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增厚大陆岩石层热边界层对流剥离的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
用数值模拟方法模拟了增厚大陆岩石层热边界层被对流地幔剥离并为软流层物质替代的动力学过程.结果表明,在初始温度分层分布、侧向均匀但存在微小热扰动的流场中,80km厚的增厚岩石层热边界层约需60Ma才能被完全剥离,剥离的速率微弱地依赖扰动的强度;在已建立好的流场中,同样厚度的增厚热边界层只需约10Ma就可被剥离.模拟结果暗示青藏高原地壳及岩石层在岩石层增厚和剥离以前就很热,其下伏地馒中可能已存在建立好的上地幔小尺度对流系统,而该尺度的对流系统很可能是由特提斯海洋岩石圈俯冲和消减诱发的  相似文献   
9608台风内区云系结构演变与路径变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林毅 《气象科学》1997,17(4):350-357
本文利用逐时数字化卫星云图,详细分析了9608(HERB)台风在近海区的路经变化趋势与台风内区云系结构演变的相互关系。结果表明:台风云人区强对流云团的非对称发展,使台风内力发生变化,是导致台风路径两次打转和波浪式前进的主要原因。  相似文献   
An examination of boundary-layer meteorological and avian aerodynamic theories suggests that soaring birds can be used to measure the magnitude of vertical air motions within the boundary layer. These theories are applied to obtain mixed-layer normalized thermal updraft intensity over both flat and complex terrain from the climb rates of soaring American white pelicans and from diagnostic boundary-layer model-produced estimates of the boundary-layer depth zi and the convective velocity scale w*. Comparison of the flatland data with the profiles of normalized updraft velocity obtained from previous studies reveals that the pelican-derived measurements of thermal updraft intensity are in close agreement with those obtained using traditional research aircraft and large eddy simulation (LES) in the height range of 0.2 to 0.8 zi. Given the success of this method, the profiles of thermal vertical velocity over the flatland and the nearby mountains are compared. This comparison shows that these profiles are statistically indistinguishable over this height range, indicating that the profile for thermal updraft intensity varies little over this sample of complex terrain. These observations support the findings of a recent LES study that explored the turbulent structure of the boundary layer using a range of terrain specifications. For terrain similar in scale to that encountered in this study, results of the LES suggest that the terrain caused less than an 11% variation in the standard deviation of vertical velocity.  相似文献   
The geochemistry of 5 salt springs in the southwestern Mamfe Basin was investigated in order to infer the mineral content of their source and to relate the genesis of the springs to the local geology. Field observations revealed that, they are cold springs (23–28 °C), and are composed of secondary brines that are neutral to alkaline with pH values ranging from 7 to 8.7. Results of chemical analysis show that the springs contain major ions that form evaporite minerals, as well as chalcophile elements. The dominant cation is Na+ (>96%), and the dominant anion is Cl (>99%). Based on correlation coefficients between ions that form evaporites and field occurrence of efflorescences of halite, it is suggested that the ancient evaporites in the Mamfe Basin are composed entirely of carbonate and chloride salts. Meteoric and convective fluid flow processes are responsible for the dissolution of ancient evaporites and subsequent migration of brines to the surface from underground. The brines migrate through permeable strata with migration pathways resulting from a combination of fracture porosity created by post––Cretaceous tectonism and intergranular porosity enhanced by the chemically aggressive migrating brines.  相似文献   
南京周边地区夏季对流云降水的雷达回波特征与人工增雨   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
本文利用1998~2002年南京713数字化天气雷达资料,对南京周边地区(距南京150km范围内)7、8、9三个月所有有高显的对流云降水回波进行了统计分析。统计结果发现:南京及其周边地区夏季对流云降水回波在平显上以带状为主,所占比例超过为58.2%,其次是孤立的对流云降水回波,所占比例达到22.6%。在高显上,回波顶高在0℃层以下的降水回波较少,不到10%,回波顶高在0℃~-10℃之间的占11.7%,在-10℃~-20℃之间的占15.3%,-20℃以上的达到63%以上,说明南京及其周边地区夏季对流云中暖云的降水几率很小,大部分为发展旺盛、负温区比较深厚的对流云,这种云是人工增雨作业最理想的云。本文的研究为正确把握作业的时机、催化的部位及用弹量,以便有效地作业,提供了依据。  相似文献   
The main objective of the present paper is to show a methodology for undertaking rainfall regionalization of a region taking into account the convective features of the precipitation, and useful for establishing homogeneous zones for improving the alert system. This methodology has been applied to a hydrographic region located in northeast Spain, with an area of 16000 km2 and characterized by a highly contrasted topography. Information provided by meteorological radar and 5-min precipitation data for 126 automatic raingauges has been used for the period 1996–2002. The previous analysis done on the basis of the 1927–1981 rainfall rate series for the Jardí raingauge, located in Barcelona, has also been considered. To that end, the first step was to draw up a proposal for classification of the pluviometric episodes. Recourse was had for this purpose to definition of the β parameter, related with the greater or lesser convective character of the event and calculated on the basis of the rainfall intensity at the surface (Llasat, 2001) and, when data are available, on the basis of radar reflectivity. Results show that the threshold of 35 mm/h to characterize convective episodes from raingauge data can be corroborated from the radar point of view when convective precipitation is identified using 2-D algorithms with a reflectivity threshold of 43 dBZ. Once the soundness of the β parameter had been corroborated, it was applied to more than 2900 precipitation episodes recorded in the region, in order to discriminate the features of the different subregions and their time and space distribution throughout the entire series of the samples. Using this definition, 92% of the precipitation events recorded in this region, with accumulated rainfall above 35 mm, are classified as convective ones, representing 95% of the precipitation amount. Application of the β parameter combined with monthly rainfall data allows differentiation of 8 regions with different convective precipitation features.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to show a climatology of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula, on the basis of meteorological radar observations. Special attention was paid to those cases that have produced heavy rainfalls during the period 1996–2000. Identification of the MCS was undertaken using two procedures. Firstly, the precipitation structures at the lowest level were recognised by means of a 2D algorithm that distinguishes between convective and non-convective contribution. Secondly, the convective cells were identified using a 3D procedure quite similar to the SCIT (Storm Cell Identification and Tracking) algorithm that looks for the reflectivity cores in each radar volume. Finally, the convective cells (3D) were associated with the 2D structures (convective rainfall areas), in order to characterize the complete MCS. Once this methodology was presented the paper offers a proposal for classifying the precipitation systems, and particularly the MCS. 57 MCS structures were classified: 49% of them were identified as linearly well-organised systems, called TS (39%), LS (18%) and NS (43%). In addition to the classification, the following items were analysed for each MCS found: duration, season, time of day, area affected and direction of movement, and main radar parameters related with convection. The average features of those MCS show an area of about 25000 km2, Zmax values of 47 dBz, an echotop of 12 km, the maximum frequency at 12 UTC and early afternoon and a displacement towards E-NE. The study was completed by analysing the field at surface, the presence of a mesoscale low near the system and the quasi-stationary features of three cases related with heavy rainfalls. Maximum rainfall (more then 200 mm in 6 h) was related with the presence of a cyclone in combination with the production of a convective train effect.  相似文献   
In this study, profile functions for flux calculations during unstable conditions are proposed and examined. These functions are based on a direct interpolation for the dimensionless wind speed and temperature gradients between the standard Businger–Dyer formulae, , , and free convection forms, , being the Monin–Obukhov stability parameter. A previously presented interpolation between the corresponding profile relationships, in attempting to provide a general relationship for the whole unstable regime, leads to serious restrictions for the values of in the free convection forms. These restrictions rendered available experimental data almost inapplicable, since the behaviour of the formulae in the near-neutral range controls the values of those parameters. The proposed interpolation provides functions that, firstly, fit the standard Businger–Dyer forms for near-neutral conditions and, secondly, satisfy the asymptotic behaviour as , permitting wider ranges of possible values. This step is very important, taking into account the large spread of the experimental data. Thus, as further and more accurate observations at strong instability become available, this approach could prove very efficient in fitting these data while retaining correct near-neutral behaviour.  相似文献   
中国冬夏季模式降水方案的应用分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对中国冬夏季各一次降水过程的模拟分析 ,研究了不同云降水方案在中国区域的应用特征。结果指出 ,夏季 ,Kain Fritsch(KF)和Betts Miller(BM)积云方案模拟产生的积云降水是有差异的 ,KF方案对本次连续降水过程的预报要优于BM方案 ;KF方案和BM方案可以使周围环境大气状况发生不同的变化 ,KF方案可以使周围环境大气变得更湿、上升气流更加深厚 ,更有利于网格尺度降水的产生 ,即不同积云对流方案对网格尺度降水具有重要的影响 ;冬季 ,中国北方大陆基本没有对流降水产生 ,不同积云对流方案对网格尺度降水预报的影响基本可以不予考虑 ,中国北方的冬季降水主要是由网格尺度降水构成的。  相似文献   
闪电气象学研究进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
郄秀书  刘冬霞  孙竹玲 《气象学报》2014,72(5):1054-1068
闪电气象学是随着现代闪电探测和定位技术的发展与应用而不断发展起来的一个学科,也是大气电学和气象学的重要交叉学科分支。综述了近年来中国在闪电气象学方面的发展和研究进展,主要从5个方面进行阐述和回顾:在闪电气象学研究中发挥了重要作用的现代闪电探测和定位技术,不同类型强对流天气系统的闪电活动特征,闪电活动与雷暴的动力、微物理结构的关系,雷暴电荷结构探测和数值模拟,以及闪电资料同化方法及其在强对流天气中的预警预报作用和闪电的预报等,并指出了中国闪电气象学今后的努力方向。  相似文献   
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