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对2004年鲁西南两次台风影响造成的大~暴雨过程分析结果表明,西风槽作用下的降水,若有台风低压参与,系统均得以发展,雨势进一步加强。台风低压与西风槽结合及结合点位置,对鲁西南暴雨的形成均很重要。如副高强盛西进时,一般台风低压偏西,与西风槽结合点偏西;副高东退时,结合点一般偏东。  相似文献   
The statistical properties of long-crested nonlinear wave time series measured in an offshore basin have been analyzed in different aspects such as the distributions of surface elevation, wave crest, wave trough, and wave period. Comparison with linear, second-order and third-order theoretical models indicates that although bound wave effects also contribute to the deviation from a Gaussian process, it is the modulational instability that primarily determines the discrepancy in the evolution process in the presence of strong nonlinearity. Interestingly enough, wave crest is more sensitive to the quasi-resonant four-wave interaction effect than wave trough and the scaled maximal wave crest presents a linear regression model with the coefficient of kurtosis. Meanwhile, the estimation of the observed statistical properties is reconstructed on the basis of an ensemble of 100 wave series simulated by the NLS-type equations and compared favourably with the experimental results in most cases. Moreover, with the increased third-order nonlinear effect the difference between NLS and Dysthe simulations is enlarged and mainly reflected on the distribution of wave crest.  相似文献   
季风低压对台风生成影响的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邱文玉  吴立广 《气象科学》2015,35(3):237-247
选取2007年和2009年发生的4个季风低压个例, 利用FNL资料和CMORPH卫星反演的降水资料, 采用多尺度环流分析法, 对西北太平洋季风环流的多尺度特征进行了分析, 研究季风低压对台风生成的可能影响。分析发现:季风低压生成于季风槽中, 其天气尺度波列的气旋性环流中。虽然以季风槽为特点的低频环流为台风生成提供大尺度气候条件, 但是季风低压通过进一步提供较大的正相对涡度, 可以有效减小Rossby变形半径, 促进热带低压中中尺度对流系统的相互作用和合并, 有利于台风的生成。  相似文献   
康熙 《天文学进展》2011,29(1):1-18
对银河系内卫星星系进行全面的"人口普查"具有重要的意义。目前已经发现了二十几个卫星星系,其光度范围分布很广,最暗的矮星系比球状星体还暗。叙述了卫星星系的光度分布、空间分布和动力学性质。总结了观测和理论研究进展,并讨论了星流和伽玛射线在研究银河系结构和暗物质性质方面的贡献。表明了卫星星系的统计分布能用来很好地限制冷暗物质理论和星系形成的相关物理过程,同时指出当前研究的局限性和可能的发展方向。  相似文献   
一个两时间层分裂显格式海洋环流模式(MASNUM)及其检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-time-level, three-dimensional numerical ocean circulation model(named MASNUM) was established with a two-level, single-step Eulerian forward-backward time-differencing scheme. A mathematical model of large-scale oceanic motions was based on the terrain-following coordinated, Boussinesq, Reynolds-averaged primitive equations of ocean dynamics. A simple but very practical Eulerian forward-backward method was adopted to replace the most preferred leapfrog scheme as the time-differencing method for both barotropic and baroclinic modes. The forward-backward method is of second-order of accuracy, computationally efficient by requiring only one function evaluation per time step, and free of the computational mode inherent in the three-level schemes. This method is superior to the leapfrog scheme in that the maximum time step of stability is twice as large as that of the leapfrog scheme in staggered meshes thus the computational efficiency could be doubled. A spatial smoothing method was introduced to control the nonlinear instability in the numerical integration. An ideal numerical experiment simulating the propagation of the equatorial Rossby soliton was performed to test the amplitude and phase error of this new model. The performance of this circulation model was further verified with a regional(northwest Pacific) and a quasi-global(global ocean simulation with the Arctic Ocean excluded) simulation experiments. These two numerical experiments show fairly good agreement with the observations. The maximum time step of stability in these two experiments were also investigated and compared between this model and that model which adopts the leapfrog scheme.  相似文献   
黑河实验(HEIFE)──对干旱地区陆面过程的一些新认识   总被引:63,自引:2,他引:63  
胡隐樵  高由禧 《气象学报》1994,52(3):285-296
综合介绍“黑河地区地气相互作用野外观测实验研究(HEIFE)”的概况。系统分析干旱地区陆面过程的一些基本问题,它们是:(1)干旱地区地表面热量平衡的基本特征:干旱地区蒸发量很小,地表热量平衡中以感热为主.潜热可以忽略不计。(2)干旱地区陆面过程参数化问题:干旱地区能量和物质湍流输送的参数化必须考虑层结影响,否则将造成严重误差。(3)干旱地区一种特殊现象──绿洲与沙漠环境的相互作用:绿洲的“冷岛效应”和临近绿洲沙漠或戈壁的“逆湿现象”是这种相互作用的结果。这些研究结果将加深我们对干旱地区陆面过程的认识。  相似文献   
Concurrence of low temperature,precipitation and freezing weather in an extensive area would cause devastating impacts on local economy and society.We call such a combination of concurrent disastrous weather“extensive coldprecipitation-freezing”events(ECPFEs).In this study,the ECPFEs in southern China(15°?35°N,102°?123°E)are objectively defined by using daily surface observational data for the period 1951?2013.An ECPFE in southern China is defined if the low temperature area,precipitation area and freezing area concurrently exceed their respective thresholds for at least three consecutive days.The identified ECPFEs are shown to be reasonable and reliable,compared with those in previous studies.The circulation anomalies in ECPFEs are characterized by a large-scale tilted ridge and trough pairing over mid-and high-latitude Eurasia,and the intensified subtropical westerlies along the southern foot of the Tibetan Plateau and the anomalous anticyclonic circulation over the subtropical western Pacific.Comparative analysis reveals that the stable cold air from the north and the warm and moist air from the south converge,facilitating a favorable environment for the concurrence of extensive low-temperature,precipitation and freezing weather.  相似文献   
西北地区一次斜压槽引发的强沙尘暴研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用T10 6数值预报及常规气象资料 ,对 1998年 4月 15日西北地区强沙尘暴进行分析 ,分析结果表明 ,这是一次由斜压槽及冷锋锋生触发的沙尘暴 ,高空急流及其下部的Ferrel环流对沙尘暴发生起到重要作用 ;强沙尘暴发生在高空急流出口区右侧、5 0 0hPa正涡度中心下风方和次级反环流的上升运动区内。  相似文献   
使用1981—2000年NECP/NCAR再分析数据集资料,分析了全年各月大气环流特征,发现青藏高原(下称高原)南侧低空基本上存在一个常年正涡度带,这是高原近地面西风与其外围自由大气西风之间的气旋性切变的表现。特别是在90°E附近有一明显的地形槽,我们选取80°~90°E,25°N关键区域内的涡度作为表征该地形槽的指数,分析了高原南侧地形槽与孟加拉湾(下称孟湾)槽形成和演变特征的异同,并探讨其与南海夏季风建立的关系。结果表明,高原南侧地形槽的季节性演变与高原热源联系非常密切,其显著的4月突变和6月突变与高原热源发生跳跃性变化相联系。冬季高原冷却作用形成低空反气旋环流,叠加在原本增强的大尺度西风绕流上,促使高原地形槽减弱;由春入夏,高原加热作用形成低空气旋性环流,增大西风绕流作用,促使高原地形槽加深。高原地形槽加强南伸和斯里兰卡低涡持续北移直至二者相互打通是亚洲低纬度副热带高压带在孟湾上空最先断裂和孟湾槽形成的一种触发机制,此后槽前西南气流加强,副热带高压东撤,南海夏季风进一步东扩,最后导致南海夏季风建立。  相似文献   
利用FNL及常规资料,对比分析了2010年2月22—24日(过程Ⅰ)和2015年12月10—13日(过程Ⅱ)天山北坡2次暴雪过程。结果表明,暴雪区上空θse锋区陡立和条件性对称不稳定及次级环流是形成暴雪的主要机制。不同点是:过程Ⅰ暴雪产生在西西伯利亚低涡底部强锋区上,南北支短波槽汇合的区域,冷高压为西北路径;过程Ⅱ是乌拉尔山大槽东移北收,冷高压为偏西路径;2次过程在温压的时间演变上有显著的区别。在高低空配置上也有明显的区别:过程Ⅰ 500 hPa以下为暖平流,以上为冷平流,低层为暖湿结构;过程Ⅱ 700 hPa以下为冷平流,700—600 hPa为暖平流,低层有湿冷空气锲入。过程Ⅰ暴雪区位于θse锋区上,锋区低层强,中高层弱;过程Ⅱ暴雪区位于θse锋区中后部,锋区低层弱,中高层强。水汽输送和输入量及比湿过程Ⅰ大于过程Ⅱ。  相似文献   
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