;Kwok andComiso2002).Inres…  相似文献   
提出一种十字带侧板型抗剪连接件,以混凝土强度、抗剪连接件长度、抗剪连接件数量为参数设计四个试件,并进行往复加载试验,研究其破坏形态、剪力-位移曲线、骨架曲线、初始刚度、抗剪承载力和应变等指标。结果表明:四个试件的破坏形态基本一致,均由抗剪连接件与混凝土梁连接处率先产生裂缝,并向上端和下端发展,在混凝土出现压溃后达到极限状态;剪力-滑移曲线走势基本相同,均包括初始弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段和破坏阶段。另外,提高混凝土强度可增大试件初始刚度达16.44%,并能有效降低位移及应变;增大抗剪连接件长度仅提高试件初始刚度的4.25%,且对位移和应变的影响也较小;提高抗剪连接件数量可使初始刚度增大47.82%,抗剪连接件始终处于弹性,且有效减小位移和混凝土损伤,以及提高试件承载能力,满足弯剪分离式组合连接节点预期1mm最大位移的要求。  相似文献   
C、N、S、Fe是地下水中控制氧化-还原反应的主要元素,淤泥是黏土的演化初期,淤泥演化为黏土过程中会影响含水层水量水质,可能会造成地下水污染;其中的水岩相互作用可以概化为C-N-S-Fe-H2O体系的相互作用。淤泥演化过程的实质是淤泥在压力的作用下孔隙度不断变小,逐渐固结成岩;淤泥内部不断发生生物地球化学反应,C-N-S-Fe-H2O体系驱动各种物质的形态结构不断发生改变,其中加压速率和加压模式会影响淤泥里的C、N、S、Fe重要组分固液相的转化。本研究运用自主研发设计的增压装置,探究在3种加压速率(0.04 MPa/12 h、0.04 MPa/24 h、0.04 MPa/36 h)和加压模式(0.040.02 MPa/12 h、0.04 MPa/12 h、0.040.06 MPa/12 h)的情况下,固体介质中C、N、S、Fe向孔隙水释放的规律。结果表明:(1)匀速加压速率越慢,加压初期溶解性有机碳(DOC)、 SO 4 2 -释放速率越快, NO 3 -和Fe2+浓度变化增大;DOC、 SO 4 2 - NO 3 -、Fe2+释放总量越多。(2)不同的加压模式,加速加压(0.040.06 MPa/12 h)下 NO 3 -、Fe2+的浓度波动较大;DOC、 NO 3 - SO 4 2 -和Fe2+的总释放量为加速加压(0.040.06 MPa/12 h)大于匀速加压(0.04 MPa/12 h)。(3)加压过程中,DOC和 SO 4 2 -呈显著正相关,改变加压速率会改变DOC, NO 3 - SO 4 2 -和Fe2+的相关性。本研究表明改变加压速率和加压模式会对DOC、 NO 3 - SO 4 2 -和Fe2+的释放速率、释放总量和C、N、S、Fe的转化造成影响,其本质为氧化-还原反应和水岩相互作用的强弱发生了变化;本研究为地质演化过程中压力导致的主要元素变化提供了新的认识,认识到了隔水层会影响含水层的水质和水量,为原生劣质地下水的成因和地下水污染防治提供了新思路。  相似文献   
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