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利用RADARSAT-1数据提取海水养殖区面积   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
樊建勇  黄海军  樊辉  郜昂 《海洋科学》2005,29(10):44-47
利用2001年胶州湾RADARSAT-1数据,探讨了SAR影像在海水养殖面积监测方面的可行性。选择适当成像参数、天气与海况等环境条件下成像的遥感数据,进行SAR影像的几何校正、图像增强等图像处理,提取养殖区面积信息。选取胶州湾西北部大沽河口至红岛间的海域作为实验区,对处理后的影像进行养殖区面积的提取,结合常规调查数据对该海域养殖类型变迁分析,结果表明1999到2001年间有4.634×106m2海域由底播养殖区转变成水面养殖区。  相似文献   
当观测资料的数据量少而又存在多个相互影响或关联的变量时,常用的灰色预测模型GM(1,1)不能全面考虑多个变量。为此,采用自适应MGM(1,n)模型—多变量灰色预测模型,较好地解决了这一问题。针对一些地区气象数据较少甚至缺失的情况,以内蒙古正蓝旗的气象资料用Penman-Monteith计算的参考作物蒸散量(ET0)为研究对象,运用灰色系统理论建立MGM(1,3)模型,模拟预测参考作物蒸散量变化规律,并与GM(1,1)模型和BP神经网络模型比较,结果表明MGM(1,3)模型有较好的预测效果。  相似文献   
利用高分一号卫星数据建立小尺度CASA-NPP估算模型,反演及监测草原露天煤矿区草地NPP空间分布格局,以及煤矿区内部复垦植被的NPP与表层土壤之间的关系。利用归一化植被指数、归一化水体指数等获取CASA模型有效光辐射参数、水分胁迫系数等,从而简化并改进小尺度CASA模型,遥感反演数据与实测样点数据拟合度达到0.94。结果表明,该模型能够高精度地完成小区域NPP估测。从利用CASA模型反演得到的NPP空间格局可以看出,这一地区的植被退化以采矿、放牧等人类活动为主导,原地貌区域围栏的典型草甸草原NPP在300~400 gC/m2· yr 之间,高于放牧区域 NPP,矿区内 NPP 空间变化显著,矿区内部 NPP 低于100 gC/m2· yr,明显低于周边原地貌地区。对于矿区复垦排土场区域,复垦年限和表土的养分是决定植被生长和NPP的主要因素。研究得出国产高分卫星数据可以高精度地完成小尺度NPP的估测,从而为其在草原地区以及矿山环境中监测提供了研究基础。  相似文献   
由于1∶500与1∶5 000两种比例尺地形图中等高线的技术指标差别极大,因此要实现从1∶500到1∶5 000地形图的缩编,如何在保证质量的前提下高效地对等高线进行缩编,是一个难度很大的技术问题。文章通过探索和实验,总结出基于GeoTIN的等高线缩编技术方法,这种方法在实际生产中被证明是有效的、可靠的和具有实用性的。  相似文献   
首都地区规划建设工作主要分布于平原松散地层之上,第四纪地质研究显得尤为重要。依托近几年来在北京地区开展的平原覆盖区1:5万区域地质调查和活动断裂专项调查项目成果,系统总结了平原区第四纪区域地质调查与评价的主要工作手段和技术方法,及其在解决第四纪基础地质问题及生态环境中所起的作用。通过平原区区域地质调查工作,可查明第四纪精细地质结构、含水层分布特征,精确厘定活动断裂位置及其活动时限,探讨自然环境演化序列与人类活动关系等,为城市规划、重大工程建设和应急水源地水资源合理开采提供基础地学数据。研究成果对首都城市减灾防灾、生态环境演变研究具有重要地学支撑作用。  相似文献   
The geophysical model function (GMF) describes the relationship between backscattering and sea surface wind, so that wind vec- tors can be retrieved from backscattering measurement. The GMF plays an important role in ocean wind vector retrievals, its performance will directly influence the accuracy of the retrieved wind vector. Neural network (NN) approach is used to develop a unified GMF for C-band and Ku-band (NN-GMF). Empirical GMF CMOIM and QSCAT-1 are used to generate the simulated training data-set, and Gaussian noise at a signal noise ratio of 30 dB is added to the data-set to simulate the noise in the backscat- tering measurement. The NN-GMF employs radio frequency as an additional parameter, so it can be applied for both C-band and Ku-band. Analyses show that the %predicted by the NN-GMF is comparable with the σpredicted by CMOIM and QSCAT-1. Also the wind vectors retrieved from the NN-GMF and empirical GMF CMOIM and QSCAT-1 are comparable, indicating that the NN-GMF is as effective as the empirical GMF, and has the advantages of the universal form.  相似文献   
In this study we examine physiological responses of Peruvian hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) to changes in their population structure and physical environment during the period 1971–2004. In particular, we assess the relative investment of energy in growth and/or reproduction of small (20–35 cm) and large (35–50 cm) hake. We calculated the (i) condition (Fulton’s K), (ii) gonad and (iii) gut fullness indices for 42,761 female hakes sampled from commercial landings; these indices indicate fish somatic, reproductive and feeding condition, respectively. Using Generalized Additive Models we then examined potential relationships between these indices and sea surface temperature anomalies and date. Drastic energy exhaustion and a decrease in female hake fecundity were observed during El Niño events. The long-term trend showed a general increase in condition factor and a decrease in gonad index for large hake between 1971 and 2004. Small hake exhibited a different trend with an increase in reproductive activity, which was accompanied by an earlier maturation. We hypothesise that the observed low investment of energy in reproduction by large female hake might be related to the lack of large males, due to a sex-selective fishery and the impact of El Niño. We suggest that fishing diminished hake reproductive capacity, modified the sex ratio in favour of females and increased population vulnerability to environmental stress, in particular to the El Niño. The impact of multidecadal variability and predators like the squid, Dosidicus gigas, remain unresolved until longer time series become available.  相似文献   
采用PCR扩增和序列测定等技术,对远洋梭子蟹Portunus pelagicus核rDNA的第一内转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer 1,ITS-1)的基因片段进行了初步研究。经PCR扩增和序列测定,得到ITS-1基因片段的碱基序列。该物种ITS-1基因片段的大小为552 bp,碱基A、T、G和C的含量分别为23.00%、25.54%、23.91%和27.54%。同时还对近年来ITS-1在十足目动物分子系统学研究中的应用作一概述并列举了已测出ITS-1序列的十足目动物种类。  相似文献   
对称模式下的CHAMP弯曲角掩星数据同化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简单介绍了无线电掩星技术探测行星大气的发展史,列举了该技术中存在的若干问题。从 Eyre提出的统计学的最优估计反演方法,比较了用相位、弯曲角和折射率作为同化因子时出现的问题和各自的优缺点。对弯曲角同化因子,以欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)资料为背景场,运用一维变分技术,进行CHAMP掩星观测资料变分同化反演,从而获得水汽和温度剖面。将反演获得的气象剖面与非同化的剖面作比较,并且采用相应的探空气球资料作为验证,可以看出变分同化技术比传统的标准反演技术反演误差小。证实掩星数据资料的一维变分同化技术可以改进目前的数值天气预报模式。  相似文献   
Using the All-Sky Monitor (ASM, 1.5–12–kev) data of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) from January 1996 to May 2005, we have made a detailed analysis of the correlation between photon-count rate and spectral hardness ratio HR2 (5–12 keV/3–5 keV) of the black-hole candidate X-ray binary Cyg X-1 in 3 energy bands, namely the A-band (1.5–3 keV), B-band (3–5 keV) and Cband (5–12 keV). By the study on the ASM data of 1-day time scale, we find: (1) When Cyg X-1 is in the soft state, the A-band photon-count rate and hardness ratio HR2 exhibit an anticorrelation, but in B-band and C-band there appears the positive correlation. When Cyg X-1 is in hard state, the photon-count rates in the A,B,C bands are all inversely correlated with the hardness ratio HR2; (2) No matter whether Cyg X-1 is in the soft state or the hard state, the hardness ratios HR2 and HR1 are always positively correlated. In addition, we have analyzed the “dwell by dwell” data of the ASM, and obtained the following interesting results: (1) In the period of MJD = 52600–52760 (while Cyg X-1 is in the hard state), the photon-count rates in the A-band and B-band are inversely correlated with HR2, but in the C-band there appears a relatively strong positive correlation; (2) During the hard state, a clear anticorrelation exists between the hardness ratios HR2 and HR1.  相似文献   
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