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不同掏蚀深度下古城墙的稳定性数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以浙江良渚古城的宽顶古场面墙稳定性问题为研究对象,本文针对古城墙可能出现的不同深度的风沙掏蚀的实际工况,通过有限差分软件FLAC3D,建立计算模型进行了稳定性分析,探讨了不同掏蚀深度下城墙破坏机理和规律.研究表明:当城墙墙根掏蚀深度不是很大时,城墙整体稳定,土体开始出现比较小的位移量,掏蚀部位及其周围出现局部塑性破坏现象.随着掏蚀深度的增加,城墙塑性破坏区域不断向城墙体内部、顶部及顶部后缘范围发展,城墙上的土体位移量随着掏蚀深度的增加而呈数量级的增加,直至城墙出现整体崩塌破坏.掏蚀作用加剧了地震作用下城墙体的破坏,在掏蚀部位形成潜在破坏口,内部形成塑性贯通区,造成墙体整体崩塌.  相似文献   
根据近场强震台加速度记录对2011年10月12日北京市石景山区ML2.1地震的加速度影响场进行了计算分析.同时使用了首都圈宽频带数字台站记录数据通过P波初动格点尝试法解算出该地震的震源机制解,并与加速度影响场进行对比研究.结果表明,此次地震加速度影响场水平向加速度高于垂直向;水平向峰值加速度分布区和加速度影响场高低速度过渡区总体呈EW向或NEE向分布,与震源机制解结果的两个节面走向较为一致;加速度衰减NS向快于EW向.本文研究结果可为强震或较大地震发生后快速判定震害影响场提供参考依据.  相似文献   
我国地震多、强度大、分布广,强地震的现实危害和潜在威胁是我国城市安全发展所面临的重大挑战。国内外城市地震灾害惨痛经验表明,震灾预防能力建设不足的城市往往在强震中毁于一旦。实现我国城市安全可持续发展,必须高度重视和持续推进城市震灾预防能力建设,切实防控和消除地震灾害风险。本文在深入分析城市地震灾害影响因素的基础上,从震灾预防能力建设、城市地震灾害风险防控工作、法规及技术标准和评价体系等方面入手,提出了进一步加强城市震灾预防能力建设的对策建议。  相似文献   
地市地震监测机构是做好地市防震减灾工作的中坚力量,随着监测预报工作的不断加强,提升地市地震监测机构专业能力迫在眉睫。结合社会功能、职责任务、人员和岗位结构,明确了地市地震监测机构的定位,指出了提升其专业能力的重大意义。在此基础上,分析了地市地震监测机构专业能力的基本要求和现状,提出了提升专业能力的根本途径和保障措施。  相似文献   
The concentration of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) in the atmosphere of urban Beijing was measured from October 2003 to September 2004 to investigate the origins and spatial-temporal variations of atmospheric Hg. The mean value of Hg concentration is 17.1 ng·m-3 (n=653). The atmospheric Hg data showed spatial-temporal variations throughout the duration of our observation. The maximum GEM concentration (53.7 ng·m-3) was observed at Gucheng in the western area of urban Beijing. The GEM concentrations increased from the north to the south of the studied area, and were higher in winter than in summer. The highest and lowest monthly averages of GEM concentrations were measured to be 23.3 and 4.1 ng·m-3 in January and July, respectively. In addition, GEM concentrations are higher in the daytime than at night in Autumn and from 14 March to 15 April, but daily GEM variation showed an inverse pattern from 22 April to 22 May. In winter, two peak values of GEM concentrations occurred at 13:30 and 21:30. Daily variation of GEM concentrations in summer was the lowest in the four seasons. Mercury from coal combustion was estimated to be the main source of anthropogenic emissions in Beijing from October 2003 to September 2004. Additionally, Hg emission from natural gas burning was estimated to be another dominant source of atmospheric Hg in Beijing.  相似文献   
薄壁结构砼的裂缝与处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了万年闸船闸砼工程结束后薄壁砼结构墙体出现大面积贯通性裂缝的发生原因,提出了修复裂缝的工艺方案,总结了预防此类裂缝发生的有效措施。  相似文献   
旨地探索研究地震预报而开展的北京地区地磁观测,在震磁前兆研究与地震预测试验方面都获得了可喜的进展,本文分析了1990-1995年北京及其西部地区的地磁观测资料,研究了地磁异常信息,预测了地震活动趋势,提出了今后应加强监测与研究的区域。  相似文献   
由本区实测原地应力资料分析认为,总体呈北东走向的八宝山、黄庄-高丽营断裂带总体活动性质为顺时针扭动。断裂带不同地段的实测应力状态各具的特征,不同于京津唐地区实测主压应力的主导方向。运用弹性理论的应力叠加原理计算出断层附近的附加应力状态,则显示了总体呈北东走向的断裂带存在张性反扭活动分量,大灰厂和牛口峪地段断层也存在同样特征。认为自唐山大震后,本区应力状态仍处于调整阶段。测得的较深部位的应力状态也似乎受到了构造活动的影响  相似文献   
Stable isotopes in precipitation are useful tracers to strengthen understanding of climate change and hydrological processes. In this study, the moisture sources of 190 precipitation events in Beijing were analysed using the Hybrid Single‐particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model, based on which we studied the relation between variations in precipitation δ18O and dynamics in moisture sources and atmospheric circulation in seasonal and interannual timescales. Categorization of 7 groups of moisture sources was performed, among which oceanic moisture sources presented lower δ18O in precipitation than continental moisture sources. The results show that seasonal variations of precipitation δ18O were caused by changes of moisture sources. In summer, moisture from proximal oceans dominated vapour transport to Beijing due to increasing monsoon strength and resulted in a relatively small variation of precipitation δ18O. At the interannual timescale, the variations of δ18O in summer precipitation were related to dynamics in oceanic moistures, showing depleted values when the contribution of oceanic moistures, especially the proportion of long‐distance oceanic moisture, was high. Further analysis indicated that changes of oceanic moisture sources were controlled by the strength of summer monsoons. These findings address the complexity of moisture sources in midlatitude monsoon areas and suggest that isotopic signals in precipitation have the potential to deduce changes in moisture sources and atmospheric circulation and can therefore serve for palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   
矿山地质环境调查是为了查明在矿产资源开采过程中遇到或者诱发的地质环境问题并对其作出评价和预测。传统的人工地质环境调查方法正面临时效性和安全性的挑战,无人机遥感正是取代人工地质环境调查的手段之一。基于2016年10月在北京市门头沟区的一次无人机飞行获取的数据,使用Pix4Dmapper等软件生成正射影像、数字高程模型以及三维模型,然后对该区进行遥感地质解译,建立滑坡、地面塌陷、不稳定斜坡、地裂缝、煤矸石堆、其他渣堆的解译标志,形成了一套适用于矿山的无人机遥感的地质灾害解译方法流程,通过实地验证,证明无人机遥感地质灾害解译效果良好,适合在矿山地质灾害监测方面推广应用。  相似文献   
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