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当前,国家收紧地根,从严控制新增建设用地指标成为各地建设项目顺利落地的制约瓶颈。为破解这一难题,结合莱芜实际,分析了规划修编、指标利用、挖潜存量、加快供地等做法,对保障项目用地提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   
This paper attempts to analyze in detail the remote influence of the Indian Ocean Basin warming on the Northwest Pacific (NWP) during the year of decaying E1 Nifio. Observation data and the Fast Ocean- Atmosphere coupled Model 1.5 were used to investigate the triggering conditions under which the remote influence is formed between the positive sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the North Indian Ocean and the Anomalous Northwest Pacific anticyclone (ANWPA). Our research show that it is only when there is a contributory background wind field over the Indian Ocean, i,e., when the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) reaches its peak, that the warmer SST anomaly in the North Indian Ocean incites significant easterly wind anomalies in the lower atmosphere of the Indo-West tropical Pacific. This then produces the remote influence on the ANWPA. Therefore, the SST anomaly in the North Indian Ocean might interfere with the prediction of the East Asia Summer Monsoon in the year of decaying E1 Nifio. Both the sustaining effect of local negative SST anomalies in the NWP, and the remote effect of positive SST anomalies in the North Indian Ocean on the ANWPA, should be considered in further research.  相似文献   
The most promising approach for studying soil moisture is the assimilation of observation data and computational modeling.However,there is much uncertainty in the assimilation process,which affects the assimilation results.This research developed a one-dimensional soil moisture assimilation scheme based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter(EnKF)and Genetic Algorithm(GA).A two-dimensional hydrologic model-Distributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model(DHSVM)was coupled with a semi-empirical backscattering model(Oh).The Advanced Synthetic Apertture Radar(ASAR)data were assimilated with this coupled model and the field observation data were used to validate this scheme in the soil moisture assimilation experiment.In order to improve the assimilation results,a cost function was set up based on the distance between the simulated backscattering coefficient from the coupled model and the observed backscattering coefficient from ASAR.The EnKF and GA were used to re-initialize and re-parameterize the simulation process,respectively.The assimilation results were compared with the free-run simulations from hydrologic model and the field observation data.The results obtained indicate that this assimilation scheme is practical and it can improve the accuracy of soil moisture estimation significantly.  相似文献   
A 1.5-layer reduced-gravity model forced by wind stress is used to study the bifurcations of the North Equatorial Current(NEC).The authors found that after removing the Ekman drift,the modelled circulations can serve well as a proxy of the SODA circulations on the σθ=25.0 kg m~-3 potential density surface based on available long-term reanalysis wind stress data.The modelled results show that the location of the western boundary bifurcation of the NEC depends on both zonal averaged and local zero wind stress curl latitude.The effects of the anomalous wind stress curl added in different areas are also investigated and it is found that they can change the strength of the Mindanao Eddy(ME),and then influence the interior pathway.  相似文献   
退耕还林对牡丹江区域生态环境脆弱性的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从脆弱生态系统的特征入手,选取景观分离度、分维数倒数、破碎度3个反映景观稳定性及抗干扰能力的景观格局指数,并结合土壤侵蚀强度构成区域生态环境脆弱性的敏感因子,针对研究区地形,以景观生态适宜度作为生态系统自我恢复能力的表征,构建了牡丹江区域生态环境脆弱度评价模型。评价结果表明:(1)退耕还林前后景观类型脆弱度均表现为旱田>建设用地>水田>林地>未利用土地>水域>沼泽>草地;(2)研究区生态脆弱度表现为以脆弱度高值区为中心呈环状向四周递减的趋势,脆弱度高值区面积比重由退耕前的21.57%减小到退耕后的17.11%,脆弱度低值区面积比重由退耕前的63.14%增加到退耕后的67.66%;(3)生态脆弱度高值区域主要分布在200~400m的海拔高度,0~8°的坡度范围内,且退耕后面积比例呈下降趋势,而低值区域则分布在>300m海拔高度的各个坡度范围内,且退耕后面积比例呈上升态势。研究结果符合研究区实际状况。概言之,退耕还林缓和了研究区生态脆弱度状况,促进了生态环境质量向良好方向发展。  相似文献   
在智慧潍坊时空大数据与云平台的建设中,需要将历史地形图数据进行数据入库。与传统的地形图人工内业数据入库处理方法相比,基于ArcGISModelBuilder技术对数据处理过程建模,对数据进行自动化处理的做法在作业中具有极大的优势。利用该工具创建了房屋、高程点、控制点等几种地物的自动化处理模型,实现了多种地形图要素的自动化处理,简化了传统的地形图入库作业流程,提高了数据处理效率。该文以潍坊市历史地形图为例,验证了该方法在保证数据质量的同时,能够有效提高数据的生产效率,为历史地形图数据的生产入库提供了切实可行的操作思路和实现工具,同时可为其他地区历史地形图数据入库工作提供参考。  相似文献   
The statistical and distribution characteristics of the responses of a floater and its mooring lines are essential in designing floating/mooring systems.In general,the dynamic responses of offshore structures obey a Gaussian distribution,assuming that the structural system,and sea loads are linear or weakly nonlinear.However,mooring systems and wave loads are considerably nonlinear,and the dynamic responses of hull/mooring systems are non-Gaussian.In this study,the dynamic responses of two types of floaters,semi-submersible and spar platforms,and their mooring lines are computed using coupled dynamic analysis in the time domain.Herein,the statistical characteristics and distributions of the hull motion and mooring line tension are discussed and compared.The statistical distributions of the dynamic responses have strong non-Gaussianity and are unreasonably fitted by a Gaussian distribution for the two floating and mooring systems.Then,the effects of water depth,wave parameters,and low-frequency and wave-frequency components on the non-Gaussianity of the hull motion,and mooring line tension are investigated and discussed.A comparison of the statistical distributions of the responses with various probability density functions,including the Gamma,Gaussian,General Extreme Value,Weibull,and Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM)distributions,shows that the GMM distribution is better than the others for characterizing the statistical distributions of the hull motion,and mooring line tension responses.Furthermore,the GMM distribution has the best accuracy of response prediction.  相似文献   
黄土沟谷是黄土地貌中最有活力、最具变化、最富特色的对象单元,黄土高原千沟万壑的地貌形态以及触目惊心的侵蚀状态也让区域内沟谷地貌的形成、发育及演化问题成为研究中焦点及前沿性科学问题。近年来,诸多学者采用地学测年法、特征表达法、监测模拟法力图实现对黄土沟谷发育演化进程中“过去-现代-未来”的科学认知。这些研究在相当程度上丰富了黄土沟谷发育过程的认知。本文梳理了黄土高原沟谷地貌演化相关研究的现状,并从黄土高原地貌演化、黄土沟谷发育、基于DEM的沟谷信息提取与表达等研究进行了系统的回顾、梳理与分析。此外,本文提出“黄土沟道剖面群组”概念与方法,试图从新的视角审视黄土沟谷地貌发育演化过程。沟道剖面在黄土沟谷发育演化进程中传递物质能量和累积地形动力,并通过径流节点的串联实现剖面群的连接与组合,形成独特的剖面“群组”模式;该沟道剖面群组是集黄土沟谷地貌特征与过程于一体的综合信息集成体,其三维空间结构是对黄土沟谷地貌发育演化的高度抽象与映射,并可望进一步丰富黄土高原数字地形分析理论与方法体系,为黄土高原黄土地貌成因机理与空间分异格局带来创新的认识。  相似文献   
在高分辨率机载干涉SAR成像处理过程中,由于载机飞行过程中偏离理想轨迹,需要高精度的惯导系统和GPS系统记录载机的运动轨迹并进行运动补偿.然而,由于目前传感器导航精度的限制,在完成运动补偿处理后仍然存在轨道误差,从而影响干涉相位的精度,本文提出了一种机载双极化InSAR轨道误差去除方法.该方法利用小波多尺度分析对不同极...  相似文献   
目前在遥感和GIS中,关于误差和不确定性研究的主要方法有两种: 概率统计和机理模拟。本文论述了二者的特点,详细讨论了影响合成孔径雷达成像的诸多因素,提出利用机理的方法分析SAR系统成像误差。本方法是从合成孔径雷达成像机理的研究出发,利用控制论的观点来解释、分析影响合成孔径雷达成像的诸多误差因素并建立误差传播模型。这不仅对研制合成孔径雷达的设计具有指导意义,而且对遥感数据的质量控制也有重要意义。  相似文献   
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