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Land degradation is becoming a serious problem in the west coast region of India where one of the world's eight biodiversity hotspots,the‘Western Ghats’,is present.Poor land management practices and high rainfall have led to increasing problems associated with land degradation.A long-term(13-year)experiment was done to evaluate the impact of soil and water conservation measures on soil carbon sequestration and soil quality at three different depths under cashew nut cultivation on a 19%slope.Five soil and water conservation measures-continuous contour trenches,staggered contour trenches,halfmoon terraces,semi-elliptical trenches,and graded trenches all with vegetative barriers of Stylosanthes scabra and Vetiveria zizanoides and control were evaluated for their influence on soil properties,carbon sequestration,and soil quality under cashews.The soil and water conservation measures improved significantly the soil organic carbon,soil organic carbon stock,carbon sequestration rate and microbial activity compared to the control condition(without any measures).Among the measures tested,continuous contour trenches with vegetative barriers outperformed the others with respect to soil organic carbon stock,sequestration rate,and microbial activity.The lower metabolic quotient with the measures compared to the control indicated alleviation of environmental stress on microbes.Using principal component analysis and a correlation matrix,a minimum dataset was identified as the soil available nitrogen,bulk density,basal soil respiration,soil pH,acid phosphatase activity,and soil available boron and these were the most important soil properties controlling the soil quality.Four soil quality indices using two summation methods(additive and weighted)and two scoring methods(linear and non-linear)were developed using the minimum dataset.A linear weighted soil quality index was able to statistically differentiate the effect of soil and water conservation measures from that of the control.The highest value of the soil quality index of 0.98 was achieved with continuous contour trenches with a vegetative barrier.The results of the study indicate that soil and water conservation measures for cashews are a potential strategy to improve the soil carbon sequestration and soil quality along with improving crop productivity and reducing the erosion losses.  相似文献   
The degradation of permafrost stability in China over the past 30 years is evaluated using a new, high-resolution near-surface air temperature reanalysis dataset. Results show that the permafrost extent clearly decreased by 22% from 1980 to 2010, that is, a loss of 12.684;104 km2. The degradation occurred not only in the transition regions between permafrost and seasonally frozen ground, but also and more importantly, in the interior of the permafrost regions. The degradation in the interior of permafrost regions accounted for 87% of the total degraded areas. The degradation occurred mainly during the 1980s to 1990s in the northeast permafrost area and the Qilian Mountains, and during the 1990s to 2000s in most areas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). This degradation will have systemic impacts on engineered infrastructures in permafrost regions, the water balance, and the global carbon budget. A more robust physical model should be used to evaluate the permafrost thermal stability at finer resolution in the future.  相似文献   
在风浪流等环境条件的共同作用下,浮式海洋平台会在六自由度方向上进行摇荡运动,进而对海上作业安全构成了严峻的威胁。准确的运动极短期预报,可以作为输入条件,提高运动补偿装置的性能;另一方面也可以提供及时的实时预警信息,指导安全作业。深度学习算法是指模型通过对现有的数据进行学习,在大量的训练后使得其能够提取到数据的特征,进而能够根据输入数据对未来进行预测。通过对若干海洋平台的模型试验数据进行学习,建立了基于长短期记忆神经网络(LSTM)的深度学习模型。模型实现了对未来20~40 s内的垂荡和纵荡运动的精确预报,预报精度总体可达到80%~90%以上,并以此对模型的输入、输出窗口长度以及波浪相位差开展了敏感性研究。通过多平台混合训练得到了输入、输出窗口长度以及波浪相位差三者间的合适比例关系,并以此为基础拓展了预报时间长度,为深度神经网络模型给出了推荐的构型参考。  相似文献   
Based on the collection and processing of the China national-wide monthly station observational precipitation data in 1900-2009,the data series for each station has been tested for their homogeneity with the Standard Normalized Homogeneity Test(SNHT) method and the inhomogeneous parts of the series are adjusted or corrected.Based on the data,the precipitation anomalies during 1900-2009 and the climatology normals during 1971-2000 have been transformed into the grid boxes at 5°×5° and 2°×2° resolutions respectively.And two grid form datasets are constructed by combining the normal and anomalies.After that,the missing values for the 5°×5° grid dataset are interpolated by Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF) techniques.With the datasets of different resolutions,the precipitation change series during 1900-2009 over China's mainland are built,and the annual and seasonal precipitation trends for the recent 110 years are analyzed.The result indicates that the annual precipitation shows a slight dryer trend during the past 110 years,notwithstanding lack of statistical confidence.It is worth noting that after the interpolation of the missing values,the annual precipitation amounts in the early 1900s become less,which increases the changing trend of the annual precipitation in China for the whole 110 years slightly(from-7.48 mm/100a to-6.48 mm/100a).  相似文献   
比较传统的数据管理模式,采用文件系统+数据库系统存储管理模式。广东省“一张图”影像数据以Mr-SID的压缩形式存储,并通过ArcGIS的镶嵌数据集,完成影像数据和元数据的入库,解决了省级海量影像数据管理和应用的技术瓶颈,实践证明该管理方式可行。  相似文献   
利用1979—2006年云南及周边地区148个测站月降水资料 (简称为STN) 与APHRO (日本APHRODITE高分辨率逐日亚洲陆地降水数据集)、GPCC (全球降水气候中心的月降水合成数据)、CRU (英国East Anglia大学提供的月降水要素数据集)、CMAP (雨量资料与卫星估计及NCEP/NCAR再分析降水场合并分析月数据)、GPCP (全球降水气候中心研制的全球陆地雨量计观测分析月数据) 5套格点降水资料,分析了云南及周边地区气候特征。结果表明:5套格点降水资料空间分布与STN基本一致。EOF第1模态空间场分布也表明:这5套格点降水资料与STN空间分布特征较为一致,但5套格点降水资料在滇南、滇西北、滇川黔交界的3个区域的分布与STN有较大不同,各套资料的EOF第1模态时间序列、与STN的相关系数及均方根误差均随时间不同呈较为一致的波动性;在降水空间分布、相关系数及均方根误差3个方面,APHRO适用性最好,GPCC次之,CMAP与GPCP无明显差别,CRU最差,其中APHRO,GPCC在对降水估计偏低,CRU对降水估计总体略高,CMAP略低,GPCP对降水估计则明显偏高。  相似文献   
基于我国首颗全极化雷达卫星高分三号(GF-3)和Landsat8数据,研究浓密植被覆盖地表土壤水分反演方法。为了提高浓密植被覆盖地表土壤水分反演精度,首先利用PROSAIL模型、实测植被参数及Landsat8光学数据分析了8种植被指数与植被冠层含水量的相关性,从中优选出归一化差异水指数(NDWI5)用于反演植被冠层含水量,并通过分析植被含水量和植被冠层含水量的关系,构建植被含水量模型;然后结合植被含水量反演模型和简化MIMICS模型校正了植被对雷达后向散射系数的影响,最后基于AIEM建立裸土后向散射系数模拟数据集,发展一种主动微波和光学数据协同反演浓密植被覆盖地表土壤水分模型,并以山东省禹城市为研究区,实现了玉米覆盖下HH、VV和HH+VV 3种模式土壤水分反演。实验结果表明: ① NDWI5为最佳植被指数,对于去除植被影响有较好效果;② 基于此方法,利用GF-3和Landsat8卫星数据反演得到的土壤水分具有较高的精度;③ 相比HH和VV两种极化模式,HH+VV双通道模式对土壤水分反演结果更好,决定系数(R2)为0.4037,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.0667 m 3m -3。  相似文献   
本数据集为2017年在海南省龙门市幅开展的1:50 000环境地质调查的调查信息、水文地质钻孔、地下水采样及化学成分测试结果,包含机民井点221个,泉点21个,地表水点7个,水文地质钻孔10个,进尺808.77 m,地下水全分析采样点56个。调查点符合规范要求,钻探施工质量可靠,采样过程规范,测试均由符合资质要求的实验室完成,数据质量可靠。数据集可以真实反映该时段龙门市幅水文地质环境地质条件,并依托调查成果,为地方圈定1处地下水后备水源地,可有效缓解季节性缺水问题,为科学合理利用地下水资源提供依据。  相似文献   
基于FY-2E气象卫星相当黑体亮度温度(TBB)和云分类数据(CLC)及全球闪电探测网(WWLLN)闪电数据,通过对TBB不超过-32℃的云区进行椭圆拟合,定义1 h内上述云区或椭圆区域有WWLLN闪电发生的个例为雷暴云,获得雷暴云时间、位置、形态、结构、闪电活动等特征参量,构建雷暴云特征数据集,并基于该数据集初步分析了我国陆地和毗邻海域的雷暴活动特征。研究表明:我国华南、西南、青藏高原东、中部和南海雷暴最为活跃,华北和东北地区是北方雷暴活动较强的区域。雷暴活动时间变化海陆差异明显,陆地雷暴活动峰值出现在6—8月,南海雷暴活动一个峰值出现在5月左右,另一峰值出现在8月后,且纬度越低出现越晚。陆地大部分地区雷暴活动在14:00—20:00(北京时)达到峰值,毗邻海域雷暴活动峰值主要出现在早上。雷暴云TBB不超过-32℃面积符合对数正态分布,峰值区间位于1×103~1×104 km2,平均值为3.0×104 km2。南海雷暴云面积最大,陆地上大于雷暴云面积平均值1.2×105 km2的区域主要分布于我国地形的第一阶梯和柴达木盆地。  相似文献   
马震  夏雨波  王小丹  韩博  高伊航 《中国地质》2019,46(S2):123-129
雄安新区位于太行山以东平原区,100 m以浅地层以冲洪积冲湖积砂层和黏土层为主,工程地质条件良好。中国地质调查局组织实施了工程地质勘查工作,获取了百余个钻孔的地层、标贯、测试等地质数据,形成了雄安新区工程地质勘查技术方法体系,建立了工程地质钻孔数据库及三维模型,为雄安新区规划建设提供了有力支撑。本文从工程地质钻探数据获取、数据集成方法、地质资料处理技术等方面进行了整理和归纳,利用三维可视化软件建立工程地质三维结构模型。以雄安新区工程地质勘查数据集应用的实例,为城市地质调查和数据集处理及应用提供参考。  相似文献   
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