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Voronoi tessellation, and its dual the Delaunay triangulation, provide a cohesive framework for the study and interpretation of phenomena of geographical space in two and three dimensions. The planar and spherical solutions introduce errors in the positional accuracy of both Voronoi vertices and Voronoi edges due to errors in distance computations and the path connecting two locations with planar lines or great circle arcs instead of geodesics. For most geospatial applications the introduction of the above errors is insignificant or tolerable. However, for applications where the accuracy is of utmost importance, the ellipsoidal model of the Earth must be used. Characteristically, the introduction of any positional error in the delimitation of maritime zones and boundaries results in increased maritime space for one state at the expense of another. This is a situation that may, among others, have a serious impact on the financial activities and the relations of the states concerned. In the context of previous work on maritime delimitation we show that the Voronoi diagram constitutes the ideal solution for the development of an automated methodology addressing the problem in its entirety. Due to lack of a vector methodology for the generation of Voronoi diagram on the ellipsoid, the aforementioned solution was constrained by the accuracy of existing approaches. In order to fill this gap, in this paper we deal with the inherent attributes of the ellipsoidal model of the Earth, e.g. the fact that geodesics are open lines, and we elaborate on a methodology for the generation of the Voronoi diagram on the ellipsoid for a set of points in vector format. The resulting Voronoi diagram consists of vertices with positional accuracy that is only bounded by the user needs and edges that are comprised of geodesics densified with vertices equidistant to their generators. Finally, we present the implementation of the proposed algorithm in the Python programming language and the results of two case studies, one on the formation of closest service areas and one on maritime boundaries delimitation, with the positional accuracy set to 1 cm.  相似文献   
利用高空、地面常规观测资料、分钟级加密自动气象站资料和榆林多普勒雷达资料,对 2013 年8月4日傍晚发生在榆林市的一次超级强对流风暴天气进行中尺度分析。结果表明:(1)此次过程疑似一次超级单体龙卷天气过程;(2)从环流背景来看,榆林市上空中层强干冷平流配合低层切变线、西南急流,高层干冷、低层暖湿特征明显;从环境条件来看,强风暴发生前和发生期间能量、抬升凝结高度、风切变满足龙卷发生所需的热力不稳定、垂直风切变条件;(3)雷达钩状回波结构清晰,并伴有强中气旋,大于60 dBZ的回波和正负速度对已接地,呈现龙卷发生时的回波特征;(4)强风暴发生前后,由北向南经过榆林地区有多个龙卷涡旋TVS产品被识别;(5)气象要素场变化剧烈,地面气压明显降低,风速出现极值增强,风向发生突变,与龙卷发生期间风场观测特征基本一致,表明该区域出现龙卷的可能性较大。  相似文献   
Strong-motion parameters, peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and peak ground displacement depend on several factors, such as the source of earthquake, distance between the source and site, and the characteristics of that site. Five seismographs and two accelographs were installed by the Egyptian Geological Survey team along the western side of the Gulf of Aqaba from Taba to Sharm El-Sheikh to record seismic events during the period from September 1995 to June 1996. During this period, two events were recorded by the accelographs. The two accelographs were located on the surface of the basement rocks, the first near the epicenter and the second at a farther distance. However, the farthest accelograph recorded higher values compared to the nearer one. Fault mechanics are an important factor in determining the values of strong motion parameters, where the direction of the rupture line plays an important role in detecting the values of strong motion parameters, the strong motion parameters and damage effects seem to be attenuated very fast in the direction perpendicular to the rupture line. This can be interpreted by the fact that the farthest accelograph lies at the extension of the fault rupture (azimuth = 30°), while the nearer one was perpendicular to the strike of the fault rupture.  相似文献   
一种顾及空间关系约束的线化简算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
线要素化简在制图表达与综合领域一直是研究的热点和难点之一。然而,经典化简算法多针对单独线要素进行处理,缺乏对该线要素与周边线要素之间整体空间关系的考虑,并且,存在计算结果生硬(D-P算法)、局部极值点缺失,特别是在曲度较大之处出现相交异常(L-O算法)等问题。为此,本文提出一种顾及空间关系约束的线化简算法,建立线要素全局化简方法(LGSM)和矢量位移、面积位移等5类评价指标。采用等高线、河流和道路3类线要素实际数据进行了试验,充分检验了本文算法的优越性,其处理结果符合开方根模型规律,降低了曲线复杂度,在保证全局空间关系不变条件下,不仅更好地保持了曲线整体形状特征,而且光滑美观、精度高。  相似文献   
球面全景影像相对定向与精度验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谢东海  钟若飞  吴俣  符晗  黄小川  孙振兴 《测绘学报》2017,46(11):1822-1829
对传统的5点法相对定向算法的共面误差计算方法进行改进,提出了一种适合球面全景成像特点的相对定向计算流程。与传统方法相同,该算法首先计算本质矩阵,然后对本质矩阵进行奇异值分解得到旋转矩阵和平移矢量的候选解,最后利用重建的物方三维点坐标排除错误解。本文的贡献在于推导了球面全景共面条件公式,并使用点到核线平面的球面距离作为球面全景共面条件的误差项。模拟数据试验显示:当图像特征点的随机噪声在[-0.5,0.5]像素范围内时,3个姿态角的中误差约为0.1°,由相对定向恢复的相对平移量与模拟值的夹角中误差约为1.5°。使用车载全景相机配合POS获取的数据进行试验的结果显示:横滚角和俯仰角的中误差可以达到0.2°以内,航向角的中误差可以达到0.4°以内,由相对定向恢复的相对平移量与POS平移量的夹角中误差可以达到2°以内。采用本文相对定向算法的结果生成球面全景核线影像,提取影像之间同名点坐标并计算其列方向误差,结果显示核线影像同名点列坐标差的中误差在1个像素以内。  相似文献   
针对如何从车载激光点云数据中快速、准确地提取道路边线的问题,本文提出一种基于直线特征检测的道路边线自动提取方法。首先对原始点云进行地面滤波,删除非地面点,获取包含道路信息的地面点云,接着把点云投影到二维图像上,根据反射强度获得平均强度图像,对平均强度图像进行LSD直线检测,获得道路边线的直线段,然后进行直线连接,把检测出来的短线段连接成长直线,最后根据直线特征提取出道路边线,并且利用定量指标对提取结果进行定量分析。实验证明,该方法提取的道路边线具有较高的准确率和完整性。  相似文献   
分析输电导线散射斑相位的几何关系,选取20幅时间跨度约为1年的TerraSAR条带模式影像,对其中两基铁塔之间6条输电导线形成的散射斑相位时间序列进行分析。文中统计分析构成导线散射斑像元的相位离散度,其标准差约为0.2弧度,表明单个散射斑相位稳定。选取铁塔顶部点的导线散射斑为参考点,与另外5个导线散射斑做差分相位时间序列分析,分析导线之间高程差的理论计算值与实际值的一致性。分析结果显示,导线散射斑差分相位序列的波动可达2弧度以上,与导线间高程差产生的相位不一致。  相似文献   
针对传统输电线路设计过程中校验过程困难、精度低的问题,基于三维GIS平台设计了三维电气校验模块,利用悬链线理论、空间坐标转换、状态方程等计算方法实现了不同的工况条件下对"导线对地距离""导地线间距离""导线对地物距离""极限档距"及"安全间隙"的校验,校验算法的准确性通过了设计院的校核。通过多个工程的试用表明,该方法不仅提高设计人员的工作效率,而且可以提高电气校验的精度,研究结果对输电线路数字化设计过程中电气校验具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
激光点云的多功能风洞施工量测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统皮尺测绘、全站仪在结构复杂的多功能风洞中存在采集作业难、数据精度低、信息不完整等局限性,提出基于高精度、高密度的点云数据开展对风洞施工量测的研究。通过对点云进行预处理及算法的运用,解决风洞数据获取难、信息不完整瓶颈,实现施工量测数据的有效获取及分析。基于点云预处理数据,可获取风洞的二维线划图、立面图、三维信息模型及统计分析等成果;基于点云数据运用算法,能够快速、准确地对风洞内墙面的平整度提取分析,判断施工是否符合要求,这是传统测绘方法无法获取的,验证该技术方法在多功能风洞测量的优越性和必要性。应用结果表明,地面三维激光扫描技术对该风洞的施工量测及建筑信息提取均优于传统方法,成效明显。  相似文献   
秦皇岛一次飑线冰雹天气分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规探测资料、自动站观测资料、多普勒天气雷达资料等对2014年6月26日发生在秦皇岛市的一次飑线冰雹天气过程大尺度环流背景、雷达回波特征及灾害性冰雹大风形成原因进行了分析。结果表明:本次飑线过程是受高空冷涡后部冷空气、低层暖切变共同作用的结果;飑线过境前后,气象要素变化比较明显,风向突变、风力猛增、气压涌升、气温急降、相对湿度上升;本次强风暴影响系统尺度为中α尺度,"弓"形回波结构明显,同时有雷暴出流边界;速度图上的风速大值区、后侧入流、中低层径向辐合及垂直风廓线图中低层风的转变信息等对大风的预警有明显的预示作用,且从雷达四维变分分析可知850 h Pa辐合上升运动较强,中层有干冷空气入侵;回波垂直剖面图上飑线前沿低层存在有界弱回波区,中高层有回波悬垂。  相似文献   
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