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The structure and functioning of nanoplanktonic assemblages in coastal upwelling areas have usually been overlooked in explorations of the productivity of these areas. As part of a multidisciplinary, time-series station in the coastal area off Concepción, seasonal variations (upwelling and non-upwelling) in the abundance and biomass of these assemblages were investigated. Hydrographic measurements and biological samples were taken monthly over a 2-year period (18 August 2004-28 July 2006). Nanoflagellates dominated the total integrated abundance (3-317 × 109 cells m−2; 0-80 m). Diatoms and dinoflagellates usually contributed to a lesser degree (<20%) but sporadically made important contributions to the total integrated nanoplankton biomass (0.02-10.6 g C m−2). Most of the nanoplankton was concentrated in surface waters (<30 m) during all the samplings and no seasonal differences in abundance or biomass were found in this layer, although the mean values and dispersions around them were highest during the upwelling period along with maximum integrated (0-80 m) chlorophyll-a values, as total or in the <20 μm fraction. Changes in nanoplankton abundance were significantly but weakly (r < 0.4) correlated with changes in the hydrographic variables; the highest correlation values were positive for temperature and oxygen, factors that varied with depth and date. The potential grazing rates of heterotrophic nano-predators (flagellates and dinoflagellates) on prokaryotic prey, estimated with a generic model, ranged from 3 to 242 bacterioplankton predator−1 h−1 and from 0.1 to 14 cyanobacteria predator−1 h−1. Our results imply a small impact of seasonal hydrographic variability on the abundance and biomass of nanoplanktonic assemblages and suggest that grazing by nanoheterotrophs might control the prokaryotic picoplankton populations in the upwelling area off Concepción.  相似文献   
强壮箭虫对温度、盐度的耐受性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究强壮箭虫对突变温度、突变盐度和渐变温度、渐变盐度的耐受性.结果表明:水温由15℃突变到1℃时,存活率为75%;水温由15℃突变为30℃时,存活率仅为5%.求得24h急性半致死温度上限为27.2℃.水温从20℃逐渐上升至25、30、35℃,存活率分别为85 %、10 %、0 %;水温从20℃逐渐下降至15、10、5℃,其存活率分别为 100 %、95 %和80 %.盐度从31突变为20、40,箭虫的存活率均为100%,随着盐度突变幅度的增大,强壮箭虫的存活率呈降低趋势.求得24h急性半致死盐度上限为45,24h急性半致死盐度下限为13.3.盐度逐渐从31上升到46、 52,其存活率由90%下降到0%;盐度逐渐从31降到13、6,其存活率由95%下降到0%.求得间隔12h半致死渐变盐度上限为48.7,半致死渐变盐度下限为9.3.根据实验结果,强壮箭虫应属喜冷广温种和近岸广盐种.  相似文献   
Using an idealized ocean general circulation model, we examine the effect of “mixing hotspots” (localized regions of intense diapycnal mixing) predicted based on internal wave-wave interaction theory (Hibiya et al., 2006) on the meridional overturning circulation of the Pacific Ocean. Although the assumed diapycnal diffusivity in the mixing hotspots is a little larger than the predicted value, the upwelling in the mixing hotspots is not sufficient to balance the deep-water production; out of 17 Sv of the downwelled water along the southern boundary, only 9.2 Sv is found to upwell in the mixing hotspots. The imbalance as much as 7.8 Sv is compensated by entrainment into the surface mixed layer in the vicinity of the downwelling region. As a result, the northward transport of the deep water crossing the equator is limited to 5.5 Sv, much less than estimated from previous current meter moorings and hydrographic surveys. One plausible explanation for this is that the magnitude of the meridional overturning circulation of the Pacific Ocean has been overestimated by these observations. We raise doubts about the validity of the previous ocean general circulation models where diapycnal diffusivity is assigned ad hoc to attain the current magnitude suggested from current meter moorings and hydrographic surveys.  相似文献   
A comprehensive numerical study on the three-dimensional structure of a turbulent jet in crossflow is performed. The jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio (R) varies in the range of 2 - 16; both vertical jets and inclined jets without excess streamwise momentum are considered. The numerical results of the Standard two-equation k-ε model show that the turbulent structure can be broadly categorised according to the jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio. For strong to moderate jet discharges, i.e. R> 4, the jet is characterized by a longitudinal transition through a bent-over phase during which the jet becomes almost parallel with the main freestream, to a sectional vortex-pair flow with double concentration maxima; the computed flow details and scalar mixing characteristics can be described by self-similar relations beyond a dimensionless distance of around 20-60. The similarity coefficients are only weakly dependent on R. The cross-section scalar field is kidney-shaped and bifurcated, vvith distinct double concentr  相似文献   
张韧  蒋国荣  李妍 《海洋科学》2001,25(2):38-42
基于NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和COADS海洋资料中的全球月平均海平面气压场、850hPa纬向风场及海洋温度场,利用Matlab中的Neural Network Toolbox仿真环境和BP模型改进算法比较准确地仿真和反演出了南方涛动指数、赤道纬向风指数和滞后的赤道东太平洋海温之间的动力结构和预报模型。该模型具有很好的拟合精度和可行的预报效果。可在一定时效内预测赤道东太平洋月平均海温的变化趋势。由于所建系统是具有直接因果关系的预报模型,因此不仅可直接用于预测,而且可有效避免类拟非线性微分方程组在积分过程中由于对初值敏感性而可能产生的对预报结果的不确定性。  相似文献   
使用氧同位素方法 ,测试了西太平洋马里亚纳岛弧、马里亚纳海槽、冲绳海槽和东太平洋加拉帕戈斯裂谷的海底热液烟囱和硫化物全岩样品。结果表明 :马里亚纳岛弧上的埃斯梅拉尔达破火山口的热液硫化物的形成温度最高 (达 2 75℃ ) ,而成为高温产物的代表 ;冲绳海槽和加拉帕戈斯裂谷烟囱 ,表现为中高温类型 ,其氧同位素温度在 1 5 0℃左右 ;马里亚纳海槽以蛋白石为主要矿物的烟囱物 ,则显示出典型的低温热液类型 ,少量黄铁矿砂试样则表现出中温类型特征。但上述区域大都不同程度地存在有闪锌矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿等中高温热液矿物 ,说明研究区除马里亚纳海槽明显有中低温热液活动类型外 ,其它区域皆具备中高温热液活动特征  相似文献   
龙小志  王珍岩 《海洋与湖沼》2022,53(6):1322-1337
台风作为事件性的强动力因素,其对河口海域沉积环境的影响目前研究较少,开展典型台风事件对长江口外海域悬浮体分布的影响研究对于深入理解长江径流挟带陆源物质向东海陆架扩散机制等具有重要意义。利用2015年09号台风"灿鸿"过境前后长江口外海域现场调查数据,分析台风前后长江口外水体结构和悬浮体粒度分布变化,结合同期环境观测数据与开源数据,阐明台风对河口外海域悬浮体分布的影响机制。结果表明:长江口外海域悬浮体中细颗粒组分(≤ 128μm)主要为无机矿物颗粒,而粗颗粒组分(>128μm)主要是生源有机颗粒。生源有机粗颗粒主要分布于中上层水体,而无机细颗粒主要分布于底层水体,使得长江口外海域悬浮体平均粒径分布呈双层结构。台风前后悬浮体粒度分布变化反映了台风对长江口外海域物理和生物过程的双重影响,其中物理过程主要影响无机细颗粒分布变化,生物过程主要影响有机粗颗粒。台风期间强烈的偏北风使得长江冲淡水在口门外海域由东北输运转为往东输运,与长江冲淡水输运方向一致的表层无机细颗粒在台风后输运方向同样往东。另外,台风作用在河口区产生的下降流将12250-4站位底部再悬浮的泥质沉积物向东搬运至12300-4站,导致12300-4站底层悬浮体浓度增加、粒度变细。台风过境还造成长江口外海域初级生产力提高,而浮游植物生长对悬浮体中有机粗颗粒的形成有促进作用,使得口门外海域上层水体中有机粗颗粒体积浓度升高。长江口外海域由于台风过境导致悬浮体中无机细颗粒和生源有机颗粒含量均增加,使得其平均粒径整体变化不大。  相似文献   
根据地质、地貌及地球物理资料分析,探讨展布于云南边陲哀牢山两侧的北西向断裂组成的红河断裂构造带,在东南亚的延伸特征。提出在该延伸带两侧沉积建造、构造活动,地球物理场和大地构造发展上均有显著差异。并进一步探讨该断裂构造带在大地构造上的意义。  相似文献   
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