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对流云降水过程中地形作用的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
该文利用地形追随坐标三维云模式,对湖北的一次对流降水过程进行了平坦地面和理想斜坡地形的模拟试验。结果发现平坦地面模拟的回波强度、最大降水强度和累积降水都与实况有相当的差距。理想地形的对流过程虽然不能模拟出对流群中多单体的生消过程,但最大降水强度和累积降水都比平坦地面的大,更接近实测结果。模拟试验表明,在地形坡度较大时,会产生较强的上升气流,从而使系统对流发展旺盛,产生较大的降水和较强的回波。所以在模拟山区和丘陵地带的对流系统时,采用地形坐标并考虑地形将会改善模式的模拟结果。  相似文献   
荒漠戈壁下垫面表面动量和感热湍流通量参数化研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用合理筛选以后的野外观测资料,研究了荒漠戈壁地表湍流通量参数化的问题。首先,分析了Monin-obukhov相似函数的特征,并拟台出了其经验公式。结果表明,风速和温度相似性函数随稳定度参数的变化曲线与典型经验曲线差异较小,并且在经验曲线分布范围以内,但中性时的值有所不同。同时,还用该资料给出了动量和标量粗糙度(感热粗糙度)长度的平均值及其标量粗糙度随摩擦速度的变化关系。发现标量粗糙度的平均值大约比动量粗糙度的小一个量级,并且随摩擦速度的增大而减小,但明显比其理论预测值要大。  相似文献   
多目标地球化学勘查样品分析方法配套方案   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
叶家瑜  张蕾 《地质通报》2006,25(6):41-744
对20世纪80年代全国区域化探扫面工作以来各大区、省、市地质实验室所研制的54种元素的不同分析方法进行对比研究.并与国际上所采用的分析方法进行类比,提出了适合中国国情的4套分析配套方案。  相似文献   
对黄河河口现行清水沟流路范围内不同汊河的形成、演化及其特征进行了梳理总结,围绕汊河不同运用方案的影响效应进行了论证分析。研究表明:现行清水沟流路范围内的汊河运用方案不适用于多汊河轮流行河模式、同时行河与轮流行河联合模式和同时行河模式,而采用单一汊河轮流行河模式可以充分发挥海洋输沙动力,保证河口海域向外海的较大输沙量,对延长清水沟流路使用年限更有利,更为科学和经济合理。在现行清8汊河达到改道标准后,应优先使用老河道汊河,该方案不仅有利于未来海岸线的均衡发展,而且更有利于延长清水沟流路的使用年限。  相似文献   
近年来,重庆地区开展的大量危岩防治工作表明,现有的危岩分类方案缺乏统一的定义和内涵,使用中容易出现混淆和争议,同时,还存在危岩无类可归的现象。针对现有危岩分类方案的不足,本文在分析和总结国内主要危岩分类方案的基础上,结合近年来发生的典型危岩崩塌事件的调查成果,对危岩分类问题进行了研究。首先,根据危岩破坏时的初始运动方式,将危岩分为倾倒式、滑移式、错断式、悬挑式、坐落式和坠落式等6类,并根据危岩结构面组合特征及影响因素的差异,进一步细分为11个亚类;其次,对各类危岩的定义、主控结构面位置及发育特征、形成条件及影响因素、变形机理进行了细致的界定和总结,最后,结合典型危岩崩塌实例进行简要的分析和说明。新的危岩分类方案类型全面,定义明确,界限清晰,实用性较强,可以有效地指导危岩勘查评价、监测预警以及防治工作的开展。  相似文献   
山东省优势大地构造相划分初步方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大地构造相是反映陆块区、造山系和叠加造山-裂谷相系形成演变过程中的一套岩石构造组合,是表达大陆岩石圈板块经历离散、聚合、碰撞、造山等动力学和地质构造作用过程而形成的综合产物。根据优势大地构造相的划分原则与沉积岩、火山岩、侵入岩和变质岩建造构造等特征,山东大地构造相可划分为3个相系(Ⅰ级)、4个大相(Ⅱ级)、17个相(Ⅲ级)和51个亚相(Ⅳ级)。  相似文献   
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Construction of high-order difference schemes based on Taylor series expansion has long been a hot topic in computational mathematics, while its application in comprehensive weather models is still very rare. Here, the properties of high-order finite difference schemes are studied based on idealized numerical testing, for the purpose of their application in the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System(GRAPES) model. It is found that the pros and cons due to grid staggering choices diminish with higher-order schemes based on linearized analysis of the one-dimensional gravity wave equation. The improvement of higher-order difference schemes is still obvious for the mesh with smooth varied grid distance. The results of discontinuous square wave testing also exhibits the superiority of high-order schemes. For a model grid with severe non-uniformity and non-orthogonality, the advantage of high-order difference schemes is inapparent, as shown by the results of two-dimensional idealized advection tests under a terrain-following coordinate. In addition, the increase in computational expense caused by high-order schemes can be avoided by the precondition technique used in the GRAPES model. In general, a high-order finite difference scheme is a preferable choice for the tropical regional GRAPES model with a quasi-uniform and quasi-orthogonal grid mesh.  相似文献   
Gradual deformation is a parameterization method that reduces considerably the unknown parameter space of stochastic models. This method can be used in an iterative optimization procedure for constraining stochastic simulations to data that are complex, nonanalytical functions of the simulated variables. This method is based on the fact that linear combinations of multi-Gaussian random functions remain multi-Gaussian random functions. During the past few years, we developed the gradual deformation method by combining independent realizations. This paper investigates another alternative: the combination of dependent realizations. One of our motivations for combining dependent realizations was to improve the numerical stability of the gradual deformation method. Because of limitations both in the size of simulation grids and in the precision of simulation algorithms, numerical realizations of a stochastic model are never perfectly independent. It was shown that the accumulation of very small dependence between realizations might result in significant structural drift from the initial stochastic model. From the combination of random functions whose covariance and cross-covariance are proportional to each other, we derived a new formulation of the gradual deformation method that can explicitly take into account the numerical dependence between realizations. This new formulation allows us to reduce the structural deterioration during the iterative optimization. The problem of combining dependent realizations also arises when deforming conditional realizations of a stochastic model. As opposed to the combination of independent realizations, combining conditional realizations avoids the additional conditioning step during the optimization process. However, this procedure is limited to global deformations with fixed structural parameters.  相似文献   
本文对2013年8月7日发生在黑龙江省中、东部地区的一次分散性暴雨天气过程进行了分析,通过卫星云图、多普勒雷达资料以及动热力条件等情况,详细讨论分析了此次暴雨天气产生的原因。结果表明:本次暴雨过程是中小尺度系统产生的对流性降水,强的热力不稳定层结是中小尺度系统发生发展的背景条件;暴雨以地面暖锋为触发机制,暖锋在黑龙江省南部停留时间长,是本次对流性降水过程持续时间较长的主要原因。  相似文献   
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