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The formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) results from the absorption of gas-phase organic oxidation products by airborne aerosol. Historically, modeling the formation of SOA has relied on relatively crude estimates of the capability of given parent hydrocarbons to form SOA. In more recent work, surrogate organic oxidation products have been separated into two groups, hydrophobic and hydrophilic, depending on whether the product is more likely to dissolve into an organic or an aqueous phase, respectively. The surrogates are then allowed to partition only via the dominant mechanism, governed by molecular properties of the surrogate molecules. The distinction between hydrophobic and hydrophilic is based on structural and physical characteristics of the compound. In general, secondary oxidation products, because of low vapor pressures and high polarities, express affinity for both the organic and aqueous aerosol phases. A fully coupled hydrophobic-hydrophilic organic gas-particle partitioning model is presented here. The model concurrently achieves mass conservation, equilibrium between the gas phase and the organic aerosol phase, equilibrium between the gas phase and the aqueous aerosol phase, and equilibrium between molecular and ionic forms of the partitioning species in the aqueous phase. Simulations have been performed using both a zero-dimensional model and the California Institute of Technology three-dimensional atmospheric chemical transport model. Simultaneous partitioning of species by both mechanisms typically leads to a shift in the distribution of products to the organic aerosol phase and an increase in the total amount of SOA predicted as compared to previous work in which partitioning is assumed to occur independently to organic and aqueous phases.  相似文献   
基于MODIS与GPS的D-InSAR大气延迟改正量提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受GPS站点密度的限制,利用GPS数据改正D-InSAR中大气延迟误差往往达不到很好的效果。为此,研究了GPS与MODIS联合实现大气延迟改正量提取方法,利用两期GPS观测数据及相应时间的MODIS数据分析GPS-PWV与MODIS-PWV的关系,进一步得到MODIS水汽的校正模型。经过GPS+MODIS算法改正后,大气延迟改正精度为3.618mm,满足形变测量的要求。实验结果表明:在大气状态变化缓慢时,利用GPS结合MODIS数据对D-InSAR大气延迟改正有一定的效果。  相似文献   
双线偏振多普勒雷达资料质量分析   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
以中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室的车载C波段双线偏振多普勒雷达(CPDRW)2011年完成升级改造后观测的一次大范围层状云降水过程资料为例,讨论了该设备改造后探测资料质量的改进情况及其对降水粒子的探测性能,同时利用模糊逻辑法结合地物的常规特性和偏振特性,建立了一种运用双线偏振雷达观测资料识别地物及地物与降水混合回波的方法,并利用该雷达的观测资料对识别结果进行了分析检验,最后统计分析了降水回波的差分反射率因子(ZDR)、零滞后互相关系数(ρHV(0))与信噪比的关系,以及系统初始相位的稳定性及降水资料的一致性。分析结果表明,在常规参量的基础上添加偏振参量并采用模糊逻辑法构建的综合识别模式和常规识别模式都能较好地识别地物,但综合识别模式明显改善了常规识别模式0速度区过度识别的问题,且在地物与降水回波混合的情况下叠加混合回波识别模式具有更加明显的优势。雷达改造前,ZDR及ρHV(0)在信噪比小于25 dB时受噪声影响很大,测量值存在较大误差,资料变得不可信;通过这次的升级改造,其信噪比探测阈值由25 dB降低到15 dB。系统初始相位比改造前更加稳定,随仰角和时间的波动性更小。利用垂直扫描数据进行系统误差订正后的ZDR资料能较好地反映降水粒子的实际情况,ZDR随信噪比的变化较之改造前更加平稳,而对差传播相移ΦDP进行分类处理后拟合的差传播相移率KDP资料也与实际情况一致。  相似文献   
刘可  杨琳  杨桂朋  张婧 《海洋学报》2020,42(10):121-131
对2018年秋季西太平洋130°E断面上层水体有色溶解有机物(CDOM)的光学特性及光降解行为进行了研究。结果表明,西太平洋上层水体CDOM的吸收系数a(320)变化范围为0.025~0.64 m-1,平均值为(0.20±0.08) m-1;a(320)在表层相对较低,主要与表层CDOM的光漂白去除有关;在100~200 m水层较高,主要与次表层的生物活动有关。利用三维荧光光谱-平行因子分析技术,识别出两种荧光组分:类酪氨酸组分C1和海洋类腐殖质组分C2。C1主要源于棉兰老冷涡-上升流所带来的营养物质对浮游植物生产活动和微生物活动的促进作用;C2主要源于黑潮所带来的海洋类腐殖的输入。光化学降解实验发现,CDOM吸收值的损失主要发生在紫外波段;光照60 h后,类酪氨酸组分相较于海洋类腐殖质组分更易发生光降解;且光降解是西太平洋海域CDOM的重要去除途径。  相似文献   
莺歌海盆地浅层典型已知“亮点型”气藏的地球物理特征已经非常清楚,而且大部分目标都已列入储量计算的范畴,所以勘探潜力不是很大,这就要求我们应该把目光投向中层目标来寻找储量接替.但是若想准确的计算储量,就应该落实目标体的含气范围,但是由于埋深、压力及浅层目标屏蔽的影响,中层目标的地球物理特征我们还不是很清楚,更难较准确的确定含气范围.本文带着这个问题展开研究,第一步通过地震属性分析确定异常体的范围,通过反演确定砂体范围;第二步通过聚类分析确定有利砂体的范围;第三步通过叠后吸收处理判断目标体的含气性;最后,将有利砂体的范围与吸收异常的范围叠合来确定目标体的含气范围.综合应用多种地球物理方法判断目标体的含气性,总结出了一套预测中层目标含气范围的流程及方法,为较准确的落实中层目标含气范围奠定了基础.  相似文献   
为探讨海水水质监测的简便可行方法,对渤海、北黄海、胶州湾、东海、长江口、南海及珠江口几百个海水样品紫外扫描发现,不同海区海水紫外吸收约在200~220nm之间。其中渤海、北黄海与胶州湾海水样品在208~210nm之间,而东海、长江口、南海及珠江口水样在205nm附近。海水紫外吸收吸光度与高锰酸钾法测COD值之间具有良好的线性关系。所以提出了用紫外分光光度法测定海水COD值的方法,发现紫外分光光度法与碱性高锰酸钾法测定海水COD值无显著性差异,可以满足快速监测的需要。  相似文献   
Hyperspectral remote sensing has demonstrated great potential for accurate retrieval of canopy water content (CWC). This CWC is defined by the product of the leaf equivalent water thickness (EWT) and the leaf area index (LAI). In this paper, in particular the spectral information provided by the canopy water absorption feature at 970 nm for estimating and predicting CWC was studied using a modelling approach and in situ spectroradiometric measurements. The relationship of the first derivative at the right slope of the 970 nm water absorption feature with CWC was investigated with the PROSAIL radiative transfer model and tested for field spectroradiometer measurements on two test sites. The first site was a heterogeneous floodplain with natural vegetation like grasses and various shrubs. The second site was an extensively grazed fen meadow.  相似文献   
At redshifts z ≳2, most of the baryons reside in the smooth intergalactic medium which is responsible for the low column density Ly α forest. This photoheated gas follows a tight temperature–density relation which introduces a cut-off in the distribution of widths of the Ly α absorption lines ( b -parameters) as a function of column density. We have measured this cut-off in a sample of nine high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio quasar spectra and determined the thermal evolution of the intergalactic medium in the redshift range 2.0–4.5. At a redshift z ∼3, the temperature at the mean density shows a peak and the gas becomes nearly isothermal. We interpret this as evidence for the reionization of He  ii .  相似文献   
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