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Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are classified and investigated through a statistical analysis of composite radar reflectivity data and station observations during June and July 2010-2012. The number of linear-mode MCSs is slightly larger than the number of nonlinear-mode MCSs. Eight types of linear-mode MCSs are identified: trailing stratiform MCSs (TS), leading stratiform MCSs (LS), training line/adjoining stratiform MCSs (TL/AS), back-building/quasi-stationary MCSs (BB), parallel stratiform MCSs (PS), bro- ken line MCSs (BL), embedded line MCSs (EL), and long line MCSs (LL). Six of these types have been identified in previous studies, but EL and LL MCSs are described for the first time by this study. TS, LS, PS, and BL MCSs are all moving systems, while TL/AS, BB, EL, and LL MCSs are quasi-stationary. The average duration of linear-mode MCSs is more than 7 h. TL/AS and TS MCSs typically have the longest durations. Linear-mode MCSs often develop close to the Yangtze River, especially over low-lying areas and river valleys. The diurnal cycle of MCS initiation over the Yangtze River valley contains multiple peaks. The vertical distribution of environmental wind is decomposed into storm-relative perpendicular and parallel wind components. The environmental wind field is a key factor in determining the organizational mode of a linear-mode MCS.  相似文献   
GIS认知与数据组织研究初步   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
GIS数据组织是GIS的核心和关键问题之一,其对象来源于现实世界的地理现象或客观实体,必须对现实世界进行抽象和表达。因此,建立GIS的过程是以认知科学为基础、以计算机为手段,对地理空间数据进行有效组织的过程,这一过程是以地理空间认知为桥梁,对现实世界的地理现象进行逐步抽象,通过一层层具有不同抽象程度的空间概念来实现的。  相似文献   
数字地球网格计算雏议   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
数字地球将为人类提供关于我们地球的海量自然和人文数据与信息 ,是我们生活的行星的一个多分辨率 ,四维虚拟表达。网格计算被认为是解决数字地球问题的最好方法。数字地球问题的解决必须通过异构的计算资源 ,信息系统 ,设备 ,人之间的相互协作 ,而这些都是地理位置或组织结构分散的。本文介绍我们在生成用于解决数字地球问题的核心中间件的研究工作以及结果。因为网格计算本身是一门比较新的领域 ,网格计算与数字地球的有机结合将为数字地球提供一个全新的计算工具  相似文献   
The formative conditions for bedform spurs and their roles in bedform dynamics and associated sediment transport are described herein. Bedform spurs are formed by helical vortices that trail from the lee surface of oblique segments of bedform crest lines. Trailing helical vortices quickly route sediment away from the lee surface of their parent bedform, scouring troughs and placing this bed material into the body of the spur. The geometric configuration of bedform spurs to their parent bedform crests is predicted by a cross‐stream Strouhal number. When present, spur‐bearing bedforms and their associated trailing helical wakes exert tremendous control on bedform morphology by routing enhanced sediment transport between adjacent bedforms. Field measurements collected at the North Loup River, Nebraska, and flume experiments described in previous studies demonstrate that this trailing helical vortex‐mediated sediment transport is a mechanism for bedform deformation, interactions and transitions between two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional bedforms.  相似文献   
从3维电子地图的研究意义着手,分析了目前3维电子地图系统的研究与应用现状。针对不同用户对象的需求,将3维电子地图系统具体划分为设计系统和浏览系统两部分,并在此基础之上详细阐述了3维电子地图系统的总体结构。此外,重点讨论了3维场景的数据组织方式及其调用策略,最后详细阐述了设计系统和浏览系统的各个功能模块。  相似文献   
The proposed MTB is a process to expedite the implementation of international standards and regulations, and the subsequent testing, certification, and regulatory approval of new ballast water treatment ("control") technologies. This would expedite their acceptance in the global marketplace and reduce risks of shipowners following international regulation. The cost to test and evaluate and certify new ballast water treatment technologies for the global marketplace has been estimated to be less than US $1 per day per ship. It is time for the shipping industry, national regulatory bodies, and IMO to endorse the concept of the MTB and for the shipping industry to support a proactive cost-saving solution for sustainable shipping and protecting the environment from unwanted invasions of aquatic species with their potential negative impacts.  相似文献   
中国可持续发展信息共享是我国为探索国家层次上信息共享的示范,旨在向政府部门与社会公众提供可持续发展各专题的数据与信息服务,数据仓库的建设是实现信息共享与服务的支撑和基础。本文首先通过数据提取、数据转化、数据清洗以及创建元数据和数据字典等步骤,对多源异构的中国可持续发展数据进行了体系化扩展和标准化改造,为数据进入仓库奠定了基础。之后通过一套新颖的数据多维组织模式,即基于可持续发展信息分类与编码的数据组织、基于元数据和数据字典的数据组织、基于空间和时间的数据组织及面向数据集市的部门级数据组织这四种方式的综合应用,实现了海量可持续发展数据的组织和管理,建立了一个集中式的可持续发展数据仓库。最后介绍了数据仓库管理平台,并对基于该数据仓库的可持续发展数据共享和网络服务进行了展示。中国可持续发展数据仓库的建立为中国可持续发展信息共享和服务提供了良好数据基础,对国家级大型信息共享工程的建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
根据布尔代数的定义和充要条件,结合地图符号示冽,论证了地图符号系统是布尔代数系;阐述了地图符号系统的多层结构原理;通过在地图符号系统中定义等价关系建立层次的方法,探讨了机助地图制图中通过多层次代数运算建构地图内容的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   
关于建设地震紧急救援队伍有关问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对建立专业和社会多级地震紧急救援力量的必要性、作用、任务、组建形式以及灾害综合应急管理等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
新技术对测绘未来发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间技术和信息技术的飞速发展对测绘部门的未来将产生一系列的影响。本文从空间定位系统、高分辨率遥感、地理信息系统、计算机网络等技术在测绘活动中的作用和高新技术发展特点,分析新技术对测绘部门未来的需求结构、生产技术结构和生产组织结构等方面的影响。  相似文献   
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