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从立法、法制宣传、建立健全规章制度和科学规范的管理程序、公正严格执法、执法监督和法制工作队伍建设等6个方面,论述了做好防震减灾依法行政工作的重要性,指出。只有依法行政,才能保障防震减灾工作的顺利发展。  相似文献   
Airborne gamma ray survey data were used to provide information on potassium, thorium and uranium concentrations in surface soil and rock in arid central Australia. Spatial patterns in these radioelements allow tracing of paths of sediment at catchment scale. Survey elevation data are combined with contour data to produce digital elevation models for terrain analysis, tracing of sediment flow paths and modelling of extreme floods. Gamma ray data show consistent variation with slope, a limited range of drainage areas, and erosion/deposition models derived from the conservation of mass equation. Supply‐limited sediment transport models give a reasonable reproduction of observed radioelement distribution but some elements of the distribution pattern reflect the area inundated by 500–1000 year floods rather than the effects of simple downslope movement. Partial area sediment supply models are derived by downstream accumulation of erosion and deposition rates calculated using the conservation of mass equation with transport laws based on slope alone and stream power. Comparison with observed radioelement patterns suggests that both transport laws apply in different parts of the landscape. Regional‐scale sediment transport models will require a range of models depending on location in the landscape and event frequency. This approach may allow estimation of sediment delivery ratios. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
世界一些大城市防灾减损的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较分析了一些大城市的防灾减损措施,提出了具体对策。  相似文献   
婺源县是具有悠久历史的古县,也是江西省著名的旅游胜地。本文对其地质灾害现状与形成机制作了深入研究,为有计划地开展地质灾害防治,减少灾害损失,保护人民生命财产安全提供了技术依据。  相似文献   
During the 20th century many floods of different intensity and extent have occurred on the Odra River and its tributaries. On the basis of long-term water level observations five major floods, that affected the entire upper and middle Odra River basin, were chosen for further analysis: June 1902, July 1903, August 1977, August 1985 and July 1997. However, hazardous floods were not only those that covered the whole upper and middle Odra River basin, so several local floods were also studied. Detailed historical analysis was made of meteorological conditions, with special emphasis on precipitation patterns and amounts. Then, on the basis of flood peak time occurrence, the stages of flood wave formation were formulated. The natural flood wave of the Odra River is often modified by hydro-technical infrastructure, the development and improvement of which is briefly described in this paper. In conclusion, a comparison of flood wave characteristics such as rising time, falling time, duration, peak flow and volume is presented.  相似文献   
根据1993-2003年30余次云南省地震的损失评估调查资料,建立了云南省农村乡镇各烈度区房屋建筑物损失与受灾人口的定量关系,初步建立了各烈度区水利设施损失、生命线工程损失与房屋建筑物损失的关系。以云南地区2004年-2005年4次地震为实例,用以上计算方法估算了4次地震的直接经济损失,并与地震现场评估的结果作比较,结果表明,该计算模型实用性强,对一般性地震的模拟误差平均值在30%左右。  相似文献   
土地资源是区域社会经济发展的基本资源之一,土地资源开发利用程度评价将为人们了解掌握区域土地开发利用合理与否提供科学信息。作为重要商品粮基地的甘肃河西地区,土地农业开发利用历史悠久,文章通过土地资源农业开发利用程度评价研究,初步分析研究了区域土地开发利用特点,旨在为区域可持续发展战略的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
lintroductionFlooddi~rbringsaboutgreatdamagestopropellesandseriouslossoflives.InChina,onetenthofterritory,500billionPeople,3300X104haofculhvatedland.morethan100largeandndddiecihesand70%ofindusthalandagricultoloutputvaluearethreatenedbyfloodings'l.Watershedflooddisastermanagementconcernsmonitoringandforecastingflood,assessingtheflooddamageandfloodcontrolanddiSasterreduchondecision-makinginthescopeofthewholewatershed.RemotesensingandGeographicalinfonnahonSystemarepowerfultoolstoconstIUctWate…  相似文献   
根据1970—2004年的实测水文资料,采用水文学及统计方法分析了汾河水库控制流域的径流量变化及其原因,同时还计算了不同重现期的控制站的洪峰设计值。结果表明,入库控制站静乐和上静游站丰、平和枯水水平年不同步,在20世纪70和80年代发生丰水和平水年份比较多,在90年代后枯水年份比较多,多干旱年份。水库控制流域洪水主要集中在7月、8月,同时极端洪涝和干旱事件出现的频次增多。以静乐站为代表分析降水对径流变化的结果表明,高强度降水在量级和次数上存在波动变化的态势,年径流的时序变化主要是受年降水量的变化影响。  相似文献   
台湾“莫拉克”台风诱发山地灾害成因与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009-07"莫拉克"台风在台湾岛内滞留大于40 h,受中央山脉地形以及西南季风的影响,形成"北部风强,南部雨大"的局面.本次降雨为台湾历年之冠,24 h降雨量1 825 mm,48 h雨量2 467 mm,逼近世界降雨极值.全台湾计有31个雨量站过程降雨量超过1 000 mm,23个雨量站超过1 500 mm, 15个雨量站超过2 000 mm,南部部分区域甚至出现6-10日累积降雨量超过其年降雨量情形.最大总雨量位于阿里山,2009-08-06-10累计雨量达2 884 mm.长时间持续强降雨,造成了大量的泥石流、堰塞湖、崩塌、滑坡、山洪等山地灾害.大量的崩塌、滑坡阻塞河道,形成了16处堰塞湖.这些灾害淤埋村镇,毁坏道路、桥梁、堤防、建筑、输电和通讯设施.由于道路交通受损,电力、通讯信号中断,使得许多村庄与外部隔绝,成为孤岛,救援设施与救援物资无法到达灾区,延缓救援进度.受灾较重的乡镇有高雄县甲仙乡、桃源乡、六龟乡、那玛夏乡、杉林乡,南投县鹿谷乡、信义乡、国姓乡,嘉义县阿里山乡、梅山乡、中埔乡,屏东县高树乡、三地门乡、春日乡,台南县南化乡,台东县金峰乡等.截至2009-08,造成全台共619人死亡、肢体74件、76人失踪,其中小林村和新开部落被完全毁灭.台风暴雨、陡峻地形和丰富的松散固体物质等自然因素决定了山地灾害形成的基本因素,高强度长历时的暴雨是直接激发因素,坡地过度开发、道路建设、河道不合理利用等人为因素则加剧了灾情.莫拉克台风暴雨灾害对人们的启示是合理确定开发度,科学利用土地资源; 确保山区溪流行洪空间,把防洪需求作为河谷地开发的限制条件; 注意环境保育,尽量减少工程建设对斜坡的扰动; 提高山地灾害预警标准,建立巨灾监测预警机制;进行灾害风险分析与管理,开展有机结合资源利用与减灾防灾的流域理性开发.  相似文献   
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