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Monsoon-induced upwelling off the Vietnamese coast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the southwest monsoon from July 8 to 28, 2003, an interdisciplinary cruise took place in the central area of Vietnamese upwelling with “MV Nghien Cuu Bien” in the South China Sea. Physical observations in the upwelling area are analyzed with respect to local/regional wind forcing and far field forcing. Nutrients and phytoplankton measurements are discussed with respect to exchange processes between different water masses. The wind-induced coastal upwelling by local wind forcing is much weaker than in the previous years due to weaker-than-normal winds. This can be attributed to the far field forcing of the 2002/2003 El Niño event which modulates the upwelling intensity. The atmospheric conditions reflect the typical situation after an El Niño event which weakens the wind-induced coastal upwelling, reduces the latent heat flux, and results in higher-than-normal sea-surface temperatures. The general circulation pattern during SW monsoon is driven by the spatial asymmetry in the monsoon forcing. The flow pattern is characterized by an upwelling-induced northward undercurrent and a recently detected southward countercurrent. The resulting stretching deformation of this flow pattern forms an offshore jet between ~12°N and 12.5°N and causes a local enhancement of the upwelling intensity. The upwelling due to stretching deformation is a peculiarity, which makes the Vietnamese upwelling area different to other upwelling areas. A budget of the upwelling components is presented: the strongest contribution in 2003 to the Vietnamese upwelling is the dynamical upwelling due to the clockwise rotation of the northward undercurrent. The internal radius of deformation separates the upwelling area from the offshore area as well as different water masses. Mekong River and the Gulf of Thailand waters which are offshore show nutrient depletion. Therefore, high chlorophyll maxima cannot be explained by nutrient supply from river runoff. The dynamical upwelling brings in nutrient-rich Maximum Salinity Water into the euphotic zone. This causes a subsurface chlorophyll maximum between 20 and 40 m water depth along the northward undercurrent. Deflection from the Redfield ratio in the C:N ratio and negative excess nitrogen identifies the region as nitrogen-limited which may favor cyanobacteria blooms. The consequence is a unique feature in new production: in the upwelling area, new production is based on upwelled nitrate, whereas offshore in the nutrient-depleted Mekong and Gulf of Thailand water, new production is based in addition on nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   
Fjord exchange circulation and its response to abrupt changes in forcing is examined by means of an idealized modeling experiment. Puget Sound, a fjord-type estuary in western North America (State of Washington), is the main context for this study. Parameters of the idealized model are representative of the entrance sill at Admiralty Inlet and the Main Basin of Puget Sound. Sensitivity to some of the model parameters relevant to a 3D realistic model is discussed. An idealized tidal forcing with fortnightly modulation drives a qualitatively realistic cycle of exchange circulation while the other boundary conditions are kept fixed in time. The cycle is characterized by fortnightly pulses of deep water intrusions with a sharp front at the leading edge and reversed circulation cells below the sill depth developing between the intrusions. This basic state is then perturbed and response of the circulation to abrupt changes in oceanic salinity and river discharge is examined.  相似文献   
Landslide and Tsunami 21 November 2000 in Paatuut,West Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large landslide occurred November 21, 2000 at Paatuut, facing the Vaigat Strait onthe west coast of Greenland. 90 million m3 (260 million tons) of mainly basalticmaterial slid very rapidly (average velocity 140 km/h) down from 1,000–1,400 maltitude. Approximately 30 million m3 (87 million tons) entered the sea, creatinga tsunami with an run-up height of 50 m close to the landslide and 28 m at Qullissat,an abandoned mining town opposite Paatuut across the 20 km wide Vaigat strait. Theevent was recorded seismically, allowing the duration of the slide to be estimated tocirca 80 s and also allowing an estimate of the surface-wave magnitude of the slideof 2.3. Terrain models based on stereographic photographs before and after the slidemade it possible to determine the amount of material removed, and the manner ofre-deposition. Simple calculations of the tsunami travel times are in good correspondencewith the reports from the closest populated village, Saqqaq, 40 km from Paatuut, whererefracted energy from the tsunami destroyed a number of boats. Landslides are notuncommon in the area, due to the geology with dense basaltic rocks overlying poorlyconsolidated sedimentary rocks, but the size of the Paatuut slide is unusual. Based onthe observations it is likely at least 500 years since an event with a tsunami of similarproportions occurred. The triggering of the Paatuut slide is interpreted to be caused byweather conditions in the days prior to the slide, where re-freezing melt water inpre-existing cracks could have caused failure of the steep mountain side.  相似文献   
四川省2002年伏旱成因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
芮景新 《气象科技》2004,32(Z1):33-35
四川盆地 2 0 0 2年汛期 (6~ 8月 )期间 ,高温干旱显著 ,发生时段较常年明显偏早 ,位置偏北。通过对副热带系统、大陆高压、南亚高压等夏季主要环流系统进行分析得出 ,2 0 0 2年汛期期间四川盆地的高温干旱天气主要是由稳定维持的大陆高压所造成。而同期的副热带系统均较常年偏弱 ,不是造成四川省干旱的直接影响系统。此外 ,2 0 0 2年台风活动的间接影响不可忽视。  相似文献   
区域土地利用变化驱动力的成因分析   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
土地利用变化是全球变化研究的核心与热点问题,驱动力研究则是土地利用变化研究的难点。目前在驱动力研究方法上还存在过多依赖数学分析方法的趋向。该文从现代土地利用变化概念出发,提出成因分析概念,认为驱动力的反演具有复杂性与多样性的特点,在驱动机理研究中必须借助层次分析法,鉴别引发变化的直接原因,并对土地利用变化原因—表象间的关系进行剖析。  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠固定与半固定沙丘成因初探   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
处于干旱荒漠区的古尔班通古特沙漠因降水、冬季的积雪、悬湿砂层、丘间地和背风坡的植被、沙丘表层微弱的分化、砂物质粒度等因素的综合影响 ,以固定和半固定沙丘为主。由于沙丘的稳定性差 ,人类活动过程中应加强对它的保护。  相似文献   
武功山片麻岩特征及侵位机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江西武功山片麻岩,前人存在两种观点,混合成因和岩浆成因,近年来,作者等人通过1:5万区调,对武功山片麻岩取得了一些新的认识,认为武功山片麻岩是岩浆成因,属岩浆多次脉动形成的气球膨胀式强力侵位机制。  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR 10 hPa月平均高度场资料, 计算了1948_2007年南半球10 hPa极地涡旋的强度指数P、 面积指数S和中心位置指数(λc, φc)。用它们分析了南半球10 hPa极地涡旋的季节变化、 年际异常及其可能成因, 分析了10 hPa极地涡旋强度与南极涛动的关系。结果表明: (1) 南半球10 hPa极区12月~1月受反气旋控制, 3~10月受气旋控制, 2月、 11月为环流转换季节。(2) 1(7)月反气旋(气旋)指数P, S均在1970年代后期发生了显著的跃变; 跃变前反气旋(气旋)由极弱(极强)振荡地增强(减弱)至接近气候均值, 跃变后反气旋由极强振荡趋于气候均值, 气旋在偏弱的状态下振荡。(3) 1月反气旋中心位置存在显著的年代际变化, 而7月气旋中心位置的年际变化明显。(4) 臭氧异常可引起南半球10 hPa 1月极地反气旋年际异常(正相关), 但与7月极地气旋异常无关。(5) 1月、 7月极地涡旋强度指数P与南极涛动指数(AAOI)呈显著的负相关, 可由P来表征AAOI。  相似文献   
马云 《云南地质》2007,26(2):249-252
大坝基础帷幕灌浆工程中采用新技术、新工艺,使工程质量大幅提高,也使这些新技也能在实践中得到发展和完善,为工程良好的质量和效益打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
林栋 《福建地质》2005,24(3):179-182
分析现浇混凝土楼板产生裂缝的原因,提出预防措施和处理方法.  相似文献   
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