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Character and Causes of Population Distribution in Shenyang City, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Research on the character of urban population distribu- tion is one of the focuses of western urban geography. From the 1950s, the research has attracted the attention of many western researchers, and a series of classical theoretical models were put forward. For example, Clark (1951) found that with the increase of distance from the city center, the urban population density tends to de- crease in exponential. Through the statistical analysis of more than 20 cities, he put forw…  相似文献   
The small and medium-sized river basins along southeast coast of China hold comparatively abundant water resources. However, the rapid resources urbanization in recent years has produced a series of water problems such as deterioration of river water quality, water shortage and exacerbated floods, which have constrained urban economic development. By applying the principle of triple supply-demand equilibrium, this paper focuses on the estimation of levels of water supply and demand in 2030 at different guarantee probabilities, with a case study of Xiamen city. The results show that water shortage and inefficient utilization are main problems in the city, as the future water supply looks daunting, and a water shortage may hit nearly 2 × 108 m3 in an extraordinarily dry year. Based on current water supply-demand gap and its trend, this paper proposes countermeasures and suggestions for developing and utilizing groundwater resources and improving the utilization rate of water resources, which can supply as a reference for other southeast middle-to-small-sized basin cities in terms of sustainable water resources and water environment protection.  相似文献   
兰州市城区地热地质条件及资源开发潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
兰州市城区地处民和—兰州坳陷盆地东端的中生代断陷盆地内。盆地中因沉积巨厚碎屑岩,加之受多期地质构造运动改造,断裂构造发育,为地热水的形成创造了条件。经勘探证实,兰州城区属中低温(60~90 ℃)沉积盆地型地热资源,分布范围受盆地南、北2条深大断裂控制,面积约530 km2。按照地质构造单元,分3个区块对地热资源潜力进行了评价,东部城区、中部城区和西部城区地热田产能分别为17.91 MW、117.46 MW和23.49 MW,达到中—大型地热田规模,显示出良好的开发利用前景。  相似文献   
以肇东市为研究对象来开展建设用地集约利用评价,构建了建设用地集约利用的评价指标体系,此体系包含了利用强度指数、增长耗地指数、用地弹性指数和贡献比较指数,采用定性分析与定量评价相结合的方法,定性分析时主要从人口、经济发展与建设用地之间的关系来反映建设用地集约利用趋势;在定量分析时采用特尔菲法确定各指标权重,最后得到肇东市区域用地状况定量评价的总指数值,根据评价结果提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   
National boundaries and border cities have been transformed globally. This is partly due to neoliberal globalisation, the continuous formation of a ‘borderless world’ and partly to the global ‘war on terror’. Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory (NT), is on the northern coast of Australia, bordering its overseas Asian neighbours. Far away from the main Australian population centres in the south, the city grows slowly, relying mainly on Australian government investments, infrastructure, and the incorporation of defence programs in the north. The rise of Asia, as well as Australia's increasing economic reliance on Asia, has created new opportunities for Darwin's growth. The development of Asian economies has resulted in growing global investment in resource extraction in NT. Asia, though, has been seen as a key threat in the modern history of Australia. This national sensitivity is underpinned by the global ‘war on terror’ in which Australia is deeply involved. Australia has tight border control regimes and a growing military presence on the northern border area. This paper examines how these co-existing but contradictory dynamics have reshaped the urban development of Darwin City. The consequential social and spatial patterns are identified and discussed.  相似文献   
北京市不同社区居民通勤行为分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来北京市社会经济和城市建设取得了重大的成就,但是交通拥堵、居住地和工作地分离、过度通勤等问题也极大地影响了城市的可持续发展,通勤行为研究对理解城市结构、合理规划城市空间布局具有重要作用。以北京市政策性住房、胡同社区、单位社区和商品房四类居住区居民为对象,通过2012年城市居民职住分离抽样调查问卷获取了不同社区居民的居住地和工作地、通勤行为及居住满意度等基本数据,运用统计分析和地理信息系统技术对这些特征进行综合分析,试图理解社会极化加剧背景下不同社区居民通勤行为差异,丰富城市地理研究内容。结果发现:不同社区居民通勤行为存在着显著的差异;四类社区中政策性住房居民平均通勤时间最长为50.4 min(标准差24.7 min),单位社区居民平均通勤时间最短为33.6 min(标准差20.3 min);不同社区居民的通勤工具选择也明显不同,反映出居民社会经济属性差异是通勤行为差异的重要因素。  相似文献   
历史文化商业街若能凸显地方性特征将更具吸引力,经营者的地方感不仅是商业街地方性水平的重要标志,更是地方性建构的主体基础。对屯溪老街经营者地方感进行了实地调研,初步探讨了经营者地方感的形成机制,并为历史文化商业街的优化发展提出了建议。研究结果表明:经营者地方感不仅受到地方文化景观和经营活动绩效的影响,更与经营者同游客的互动交流相关,而这也将影响到历史文化商业街的吸引力。老街商业开发的模糊定位一定程度上削弱了其地方性,但丰富的历史文化景观以及经营者与游客的频繁互动,则有助于增进经营者地方感。由此,历史文化商业街的发展不仅要重视保护特色文化景观,更要优化商业活动品质,促进经营者与游客的互动,这是增进经营者地方感和商业街吸引力的基本保障。  相似文献   
针对基于出行的时空特征分析在解释老年人不同活动出行行为差异上的不足,根据昆明城市老年人407份有效问卷调查和54份追踪访谈,对基于活动的出行行为特征进行分析。采用结构方程模型分析方法,对出行行为特征参数间的关系进行建模计算,得到了属性、活动因素与出行行为以及出行行为各参数间的关联性。研究结果显示:老年人不同活动的出行特征差异显著,与活动密切相关的出行行为特征参数间有较强的关联性,表现为活动对出行方式和出行强度、出发时刻对出行方式、出行方式对出行强度具有较强的影响。  相似文献   
为了进一步促进矿井水的开发利用,提高矿井水利用率,以郑州市为例,通过问卷调查、现场调研、专家座谈等方法调查研究了郑州市矿井水的分布及利用总体情况,从区域、矿区、矿井涌水量及利用量、用水特点等角度总结分析了郑州市矿井水开发利用的矿区高效自用、作为城市集中供水水源以及与工业用水大户连供3种模式,并结合实际提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   
运用分形理论对石家庄市北国超市分店系统空间结构进行了研究。研究结果表明:石家庄市北国超市分店系统结构具有分形特征;其空间乌鸦距离关联维数表明北国超市各分店主要集中在主干线中山路两侧,牛鸦维数比表明北国超市各分店之间的交通网络通达性比较好;同时,以北国店为测算中心,聚集维数表明北国超市各分店以北国店为中心进行自组织演化优化,从中心向四周密度逐渐衰减。  相似文献   
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