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库姆塔格沙漠典型线形沙丘粒度特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对库姆塔格沙漠不同区域典型线形沙丘不同地貌部位的表层沉积物进行了粒度分析。结果表明:线形沙丘沙物质组成的优势粒级为中沙、细沙和极细沙,所占比重分别为28.85%、30.92%和25.98%。根据沙丘剖面形态和粒度特征,该沙漠的线形沙丘可分为两大类,第一类剖面形态不对称,沙物质由沙丘两翼底部向脊部逐渐细化、分选变好,分布于沙漠的东北部、中部、南部和西部;第二类剖面形态较为对称,沙物质在两翼中部最细,脊部最粗,坡脚次之,分选性无明显变化规律,分布于沙漠的东部。对这两类线形沙丘粒度特征的形成原因做了探讨,初步认为第一类是沙物质经风选的结果,而第二类则是风选、物源风化等综合影响的结果。  相似文献   
南海环流的一个约化模式   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用约化数值模式研究了黑潮在巴士海峡的流况及受其影响的南海海盆区的环流,结果为:定常的黑潮入流在巴士海峡不易出现显著的环状流动结构,但在海峡西侧诱生一气旋涡,该涡旋达到一定强度时,β因子和侧边界作用使其向西南移动,因此,模式给出的南海环流呈准半年周期的气旋涡现象。动力分析表明,气旋涡因非线性平流作用将黑潮西侧的气旋性切变涡度向南海北部输送所致。模式同时计算了入流方向和流轴位置呈周期性变化时,巴士海峡和南海的流动结构。  相似文献   
毕威高速K103+240~580段路基开挖中边坡出现滑坡。从地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、气象水文和水文地质方面查明滑坡的区域环境。并勘查滑坡的边界条件、形态特征、结构特征和变形破坏特征。在此基础上,讨论边坡变形破坏的成因机制,对边坡稳定性进行定量与定性评价。并依据这些研究和地质条件提出边坡防治建议。  相似文献   
The distribution and circulation of water masses in the region between 6°W and 3°E and between the Antarctic continental shelf and 60°S are analyzed using hydrographic and shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data taken during austral summer 2005/2006 and austral winter 2006. In both seasons two gateways are apparent where Warm Deep Water (WDW) and other water masses enter the Weddell Gyre through the Lazarev Sea: (a) a probably topographically trapped westward, then southwestward circulation around the northwestern edge of Maud Rise with maximum velocities of about 20 cm s−1 and (b) the Antarctic Coastal Current (AntCC), which is confined to the Antarctic continental shelf slope and is associated with maximum velocities of about 25 cm s−1.Along two meridional sections that run close to the top of Maud Rise along 3°E, geostrophic velocity shears were calculated from CTD measurements and referenced to velocity profiles recorded by an ADCP in the upper 300 m. The mean accuracy of the absolute geostrophic velocity is estimated at ±2 cm s−1. The net baroclinic transport across the 3°E section amounts to 20 and 17 Sv westward for the summer and winter season, respectively. The majority of the baroclinic transport, which accounts for ∼60% of the total baroclinic transport during both surveys, occurs north of Maud Rise between 65° and 60°S.However, the comparison between geostrophic estimates and direct velocity measurements shows that the circulation within the study area has a strong barotropic component, so that calculations based on the dynamic method underestimate the transport considerably. Estimation of the net absolute volume transports across 3°E suggests a westward flow of 23.9±19.9 Sv in austral summer and 93.6±20.1 Sv in austral winter. Part of this large seasonal transport variation can be explained by differences in the gyre-scale forcing through wind stress curl.  相似文献   
莱州湾南岸地下卤水高浓度溶解铀及其成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用α能谱法对莱州湾南岸地下卤水中的铀进行分析,发现卤水中溶解铀的浓度范围为3.4~96.0μg/L,80%以上站位卤水铀浓度超过了30μg/L,高于某些铀矿区地下水中铀的浓度。从卤水的形成过程及环境、含水层沉积物的铀含量及地下卤水对沉积物的淋溶作用、地表水下渗等几个方面对高浓度铀的成因进行了分析,发现卤水形成时海水的蒸发浓缩和锰氧化物还原可能是主要成因,藻类的矿化分解使其吸附的大量铀解吸进入地下水也可能是1个重要影响因素。  相似文献   
4~5月南亚高压建立早晚年份环流差异及其可能成因   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用1979~2008年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料和向外长波辐射(OLR)资料分析了4~5月南亚高压在中南半岛上空建立早晚年份的环流差异及可能机理。发现南亚高压建立早晚年,对流层高低层环流形势存在显著差异:在对流层高层,偏早年,菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空反气旋环流中心西移速度快,建立完成后,中南半岛上空南亚高压反气旋环流东西范围较宽,整个建立过程时间较长;偏晚年,建立开始前西太平洋上空无闭合的反气旋性环流中心,建立完成后,中南半岛上空南亚高压反气旋环流东西范围较窄,整个建立过程时间较短;在对流层低层,南亚高压建立早晚年风场和海平面气压场都呈现反相的分布形势,与之相联系的Walker环流强度也存在明显差异。中南半岛上空反气旋环流中心生成早晚与中南半岛地区对流建立发展关系密切,当中南半岛地区对流建立发展早时,中南半岛上空反气旋环流中心生成早;反之对流建立发展晚时,中南半岛上空反气旋环流中心生成晚,且中南半岛对流活跃稍早于南亚高压在该地区建立。菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空反气旋环流中心的西移快慢及有无闭合环流中心出现受该区域上空的上升运动和大气非绝热加热作用影响。当菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空的反气旋环流中心西移稳定至130°~145°E这一区域后,非绝热加热的垂直变化对该环流中心的维持及消亡起主要作用。由于前期冬春季节热带太平洋海温的异常分布,引起了后期Walker环流的强弱变化,进而影响了中南半岛至菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空的大气热力状况及上升运动,最终导致南亚高压建立期间环流的演变差异。  相似文献   
宋世杰  陈师逊  杨芳 《探矿工程》2014,41(2):26-28,32
钻探施工中出现的孔内事故,绝大多数与人的主观因素有关,纯自然事故比较少见。针对三山岛海上金矿勘查工程ZK3410钻孔发生的一起严重孔壁坍塌事故,对其事故原因进行了详细的分析,并采取了一系列的处理措施,增大冲洗液浓度,增强护壁效果;扫孔和清除孔内坍塌物,采用特殊钻具捞取沉淀物,直至孔壁稳定,孔底清洁,钻进正常。实践证明,操作人员的主观意识对预防孔内事故的发生是至关重要的。  相似文献   
四川紫色土退化及其防治   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
四川紫色土的物理性退化、构造性退化,以及营养性退化中的氮素贫化、有效磷缺乏和有机质贫化等都比较严重。这主要受母质、生态和侵蚀等因素的影响。防治紫色土退化的措施有:重建紫色土生态保护系统,改土培肥以增强土壤“体质”和实施保护性耕作等。划分出四川紫色土退化防治区,并分区提出了防治途径。  相似文献   
Mechanism of the Spring Persistent Rains over southeastern China   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
The Spring Persistent Rains (SPR) in the areas to the south of middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River or over southeastern China (SEC) is a unique synoptic and climatic phenomenon in East Asia. This study reveals a possible mechanism responsible for the climatic cause of SPR formation through climatic mean data analysis and sensitive numerical model experiments. SEC is located at the down-stream of the southwesterly velocity center (SWVC) which lies on the southeastern flank of the Tibetan Plateau (TP). As a result, there are strong southwesterly wind velocity convergence and moisture con-vergence over SEC. This is the immediate climatic cause of SPR formation. In spring, the seasonal evolution of the southwesterly velocity consists with the surface sensible heating over southeastern TP, indicating that the formation of SPR is related to not only the southwesterly wind of mechanical de-flected flow of TP, but also the southwesterly wind of thermal-forced cyclonic low circulation. Sensitive numerical experiments demonstrate that, without TP, both SWVC and the SPR rain belt will disappear. The southwesterly wind velocity increases almost linearly with the amount of the total diabatic heating with TP rising. Therefore, SWVC is the result of the mechanical forcing and thermal forcing of TP. All these strongly suggest that the presence of TP plays a primary role in the climatic formation of SPR.  相似文献   
2013年3月19日江西省冰雹天气成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用常规观测资料和卫星、雷达、自动站等非常规观测资料以及NCEP再分析资料,对2013年3月19日江西省大范围冰雹天气过程形成原因进行分析。结果表明,该过程是在有利的环境条件下发生的:对流层中低层强热力不稳定和强动力不稳定为冰雹生成和增长提供了不稳定机制;暖湿边界层偏南风急流和低层西南急流以及中层“干”西南急流对热力不稳定和动力不稳定机制发展有重要贡献;适宜的0℃层和-20℃层高度有利于冰雹增长。江西北部冰雹天气是在边界层有锋面逆温的条件下发生的,为“高架雷暴”类对流,南部冰雹天气是在边界层有较强暖平流的条件下发生的,为非“高架雷暴”类对流,两类对流的边界层温度层结分布差异明显。与历史同类个例比较发现,假相当位温垂直变化不仅能表征条件不稳定发展程度,对雷雨大风类强对流天气的判断也有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
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