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赵生昊  杨磊 《气象科技》2016,44(5):822-827
利用2008—2013年MODIS 3级数据土地覆盖类型产品MCD12Q1及重庆市ADTD闪电定位资料,以重庆市内106°~107°E,29°~30°N范围的矩形区域为研究区域,结合频次、强度、时段、地貌等要素对局地内的地表覆盖种类与地闪分布关系进行了研究,结果表明:研究区内地闪分布在各地表覆盖种类上差异显著,在水域、农田、城镇上的闪电密度都高于平均值;地闪中轻中度闪电、强闪电的分布在同一地表覆盖种类上的差异明显,强闪电更易产生于水域、林地种类上;同一地表覆盖种类上地闪分布与季节的关系不明显;地闪活动在某些地表覆盖种类上的昼夜分布具有明显差异;植被覆盖面上的地闪分布与地貌条件关系密切,同一类覆盖面上的强闪电比例与海拔高度呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
Atmospheric electrification is not a purely terrestrial phenomenon: all Solar System planetary atmospheres become slightly electrified by cosmic ray ionisation. There is evidence for lightning on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and it is possible on Mars, Venus and Titan. Controversy surrounds the role of atmospheric electricity in physical climate processes on Earth; here, a comparative approach is employed to review the role of electrification in the atmospheres of other planets and their moons. This paper reviews the theory, and, where available, measurements, of planetary atmospheric electricity which is taken to include ion production and ion–aerosol interactions. The conditions necessary for a planetary atmospheric electric circuit similar to Earth’s, and the likelihood of meeting these conditions in other planetary atmospheres, are briefly discussed. Atmospheric electrification could be important throughout the solar system, particularly at the outer planets which receive little solar radiation, increasing the relative significance of electrical forces. Nucleation onto atmospheric ions has been predicted to affect the evolution and lifetime of haze layers on Titan, Neptune and Triton. Atmospheric electrical processes on Titan, before the arrival of the Huygens probe, are summarised. For planets closer to Earth, heating from solar radiation dominates atmospheric circulations. However, Mars may have a global circuit analogous to the terrestrial model, but based on electrical discharges from dust storms. There is an increasing need for direct measurements of planetary atmospheric electrification, in particular on Mars, to assess the risk for future unmanned and manned missions. Theoretical understanding could be increased by cross-disciplinary work to modify and update models and parameterisations initially developed for a specific atmosphere, to make them more broadly applicable to other planetary atmospheres.  相似文献   
雷暴中的闪电放电能够产生强静电场以及电磁辐射场,从而对空间电离层产生重要影响,引起电离层电子密度分布的扰动。研究表明:闪电放电引起电离层扰动的方式有两种:直接耦合和间接耦合。其中,直接耦合主要来自于闪电产生的准静电场及电磁场的作用,在甚低频 (VLF) 反射信号上表现出快VLF事件, 而间接耦合主要是闪电低频电磁波在传播过程中与磁层相互作用,在辐射带产生闪电诱导电子沉降 (LEP) 现象。雷暴闪电活动能够改变电离层从D层到F层的电子密度分布,影响对流层大气和电离层之间的场,导致中高层瞬态放电淘气精灵 (elves) 及红闪 (sprite) 等现象的激发。闪电VLF传输反射信号可用于反演电离层密度的变化,目前已成为一种探测电离层扰动的常用方法,而引起电离层扰动的强度不但和闪电放电参量密切相关,也和闪电放电过程、类型有关。该文重点阐述了闪电放电与电离层直接耦合和间接耦合作用以及导致的相关现象。  相似文献   
为了使雷电临近预警技术在雷电灾害防御业务中更好地发挥作用,针对电子系统的雷电灾害特点,在传统被动防雷技术基础上,提出基于雷电临近预警的主动防雷技术,应用雷电临近预警和远程控制等技术,开发以B/S结构为架构的雷电临近预警应用系统。对2013年8月—2014年8月福建省泉州市4个无线电监测站的主动防雷应用效果进行两种方法的预警效果检验。检验结果表明:主动防雷技术是对被动防雷技术的一个较好的完善和补充。采用闪电数量对比分析,4个监测站的有效预警率为69%,采用预报评分方法对比分析,4个监测站的平均准确率为53%,对雷电活动发生较为集中的区域预警效果较好,对雷电活动发生较为零散的区域预警效果有所降低。  相似文献   
为了研究起伏海面对雷电电磁传播的影响,本文利用Barrick表面阻抗理论和Wait近似算法,采用改进二维分形海面模型模拟起伏海面,利用数值模式,分析起伏海面的雷电电磁传播特征,并进一步讨论了起伏海面对时差法闪电定位系统定位精度的影响。结果表明:起伏海面对垂直电场和磁场的峰值的影响不显著,但会引起波形的上升期时间的延长,浪高越大,影响越明显;随着观测距离的增加,雷电垂直电场波形的上升时间逐渐变长;风速的变化与雷电垂直电场波形的上升时间成正比;由于海面起伏引起雷电电磁场波形在传播中的变化会影响基于时差法闪电定位系统的定位精度,定位误差可达几至十几公里。  相似文献   
一次雷击事故成因分析及其防御措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对2007年8月7日钦州市某制药厂综合楼遭受一次严重的雷击事故的成因分析,找出其存在的问题和误区,并针对发现的问题提出有效的整改防御措施。  相似文献   
通过对计算机信息系统的检测及其避雷装置的安装实践,总结了一些操作要领和技巧,并结合工作中的体会对新的防雷技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   
The development of a new observational system called LISDAD (Lightning Imaging Sensor Demonstration and Display) has enabled a study of severe weather in central Florida. The total flash rates for storms verified to be severe are found to exceed 60 fpm, with some values reaching 500 fpm. Similar to earlier results for thunderstorm microbursts, the peak flash rate precedes the severe weather at the ground by 5–20 min. A distinguishing feature of severe storms is the presence of lightning ‘jumps' — abrupt increases in flash rate in advance of the maximum rate for the storm. The systematic total lightning precursor to severe weather of all kinds — wind, hail, tornadoes — is interpreted in terms of the updraft that sows the seeds aloft for severe weather at the surface and simultaneously stimulates the ice microphysics that drives the intracloud lightning activity.  相似文献   
低纬高原一次飑线过程的地闪演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹丽云  张杰  张腾飞  许迎杰 《高原气象》2012,31(4):1100-1109
利用雷电定位资料、多普勒雷达资料和FY-2E红外卫星资料,分析了滇西南一次典型飑线过程的地闪变化特征。结果表明,这是一次由切变线云带内的对流单体与台风外围对流单体合并形成的典型飑线过程。在飑线发展初期,负地闪占主导地位,地闪频数在波动中缓慢增加;在飑线成熟阶段,地闪频数较高,负地闪频数达到最大峰值前10~15min,正地闪出现最大峰值;在飑线减弱阶段,地闪频数急速下降,正地闪所占比例急剧增加,当正地闪所占比例超过地闪总数的8%以上时,地闪活动开始呈减弱特征。负地闪主要发生在强对流区(>40dBz),对应着径向速度场上的辐合区,密集的正地闪发生在飑线成熟阶段,对应着辐合区附近>40dBz的强回波区域,稀疏的正地闪发生在强回波外围的云砧或稳定性降水部位。在飑线整个发展阶段,-10℃,-20℃层高度上雷达回波强度的每一次跳跃变化都对应着地闪频数的跳跃发展,且-10℃和-20℃层高度上雷达回波强度总在地闪频数变化之前6~30min。负地闪集中出现在-92~-90℃和-76~-74℃的云区,而正地闪集中发生在-90~-60℃的云区。  相似文献   
利用雷电定位系统进行电网雷击故障快速查询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At present, lightning is one of the 10 natural disasters, and it is also the top environmental factor of power interruption. It often causes huge losses to the electric system. The Wuhan High Voltage Institute of the State Grid Corporation of China and Huazhong University of Science and Technology have been researching and developing lightning location systems (LLSs) since the late 1980s. In the mid-1990s, a lightning detection network was created in 29 provinces and cities in China. It is primarily applied to rapidly find lightning accidents, which greatly reduces power interruption. Also, it ensures high efficiency and safe operation of the electricity system. Remarkable benefit is achieved. China's LLS went through an "orientation positioning - time difference positioning - integrated positioning" development process. The positioning precision, detection efficiency, degree of automation, practicability and applied range are improved. Also, a lightning information system plan of the national network has been implemented, which services the whole society.  相似文献   
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