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新亚欧大陆桥新疆段暴雨灾变事件的灰色预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对新亚欧大陆桥新疆段水害严重区段暴雨灾变事件的分析,确定暴雨灾变事件的临界雨强,并运用灰色灾变预测方法,根据暴雨灾变序列确立相应的灾变年份序列,运用GM(1,1)模型,分别求出灾变年份序列的GM(1,1)序号响应式和灾变年份预测式。  相似文献   
桥梁施工检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚连璧  沈云中 《现代测绘》2004,27(2):22-24,27
在桥梁施工过程中经常需要对各施下部件的位置进行检测,本文结合海瑞大桥安全性检测工作,讨论了桥梁施工检测过程中控制网布设、GPS-RTK桥桩放样和承台中心位置及高程测量、墩台中心及台项高程的全站仪测量方法,为GPS-RTK结合全站仪进行桥梁检测提供了有益的案例。  相似文献   
详细介绍了现代大型桥梁施工控制网的建立方法和要求,具体的是选点与埋石、坐标系选择、投影面选择三方面问题,并分析讨论了施工控制网维护的基本原则和要求。  相似文献   
潘永坚 《山地学报》2004,22(4):467-471
舟山大陆连岛工程西堠门大桥为一主跨跨度1650m的悬索桥,其北塔位于海中的老虎山上。因老虎山山体略显单薄,山体受数条断层及其他构造裂隙的影响,整体完整性中等到一般。在大量现场地质调查基础上,对老虎山南侧天然边坡稳定性进行分析研究,并提出相应加固建议措施。  相似文献   
This paper presents a new identification technique for the extraction of modal parameters of structural systems subjected to base excitation. The technique uses output‐only measurements of the structural response. A combined subspace‐maximum likelihood algorithm is developed and applied to a three‐degree‐of‐freedom simulation model. Five ensembles of synthetically generated input signals, representing varying input characteristics, are employed in Monte Carlo simulations to illustrate the applicability of the method. The technique is able to circumvent some of the difficulties arising from short data sets by employing the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to refine the subspace state estimates. This approach is motivated by successful application by previous authors on speech signals. Results indicate that, for certain system characteristics, more accurate pole estimates can be identified using the combined subspace‐EM formulation. In general, the damping ratios of the system are difficult to identify accurately due to limitations on data set length. The applicability of the technique to structural vibration signals is illustrated through the identification of seismic response data from the Vincent Thomas Bridge. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
在桥梁施工过程中经常需要对桥梁墩台进行沉降观测。本文结合某大桥墩台各施工期间的多次沉降观测,讨论了桥梁墩台施工检测过程中控制网布设,及其沉降规律,为较大型桥梁的施工或桥梁拓宽拼接提供较为科学的沉降规律,也为桥梁墩台灌注桩抛高提供依据。  相似文献   
A reassessment of the dynamic characteristics of the 542 m cable‐stayed Bayview Bridge in Quincy, Illinois, is presented using a newly developed output‐only system identification technique. The technique is applied to an extensive set of ambient vibration response data acquired from the bridge in 1987. Vertical, torsional and transverse modal frequencies of the deck are identified, and uncertainty in damping values are estimated using an automated procedure on several redundant measurements at four locations. Important practical implementation issues associated with the implementation of the procedure and selection of algorithm design parameters for stochastic subspace identification techniques are discussed. An overall mean and standard deviation of damping of 1.0±0.8% is estimated considering all identified vertical, torsional and transverse modes in the 0–2 Hz band. The mean damping for the fundamental vertical mode (0.37 Hz) is identified as 1.4±0.5%, and for the first coupled torsion–transverse mode (0.56 Hz) is identified as 1.1±0.8%. Variability in the damping estimates is shown to decrease as estimated modal RMS acceleration levels increase. Standard deviations on estimated damping range from 0.05% to 2%. The results are shown to be a substantial improvement in the evaluation of damping compared to earlier spectral analysis conducted on the same data set. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用遥感技术对亚欧大陆桥的新疆哈密—阿拉山口沿线一带的地质灾害类型、特点,发生的地质地貌背景、气候水文环境和激发因素以及分布规律等进行系统的分析,划分了地质灾害类型和组合分区,并提出初步评价和防治建议,为国家和地方防灾、减灾规划提供重要的遥感资料和依据。  相似文献   
新亚欧大陆桥与新疆矿产资源开发的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对新亚欧大陆桥国内段、中亚段、东欧段及西欧段矿产资源优劣的分析,提出了新亚欧陆桥贯通形热下新疆矿产资源合理开发利用的对策。  相似文献   
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