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对类比路段进行连续模拟试验,进行现场调查,给出汽车尾气主要污染物的排污强度,预测了汽车尾气中CO、C_nH_m和NO_x的扩散范围。  相似文献   
在103-105a的尺度上,地磁场强度变化是影响陆地宇生核素生成速率的主要因素,其影响程度取决于样品的地理位置和暴露时间。根据已有的磁场古强度数据,模拟200 ka以来海拔2 km、25°N和40°N的地表10Be生成速率的变化,进而分析地表宇生核素生成速率变化对岩石暴露年代测定的影响及其模式年龄的校正。校正磁场强度变化后,海拔2 km、25°N上,50-200 ka的模式年龄可被压缩14%~19%,大于1σ的误差,相同海拔40°N上的模式年龄可减小约8%。对中低纬两组模式年龄的校正充分证明,磁场强度引起的陆地宇生核素生成速率变化是暴露年代测定中主要误差源之一,尤其在低纬高海拔地区这一影响更不容忽视。  相似文献   

Records of precipitation extremes are essential for hydrological design. In urban hydrology, intensity–duration–frequency curves are typically estimated from observation records. However, conventional approaches seldom consider the areal extent of events. If they do, duration-dependent area reduction factors are used, but precipitation is measured at only a few locations. Due to the high spatial variability of precipitation, it is relatively unlikely that a gauged observation network will capture the extremes that occur during a precipitation event. Therefore, the area reduction approach cannot be regarded as the reduction of an observed maximum. To investigate precipitation extremes, spatial aspects need to be considered using different approaches. Here, we both address the conventional practice of area reduction and consider a within-area chance of increased precipitation, defined as the maximum precipitation intensity observed in a cluster within a selected domain. The results show that (1) the risk of urban flooding is routinely underestimated in current design practice, and (2) traditional calculations underestimate extremes by as much as 30–50%. We show how they can be revised sensibly.  相似文献   
2013年1月23日辽宁省灯塔市柳条寨镇发生M5.1级地震,震中烈度达到Ⅵ度。本文阐述了这次地震的地震参数,烈度划分标志,烈度分布及震害特点等内容。  相似文献   
Introduction With rapid development and advancement of economy and society, lots of city groups or city belts with ex-tra-large cities as their centers have been formed in China. The regions these city groups lie in usually have well-developed economy, dense population, and are regional politics and culture centers. Some groups lie in the regions with high level of earthquake activity, such as the Surrounding Capital City Group with the centers of Bei-jing and Tianjin. Once a large earthqua…  相似文献   
强震观测资料包括强震动时程记录资料和宏观震害调查资料两大类, 前者是定量的微观数据, 后者则是定性的宏观指标. 本文明晰给出了微观仪器烈度与宏观仪器烈度、 微观考察烈度与宏观考察烈度的概念, 并在此基础上提出了只有在宏观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度之间进行比较才具有实质性的意义;同时对国内外常见的仪器烈度算法进行了比较性研究, 得出了袁一凡仪器烈度算法可靠性更高的结论;最后以四川地区历年来重要震例的强震动记录为依据, 对修正的袁一凡仪器烈度算法的可靠性进行了比较应用. 结果表明, 对袁一凡仪器烈度算法修正与扩展的应用是可行的, 同时也验证了将微观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度直接进行比较会存在较大的差距.   相似文献   

为探讨渭河平原全新世黄土沉积时期的气候、土壤与季风变化,本研究以2.15 m厚度的宝鸡宝陵剖面为研究对象,选取了化学元素、碳酸钙以及土壤微结构作为研究指标,对全新世气候特征、土壤类型以及季风降水与强度变化进行探讨。实验结果表明,S0发育时期表现为中等化学风化,CaCO3含量在S0中下部小于1%,在全新世黄土层中的平均含量为12.14%。S0以发育新生红色粘土胶膜的致密块状微结构为主要特征,L0以孔隙发育的团块结构为主要特征。主要结论如下:1)晚全新世L0黄土堆积时气候相对冷干,年均降水量为500~600 mm,冬季风增强,冬季风与夏季风强度相近,并非冬季风占主导地位;2)晚全新世L0发育时夏季风带来的降水量占当时年降水量的50%左右,与其他来源的降水量基本相同;3)晚全新世发育的L0黄土受成壤作用较弱,具有碱性褐色土的特征。中全新世的成壤作用较强,发育的S0古土壤为湿润条件下的亚热带黄棕壤;4)中全新世气候温暖湿润,当时年均降水量为800 mm左右,夏季风带来的降水量明显多于其他来源的降水量,表明中全新世时期,夏季风确实占主导地位。

陇中黄土高原夏季陆面辐射和热量特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李宏宇  张强  王胜 《地球科学进展》2010,25(10):1070-1081
利用兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)的观测资料,分析了陇中黄土高原夏季陆面辐射和热量收支的特征.通过研究不同典型天气条件对陆面过程微气象特征的影响,发现地表反射率在晴天会出现早晨偏大的不对称结构;晴天与多云天气相比不平衡量较大,而阴天时的阵性降水会使局地能量收支出现不平衡.利用最小二乘法(OLS)线性回归得到的夏季平均不闭合度是19.6%.在半干旱区云和降水对辐射和能量收支的影响不容忽视,达到约25%的削弱程度,比极端干旱的敦煌荒漠区要大,又进一步证明了半干旱区夏季的平均气候特征与云量较多的多云天气(5≤Mean total cloud amount<8)接近.另外,7月日平均波恩比最大是4.1,平均是1.95,比极端干旱区的敦煌波恩比小1个数量级,说明榆中所处的黄土高原半干旱区比敦煌所处的极端干旱区在气候上要湿润很多.  相似文献   
The angelfish Brama brama is a mesopelagic species distributed circumglobally in temperate to warm-temperate waters, including continental-shelf-edge and upper-slope waters of the Benguela Current ecosystem. Little is known about the parasite assemblage of Benguela B. brama, with only three parasite taxa having previously been documented from this species in the southern Benguela. This study describes the macroparasites recorded from 35 B. brama collected during research surveys off the west coast of South Africa in 2015 and 2016. A total of six macroparasite taxa were documented, including the nematode Anisakis pegreffii, the copepod Hatschekia conifera, the cestode Hepatoxylon trichiuri, an acanthocephalan from the genus Rhadinorhynchus, a monogenean from the family Diclidophoridae, and an unidentified species. Three of these (He. trichiuri, Rhadinorhynchus sp. and the unidentified species) had not previously been found to infect B. brama. The most prevalent macroparasite taxa were A. pegreffii (94%), the unidentified species (71%) and Ha. conifera (60%). Two of the parasites, Ha. conifera and He. trichiuri, showed seasonal variation in infection, and infection with the latter was positively correlated with host length. These findings increase our knowledge of B. brama biology and contribute to our understanding of the biodiversity of the southern Benguela ecosystem.  相似文献   
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