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1 IntroductionAnicecoreobtainedfrom polarglaciersoricesheetsisoneofthemostimportantarchivestoreconstructpaleoclimaticandpaleoatmosphericcondition .Informationonpale o environmentcanbeextractedfromicecoresaschemicaland/orphysicalsignals.Amongthechemicalsignals,heavymetalsarenotedassignalsofterrestrialenvironmentalchangeandanthropogenicpollution (e.g .Murozumietal.1 969;NgandPatterson 1 981 ;Hongetal.1 994) .SinceconcentrationsofmostofthemetalsinpolarsnowincentralGreen landareatorbelowthepptl…  相似文献   
Infiltration experiments have been performed at three sites along a well-known catena under virgin tropical rain forest using a portable sprinkling infiltrometer. Experimentally determined infiltration curves are presented. Infiltration curves are also simulated on the basis of the Mein-Larson equation. The parameters for this model have been obtained from the infiltration curves (saturated conductivity) and simple soil moisture determinations (fillable porosity). The agreement between experimentally determined and modelled infiltration is reasonable, provided (a) saturated conductivity as derived from the experimental data is corrected, (b) a storage parameter, also derived from the experimental data, is added to the Mein-Larson model, and (c) the decline in soil porosity with depth is either small or occurs abruptly at shallow depth. Comparison of observed infiltration rates with rainfall intensity shows that Horton Overland Flow has to occur naturally at least on the middle and lower section of the catena. Despite the fact that most parameters can be estimated in principle from basic soil data, it remains advisable to obtain sprinkling infiltrometer field measurements, because of soil variability due to dynamic surface conditions, macroporosity, air entrapment, and irregularity of the wetting front.  相似文献   
Introducing a concept of equivalent mass depth of flow, this study describes the phenomenon of non‐point source pollutant (metal) transport for pavement (or overland) flow in analogy with wave propagation in wide open channels. Hysteretic and normal mass rating curves are developed for runoff rate and mass of 12 dissolved and particulate‐bound metal elements (pollutants) using the rainfall‐runoff and water quality data of the 15 × 20 m2 instrumented pavement in Cincinnati, USA. Normal mass rating curves developed for easy computation of pollutant load are found to be of a form similar to Manning's, which is valid for open channel flows. Based on the hysteresis analysis, wave types for dissolution and mixing of particulate‐bound metals are identified. The analysis finds that the second‐order partial‐differential equation normally used for metal transport does not have the efficacy to describe fully the strong non‐linear phenomena such as is described for various metal elements by dynamic waves. In addition, the proportionality concept of the popular SCS‐CN concept is extended for determining the potential maximum metal mass Mp of all the 12 elements transported by a rain storm and related to the antecedent dry period (ADP). For the primary metal zinc element, Mp is found to increase with the ADP and vice versa. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
土壤聚合物对几种重金属离子固化效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤聚合物是一种新型的无机聚合物,其分子链由Si、O、Al等以共价键或离子键连接而成,形成网络结构,对重金属有较强的固定作用.本文试图利用土壤聚合物固化铜、锌、铅三种重金属离子,实现资源化利用.实验以固化体抗压强度和浸出毒性作为性能表征量,结果表明:土壤聚合物对不同重金属的固化有各自的极限浓度,Cu2 、Zn2 、Pb2 的理想固化量分别为0.9%、1%、2%;若固化过程中添加一定量的高炉矿渣,则可以提高固化体的抗压强度.本文通过土壤聚合物固化体SEM分析,从固化体微观结构的形态来阐述土壤聚合物宏观上的优越表现.  相似文献   
提出用于十二相可控整流器的8098单片机控制系统的电路原理和软件策略。包括自适应控制算法和触发相序计算在内的多种操作全部用软件实现.与通常的方法相比,此系统的成本更低,动态性能和静态性能更好。  相似文献   
本文通过计算和对比分析,得到1991年春、夏江淮地区特大暴雨形成的五个基本特征:西北太平洋上副高显著偏西、偏北;较弱的西南季风与东南气流汇合成强西南气流伸向江淮地区;偏东风与强西南风形成的辐合带在江淮地区维持;江淮地区对流层中下部为强上升运动、上部为辐散;130°E附近南半球向北半球的较强越赤道气流持续。  相似文献   
Validation of Jason and Envisat Altimeter Dual Frequency Rain Flags   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New rain flags based on the dual frequency capabilities of the new Jason Poseidon-2 and Envisat RA2 altimeters have been tested, developed and adopted for the operational processing of the altimeter data. Their validation conducted during the calibration/validation phases of the satellites is presented here. The Jason flag is validated by comparison with the TOPEX one, using the Tandem mission. The results show a very good agreement between the two sensors and the two rain flags The Envisat flag is validated by comparison with both Jason and TOPEX using global and collocated data sets. The results show similar performances for the three sensors. The f relations estimated during the calibration-validation period and presented here have been given to the altimeter ground processing facilities for operational use.  相似文献   
重矿物组合、含量变化和特征矿物的分布及变化规律是沿海泥沙来源和运移趋势判断的重要手段之一。通过对廉州湾南部海域海底表层沉积物的重矿物分析 ,发现该区重矿物分布以北海地角为界 ,其百分含量和特征矿物南北有别 ,可能分别代表不同的物质来源区。其中廉州湾北部南流江流域来沙是该区主要物源 ,运移趋势为自 NE向 SW;地角西南岸段、岭南侧海岸侵蚀及银滩来沙也为该区提供了部分物源 ,运移趋势为绕过冠头岭沿海岸向 N方向运移。由于缺乏北海陆域陆相地层重矿物含量等相关资料 ,暂未做物质来源区的具体判断  相似文献   
珠江河口铜、铅、锌、铬和镉对单细胞藻类生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过现场采水样和实验室模拟,研究珠江河口环境在一连串变化过程中,当各种浓度的Cu,zn,Pb,Cr和Cd单独存在或共存时,对单细胞藻类——硅藻和扁藻的毒性影响。  相似文献   
金秉福 《海洋科学》1997,21(5):49-52
根据浅水波浪的底摩擦效应,对鲁南灵山湾和臼-岚山镇近岸区进行了波浪的海底摩擦力计算。波浪的海底摩擦力等值图与已知滨海锆石砂矿资料对比表明,底摩擦力大于0.18N/m^2的动力分选区有利于重矿物砂富集。据此,进一步预测了鲁南近岸带的砂矿富集区。  相似文献   
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