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利用MICAPS常规气象资料、ERA-Interim 0.25°×0.25°再分析数据、地面区域气象站逐小时观测数据、FY-2G卫星云图和榆林CR/CB雷达产品,对2017年7月25日20时—26日08时陕西北部持续强降水过程进行综合分析。结果表明:(1)这次降水过程呈东西向带状分布,雨强大、范围小、移动慢、持续时间长,降水主要集中在夜间,大暴雨区具有典型的β中尺度特征;(2)西风槽的快速东移南压以及副高的稳定维持有利于槽前正涡度平流的加强及低层低值系统的发展,850 hPa新生的河套低涡和东南低空急流成为这次强降水过程的直接影响系统;(3)河套低涡是一个浅薄的热低压系统,它的发生发展可分为三个阶段,初始阶段低涡形成于弱的锋区中并具有不对称的暖心结构,成熟阶段和旺盛阶段低涡转变为对称的暖心结构,强降水产生在低涡发展成熟阶段,在低涡旺盛阶段降水达到最强;(4)河套低涡直接影响并控制着地面β中尺度低压的发生发展,β中尺度低压稳定在榆林西部,中尺度低压的西部和东部分别形成冷性辐合和暖性辐合,不断触发γ对流单体生成,不同中尺度对流云团的合并导致了降水的强烈发展。

利用1980~2009年MICAPS常规资料、Tlop图、红河州24小时雨量等资料对造成红河州强降雨的南支槽过程进行统计分析。分析结果表明:造成红河州强降雨的南支槽主要出现在10月至翌年5月,其中11月份南支槽造成红河州大范围强降雨的频率较高。南支槽影响红河州时,红河州中部及南部县市出现强降雨的频率高,最高在红河州的南部,北部县市出现强降雨频率较低。深南支槽与700 hPa急流配合,浅南支槽东移与700 hPa切变线配合,或与南海高压配合,易造成红河州全州性强降雨。  相似文献   
2017年洞庭湖特大洪水分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匡燕鹉  马忠红 《水文》2019,39(3):92-96
2017年6月22日至7月1日,湖南省大部分地区发生了持续性强降雨过程。暴雨在湘水、资江、沅水及洞庭湖区来回摆动,三水(湘、资、沅)及湖区周边洪水接近于同时入湖,造成了洞庭湖历史罕见的特大洪水,入湖洪峰出湖洪峰均为1954年以来最大。  相似文献   
以激光点云数据和倾斜多视影像为研究对象,提出了一种结合机载点云、地面点云及倾斜多视纹理的融合多源特征的建筑物三维模型重建方法。该方法结合点云面元以及影像边界特征,利用倾斜影像的线特征对顶面及立面模型进行边界规则约束,实现了面元自动拓扑重建;通过交互编辑完成不同复杂程度的建筑模型重建,并对模型进行纹理映射。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效提升城市建筑物三维模型重建的效率和边界精度,为利用多源数据的空地联合建筑物三维精细重建提供了一套切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   
It is usually recognized that relatively large amounts of soil particles cannot be transported by raindrop splashes under windless rain. However, the splash-saltation process can cause net transportation in the prevailing wind direction since variations in splash-saltation trajectory due to the wind are expected in wind-driven rain. Therefore, determining the combined effect of rain and wind on the process should enable improvement of the estimation of erosion for any given prediction technique. This paper presents experimental data on the effects of slope aspect, slope gradient, and horizontal wind velocity on the splash-saltation trajectories of soil particles under wind-driven rain. In a wind tunnel facility equipped with a rainfall simulator, the rains driven by horizontal wind velocities of 6, 10, and 14 m s−1 were allowed to impact three agricultural soils packed into 20×55 cm soil pans placed at both windward and leeward slopes of 7%, 15%, and 20%. Splash-saltation trajectories were measured by trapping the splashed particles at distances downwind on a 7-m uniform slope segment in the upslope and downslope directions, respectively, for windward and leeward slopes. Exponential decay curves were fitted for the mass distribution of splash-saltation sediment as a function of travel distance, and the average splash-saltation trajectory was derived from the average value of the fitted functions. The results demonstrated that the average trajectory of a raindrop-induced and wind-driven soil particle was substantially affected by the wind shear velocity, and it had the greatest correlation (r=0.96 for all data) with the shear velocity; however, neither slope aspect nor slope gradient significantly predicted the splash-saltation trajectory. More significantly, a statistical analysis conducted with nonlinear regression model of C1(u*2/g) showed that average trajectory of splash saltation was approximately three times greater than that of typical saltating sand grain.  相似文献   
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本文在分析研究NGC7538-IRS1致密HⅡ区H_2CO和OH脉泽辐射VLBI观测结果的基础上,指出该HⅡ区合理的模型是:HⅡ区表面为厚的尘埃层包围,尘埃层两极已被突破,并形成双极流;HⅡ区外面有一个环形转动气体-尘埃云,存在由环向HⅡ区表面的物质下落;包括环和HⅡ区在内的整个系统视向速度为-61km/s,该系统居于视向速度为-57km/s的更大分子云中。H_2CO和OH脉泽发生在HⅡ区两极附近离HⅡ区表面小于0.2R_(HⅡ)的区域内。利用上述模型,还讨论了H_2O脉泽及其他分子吸收线和发射线的发生区域。  相似文献   
Based on the turbulent convection model (TCM) of Li & Yang, we have studied the characteristics of turbulent convection in the envelopes of 2 and 5M⊙ stars at the red giant branch and asymptotic giant branch phases. The TCM has been successfully applied over the entire convective envelopes, including the convective unstable zone and the overshooting regions. We find that the convective motions become progressively stronger when the stellar models are located farther up along the Hayashi line. In the convect...  相似文献   
为了能更好地理解激光雷达技术工作原理与三维信息采集全过程,规避现有激光雷达技术,尤其是机载激光雷达,在实践教学中受场地限制的不利条件,本文依托于中国矿业大学(北京)沙河校区的航空模拟平台,自主研发了一套基于单线激光雷达与行程测距仪集成的三维激光扫描装备,阐述了该装备集成的数学原理,设计了三维数据采集实践教学方法,并进行了三维数据采集的实践体验与数据质量评价。结果表明,该装备采集三维点云的精度优于99%,可为激光雷达技术的实践教学、创新训练及本科毕业设计等环节提供有效的硬件支撑,并可在仓储方量核算等工程应用方面进行推广。  相似文献   
精准空间划分是实现室内语义建模与拓扑结构重建的重要基础。三维点云作为常用的室内空间数据载体,如何基于三维点云进行室内空间语义信息提取与规则化具有重要意义。本文提出了一种基于形态学分割方法实现室内场景的分割,并结合矢量规则化方法完成分割场景的规则化。首先,基于区域增长算法与线性拟合方法提取空间分割要素,通过平面投影生成二进制影像,进而利用距离变换和分水岭算法完成空间分割;然后,对空间分割要素进行线性拟合,进行室内空间格网划分,采用矢栅叠加方法实现空间要素规则化;最后,通过4组实际场景(包含3组ISPRS数据集及1组实际场景采集数据)进行数据验证。试验结果显示,本文提出的室内空间分割与规则化方法可以准确快速地完成室内空间要素的提取。  相似文献   
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