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攀西层状基性--超基性岩体的韵律结构发育,岩体的岩石矿物特征、地球化学特征在垂向上均叶多级套叠的韵律式变化。通过对韵律结构全面、详细的研究,发现韵律结构具有分形特征;运用分形理论地大韵律层进行研究之后,认为层状岩 韵律结构的形成可能受5个实质性状态变量控制;进一步结合地质资料分析,推测达5个状态为量力:岩浆成分、压力、温度、氧逸度、重力。  相似文献   
Diel changes in vertical distribution and gut pigment contents of Acartia clausi andPseudodiaptomus hessei were studied during several 24-h time series performed between 1993 and 1997 in four sites of the Ebrié Lagoon (Côte d'Ivoire). The sites differed by their morphology and their hydrological structure and by the vertical distribution of chlorophyll biomass. Both species showed classical diel vertical migrations (DVM). Copepodites and adult stages of P. hessei were almost benthic during the day and evenly distributed through the water column at night. The amplitude of DVM of A. clausi increased from copepodites I–III to adults. Copepodites and adults of A. clausi increased significantly their gut fluorescence at night, whereas those of P. hessei showed no clear diel feeding rhythm (DFR). These results suggest that A. clausi feed mostly at night on phytoplanktonic particles and P. hessei feed mostly on benthic algal particles during the day and on sestonic particles at night. No relationship was observed between DFR and DVM because both patterns occurred when food was either vertically homogeneous or vertically stratified. The daily average gut fluorescence of A. clausi increased with ambient chlorophyll concentration until around 12–15 μg l−1, whereas no relationship was found for P. hessei. The implication of these patterns on the adaptation capacities and the behaviour of the two species are discussed. The DVM of P. hessei should explain its rarity in the estuarine area. The comparison of our results with previous ones suggests an evolution of A. clausi DFR between 1981–1982 and 1996–1997, in relation to an intensification of eutrophication.  相似文献   
江汉盆地为中国东部典型的中、新生代盐湖盆地,近些年在新沟油田古近系新沟嘴组发现致密油藏,储集层主要为与盐韵律相关的白云岩和粉砂岩层。为了探究盐韵律的发育特征及其意义,作者以岩心精细观察为基础,结合测录井、分析化验资料,根据盐矿物种类、剖面结构和厚度,对新沟嘴组盐韵律发育规模进行了不同级别的划分,对各级韵律的剖面特征进行了描述,并对其形成机理进行了分析。在此基础上,从古气候及油气2个角度探讨了盐韵律的地质意义。盐韵律的形成是湖平面上升-下降不断变化的直接响应。新沟嘴组盐韵律中广泛发育广温相盐类矿物白云石、方解石,指示江汉盆地古近系新沟嘴期的气候特征为古温度介于寒冷和炎热之间的过渡型半干旱-干旱气候;一个完整的盐韵律可以形成一个生储盖组合,对油气生成、储集和保存具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Clock gene clone and its circadian rhythms in Pelteobagrus vachelli   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Clock gene,a key molecule in circadian systems,is widely distributed in the animal kingdom. We isolated a 936-bp partial c DNA sequence of the C lock gene( Pva- clock) from the darkbarbel catfish P elteobagrus vachelli that exhibited high identity with C lock genes of other species of fish and animals(65%–88%). The putative domains included a basic helix-loop-helix(b HLH) domain and two period-ARNT-single-minded(PAS) domains,which were also similar to those in other species of fish and animals. P va- Clock was primarily expressed in the brain,and was detected in all of the peripheral tissues sampled. Additionally,the pattern of P va- Clock expression over a 24-h period exhibited a circadian rhythm in the brain,liver and intestine,with the acrophase at zeitgeber time 21:35,23:00,and 23:23,respectively. Our results provide insight into the function of the molecular C lock of P. vachelli.  相似文献   
The temporal patterns of feeding activity of Lipophrys pholis and Coryphoblennius galerita were studied by snorkelling dives during high-waters. The feeding activity was especially intense during the rising-tide when compared to the ebbing-tide. The relative abundances of C. galerita and small L. pholis observed on rock-walls were higher during the rising- and high-tide. However, L. pholis larger than 7–8 cm showed higher relative abundance on rock-walls during the ebbing phase, apparently because they move up and down with the tide, and many individuals were in their downward movements as the tide ebbs. It is hypothesized that the asymmetry in feeding pattern observed in both species reflects a trade off between two conflicting needs, maximizing feeding time and reaching their low-tide shelters in time, avoiding the risk of getting stranded in unsuitable locations.  相似文献   
辽西义县盆地内近东西走向的马神庙-刀把地-三百垄-金刚山一带为义县组标准地层剖面出露地,义县组建阶标准地层剖面枣茨山金刚山层为一套古湖盆相沉积组合。野外详细的沉积学和地层学研究将金刚山层自下而上划分为湖缘碎屑浊流相、浅水湖坪相和半深湖相3个沉积亚相。金刚山层下部湖缘碎屑浊流相包括3个粗-细粒序递变沉积韵律。粗粒岩石单元为灰绿色含长石岩屑凝灰质砂砾岩、杂色砾岩、灰白色含砾凝灰岩;细粒岩石单元由灰白色含砾凝灰岩、灰绿色致密凝灰岩、质纯膨润土组成。韵律沉积底部粗粒岩石单元为浊流头部沉积产物,其中常形成弥散式正粒序递变层理,细粒岩石单元为浊流体部、尾部逐渐稀释的沉积结果,其中常发育水平层理。中部浅水湖坪相沉积由5个膨润土化粉砂岩(质纯膨润土或页岩)-泥灰岩(含方解石细脉灰岩)沉积韵律构成。每一湖坪相的碳酸盐岩与下伏火山灰质沉积厚度之比值变化范围为:0.11~0.47,指示湖盆围缘经历了多期次湖坪沉积时间间隔相等的地质规律。金刚山层上部半深湖相沉积为灰白色纸片状页岩-粉砂质页岩组合。金刚山层下部湖缘火山碎屑浊流沉积指示火山喷发物质近源性、火山喷发多期作用的地质演化规律。中部湖坪相的5个膨润土化粉砂岩(质纯膨润土或页岩)-泥灰岩(含方解石细脉灰岩)沉积韵律指示古湖盆水体至少经历了5期变浅过程,在区域性干旱气候影响下,形成湖坪相泥灰岩沉积。湖盆中心相对深水沉积区接受大量细粒悬浮质沉积,形成静水半深湖相沉积。  相似文献   
长江中下游地区冬夏干湿韵律特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析中国160站1952—2013年的月平均降水观测资料,揭示了长江中下游地区冬季和夏季降水间存在显著的韵律现象,即当该地区冬季降水异常偏少(偏多)时,次年夏季降水也趋于异常偏少(偏多),这里称之为干(湿)韵律现象。对干、湿韵律年大气环流背景的分析结果显示,干韵律年和湿韵律年对应的环流形势基本相反:在干(湿)韵律年冬季,东亚地区500 hPa位势高度距平呈现西高东低(东高西低)的分布型,中国南方东部主要受偏北(南)风异常控制,这不利(有利)于低纬度暖湿气流向长江中下游地区输送,导致该地区冬季降水异常偏少(多);在次年夏季,西北太平洋副热带高压异常偏弱(强),不利(有利)于西南暖湿气流向中国东部地区输送,使得长江中下游地区夏季降水也异常偏少(多)。研究进一步指出,长江中下游地区的冬夏干、湿韵律现象与东亚冬夏季风活动的强度密切相关。干、湿韵律现象多在东亚冬夏季风强度变化一致的情况下出现:冬、夏季风一致偏强时多导致干韵律现象,而一致偏弱时易导致湿韵律现象。  相似文献   
对地质节律与地球动力系统的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对地质历史过程中出现的各种节律现象进行了分析,并就其可能的形成原因进行了初步讨论,认为地球的内部动力作用是地质节律形成的主要的动力学背景。地球内部动力系统的能量主要来源于原始增生热、短寿命放射性核素和长寿命放射性核素衰变产生的辐射能等;能量主要以热传导、热对流的方式由地球内部通过岩石圈向外耗散,并导致岩石圈的板块运动;内部能量的释放是呈指数衰减的,在此背景上叠加着非线性的、脉冲式的变化。在分析地球动力系统的主要特征基础上,笔者将地球视为一个自组织临界状态的自然系统,提出一个简单地球热动力系统模型,对地质节律现象进行模拟,并对未来地球动力系统模型要考虑的主要问题进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   
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